Newspaper Page Text
The Weekly Democrat.
B- K. Wnwell 4c Ja» 91. liroiVa,
Editors and Proprietors-
Business Manaoib.
Per Annum.,... M $2 00
Fix Months 1 00
Three Months. - . r. .76
Sinrl* Copy 06
In variably in advance.
Or Bibb.
ros couorbssmak 2nd coxoeehbionai, dittbict
Of Brooks.
It ia now said that Hon. J. IT. Blount
will be a candidate for Speaker of the next
house of U. S. Representatives.
This is a white man’s government
and the sooner the negroes find it out
the fewer of them will be hung.
Got. Colquitt haa commuted Ike Ship-
man's punishment to imprisonment in the
penitentiary for life.
Governor-elect Stephens not only
declines to run for the Senatorship, but
endorses Gov. Colquitt as the man most
fitted for the position.
Grant has not passed his hat around
for contributions ia some time. There
is a mystery about this fact that needs
Hon. H. G. Turner has concluded his
labors on the stump in the Second Con
gressional district, and is now awaiting the
verdict at the ballot box*
If it should appear that any man has
been elected to a seat ia the Legislature
by bribery or other oorrupt methods,
he should be unseated without hesita
tion—be he Democrat or Piepublican.
The Radicals are expecting to make
up for a part of their losses North, by
a gain'in members of Congress from the
South. Shall one of them be from this
district. Come out, vote, and so help to
prevent it.
A few more judicious hangings like
that which recently ocourred at East
man will teach the negro that he can
uot violate the laws of this State with
The lumber and turpentine interests
of Georgia are attracting attention all
over the country, and even in Europe
and South America. There are
milllions in these enterprises, which are
yet m their infancy.
The returning of property at its full
value is not as common in Georgia as
it should be. Couldn’t the Legislature
manage to work an improvemqpt in this
particular ?
Northern capitalists hold mortgages
on Georgia farms for $1,000,000 loaned
to needy proprietors. The loans aver
age $100,000 per month. These
Northern capitalists will own many an
wore in Georgia.
Col. P. W. Alexander is writing the
Macon Telegraph some racy letters from
Atlanta. He is alter the “bosses” with a
sharp stick, and is rendering material aid
to oar Macon contemporary in its fight
against Governor Colquitt for the Lnited
States Senate.
Probably the greatest curse of the
Scath to day is the country ‘doggery’ or
bar room, A begin will go almost
naked to obtain rot-gut whiskey. He
is worse than the out-cast- Indian in
that respect. You might as well en
deavor to explain the length of the
comet’s tail to a colored man as to try to
impress upon him the necessity to work
on Saturday. There is another ruiooos
effect derived from these country stores.
They have every dollar that the negro
earns, and a great deal more mortgaged
long before the cotton orop ia a foot
country doing bis duty on the 7th of No
vember. The Republicans are sore and
disgruntled over their disastrous defeat in
Ohio, and will now pat forth tbeir full
strength toretreive their reverses, if it be
possible; while on the other hand they
should be met by the full strengt h of the
Democracy, and if it can only be brought
out. Republicanism will receive a blow it
will not recover from in rears.
Referring to the article in Tax
Democrat of the 19*h ult, about the
great enterprise now in process of de
velopment on Spring Creek, in this
county, by Messrs. Pollys, Lloyd & Co.,
the Camilla Clarion says, of Mr. Lloyd :
“We are acquainted with Mr. Lloyd,
of the above firm, and welcome such en
terprising northern men tffout country
and rejoice at the brightening prospects
of Decatur county. There are millions
in our pine forests. Northern men
know it, but our Southern people are
destroying them in order to raise cotton
to buy northern bacon.”
to "democratic voters .
The ticket presented below is of the
proper form to be voted in the Second
Congressional District, at the Congres
sional election on the 7th of November.
If the voters of any part of the district
have no printed tickets they can write
them out for themselves, if they will
follow exactly the form here presented:
‘ For Representative for the State of
Georgia at large in the 48th Congress
of the United States,
“For Representative in the 48th
Congress of the United States for the
Second Congressional District of Geor
gia :
There seems to be no necessity for a
protracted session of the Legislature.
Under the new law passed at the last
session, the judicial elections can be
disposed of in two or three days, and
the Senatorial election need not occupy
a longer time. The number of local
bills, if we may judge by the notices of
the same published in the papers in
the different parts of the State, will be
far less than at any previous session
since the adoption of the constitution
of 1877. This will enable members to
devote the greater part of their time to
general legislation, and to the consid
eration and discussion of matters of pub
lic concern. The people do not want a
protracted session, and wo hope to not
see it.
The Tallahassee Floridian reports that
over one hundred acres of cassava will be
planted in the viciuity of Tavares the com
ing winter. A number of persons in this
xranty propose to engage in the cassava
odustry, and a geutleman familiar with
ita cultivation and the capabilities of ear
lands assert that seventy tons per acre can
be produced in Leon county. The half of
seventy Ions per acre will prove a very
profitable crop.
Who Can Vote-
The question has been frequently asked
us how long a residence ia the State or
county is neccessary to vote. Below we
give the law npon the subject that every
person desiring to vote may do. so intelli
gently and legally:
Every male citizen of the United States,
except as hereinafter provided, twenty-oue
years of age, who shall have resided in
this State one year next preceding the
election and shall have resided six months
in the county in which he offers to vote,
and shall paid all taxes, which since the
adoption of the-Uonstitntion of 1877. have
been required previous to the year in which
he offers to vote, etc.
The exceptions above referred to are:
1st. “Those who have been convicted
in any court of cempetent jurisdiction, of
treasoD.of embezzlement of the public
tunds, malfeasance is office, bribery, or
larceny, or of any crime involving moral
turpitude, punishable by the laws of this
State with imprisonment in the peniten
tiary, unless such person shall have been
2d. Idiots and insane persons.
On the subject of residence, the law is
that the domicii of a person of full age is
the place where his family permanently
resides, and if be has no femilv, then the
place where he shall generally lodge. The
domicil is changed by an actual change of
residence, bnt must be accompanied by an
avowed intention of remaining.
Married men who lived here over six
months, bat whose families live m another
county, cannot vote in this county
Single men -7ho reside here for that time
cannot vote here unless they mvow their
intention of remaining here.
It is now vaguely reported that ths
new code of Georgia, so long talked
about, has at last made its appearance.
A a. yet, however, it has not been fur
nished county officers. For nearly
twelve months the public printer has
been getting or pretending to get this
book oat, and it has been much needed.
Somebody is evidently culpable for this
Iu accordance with a resolution by
the Democratic Executive Committee
passed last Saturday, the 28th of October
a meeting of the Democratic Party is
hereby called to assemble in the Court
House in Bainbridge, on December 1st,
to nominate candidates for County Of-
ficesat the ensuing January election.
Each Malitia District is entitled to
three delegates. Ben. E. Russell,
Turpentine Men in Convention-
According to previous notice quite a
number of the turpentine manufacturers
of this section met at this place last Thurs
day for the purpose of arranging matters
for their mutual interest and protection.
Committees were appointed to arrange re
ports for a subsequent meeting, which will
be held at this place on the 9th of next
month, at8;30 a. m. at which time they
hope to have a full attendance: in fact, all
of those interested in the turpentine busi
ness, as matters of vital importance will
be brought before the meeting for discus
sion and action.—Waycross Reporter.
Gnano Works.
Mr. Hartman of the firm of Dismukes
& Hartman, guano manufacturers. we met
in the city the other day. He informed
us that several fish beds have been planted
preparatory to reducing them .to fertilzers;
that all neccessary machinery for the erec
tion of commodious works will soon arrive
in the city. This machinery will be put
upin.or near, Apalachicola. Mr. Hart- is folly acquainted with the manu
facture of fertilizers, and says that, no
place he has visited affords better facilities
for the business than Franklin county.
We are glad to know that this thing is to
be established in the county. It will, be
sides affording employment for many of
our people, help to bring our coumy before
the notice of the people generally. There
are many acres of marl and muck in Frank
lin. and there is enough fish here to sap-
ply everybody with sufficient quantities.—
Apalachicola Tribune.
The artesian well at i'homasville has
reached the depth of 1.100 feet, without,
getting a flow of water. About 1,000 feet
of the distaece has been bored through
rock- Specimens of fossil 6ea-shells are
brought up from the bottom.
Sheriff’s Sales.
Decatur Sheriff’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Decatur County :
Will be sold before the court bouse door
in the town of Bainbridge, Ga., between
the usual hours of sale ou the first Tues
day in December 1882, the following prop
erty to-wit:
Two hundred bushels of corn, more or
lees, in the field. Two bales of cotton, more
or less, in the field, One sorrel horse mule,
One buggy, and fifteen head of stock cattle
marked with an underbit in one ear and
orop in the other ear, levied on as tffe
property of J. W. Kendrick to satisfy one
County Court Executior issued from the
County Court at the October term 1875, in
favor of Maston O’Neal, as Administrator
of the Estate of J. A Zeigler. vs said
Kendrick. This November 1st, 1882.
Nov 2, 1882.—4t Sheriff.
Decatur Sheriff’s Sale,
GEORGIA, Decatur County.-
"Will be sold before the court bouse door
in the town of Bainbridge, Decatur coun -
ty, Georgia, between the legal hours of
sale «n the first Tuesday in December 1882,
the following described property to-wit:
Lots of land No. (292) two hundred and
ninety-two, (293) two hundred and ninety-
three, (294) two hundred and ninety-four,
(329) three hundred and twenty-nine, (298)
two hundred and ninety-six, (176) one
hundred and seventy-six and (205) two
hundred and five, all situate, lying and
being in the Fifteenth District of said county
of Decatur, and levied on as the property of
Adolphus C. Schaefer, to satisfy one Supe
rior Court Execution issued at the May
Term 1882. in favor of Joseph H. Barker,
for the use of of Gee. M Gill. Trustee, vs.
said Schaefer. Property pointed out in
the fi-fa. This 31it Oct. 1882.
nov 2-4t Sheriff-
The Elections in November.
Elections will be held on Tuesday, 7th
of November in thirty-three States
and all of the teritories. There are to be
elected on that day. 293 members of Con
gress—already tbirty-two have been cho
sen ia Oregon, Vermont. Maine, West
Virginia and Ohio. Conceding to the Re
publicans all they data* ia these five States,
the delegates from them in the next Con
gress will stand equally divided—sixteen
Republicans and sixteen Democrats, so
that if the Democrats elect a majority of
Congressmen in November, they will have
the control of the next House. Hence the
vital importance of every Democrat in the
Decatur Sheriff’* Sale.
jGEORGIA—Decatur County :
Will be Bold before the court hoiise door
in the town of Bainbridge on the first Tues
day in December next between the leg*|
iioursof sale the following property to-wit .
The undividel one-half it ferest in and to
two hundred aud twenty-five acres more
or less, off of lot of land No (106) one
hundred and six. situated fn the 20th Dis
trict of said county of Decatur, and bound
ed as follows: On the West by original
land line, beginning at a certain large
Branch—from thence running North along
the old land line 630 yards, to within 146
yards of the North.west corner of said
lot No 106 ; • from said point due East to
the Bainbridge and Attapulgus road—touch
ing said road at a point 140 yards from
original North land line, said road being
the Eastern boundary ; from thence due
West along the original land line to the
head of a certain dry botton. from thence
down said bottom, running a little North
west to the rise of the w^ter in a certain
large Branch, from thence with the water
of said Branch to the Western original land
line of said lot of land. Said one-half un
divided interest lev ; ed on as t te property
of M. A. Bacon to aatify one Justice Court
Execution issued from the Justice’s Court
of the 694th District, G. M.. of said county
in favor of Isaiah Griffin vs said Bacon.
Levy made and returned by a oonstable.
This 31st of October, 1882
L. F. Burxbtt.
bov. 2, 1882,—It Sheriff.
Decatur Mortgage Sheriff’s Sale.
GEORGIA, Decatur County :
Will be sold before the Court House door,
in the City of Bainbridge, Decatur County,
Georgia, during the legal hours of sale, on
the first Tuesday in December next the
following described property to-wit :
Lot of land numter (248) two hundred
and forty.eight, situated in the 15th District
of Decatur county, Georgia levied on as
the property of Taylor Williams to satisfy
one Mortgage Fi fa in favor of C J. Dooal-
son, vs said Williams. Property pointed
out in said fi fa and sale ordered by Plaint
iff’s Attorney. This 31st October, 1882.
L. F. Bnzrrr
Nov. 2, 1882 —4t Sheriff.
Decatur Sheriff’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Decatur County:
Will be s fid before the court house d oor
in the town of Bainbridge, during the
legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday
in December next, the following property
One gray mare mule named Mary, 12
years o.d, aud one black horse mule named
Jack, about 7 years old. Four thousand
pounds of seed cotton, more or less,
five hundred bushels of corn more or less,
and one hundaed bushels of outs more or
less, all levied the property of D. J. G.
McNair to satisfy One Mortgaee Fi it in
favor of J. D. Harrell & Bro., vs said
McNair, and sundry other fi fas in my
hands. This October 31st, 1882.
Nov. 2, 1882.—4t Sheriff.
Miscellaneous Adv’ts.
Decatur Sheriffs Sale.
GEORGIA—Decatui County •
Will be sold befdtre the court house door
in the town of Bainbridge on the first Tues
day in December next between the legal
hoursof sale the following property to-wit:
Two hundred bushels of corn more or less,
one thousand pounds of fodder more or less,
one acre ot potatoes more or less, four bales
of seed cotton more or less, in the field,
Three bales of cotton, in the house, more or
less, and fifteen head ots'oek cattle, marked
with a crop off each ear, and branded with
the figure *'7,” all of said described proper
ty levied on as the property of D. VV. Porter
to satisfy one Mortgage Execution issued
from the Superior Court of said county
and one Distress Warrant, both in favor of
Aliff Williams vs D. W. Porter. This 31st
October, 1882
Nov. 2, 1882.—4t Sheriff.
Decatur Sheriff’s Sale.
GEORGIA, Decatur County :
Will be sold before the court house door
in the town of Bainbridge, Decatur co. Ga.,
between the legal hours of sale, ontb first
Tuesday in December 1882, the following
described property to-wit:
Lot of land No, (53) fifty-thiee, and forty
acres of land off of Lot No. (68) sixiy-eiglit
—all situated in the 15th District of said
county of Decatur, and levied od as the
preperty of Judson A Butts, to satisfy a
Mortgage Eucution issued from the Supe
rior Court of said county, at the May term,
1882, in favor ot Mary E. Swearingen vs
said Butts. Property pointed out iu the
Execution. T is October 31st, 1882.
Nov. 2, 1882.—4t Sheriff.
Decatur Sheriff’s Sale.
GEORGIA, Decatur County:
Will be sold before the court house door
in the city of Baihbridge, Decatur county.
Oh. between the legal hours of sale, on the
firrt Tuesday in December 1882, the follow
ing property to-wit:
Five hundred bushels of corn, more or
less Three baits of seed cotton, more or less
in the Gin House, Four bales of cotton,
more or less, in the field. One Hundred
Bushels of Cotton s-ed. more or less, Two
acres of Sugar Cane, more or less. Three
acres of potatoes, more or less, Five thous
and pounds of fodder, more or less, One
hundred bushels of oats, more or less, and
Twenty-five head of hogs, all levied on ns
the property of D. J. G. McNair to salisfy
one Distress Warrant in favor of S. W.
Patterson as Administrate of J. C. Patter,
son vs said McNair. Property pointed out
and sale ordered by Bower & Donalson,
Plaintiff’s Attorneys. This 31st October,
Nov. 2, 1882.—ft Sheriff.
JVew Advertisements.
Valuable Property For Sale.
Valuable properly for sale to the highest
bidder on the first Tuesday in December
next : One dwelling house and lot with
stables, out-house &c, located in the best
neighborhood and most desirable part of
the city. Also a business lot on which is a
C’stern. This lot is on the corner opposite
the Hotel and is in a very desirable place
for business. Also a vacant lot in rear of
the business lot, in which I own half inter
est. Terms cash Titles perfect.
Mr. W. W. Wright or Mr. G. B Thompson
will kindly point out the property to
patties. JOHN P. ALLEN.
GAIRO " ■ ■ GA.
of Wagons and a Car Load of Buggies,
and are selling them at from $135 to $44.
They beat anything South for the money.
SST’See B. L Hearn, their salesmani
Is Now in Full Blast.
Will advance all the cash wanted
on cotton stored at our warehouse.
The farmer pays no drayage at
our warehouse.
Our scales are new, latest style,
and true.
Good houeeforthe accommoda
tion of patrons, and stables for
stock. Water convenient.
Thankful for past favors we so
licit a continuance of same.
Aug. 17, *82 Bainbridge Ga.
Local Legislation—Miller County
I will apply to the next session of the
Legislature of Georgia for the passage of
an act entitled as follows: A Bill to
be entitled an act, to require and compel
the Cierk of the Superior Court of Miller
county, immediatly after the atjornment
of said Superior Court, to transfer and
deliver all criminal cases less than felo
nies” arising in said Superior Court,
either by judgment or presentment,
with all the papers connected therewith,
to the County Court oPMiller county [or
trial as required by law. and to provide
and regulate the distribution of costs
arising in said cases, between the officials
of said Courts respectively.
Oct 18, 1882.—4t
GEORGIA., Decatur county.-
Elias Jones havingapplied to me for set
ting aside and excepting a bometead of
personalty. I will pa<s upon the same
at my office in Bainbridge. Ga., on the 15th
.‘av of November, 1882, at 10 o’clock A. M.
Given under my hand an.l offiical signa
ture. tict 24,1882 Maston O’Neal,
Oct. 26-2t. ' Ordinary.
J. A. Donalson
Has just opened in the Bowuc Bloek next
door to Pope & McLendon, a lull and
complete slock of
Both staple aud fancy. Also
which he proposes to sell at the very
lowest cash prices. He sells _
And the CHEAPEST GOODS in town:
Give him a call. Goods delivered at house
to city customers.
1 8 8 2.
Will run a lightning schedule the presert
year, and will keep on band for the benefit
of the public the beat and most select as
sortment of •
Ever seen in Bainbridge. Also,
Country prodace bought at highest prices.
All I ask is a trial, after which I know
you will be pleased.
E A I^olilman,
Commercial Advertisements.
Whigham, Georgia!
Bargains that are rare, tradim.
that is fair, 8
Brings customers in a rush,
keeps business flush,
Goods go easy, money flows
A visit one day and you’ll never
stay away.
Whigham, Georgia,
He Largest Drug House
I fake this method ofinformirp thep
pie of Bainhri-lge, that l wiilsupj.
market every day with llie very hen I
the country affords, and a: most reioun
I Will also supply all oilier meats in t
season. Thankful for past liberal panj
nge, respectfully ask a continuance i-ftif
same. JOllN M. 1N<»RAJI.|
l Aug. 24, 1882.
Warfield StoreJ
Groceries and Grain,
Hardware & Wagi
Material, Paints,
Oil and Pul
$65“Agent for Sashes and Blinds.*$||
After ten years experience in the Drug
trade, we feel safe to say that we have
one if the best selected stocks of Drugs,
Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs. Ac.,
ever offered to the people of this section
of the country.
Our Mr. Grace,
who is a regular licensed Pharmacist, is
in daily correspondence with the largest
Drug Houses and Manufacturing Chem
ists in the United States, and there is not
an opportunity that presents itself but
what he takes the advantage thereof, and
by so doing he can afford to give Itis
friends and customers the advantage of
We have in stock, one of the largest
and best assorted stocks of Fancy Goods
ever offered to admirers of such articles.
Consisting of Combs, Brushes, Toilet
Sets, Puffs, Puff-Boxes, Infant’s Brushes,
Hair, Nad, and Tooth Blushes. Hand-
ketchief Extracts. CologDes, Hair Dress
ings, Bandoline, Pomade, Soaps, &c.
Leads, Oils, Colores, &e.
We have on hand, a largp supply of
White Lead, Linseed Oils, Varnishes, of
the the best make ; Colors of all kinds,
strictly first-class ; Kalsomining. White
Wash Heads, Paris White, Spanish Brown
Vanetian Red, G'.ue, Japan, Asphaltine,
For men, women and children. And
all the Patent Medicines of the day. kept
on hand and so ! d at reasonable prices.
Any goods not on hand will ’>e ord-red
at any time by regust, and satisfaction
Our Prescription Department
Is given attention by T. H. Grace, who
has been in the emplov of Messrs. J. Fale
& Co., of Hawkinsville, for the past ten
years, and they claim him to be one
among the best in tbe State. Tom has a
license from »he board of Pharmacy of
the State ot Ga.. which is a certain guar
antee of his competency. Come, direct
or send your orders to
Pope & Grace,
A Car Load,
•NS just received. Two car loads
way. They are the
Made, and are Warranted. They
and will be sold cheaper than erer bi
Call and see me before purchasing, R& 1
will find what I tell you to be so
at the “Original People’s Warehoo*
Aug. 24—tt,
0. It. THOMASl
Yet Alive!
I desire to say to ray old patrons u ‘l
public generally that I am still inj*J
of the living, but running my nun r “
tirely on the cash basis. In
have stuck to tne Poor Man. aud ® 0 * j
that the poor man, everybody else. *”
other man stick to me. “Fair Jrt™
my motto while I act on the pd 0 ®
“live and let live.” 411 goods soWjtj
Bottom Prices for tbe money.
on hand tbe people want.
Attapulgus. Ga.. Jan. 12 1882'
a week- $l2_a
^^72 *asily made. Cc'tly
Address Tkue & Co., Augusta
The Dcmocrn
Your County Paper $2ajJ
$5 to $2fe,
free. Address