Banks County journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1897-current, December 18, 1914, Image 4

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ANKSCOUNTY JOURNAL Publ.thed kvtrjr Frida, J ournal Publishing Cos. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF BANKS COUNTY frJ •• Ikml Cltn Arll 10, > 1, i Ik* Ynlißn at Cl., aaOar a* .till Ci it mi if March 1,1074 S .Ascription 91.00 a Yoar in AAvanco luiRARTtED CIRCULATION 1700 Maysville Locals Mr. Charlie Loggias and wife moved here from Holly Springs last week. We gladly welcome them among un. Misses Annie and Ester Dur ham, of Carl, were the attractive guest of their sister, Mis. Kache Lyle, lor several days recently. Mis. Ed S. Comer has returned from a lengthy visit to her Grand niother, Mrs. Montgomery at Gainesville. Miss Ruby Porter, who teaches school at cross roads spent Hatur d ' y with home folks here. The youngsters enjoyed the snow they fouud when they awoke Hun ♦lay morning but the freeze which followed was hardly welcuie here. Mr. Paul Bryan spent a few days this week with his nephew, Mr. ITeywood Gardiner, near llomer. Miss Hara Burns, ol cross roads was the guest of Miss Mattie Douahoo far the hist week-end. Mrn. Boone Fuddath has return ed from a visit to hei sister, Mis. Earnest Ham, at Gainesville. Despite the snow and rain Kev. L. A. Henderson preach and an elo quent sermon to a small congrega tion at the Baipst church Sunday morning. liev. A. B. Sanders visited at the home of Mr. John Telford at Grove Level, last week week. Mr. Sanders is closely related to Mrs. Tel fold and they bear a striking resemblance to each other. The Thirza David Chapter of the U. D. 0. met at the pretty new ! bungalow home of Mrs. Frank Underwood on Friday afternoon of last week. After an interest ing program, and the business session delightful refreshments were served. Dr.Y. D. Lockhart has sold his office an house to the Gillespie Company, and bought from Mr. Newt Smith the house recently vacated by O. L. Bradshaw. Dr. L' ckhart now' has his office and sleeping apartment in one. Gillespie Company will in the near future tear down the wooden structure, and use the space to add, to their already large and hand some brick building. Misses Joe Nash and Ethel Gil lespie, of Homer, were shopping here Monday. The Bapist Sunday School is preparing a short program for Christinas day. There will lie read ings, recitations, and special music, ami confectioneries for the little folks. Mrs. T. A. Smith had as her guest last Saturday Mrs. J. A. Bryan, and Mis. John Maxey Garrison, ofGillesville. Mrs. lona Owdoni, of Johnson, 8. C. is the guest of Mrs John Gil lespie this week. We are glad to have with us again, Miss Ora Stevens, one ot our teachers from Danielville, who has recovered from a lengthy ill ness from typhoid fever. Mr. Nathan S. Lipscomb passed aw ay at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. A. Henderson late Tues day afternoon, Dec. 8. Mr. Lips comb was 86 \ ears of age, a ('on federate veteran, and a man who has spent a long and useful life. The family left with the remains Scrubs Fatten Quickly You want your pigs to eat as much as possible 1“"""“""““"' srtco you fatten them. Give them a great variety ot feed, keep the appetite keen and the digestion in in javc then B good order, and you will obtain the desired result; SrmeirheJ/ i soon b*d especially if you mix with the grain ration a dose of •wlr < ?oo 'Qpp T| ee STOCK dSSTS,*. £>cc yee medicine I 1 25c, 50c and SI. jer r# n . Whets the appetite- Kelp* digestion. ai root dealer's. p. a 4 Cabbage Plants Weather conditions have been ideal and 1 am justified in saying that you can't buy any better plants, and I feel sure you will be more than pleased with them at the reasonable price oli'ered. Va rieties: Karly Jersey, Charleston Wakefield, Early and Late Flat Hutch, Early and Late Succession. Price 500, 75 cents; 91.00 per 1000; 5000 and over 85 cents per 1000. Special price on large quanities. Beet, Lettuce and Onion Plants ready after December Ist. Write for price on these. Plants by mail 35 cents per 100. .Shipments are made same day order is received and satisfaction will be cheerfully given. Appreciating your favors, Alfred Jouannet, Mt Pleasant, S- C. on an early train Wednesday morning for County Line church, where he was interred by the side of his wile. Three children remain to mourn the departure of a loving father, namely: Mrs. W. A. Henderson, of this place Mrs. T. B. McGowirk, of Midietou, fox., and Mr. L. 8. Lipscomb, Jr. of Birmingham' Ala. Mr. Joe Itedd passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Annie Powers near Wright’s mill, on Sunday night Dec. 13. Mr. Redd was for many years a resi dent of our town and left some property here. His remains were brought here Tuesday at noon, and interred beside his wife. Mr. Redd leaves Ihree children, name ly: Mrs. Goss Powers, and Mr, Charlie Redd, of Wright's mill and Mr. Tom Redd, of Roystou, besides a number of relations, to all of whom we exteud deepest sympathy. At it’s regular meeting on last Friday evening the F. & A. . Lodge No. 347 elected the follow ing men to serve as officers for the ensuing year: B. H. Green, W. M , M. C. Handers, H W., M. M. Hill, J. W., H. L. Robinson, Secretary, T. C. Williams, J. D., J. C. Marlow H. I)., VirtelCoffee, Tyler. A telegram was sent here from Gillsville late Saturday afternoon stating that Mr. Gib Waters was dying as ihe result of a fall from a mule. Mr. Boone Suddath secured an automobile and went at once to his bedside. It was thought at first his neck was broken, but after quite awhile he regained con sciousness and although he was still in a precarious condition Monday afternoon, his physicians are hopeful of his recovery. Oi next Friday 18th our school will dose for the holidays. This ends the fall term aud one of the most profitable in the history of the school. Our teachers are to be commended tor their untiring effort' in making this a model school. School reopens Jan. 4th. Some months ago a movement was begun to erect an electric plant here. The location, and part ot the machinery was secured. Mr. Paul McCalla, a prominent elec fricsl engineer front Atlanta, has been here for some time and now has a part of the machinery in place, but not in running order yet. We are hoping to awake some dark night soon and see bright lights all over our town, and hear •otne one shouting “the war, and hard times arc over.” Mrs. Carolyn McKee is spend ing the week with relatives near Jetfersou. BANKS COUNTY JOURNAI/*nOHEft,"GA., Take Slock Htoek in the new railroad will pay you a dividend, it will in crease the value of jour land, it will save you hundreds of dollars in hauling, it will build and equip a fine school in Homer where your children can be educated, it will add to the culture and refinement of your orumunnity. It will place you in a position where you will ()e in direct contact with the out side world. Hl* Creed a SelfUh One The philosophy of the man in the itreet Is to get through life with a minimum of self-sacriflce and a maxA mum of self-indulgence. Is This True? In discussing the question of local tax for bublic schools, I heard a poor man say that if any body ought to be in favor of local tax it was him, his lo'*al tax was not over 35 cents, with a large family of children to scho and. I also heard a large land owner say that he was going to rent for cash rent with enough added on to i>a> his tax, and every body is but hu man; and nine out of every ten is going to follow suit. Ho like ev cry thing else the poor man has got to bear the heat and burden of the day. Fash rent, calculated for a good crop year with no al lowanee for sickne-:s, drouth and hail storms, and if you are not wil ling to promts: it there is 10 oth ers willing to step in your shoes. I know some men that rented this i car for a fixed rent and am confident that the rent Fertilizer bill will take their crop. If this fixed rent is adopted in our com munnity. The one hors. land owner and the man that rents for a fixed rent will pay the taxes. The school ond church are two of tha grandest institutions that ever bedecked the American continent. But the mess of pottage must come by and by. If it don’t the children will make ugly faces and the mother who toils in the cotton lidd is worthy of wholesome food and good warm winter clothing, and 1 find that some of the best men we have talk benevolence don't provide for their families as they should. Squirrel hunt, whilet'ieir wife is picking cottou, and sit in the house and read a paper while she splits the stove wood. What does such men need, more t and ion or whntt W. I. Shelley. Stop In Atlanta At Hotel Empire Opposite Uuion Depot on Pryor Ht. Renovated and refurnished throughout. Reservations made on application. Hot and cold water,private baths, electric lights and elevator. First class accommodations at extremely moderate rates. Euro pean plan 75 cents up. JohnL. Edmondson, Propietor. Only One “BROMO QUININE”• To get the genuine, call for full name. LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE- Look for signature of K. W. GROVE. Cure* a Cold in One Day. Stop# cough and headache, and works off cold. 2te IEAFNESS CANOTBE CURED by local applications, as they can uot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure dealness, and that is by con stitutional remedies. Deafness is erased by on inflamed condition ot the raucous lining of the Eustachian Tu -e. When this tube isiutlamed you have a rumbling sound or im- perfect healing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result and unless the inilammation can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by t atarrli which is nothing but au inflamed condition ot the mucous surlaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lais forauy case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by nail s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. Addiess: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipatiou. Men’s and Boy’s CLOTHING This Stock Must Go In anticipate of a heavy [rp of c tton and good prices we bought an enormous stock of Clothing several months ago. It has now arrived, but as the crop will be short and prices low, we have decided to let this stock of Clothing go at unheard of prices. Call and see it. BLACKWELL BROS. Maysville, Ga. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. O. N. HARDEN. Office at Residence e'ive .Miles North-east of Homer. (’alia Answered Promptly. Telephone Connection. DR. J. S. JOLLY Homer, Ga. Will answer calls Day or Night. Residence call at Hill Hotel. Office East side Public Square. S. R- JOLLY ATTORNE Y;-AT-LAW homer, Qa. Office in Foirt llorsK J. S. CHAMBERS, M. D Office in old PosToffice Bi n i ING. HOMER. QA. j. W. Wallace, Physician &t Surgeon Office five miles south-east of Homer at residence of K. J. Wal lace. Cells Answered Day or Sight Empire Laundry. We are agents for the Empire Laundry of Athens. Our basket leaves every week. Leave youi laundry at our store. HILL & BROW N T . Tb* Quinine That Does Not Aff*<| The He*-: Because of its tonic and laxative csect. LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is beitertlya ordtnarx Quinine and does not cause nerv&wncss n t ringing in head. Remember the futt came an, look for the signature of E. W. G-fcOVE. 25c To Our Subscribers If the little yellow label on your papci shows you a>e in arrears with Journal please call in and settle the bill. All eau pay the small amount they are due us aud it will relieve your conscience and our fii uancial strain. S <1 Qo many people suffer from I O weak, inactive slaggish kidneys, LJ and don't know what ails them. All tired out and miserable—run down and nervous—sleep poorly and aOi no appetite—pain in back and sides —swollen ankles and joints—bladder weaknesses —that's kidney trouble. You need the medicine thet etops the cause of your trouble.. TV Hut’s exactly what FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS do. vVdHni They are tonic and strengthening, build up your kidney s, /YWmflUm* reduce swellings, make you feel fit, active and I again. They are a wonder to those using them. Try I them yourself. Contain no habit forming drugs. I HU, ww r™ ™k "°t srerpt übtitts ASMSf PaPfe - BUDoal ‘ • coo ) For Sale by HILL & BROWN Statement of the condition of the Banks County Bank Located at Homer, G-a. at the close of busi ness Dec. 4th, 1914 RESOURCES Time loans 46,545.37 Overdrafts, unsecured, 11.09 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank 3,000.00 Banking House 2,347.40 Furniture and Fixtures 1,730.33 Due from Banks and Bank ers in this State 3,063.90 Due from Banks and Bank ers in other States 5,935.09 Currency 651.00 Gold 75.00 Silver, Nickles,etc 157.39 Cash Items 534.25 1,447.64 j Fire Ins. Fund 120.00 Internal Rev. Stamps 25 00 Total $64,225.82 G-EORG-IA--Banks County Before me came O. Walton, Cashier of Banks County Bank, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank as showu bv the books ot file in said Bank. O. WALTON. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 14th day of D.c. 1914. j. >\ nu-L, x. j*, LIABILITIES. Capital stock Paid In 15,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses,lnter est and taxes paid 1,654.31 Due to Banks and Bankers in other States 4,00J.00 Individual Deposits sub ject to Check 14,973.5$ Demand certificates non* Time certificates 11,085.64 Cashier’s Checks 12.34 Bills Payable, including Time Certificates rep representing Borrow ed money 17,500.00 Total $64,225.82