Newspaper Page Text
Ti:; MS OF subscription.
Per Annum. f2 00
£ix Months I 00
Uliree Mouths...........
Tingle Copy ,•••'•^0
Invariably in advance.
advertising rates And rules.
Advertisements inserted at $2 per square
for first insertion, and $1 for each subse
quent one. ,, •
A nquare is eight solid lines of this type,
liberal terms made with contract adveni-
sers, . £•
Local notices of eight lines are $15 per j
quarter, or $50 per annum. Local notices i
«1 less than three mouths are subject to j
transient rates.
At the Parsonage.
There were only seven of us, all girls, at
the dear old parsunage at VVrayburn, where
papa hart b'eeu pastor for thirty-five years.
Contract advertisers who desire their ad- j Under the daisies in the pretty country
■ Teriisemc.nts changed, must give its two c ijurchjard dear mamma had slept since
"Changing advertisements, unless other- ! Kate was a wee baby, and Aunt Jane had
jrise stipulated in contract, will be changed come to care for the motherless children
at 2C cents per square. " i of her brothei as soon as the calamity fell
Marriage and obituary notices, tributes of j
» . - j—. —:—,, charged j *’1*™ h "" -
resptrot, and oilier kindred notices
M other advertisements.
Advertisements must take the run of the
paper, as we do not contract to keep them
i* any particular place.
AmnauneemeDp) for candidates are $10, if
♦nly for one insertion y
Bills are due upon the appearance of the
advertisement, and the money will be' col
lected as needed by tl>t proprietoi.
We shall adhere strictly tethp abover.iles,
and will depart from them under no circum
Lizzie, and even
the prettiest, smartest, of all, had offers in
abundance, speut two winters in Seft
York visiting' Meg. and by all accounts
captivated hearts by scores - but coming
back to be the life Uud brignluess of^Se
•There mast be one old makl in every
We are a fosy-cheekerf, healthy pf 1 family,' she said j and when 1 suggested njv
girls, rather goW-lookiug. Nell being our 1 ertfinent fftn “ es8 ' n>r t,le P 5iitlon - sbe 3m5 **>
beaaty. and 1 the only invalid. 1 am a i Io l 1 '*- un<1 i 5r ?? ks „“?* i’T
cripple, but 1 am not tb bother yon j f re tlie househo ‘ d an S el - 3& P iea8e ,el us
with^liiy fstojcy, ejtcptlffg as' tn$ observa?; “9 ijjjorejjgii^n
years a sort of adopted Brother in our ! my loving eye* read her secret, sbe
midst. Neil never spoke of him: j rushed away and locked beY^eif in her
1 he next winter Meg, oldest, was mar-! r0 otn. Such restless misery followed
ried: and as if.natriiufiuy was a contagion, : thad ' ached for hef
Janey followed her example then Maude, i , f :• T , ,• ' ,
a*>i made Aunt Jane Attend almost all her
Kate, turn - baby. Nell. . „ r ,- ,, - ,
tions are recorded. • ft
It-was in the spring, and we were house.
£i;SlXE?±* Ell OFh'SslbMA L.
medical Card.
Dr. E. J . Morgan
Hm removed bis office to the drug store,
former]/ occupied b/ Ur. Marrell. Resi
dence on West street., soulb of Shotwell,
wbori calls at night will reach him.
bfflee over Hinds Store,, West side
eoe'rt house. Has fine dental engine, and
will have everything to make his office
L* « m * i. /tut _ t n
cleaning. Aunt Jane in a costume that
sug.ested the proprietorship of ajai kshop-
waa dying' air over the house, directing
j the operations of her servants and her
| nieces, each dressed for the service in hand
| what they called ‘oli duds.’ each one more
; appalling thau the ott er, as you met them
in succesafotf. I was iii uiy room, knit
ting ; papa wandering about, discousols*$,’.V c ^V re fer bllu 8 L°keu to A
at the invasion of his study, and conse- that Nell had vanished.
first-class. Terms cash. Office
a. m, to 4 p. m.
Respectfully tenders his. professional serv
ices to the people of Bainbridge and vicini
Office over store of J. 1). Harrell & Bro
Residence adjoining Baptist Church, where
he ea» be foumi sit night
April fi, 1881 —fim. _.
J . c
Curry, D
Can ho found daily at his office on South
Broad street, up stairs, in E. Johnson’s
building-; where he is ready to attend to the
wants cf the public at reasonable rates.
1 !’here»SjAuni <guj5. toff.’ ISaii, iiiply.
^Bidlbystle sfftl.*st»-eruj^. \yll} - iAi Stop
talking noiisenafe ! yfllit .fhne.imlfced f
fit r«>!§ did tjeeto as if f\el IftvaS irtfarn-
n$st abuut akjjftgl$li|e; fat. fftfiiajj-, she
was only twenty-four, and looked about
seventeen, when one day who’should walk
into the pars'onage parlor, as coolly as’if
he had left it the day before, but Chris.
We were all there as lie came in but.
Aunt Jane 1 saw
quent interruption of his' Sunday's sermon,
which the infirm ur of voices from the
porch floated up to me, aud I mentally e.x
claimed :
Dear me! Chris is proposing to Nell
‘And nobody ever will, or ever can love'
you as 1 lid,' chris was saving, when Nell’s
toice'vtrnclr iu: ., ,•* #
‘Theie - ’, that window f^irly.'fdmszles ■
Who says I ean’t clean glass! Oh, 1 beg
your pardon. Chris. No. of course! -
•But Nell, ctq listen to me !’
• Cffif-ie. did you ask me to marry you
when 1 was In my cradle ? I am sure you
have asked me once a week ever since. 1
wbia't, you know, or ought to know by
th“!§ tffrie’: Why can’t you ask sSwiebody
else jHSt for variety? I am sure any of
the other girls would make a much better
wife than I will—that is,’ said Null, with a sinakiqg-.uitnseil, agrees.
sudden spasm of loy ally for the rest of us,
•if any of them would take you.’
‘How ceb 1 bare for any one else when
toy whole heart has been yours all my
life!' - Said Chris disconsolately. ‘It is
cfUel to' tf'fft* So with tfue fovb:'
‘Uont be an idiot,’ said Nell, sharply.
^ '1 never trifled with yuli! I told you that
j you were a horrid boy. and would iiever
marry you w'hen you used to steal appick
lb present to me, and I never, told
yon anyth mg else.
‘No,’ sighed Christ:
. Here Aunt Jane, her head tied iip in a
BOWER & DdNALSON. | inaurierThat flumes’description, came upon
Attorneys and Counsellers at Law. the scene, with:
Attorney at Law
Proaipt attention given to all business ek-
Irasitii to rue.
b abaiLii, i*: {J’.KEal,
McGill & O’NEAL.
Aiiorneys at Law.
Their office Will b’e found over the post of
fice. i
kfRON B. BOWFlt.
Office in the court house. Will practice
in Decatur and adjoining counties, and
elsewhere by 9pecial contract. . a-2b 7
Horse and cattle powders,
Attorney at Law.
Office iu Court House.
Will practice iu all the courts of the
Albany Circuit and Supreme Court of
lieorgia. Ih the Circuit and Supreme
Courts of Florida, and elsewhere by special
Bain bridge. Ga., April 23, 1881—IV.
. —THE—
Flint River Saw Mill
‘Oh. here’s Clirts 1 Chris, do run over to
Smith's aud get m’J a paper of carpet
UhfiS departed. Presently -Smith s boy
brought th • carpet tacks, aud Nell #as lot
alone for the remainder of that day, iiS fnf
as Chris was concerned. The next day
ihe cleaning went forward briskly but it
was still emly in the incruing when Nell
came to my room equipped fur a walk.
•Any letters ?’ she asked, carelessly. ‘1
am going down the street.
•None,’I said; ‘I did not think you
eottld be spared.’
‘Aunt Jane is rather grumpy about if,’
said Nell, adjusting a coquettish wreath of
apple blossoms upon her hat, ‘but I wuirt
to get the smell of soap suds out of my
nose. I may stop at Gilmore's ; have'you
any message?’
‘‘Only my love to Mrs. Gihnore.’
Now Mrs. -Gilmore was the mother of
Nell’s persisteut adorer, Christopher Nel
son Gilmore, and the families had been in
timate for years. Still. Nell to take the
middle of house-clesiiing week to call on
Mrs. Gilmore was a little out ot order.
Hid Chris'see her whisk of the back
door as he entered the front window? 1
think he did. There was a subdued twinkle
ih his eyes as he inquir-il fur my infirmi
ties, not at all consistent witlj, i/iy Words
of sympathy. Presently NdjlT canie' tii,
with a smile of greeting,and a perfect cohi
posure of manner, hut Chris was a matph
for her.
It jii^asgipfl a&Jfeiy ’.vatcE those
two, sVcoi'nnhrtelJ • Sf.i ’ley *iWtj|)retl
fact hat he was a discarded
been sent away by her
conversed - eaB'ly and -gnacefffii£-rChris-
topher’s California experienees, varied by'
descriptions of the family weddings, tjie
new homes, the . broxh«r^iu-la,w, the ciiif-
dreiltaudft »ho(ilati^«tl|q)idg(iii^'n which
our caller eS-pressed the greatest iuterefet.
Afterathat ho dropped in as of tHd.
Xble and neeful'to
time at Mrs; ililmore’fl, an(f tfodertook
the botraekeeping harself, letting £apa
miss nothing of her sister’s care. But
she seethed to live iu a sort ot breath
less expectation of the news from
Wo*se ' worse! wry low J stlch Were
iiitrv -igirvi f im;
d lover who hkd
cruelty. * 7-jh-y'
every oue in the house, especially tenefer,'
as fie ever has been, to me. .ip ,
Indeed, 1 found myself W’onderins some
times 'f he washing, to t^jpe ^eJivytiock- -
ing awvice spid. -iiill jKe*' c^fier^p^tfe ap-
propnateiYoffufhimseTf me.’ lYe -itjtflf
me for long drives in his mother’s - pony
carriage and was always ready to jieaihtif
Nell’s conquests, showing no jealoirsy but
a great-deal- -qf'.aiujiseiueut ovef her co
•.She was a’bbrii ciiquett 1’ he said once,
•and yet iiobod-ly can call Nell vain. It
lias been a mat ter of course with lierToflie
Is now ready to Furnish
by the'eargo, and at retail, for th'e lowest ; 8!le fl * u ed her sunny curls dancing
Market Price. j on the soft May breeze, and I, putting two
I aud two together, remembered that Chris
w ill exchange Lumber for Logs. Correa- I had not been in the bouse for twenty-four
pondomce solid ted. _ _ | hours. Vainly 1 tried to recall a similar
i interview when he was iu Wrayburn.
! School, coliege, business had called him
T TO Out of the village, bat his home hours were
dkfe W* <*A JLaL/ <3Lf j always fairly divided between his mother’s^
—'-**-■■■’ j house and tne parsonage. ‘
PllAUirt’P^lIfllAl* ! Something must be the matter! I
dlllBl 1 Ilv'lvta^l y thoiiglit of all possible and impossible ca-
Bainbridge. Ga.. July 7—3m.
fl i carded
I tastrophies t-ilf t Was net surprised to see
Highest Premium at' State
Nell coining in at the gafe in a subdued
frame of mind, apparent upon her pretty
face. She came..directly to me. as they all
do, even Aunt Jane and papa in emergen
“Gone!’ I cried. ‘Why he was here
admired ever spic^she could r.uu alune. k
•Site is oiiMieauty.’now, utSjof/oldJ f. an
swered, and Chris assen red cordially.
‘I have seen no face so winsome since T
left home,’ be said, but he spoke with’ flie
frank admiration of a five-sick swain. ' , t .
Had lie otill^ed his love. I wondered
and come homo to prove to Neil that her
days of tyrany . Were ovei !■ I think Xoff
suspected that he bad. Always eVeu-
teinpored, Nell became fitful capricious
bright and laugliiiig;wh’en? Chris.with
iis. ofteh siler t anrl-sometiineS gjoemy when
she thought herself unnoticed. She lost
her color, and I caught her more thatfonce
rubbiug her cheeks when going down stairs
to see Chris, and she was snappish and
deeply 'repentant therefor a dozen times a
‘Wbat ails Nell Aunt Jane asked
me. anxious for TieTcfa'rlingr ‘She eats
nothing, Belle and I aoi sure does not
sleep well. I^wende^ i/'.it yodid do
her ally good to sp^euti-, E fei-VeelS
with Kate?’ j. ’ , X • f". .
Nell on being constiheS, caught ea
gerly at rhe suggestion, and hurried
her wardrobe into a trunk, as if answer
ing a sudden life or death summons,
She made no farewells, but flitted ftff
abruptly that it made Ms fairly .grasp.
‘Elinor was always impulsive,’ pitpti
said. And Aunt Jane only answered ;
‘But, bless me, I didn’t mean to
drive the child out of the house.'
Claris. • said . nothing, but I was cer-
tainiy coavinced of the Teiality of Lis
whiskers, so ferociously were they pull
ed all the evening. But the next day
Mrs, Gilmore sent over a wee note of
dire distress.
until there come one dreadful nighf of
agonized watching, and Chris changed
for the better.
Convalescence was slow and tedious^
but one day, When #e were all in the
parlor, there was a soft rush aefo'sS the
room, on the porch,, down the garden
and a joyous ring in Nell’s voiee. cry.
•Oh, Chris, deaf Chris, ttrbfod really
here again V
Then I saw him leaning one hand on
her shoulder, one on h:s fcicne, as they
came feebly up the path, pale, thin
and weak, but Chris was restored to
Spring cleaning set in ibe next week.
Once more Aunt Jane assumed indis-
clibfable garments, and Nell tied up her
curies iu a tcrwef iff hi! s' she £f listed’’and
polished. Oncejnore voices floated up
to me from the poroh.
•You were washing thoBe windows
when l we^it away, N-efl ’
•’Peiease, Chris, don’t!’ Nell peffided.
‘Don’t repeat the.offieuee ffir] which I
was- banished, Nell. But 1 must, dar
ling. it l» is for the last time.’
•Hush !’ I : whispered at this crisis, as
. Auut Jane eutertd .uiy room. ‘Chris
i_s propnsifig^to Nell/ *-
•Weil,' said”uiy aunt, ‘that is an old
story.’ ...
Biit she has accepted hiui.I’ I said,
•exuitidtdyva® a faitu: n
•Yes, dear Chris. I know flow are
the only-mau I * eoiild ever love,’ stole
up urStktj '
•H m.!’ said Aunt Jane, 't guess you
au,d- t_.wilt he the eld maids cf the par
sonage, after alf.' ...
And Aunt- Jane was. right. Dear
papa says—1 know it Is otily his kind
ness, but it is pleasant to hear—that he
could not spgre the Jast of his girls to
any hu.-band.
done BrAnrkablc «»g»
Old Mr; Thistle^od eame in from
Flint River, and climbed up’the long
stairs to We sanctum, emptied a chair-
feati of exchangee bn the floor, and sat
‘Soy,’ t*» old uiin rfsM/Chcwing his
tnorA! of tfafy plug with the rapid in
tonation of a mats wife &os in earnest,
‘Say, you know that Spotted coaeb-dog
of mine ’ that bit ftis leg with a rattle-
shale nigh onto three weeks.age V ' -
the dieheatieniwg •rtdtDgsidhiy-wAer dfty,4- -¥ee,*4he editor «md h*' remeinbered
it. ‘Dog dead ?’
‘Dead!’ said the old niau, ‘no ; live
as yois ttrts, and 'all :right, only lie’s
tryin’ to coil’him&lf tip all the time an
has eleven rattles grown out on rhe end
of his tail. - Has, fur a gospel faet
Nights, wtfeu he runs around the house
sounds like a drum corps goin’ by. I
declare to goodness I wish I’d a brung
him in to] let you see him-’
Yes, the editor wished he had.
‘Neroj the ’dog’s name in,’ the old
man said, gazing earnestly at the edi
tor's face. ‘Nero, six yeari old this
spring. Raised him myself; Flint
Kiver dog; you’ve seen him hundreds
of times under ray wagon/
Yes, the editor thought he had seen
him, before he grew fatties.
'Yes the old man saifi with a con
firmatory sigh. Then he added, ‘You
kno^v. that /diuggy’ rough haired Scotch
terrier of Ben MartipYc'-'.Weil, . sir
Bob he sefit to Phihidelphy.aud-got a
couple dozen silkworms and fed' ’em to
the dog, an’,—ye '’haven't seen the ter
rier since last Saturday, have ye ?’
‘No, the editor hadn’t seen the dog,
nor Martin himself, since April.
‘Weil, sir, t ho{>n I may die some
time,'if that dog’s hair hain’t come out
the 8ufie8t r _finest silk fringe ye ever saw
in your life L Bilk fringe, .with a braid
two inches deep along bis back-, an’, a
ball of' cttfriiire '"banging- from the end
Beit's ’going to buy up a couple o’
By His
will runlis folfrtiiirsr • { . !
■v FAST - MAIL •<*
heave Savannah daily at.... . ’.. 12:10 p. fi
■ .... j. _1‘ Leave tfesup dailyat..2 : - 47p. ti
(>•/QL. XI.-—:XQ., v* Leave Waycruss ilftily at. , .; 4 . ,. r .4:'l5 )>.;»
' i * I Arrive at Callahan daily at .,. <>. i2 p. m
A AUve a1 JacksonviUf Unify at.
Leave .Jacksonville dailj at. ...i'KH) pit.
Leave CRliahan daily nt..’. ,9:45 a. mj
Arrive st Wayctijes daily - at, .• .;. ri J»7 a m
Afrits at Jessup 1:20 pm:
Attife a< Savaifpah ilaily: at 3:40 p ia
F.'ts-eitgers from Savannah for Brunswick
take this train, arriving at Brunswick 6uft)
- p. m. •
| Passengers leave Brunswick 10:15*. a.,
arrive, at Savannah, 3:40 p.pi.} , r
Passengers leaving Macon nt 7.-30 a; a.
(daily)cuuneet at Jesup with this train for
Florida. >< :..
Passengers from Florida by thiatraincon-
sect at Jesup with (fain arriving ia Mkicw
at 7;50 p. m. daily • ., -
jacksonyil£e EXPRESS'; j . ,
Leave Savanhat daily at I. .'.'fifOO p'sil
Leave Jessup dally at...3*45 p at
Leave Bayeross daily at; , .4. - 45 a fpi
Arrive at Callahan daily at «:57 a gj
Arrite itt Jacksonville at. t 8.0U i* at
Arrive d Live Oak daily (except
Sunday) at ’ . >1:30 a m
Leave Live Auk daily 'kfV. ......2.Ott p. *■
Know til i .rfien tiy these present*, that the
undersigueJ -foes keep a Itrat-Class Bar and
And.lias on hand a large arid Choice stock
of nrf( Liquors. Cigars, etc., the best ih the
market. Headquarters for the
Gall at the
A Leave Jacksonville daily at... . .-od£5f* p, Wi
j | F.^ftve Cnllalian daily litT. ..’. .... .7J)T p at
■ Ari - ? - . - e nt AlnyflrihfS'tffii’y at. i*;58 P‘it»
,U:4l>.p i
In I i<t« NiArrive aS Jesup daily . :y. .•.
; <• 3rArrive at juvaunali dnih - hi. . .2:36,’?
o., - , , , j. , ri PaTnee Sleeping < v ai - s on this ireiu; Hi'W
Seloon, often and early and the people s-, b6ti v een 8HVant.ahin.d JncksonviffeM'^gl^
rlen ’ • | ton and Jucksonvilleand .MaconJacksonvillo
Will preside at the Bar.
A. K LEOig Tto.
Perrv, ifouston County, Ga. v .Iitu. 28, ’80.
In 1873 tli .-re were two negroes' coufiried
n jail.Tytilly affiioted withT»ypliili«. hi my
facial capacity. I employed C. T.. {iwji’t to
cure them, under a contract - ;no cure no
pay.’’ He administered his “ < *yphiltitic
Specific,’, and iu a few’week%J felt e bound'
to pay him out of the county treasury, as
he had effected a complete anil radical curt.
JL. S. Giles, Grd*.’Houston oo. .Ga. -
Cliattonooga, Term., Feb^ 14,^1877.
Thc'S. S. S. id giving goo'd' satisfaction.
One gentleman who had been confined to
j his bed six ’Seeks with Syphilitic Rheuma
tism, has been cured entirely, and speaks
in the highest praise of it. Ohilkb ft Brntltv.
prietors, Atlanta,’ Ga‘. Sold by Pope & Me- Arrive at Ba.nbridge daily at••... .8:1*5 ».
Ud»». Call for a copy of “Young Men’s d- rr,vc :Tl Albany daily at.......... 8r45 >a.
i'riexid ” r *L*/l“* r*
There is one thing that don’t mind
pinching — -snuff.
— r 1 » 7 —;—
•■ Wilmington built 5G0 houses this
year, and still needs more. .
A Boston girl, who has two wooden
Dgs, haif, has received over i?fty offers
of mat; iage within tie past year.
“What is the wor3t thing about riches?"
asked a Sunday-school superintendent.
And the new hoy said, “not-having any."
A sentimental fellow at Wrightstown.
Minn., wrote to a girl that he would hang
hitrtSfelf if she did not marry him. Ashe
ivas a stranger, she took bis queer missive
as an Insulting joke, and replied angrily
that he would please her greatly by choos
ing the tree nearest the Window of her
room. When she looked out next morn
ing there hung his lifeless body.
We Can’t help entertaining a severe
icspeet fat the science that can instan
taneously photograph a flying LorSC,
but forces d than to’sit for four (internal
minutes if front of a camera - , his head
braced’ into a pitchfork; and his nerve
less, eyes Staring relentlessly out into
th.e fathomless realms of the undefin-
ab1e. ” -t-i
and Montgomery and Jacksonville. ■ - •
No change of cars bet ween and
Jacksonville awl edacOn and Jacksonville, f
PasseffgsvFa-frig Macon 7:30 p m ova*
nect at Jesup with this train tor Florid^
daily. • ■
l’isfesengers Florida by this traih cou-*
nect at. Jcsap with train arriving at Macon
7 a in daily • . ,i -,, ,
Passengers fur Darien jSkc'this. trsirt: ’>
Passengers from Savannah for Brunswick
take tliis train am vent Brunswick 5:30 a.oi. ;
Pusseugers leaving Brunswick 9KJ0 p m
afrivean Savannah at'3:35jn to. - ‘ 1 ■;
Tli rough Phil man Sleeping t'ars
NVahiin ton and Jacksonville by this train.**■
Passcngfrs from Srfviinnali for* GainesvilT.
filedai Keys and Florida Transit Road take
this train. - .....
Passengers from' ^'ivannah for Monticdflo. -
Ma-lison, Tallahassee and - Q'ifncy- take tLi*
Passengers from Quincy, Tallahassee,.
.MtmticeiioTind .Madison t’akd this tfUin;
'meeting Sleeping cars at Wuyorosa at 9:39
.P , '
Leave at Savannah at ,4:30 p. m.
I.eavc Jesup daily at 7;2o a, in.
Leave Tcbenuville daily at . .10:0 p nj
Leave Dupont at J 2:2~i a. ui.
Arrive at 'i'h° mfl sville dnily at.,._. .6:05 t. in
Srni.Mirizi», Robertson Co,. Ijtsx.,
November 27, 1880.
has been suffering for many - years with flint
ijreadful affliction known as Fciyalj Disease,
which has cost me rann'y dollars, and not
withstanding I hjfdvffle' medical attend
ance, could not find relief. I haye .use'E
many other kinds of medicine without any
effect. I had juft, about given hwr up, was
out of heart, but bappaaSd in (lie store of
W, W„ Eckler several weeks since, and he
knows of my daughter's affliction pursiiaded
me to try a bottle oCyourFemale Regulator.
She began to improve at onei.- I.qutssu de
lighted with its effect that Pboughf several
more bottles.
The price, $i.50 a iioylle, feCtemed to be
very high at first, but f now thriik it the
cheapest preparation on the. f^ohb.* and
knonrfi‘if what I d(? api^t it, if to-day on.e «>f.
my family was suffering tfitb flint awful
disease I would have it if-tl cost $50a txittle,
for I can truthfully ...sav it has cured my
daughter sound and well, and myself and
•wife do most heartily recommend ysur Fe
male Regulator io be jus* wlrat It is recom
mended to ; Dei
N . II. t>. Fkathkr itqn.
For Sale by all Druggist. .
Citizens of Hainbridge and surrounding
■country : 1 offer myself as a candidate to ,
take your photographs from now on, and i yesterday .
if elected will - do my best to make you all ! - He went to New york yesterday after-
louk handsome. I ve done said it. and 1II i noon, aud he lids sroue to visit his uncle,
lick to it. if the stars tumble. So don’t
forget me when you visit-Columbus. ^My
*-« .... l a,] -
the one \ ho offered him a busiuess open
ing some time ago. -Chri^ did no’f wa^t a
Inquirer: ‘‘What is gqpias ?”.This
is a pretty hhrd. question »o answer, but
we have an Idea- that genkts is some
thing that isn’t afraid ter roll up its
sleeves dud bend dwvtn to earnest and
careful work, and strain every nerve to
achieve the highest results of whieh ££
is capable, wedtocrity. is enjoyiDg itself
,,, . ... , i at the theater or standing up at the bar
Chris had been thrown , , , • ., B , r .
: having a good time with the boys.
from his horse, trod the doctors feared j — T » —
some spinal injury. Aunt June'went ; Hi»i*gthe Wronglan.
over at once, and came back with a; The Terra Haute, Express says: A
.•rave face j Ver J’ laughable occurrence was witnessed
8 ‘Heisbadlv hurt; entirely unctn-1 at * be Union iast B « ht ’ When
, , * ! the train from the South stoppedalady
scions, sit.a.u. ialighted.audseeinga^entlemanstandiu^-
if Nell s departo e was su en, (jj whom she s'ipjjosed'to bq her husband,
return^ was not iess so. i she ran-toward him,-and throwiug he arms
h^t fej|e’s '
Gallery is next to Uankin House. • UuBi»esfap4iii4^a^1igl»s1>leDty ^ S^e’s ? i nlrout his neck, showered kjg’ses apon hii».
ji. vj.air to o a. ui so. f and, Befle, Mrs. Gilmore saysjt is afi my j inquired, with mild im«a8iM|Jhiut re-j*ti?e jg^ptleman made no'objection, but
gretted it when Nell’s arms stole around j when she ceased her oeeujations ageutle-
’ mdu standiognear bv remarked. ‘JYelt,
COPYING and ENLARGING i fault that she : s left alone and childless.’
I have connected with iny Establish
ment a first-class Miniature and Portrait
painter. So my pictures are not sent off
to ii<* finished, I make all new styles -
the Imperials. Boudoirs. Promonades. Cab-
net and Scenic pictures, of many designs,
r-o come and >ce tne. I am the .-unie Kid-
tile ■•I'tva | am; Svo
■Scarcely your fault, dear,’ I said, my
heart aching for the piteous straiumthe
the sweet voice, the jaiiu- rn the bright
eyes. ‘You were right to refuse to marry
a mao you do not love.'
But Nell only grew whiter, and went
slowlv to her own room. After that, in all
the farnilv
vov neck, and a lace wet wita tears was.— : - . . . -•
J . Laarit. huvent you made a mistake 1 Laura
pressed against my own. - i turfied totvard him in astonishment aud
‘Will he die?’ she whispered. -Qlf’.flyitig into his arms, buried b« ^oshin^
. , L , , ... s , ’’face*of his 'shoulder, saying, ‘Lord Wess
Belle, what shall L do it h« dies' . j hte; j-tevK«T thought 4C was- yin'. Why
Then, as jf, ashamed of letting even didn't you cpfaY?" ' ■ ‘ '
• » ‘i* 11 ? ' '
hundred cheap, Igng-bffired ^bgs, fetd* ' D*. J. diRAnriSui—Sir :■ Rty'Vlau|hter
?em silkworms apd shear ’em every
sfiriugi -
The editor thought iheie would be
money in it.
‘Better’n a gold.mine,’ the old man
said^ ‘au’.do yc u . know, ; while ho was
feeditir’ of him, Ben forgot to take off
the dog’s collar, big leather cottar.’
‘And what hap'pened to the collar V
the editor asked, a little weari.y.
• ‘.Velvet,’ said: the oid’mau enthusi
astically, Lyons veWet, with a celluloid
buckle. You rem^cher’ the dbg, don't
ye ? Used to ^onie to town with Ben
regularly (Free or four times a month.
I declare 1 wish I’d. ast Beit to fe£ toe
bring hiai in to show you this morning.
Ben was too busy to come in himself.
‘Snarley,’ "Ben calls bim, Flint River
dog; bread and raised right: here on
Ben's farm.’ ; . •
The-editor thought he would like to
soe the dog some time, when Beu had
time to bring him in, And he plunged
bis pcd into the ink two or thre* times,
as though he would write something.
“Yes,’ the old man’ sighed again, and
once more brightening-up, he resumed:
*1 say/ be eX'dkiuied, ‘you remember
that kiBg-legged, orn'ary-lookiu’ meat
hownd of Dick Rodgers’ don’t ye, that
that killed Lem Graudall’s sheep last
February - ?’
The editor expressed a faint, a very
faiut, recollection-of Dick Rodgers' dog,
and M*. Tbisllepod deffrt off.
■Well the boys ‘ had a little target
shoot over to Maty. Stripger’s^place on
the Fourtb of July, .and while they
were shootin’ if that blamed hungry
Starveling rtf "a dbg didn’t get at the
box ah’ eat up. tnore’n twenty cart
ridges { On my life, if lie didn’t!
Ma&e him sick ? Not a hair of him ;
be just frisked around and seemed to
feel better - for it. Well, sir, about 11
o'clock that night the dog went off!'
‘No ” exclaimed the editor, with
more interest thau he had yet displayed.
‘By George 1 Did he make a big noise !
Did he. though ? Hurt anybody ?’
‘No,’ the old man said, rising io go,
‘rcdksoa uot j- lie - just went off with
Rill Hockeubury, ,.that come to see
Rodgers’ big, red-headed-girl, Me'*ome
baefc next mo>hM’.’ r77. a i
And tb.e.edithr’retti/ned to ibe bfast
ness on .the speaker’s -table t while the
heavy tread of v the ^honest old farmer
faded away down the distant stairs,
amid the heartiess,-mocking laughter of
the youager • tuaa -otr the strff—Bitt*-
Ungtcr Saiih*/*.
Leave Apia tiy daily at.4. - 45. p. cn.
Leave Baiiihridpe daily at,, . I. .'.5. : 00 p. rrr.
Leave Tlioniasvifiie’ daily at: • , ,H*40 p.‘ in.
Arrive at Dupoqt at; ^.4 ;SS p, m.i
Arrive at Telieaiiville daily -1.00 a ia
Arrive Jesup af. . 7. , ii:-lf, p, ui.
Arrive atSitvaunaJi doily at., . ...!)-(ipji, jp-!
Connect at Albany daily 'with passenjrej-
trains’both Ways on Southwestern BnilrEud..
"to aqd fyoni .Macon, .^uptuln, Moreigomfry,
McTiffe, New Orleans, elc. ■ ■ i; .
Mail steamer leavrit Bnltibn’dpe’me Apa
lachicola every Tuesday and Saturday:.even
ing; for Columbus every Tuesday and Sat
urday afternoon. - • y
Close connection ai .laukqq.^vifle. daily
(Suniisys excepted) for 8t. Augustine, l’iv*
latka Enterptase.-tGfecii CJoyq .Springs und
a!Tlandings on Si,' John’s rfVer. >
j Trains ou B. &A. K. B; loaves junctions
going west, at II ; 37 a. m. iftfly, Sunday
eStevpted * , - ’ i •>. >
Through tickets 3tdd an<l sleeping car
berths and drawing room car accommoda
tions secured at BREN’S Ticket Office. No,
22 Bull street,and at the company's depot,
foot of Liberty street
J. S. 'I'Ye'-w, Jas. L: Taylor,'
Master Tfaiisi Gen'I Vis; Agent.
• R. a- Fijcmiiu, Supi.
Decatur Sheriff’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Decatur Bounty :
AVfll f)V a ild Injure the court house door
in the town of Bainbridge, dining flic
usual hours of sAle, ou the first Tuesday
ip December next, the following property
to-wrt : •
The undivided one-lisftf interest of lots, of
land Nos. 327, 343, and 344, nil ip the 21st
Distriat of said county—levied on as the
property of P. C, WKiddon, to satisfy one
fi fa in favor of Patterson & McNair, vs
F. r, , )t WJiiddon. Written notice mailed to
tenant, thfs 19th October.
L. F. Bcrkett,
November 2nd, 1881.— Shriff.
Decatur Sheriff's Sale.
; .Decatur Sheriff Sale.
GEORGIA—trivCATCK ’CorsTv. - -
VV ill Tie Sfthl before the court tiouse
door iu Bainbrklge, on Ihe .fipsl Tuesday-:
in December next, between tljc.,ns-.ivl
hours of sale, the following property to-
wit .* .ia
The undivided one-fifth interest of lots
of land Nos. 327, 843, end 844, all in the
2l«t Distyct of said county.—levied on M
the property of _T- I-. Whiddon to sq.ify
one fi fa fn favor of Patterson & McNair,
vs.-T. L. Whiddon. • Writteh notice mails
ed to tenant at Chattahoochee.
i.. F. BUPKETT.ili
This Nov. 2, 1881. - Shriff.
Deffafur Sheriff Sale.
GEORGIA, Decatur County;
Will be sold before the court house na „
dcor in the town ,cS Main bridge on the “ J In , * ec , IT
first Tuesday tn Deicint cr. next between P ert T u>_wit ‘ :
tbs usual tejpvs of sale the followine
property fo-tfd . • «
Lots - of faud'tiwtitters 128, 155, 15G, 1(9.
Tl4*hd.IJ5; allljring-itr the20thdiatrifct.of
Decatur county,.and leyicd-ou,** the prop
erty of John Harrell to satisfy on’e'fi fa in fa
vor of Osteen <fe Davis vs John jjarrell, and
other fi fas in ray hands vs. Jacob Harrell,
W. S. Robison and John Harrell.
L. F. BURKETT, Sheriff.
Xbi6 November 2, 1881-.
GEORGIA.—Decatuh Cocxty.
’ Will be sold before the court h uso
door in.the town ot Baintwidge, betWemu
the usual hours of sale, on the first Tne*-
day in December next, the following pro-
One black mare; named “Dony” aged
nine year,s—levied on *» the property o4
A..J7 Cumbest to satisfy'offeBuonpt^o ft
U in favor of Mrs r . Aljff 'iWjllmmir,. yar A.
J. Cumbest. .. .
■ L F Bt - iutin - r, : :
This Nov_2, 188Li -Slirff. -
Dflcatur SherifFs Safe.
GEORGIA—Decatur County -
Will be sold before the court bouse
door in the town - of Bai abridge, Ga., He-
tweeu the legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday in December 1881, the following
property to-wit r.*
Lot of land No. 352 in the 27th District
of Decatur eounty, Georgia—levied Af ps
the property, of E- V. Biown’ta'satisfv one
fi fa in favor of E. D. Hayes, vs E. V.
Brown, amTother fi Tas in iny hands. This
Novembef^nd.ifjfll. !
L,.F. Bcnrit.TT, Sheriff..
Deoatur Sheriff’<| Sale'-
GEORGIA—Decatpb OopnTt n-
Will be sold before the conn house door
iu the to n of Bain bridge- between 11 h«i.
usnel sale hour.* on the first Tuesday' .jo
Decembernext the followingproperty to-Witf
Lots of land Nos.yiG, 57 and 58, iff thW
22nd District of said county,—levied on a*
the property ©f W.’ Q, MitcljelLjaratisfr
one Superior Court fi fa in’ favor et A. M
Troxell vs. W. G. Mitchell. ■
L. F, BcnintTT,
* Nov* 2, 1881. (Sheriff:
‘ Executor’s Sale.
GEORGIA, Decatui - County • **- 1 .
Will be aeld on the firsttTuesdflv in J»n.
uory 1882, between the hours of Ifl o’clock
a. m. and 4 jo clock p. ui. before the court
Arfmirtittrafnr’Vt Cn!A. ' ’ ' ‘• ll0 . U! * JoWimuaidvcuuifty, «n the MM) M'ltfC ’
By viSi^Llrh^lno-rabie-^
Court of Ordinary vf Veifatur prmptyihior-.f ? - 6 V—* th? -- 1
gia, I will offer & X? s.uTlffke R
utmibers sixty-three (63, ni.d Ninety-eight f -
.‘38; ill the ftftee»i:?i (lot District of said!. -
c«u«ty. Termi'vtrth- Jasr-’■
♦ =Vljs yt^Jh «
1 . Nnoftabd-.N. %+.