The Bainbridge democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-????, November 03, 1881, Image 4

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sir i.i*. Dream not, 0 soul that easy ig the fast Thug set before thee. If it proves at length, Aa well it may, beyond thy natural strength, Doubt not, despair not. As a child may ask A father, pray the Everlasting Good For light and gnidance 'midst the subtile snars Of sin, 'hick-planted in life’s thoroughfares, For spiritual neive and moral hardihood. S(ill listening 'midst the noises round about Of time and sense, the in-.vard-speaking Word, Ritter in blame, sweet in approval beard, Piercing the tumult of the world without; To health of soul a voice to cheer and please, To guilt the wra’h of the Eumenidies! —Whittier. e»O.V>KT. Why art thou silent ? Is thy love a plant Of such weak fibre that the treacherous air Of absence withers what was once so fair? Is there no debt to pay, no lx>on to grant ? let have my thoughts for thee been vigilant— Bound to tliy service with unceasing care, The mind’s least generous wist a predicant For naught but what thy happiness could spare Bpeak I—though this soft, warm heart, once bold 1 A thousand tender pleasures, tbine and mine, Be.left more desolate, more dreary cold Than a forsaken bird’s nest filled with snow Hid .itsjowii bush of leafless eglantine— Bpeak, that my torturing doubts their end mav know 1 - -Win. Wordsworth. ItKil.MAA'IX Learning by study must be won ; Twas near ontriled from sire to son. • John Gray. The absence of occupation is not rest; A mind quito a mind distress’d. —Cowpcr. What fate imposes, man must needs abide; It boots not to resist both winds and tide- K —Shakespeare. If you want the very best flour call at J. Bteini tiger’s. We call the attention of merchants to onr large stock ol crockery, glassware, tin awl wood-ware, lamps, lamp fixtures, lookining glasses, show cases, Setli Thomas clocks, Mellville fruit jars, Lambreth’s improved fly fans, beer coolers, refrigerators &c. To the rade at manufacturer’s prices. McBride & Co., Atlanta, Ga. Having bought a larger stock of dress goods this year than ever before, and desiring to keep the liberal patronage heretofore bestow ed on mo, I will offer my entire stock at such extremely low prices That all who favor me with a call will be induced to purchase. J. STEIN’INGER. A Curd to i:ie I'aiilic. I desire to buy, at ouce, 10,000 bushels of cotton seed for the cash. Call and get sacks and twino. Will take seed at Wliigham. I have also just received another' car-load of wagons. Competition defied. Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. No wagon gives a better warantee than the “Old Hick ory.” As I have the largest, safest and only Fire Proof Warehouse in Baiubridge I would be pleased to^have 10,000 bales of cotton tosh re Liberal cash advances made on consignment. W. M. BLOUNT, * Proprietor F. and M. Warehouse. Prnisijig :i liainbridgii We copy from an exchange the following tribute to our enterprising [merchant, Mr. J. Bteininger: While in the city of oal-«, I visited the mammoth establishment of J. Steiuinger, the prince of Baiubridge merchants. Mr. Stein- inger’s Flint River Store is the oldest busi ness establishment in the city, and is the best conducted business in the town. Just at this season bis store is chuck full of bran newfall goods. Wesaw while there, the finest- and latest styles of hand-made shoes, derby and slouch hats, which sell readily in the large cities for six and four dollars, retailing for five and three dollars. Mr. Steiuinger carries a larger stock of domestics and dress goods than many blowing jobbing houses; he buys in largoi quantities than any other merchant of the town, and his enormous run of trade proves his popularity as a man and a mer chant. Woman’s’Bust 1*RiEjiu.—.To relieve the aching heart of woman, and bringjoy where sorrow reigned supreme, is a mission before which the smiles of kings dwindle into ut ter insignificance This is fhe peculiar yrovince of Bradfield’s Female Regulator which, from its numberless cures, is appro priately styled ‘‘Woman’s Best Friend.” The distressing complaint known as -whites’ and various irregularities of the womb, to which woman is subject, disappear like magic before a single bottle of this wonder, ful compound. Ilhysicians proscribe it. Prepared py Dr, J, Bradfield. Atlanta, Ga., and sold at $1 50 per bottle by all druggist. IBnclill; been used by the Hottentots in a variety ot diseases. From these rude practitioners the remedy was borrowed by the resident English and Dutch physicians, by whose recommendation it was employed in Europe and has since come into general use. Com bined with Juniper and other desirable ingredients, as in the preparation of Ran kin’s Compound Fluid’ Extract of Buchu and Juniper, it proves a most reliable reme dy for Nonretention or Incontinence of Urine, Irritation, lnfiamation or Ulceration in the bladder and kidneys, none in the bladder- gravel or brickdust deposit, milky, dischargesand all disease of bladder and kidneys, and dropsical swelling in man, woman or child. Prepared only by Hunt, Rankin & Lamar, Atlanta. Ga,, and sold by all drugsist The handsomest shades of Hanoi suitings for ladies and children at the flint river store. Have you seen the Abington and Berwick collars on exhibition and tor sale at the flint river store ? Also a full line of gents scarfs, shirts and underwear. H. G\ Powell, Produce Commission Merchant. EMERY JOHNSON Respectfully informs the Public that he has just receive alarge and most splendid as sort meat of all kinds of ¥ E B Which lie is offering to the Public at t Rock Bottom prices Seven inch Cook Stov $17 A.HD UPWARDS Now is he best chance you will ever have to get your wife that long promised stov«* The Argand Burner Oil Stove, I omthing new, neat nice, convenient and desirable. hem. They ure daisies. Go to Johnson’s and see, At H. B. Ehrlich & Co’s big establishment is well worth seeing, and it Will Cost Nothing ! To call and see this grand free show, con sisting of one of the THE NEW HOME SEWING LARGEST ! MACHINE ! The veritable “Boss” of all the Machines—a car load just received—and for sale at astonishingly low prices. Call and look at them ; they are beauties- Honse-Furnisliing Goods, Tin-Ware and Japanned Ware In’large Stock—the most ext -nsivc in this •-■octh'i! I would respectfully solicit a careful examination of my goods by the public. CITATION, GEORGIA—Decvtur County : To all whom it may concern. W hereas, pROWjjjs IRON BITTERS BROWN'S IRON BITTERS are a certain cure for all diseases requiring a complete tonic; espe cially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Doss of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strength ens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. Acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tasting the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all Drug gists at $1.00 a bottle. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. Baltimore, Md. James S. Swicord. as Administrator of the estate of W. D. Swicord, deceased, has made application to me for leave to sell the lands belonging to said estate,- for (lie payment of the indebtedness of said estate, and for dis tribution amongst the hairs ; this is, there fore, to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, on the first Monday in November, 1881, win such leave should not be granted, as prayed for. Given under my hand and official signature, this 24 day of Sept., 1881. M aston O’Nkal, Ordinary D. C. FOUTZ’S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, cure or prevent Disease. OLlY£i.\ 6 Paint Sf Oil More SASHES, BLINDS, DQ0 S c PAINTS OII^ STEAMBOAT. RAILROAD & MILL SUPPLIS. See that all Iron Bitters are made by Bbowh ChomicaL Co. qnd hare crossed red lines and trade mark on wrappers BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINT X. No, 5 Whittaker St,, Savannah, Ga. jan-6 -12m Dealer In Sashes- Doors Blinds, and Handsomest Stocks ofDry Goods, Cloth, ing, Hats, Shoes, Groceries, etc., everjjopen- ed in Southwest Georgia. MONEY SAVED By calling on BJ. & Handsome Lot of Winter Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes For MEN AND BOYS At H, B. EHRLICH & CO’S. Our Di •ess Goods re the Prettiest and cheapest. v T Clocks Jewelry, Sewing Machines Neat Repaired., Highest market Prices paid for Poultry and Eggs- Consignments Solicited. Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Fruits. No. 33 WEST BAY STREET, LIME, PLASTER, CEMENT, HAIR, Paints, White Lead, Oils and Builder’s Hardware, 142 BAY. STREET, SAVANNAG H.A ftfegrT. R,. Wardell, Agent, Bain JACKSOX*?VX&I.2, TLA, bridge, Ga,' ALL WORK WARRANTED. WATER STREET, Bainbridge - - - - Georgia Next door to Peabody’s Drug Store HEADQUARTERS For Groceries, Bacon, Flour, Sugar, Coffee Butter, Cheese, etc., by the Car Load B. *■ COLBERT, §500 REWARD! Have already been sold in this country and in France; every one oi which has given perfect satisfac-' tion' And has performed cures every time when used according to directions. We now say to the afflicted doubting one that we will pay the above reward for a single case of I_j a ais e H i\ r k That the pad fails to cur. This great rem edy will positively and permanently cure mnibago, lame hack, sciatica, gravel, dia betes, dropsy, brlglit’s disease of the kid neys, irtcontenence and retention of the urine, inflamation of the kidneys, cotairli of the bladder, high colored urine, pai in the back, side or loins, nervous weak ness, and in fact all disorders of the bind der and urinary organs whether contract ed by private disease or otherwise. LADIES, if you are suffering from fe* male weakness, leucorrhote, or any dis ease of the kidneys, bladder, or urinary organs YOU CAN SS CURSD ! Without swallowing nauseous medicines, by simpiy wearing PROF GIULMETTE’S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, WHICH CURES BY ABSORPTION. Ask your druggist for Prof. Guilmette’s Kidey Pad, and take no other. If he has got it, ser.d $2 00 and you will receive the pad by return mail.” TESTIMONIALS FROM THE PEOPLE Judge Buchanan, Lawyer, Toledo, O., says : “One of Prof. Guilmeite’s French Kid ney Pads cured me of lumbago in three week’s time. My case had beer given up by the best doctors as incurable. Durin all this time I suffered untold agony and paid out large sums of money. George Vetter, J. P., Toledo O., says : “I suffered for three years with Sciatica and kidney diserse and often had to go about on crutches, I was entirely and per manently cured after wearing Pro.. Guil mette’s French pad four weeks-” SquireN. C. Scott, Sylvania, O., writes : “I have been a great stiffeaer for 15 years with Blight’s disenre of the kidneys. For weeks at a time was unable to get out of bed ; took barrels of medicine, but they gave me no relief I wore two of Prof. Guilmeete’s kidney pads six weeks, and I know I am entirely enred.” Mrs. Ilellen Jerome, Toledo, O., says : “For years I have been confined, a great part of ‘lie time to my bed, with Lucorr- iioae and female weakness 1 wore one of Guilraetto’s kidney pads and was cured in one month,” H. B. Green, wholesale grocer, Find lay, 0-, writes: “1 suffered for 25 years with lame back and in three weeks was permanently cur ed by wearing one of Prof Guilmette’s kidney pads.” B. F. Iveesling, M. D., druggist, Lag- ansport, Inti., when sending in an order for kidney pads, writes : “I wore one of the fir.-t ones we had and I received more benefit from it than any.-, thing I ever used. In fact the pads give general satisfaction than any kidney rem- dy we ever sold.” Ray & Shoemaker, druggists, Hannibal, Missouri ”\Yc arc working up a lively trade in your pads, and arc hearing of good re sults from them every day.” PROF. GU1LR!SITE’S LIVER PAD Will ’ i vely cine fever and ague, dumb ague, - ague cake, billions fever, .iouudicc, dispepsia, am' all disease of the liver, stomach and blood. Price.81 50 Ly man. Send : or Prof Guilmctte’s Treatise on the Kidneys and Liver, free by mail. Address ' FRENCH ?AT) CO Toledo, Ohio For Sole By Pope (U McLendon. m MILL AND GIN FOR SALE. I he offer for sale my H^ie plantation lying near the Camilla road, 10 miles from Bainbridge. containing 7tlt) acres of land, of which 250 acres arc open and in good ,-tate i. tivation. Upon the place is a dwelling and all necessary outhouse3. With the place 1 will, also, sell my Grist Mill and Gin, and ten horse power engine. This is also a good stand for a country store, as it is the court ground of Belcher’s District. Bran new store house on the place. Terms easy, and for further information apply to the undersigned on the Plantation. A. B BELCHER, N. B -atisfactory reasons tor selling. Bail.bridge. Aug. 4, 1881—30d. Burial Cases. THE NEATEST ROSEWOOD Burial Cases ot all sizes and prices at tbe Carriage Repository. CHARLES U. BEACH. P S3 t* S3 P & s’ Iff AY I. KWILECKI’S. GON and BUGSY MATERIAL at low prices. OATS, BRAN, CORN, HAY. MEAL and RYE OILS, GLASS, PAINTS, LEATHER, HARDWARE. IRON, FARM UTENSILS, A Good Supply of FAMILY GROCER IES, Call ally and get baiga ins Citation. GEORGIA.--Decator County. Whereas John A. Spears administrator ef Alien Spears represents to the court, in his petition, duly filed and entered on record that he has fully administered Allen Spears estate. This is, therefore, to cue all per sons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they can, why said ad ministrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission, on first Monday i„ November lool. M. O’, Ord’y D. C E- ENGEL —WITH- FERST & CO., Sanannah, Ga, E, HEIDTi OUR BAR August 1874—tf Presided over by Mr. R. L. GREMMER, is well stocked with fine Whiskey, Brandies Wine Cigars, Lemons Soda- Wateretc. dealenn MEN’S & BOVS CLOTHING. HATS AND FURNISHING GOODS, 139 Congress St-, Savannah. Ga. The old reliable and leading clothing house in Savannah. Established over 35 years. Always on hand a large stock of men’s, youths, and boys alotliing. hats, shirts, and furnishing goods of every des cription, carefully selected, and manufaetu. red expiessly for our trade, at priees to de fy competition Respectfully invites a call when in the city, or an order, which will have oareful and prompt attention, at the headquarters for good clothing,” jan G-2» Wholesale Dealers in Groceries Liquors, Segars and Tobacco- I respectfully solicit the patronage of my n ? e "n? !“ South Georgia and Florida monu/f 11 b f, regularI - v °n hand once a month for their orders. The House I the South’ 3 ° ne ° f thP 0ldest and it! me South. E ENgel SUM KjrUjLi. ^DISCOVERY! *-? 3T MANHOOD RESTOBrn t ? s TJ"3 NHOOD restored". Premature imprudence causing hoitYn. i?, r ' ^jrvoua Debility. J .oat Man- aoMhete, having tried in vain every knhwi dress J. H. Ri;eVE3. 43 ** A Stem Winters | WhlteMetal A/SSl£v“?f£c'i£;«G “ d B " la * 12 - VA'^uctrc*. Wishes to inform his friends and tl )H lie generally that he will run’a'full’stocla FALLGOODS this season, and will be undersold by *one. He will make Fresh ■. FAMILY GROCERIES^ Ad an A Specialt’- and would invite all want pure fresh Grot-sries at bottom es to call on him. A fine line-of Bc^ Meu’s and Women ve, )Uj wi Koisery, Hats, Wotioi And itSlSii. A1 way r s on hand. Also a superb lot i Tobacco | Ciffarii -PURE- 1081 V 01 leai Wines and Whiskft® . -4 HIGHEST PRICES,: Cf Paid for’County Produce of allj.Kim’Bror bull i x>. jy. stults m “ » M Tax Notice, I will be nt the following places, on days mentioned, for the purpose of colic:. ^ ing State and County T-ixes for the tc 1881. ’ tf. PINE HILL, 1188th District.—Monday, teriihtr 2tjth, and Monday Oct. 17th. ROQK BOND. lOJiilh Dial.—Tuesday,ited temher 27tl>, and Tuesday October ffctL_ LOWER SPRING CREEK, old court erotin^* * t»3-"tli Dist.—Wednesday Sept ember 28t^^V and Wednesday Oct. 10th. - UPPER FACEVILLE, 914th l>ist,-Thur day September 29tli, and Thursday Oc: ber 20tu. LOWER FACEVILLE, Jackson’s Mill, Fr // day September 30th, and Frida- Oct. 2b Att BELCHER’S, 1277 List.—Monday 0ct>b + 2^. 3rd. and Monday Oct. 24th. . A 1.1ME SINK, 021st Dist—Tuesday Oct. 4' and Tuesday October 25tli. * 8e PEARCE’S, 1324th Dist.—Wednesday Oc^jgt - 5th and Wednesday Oct. 20th. WHIG HAM. 720th Dist—Tliursilaj Oi 6th. and Thursday Oct 27th j -Friday Oct. REAGAN’S, 1258th Dist. and Friday Oct. 28th. HIGDON’S, 55 rd Dist.—Saturday Oct. ft and Saturday Oct. 29th. BELL’S, looath Dist.—Tuesday Oct- lit and Tuesday November 1st. ATTAPULGUS. 694th Dist.-—WednesdC: Oct. 12th, and Wednesday Nov. 2nd. BAINBRIDGE, 513th Dist.—During Nov ber Term of Superior Court, after whi^j the books will positively be closed. JACOB HARRELL, Tax Collector.; New DrugStoryj C. L m . m * K S O f \i BEAClvv 7* * Have opened a FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE. (at the old stand of Dr. Hatred.) And will keep on hand a full stock Drugs, Medicines, Coemicals, Perlum Toilet Articles, etc., etc. Also Patent Medicines, and in fact e ,! thing usually kept in a first class establk ment. 1 The business- will be under the immedi* direction of Dr. E. J. Morgan. Call body. Mch Sf. 1881—tf. fl Two Thoroughbred Yearlings Sale The undersigned hereby offer two thoroughbred bull yearlings, --- spectively 12 and 18 months. Breed,Df shire and Jersey, and Devonshire and horned Durham. *, ? > - g/d. (hatTP- Baiubridge, Aug, 2—tf.