The Bainbridge democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-????, December 21, 1882, Image 1

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    Bainbridge Democrat.
bjis—@ 2 A YEAR,
^ Rene have <* ch th<
,t,.n o<*' V
*| f J,rc*'«-»-«'^P'
. «„• vcur.d in the Star
jtsieri-i}'. waking ten m
Erw' •y* L " rd n,,rby
L it. ScCreUryihip of State
0»*e.tte wy»
ra i. of change# in the
|),,j.,.n. the pniniincut
i u i.t.T. died WilU ' in K l ° n >
[*d.y *H 75
I h p ,. lc . u- u c-mpUin that
L B „kci. them le*o. Tie*
i will m»ke nio»t any body
As Pi**ed tad Approved by the Gov
tie* to aupport public echgol* by loci
*8. T* amend the charter *f the town
of Talbot ten.
59. To iotorpora'e the town nf Salt
1. An act to am*>nc an act a;.proved • Spring, in Dougtae county.
February 29 1876. to enable pu-rhaaer* of j 40. I'o incorporate the Metropolitan
railroH.ia to firm corporation#. ere. j Street Rxilr .aJ Company. «r Atlanta.
2. lo prohibit the a.le of liquor in 41. To increase the liquor license fac
Monroe county. of Clinch county from SlO.(KH).
3. . o provide a -Solieirof for the County { go. I • author!** the tniatoae <>f the
ii >a of the removal of the
.,fWorth emit.- fnni I-»-
Lme eligible P !,tcc ** bein £
[^1 Pres# ArroCixti u say*
p„f Wiiiyhener ha-, declined
irfuiprjf ’’anterbery, owing
-(y V,tnrXt.
.<> change _ .
Lrh.r,; ‘.- 1 New* from
«|,|« tS. the Sultan has had
I .in «rr «n arim-rid carriage
l md grenade pr -of.
■Esett't » Savannah lawer,han
I raving a very uuaavory
i behind him A t<e» great
I tor the (undo of hi« clientH led
I'reutoa cotton mills, of New
lel., which suspended work
irdav. re-utred opperations ou
[ill (he work men submitted to
(it. i« (heir wages.
i"iy li.rgod a Urge number of
l* petition protesting against
of the liquor license in
county. The Prohibitionist*
rit hot for the guilty party.
Minuted i hat not more than
act'the taxable proiverty in the
returned by tax payers at its
f *n the Tax Aei-esaor# should
lighter rein and the Grtud
a# d c-une t« the rescue.
eCoaiiaagln a**-nee on Tuesday
| uaiued Kiluiartin, residing on
le Arrau island*, Was convicted
u»<ly wounding a bailiff and
I by J udge Lav.nou to peual
i for life.
^Ubaii,* Legislature lias wiped
lity ehar'er of Upeiika. and pro
per one. Until the new eh*r-
|it'to effect the citv will be gov-
1 five commissioners appointed
laterer hemisphere you may be,
rp with your feet to the equa
|let your b. d) lie “ true as a
1 the p**l«*," is the advi-e to
I good health and steady nerves
bint-nt German Sieutist. It is
I trial.
'8 the uipht se>s on preceding
auient on the 8't instant, the
Seuate added an amendment
i* bill nt the liou«e, placing
ften dollars per annum on all
1 who drew deeds and other
legal paper* it j g p ,id that
t *a« deviled with the views to
•g op the prectice which Ordi-
Clerk* of Superior Courts, and
‘experienced per* .ns have in
Unities, nt drawing papers which
stand the legal tests.
Court or Oconee county
4. I'o amend the acta incorporating th*
town of I iawkinsville.
5. To amend the acta incorporating the
town of Canton.
6. To prohibit the sale of liquor in De
cat ur connty.
7. I'o cbnng* the time of holding the
Su|teri3r Court iu Crawford county.
8. U change the time cf holding tho
.Superior Coart in Twiggs county.
9. I'o authoriee Hancock county to is
sue 915.060 of bouda to build p Court
JO. To inc.rpora.te the Spring Creek
Caual and Improvement Company.
11. 7’o change the time of holding the
Saperiof Court in Macon county.
12. T he appropriation act.
13. I'o j«ay inaolveut coal# due Justice*
and cousiable#.
14. To reguiate the isle of formulas for
composting fertilizeis.
15. I'o transfer laturens coanty from the
Oconee Judicial Circuit to tbe Ocuiulgee
16. To change the time of holding the
Superior courts of Baker and FrunkiiD
counties* »
17. To incoiporote tho Chattahoochee
Navigation Company.
18. Toe t«x act.
If. To provide for taking privato land
for lighthouse, bcacona, etc., by th* Gen
eral Government to impiuve our naviga
ble river*. etc.
20. To extend the limit* of Augusta.
21. To amend ao act iae«rporutiug the
South Side Street Railroad Company of
22. To uethoiixe the Savannah authori
ties to construct drain* and eewers.
23. T'he deficiency appropriation act.
24. To aoiu-uii the registration law of
25. To authorize tho Aaguata authori
ties to exetciae police control at the heed
of the Augusta Canal, etc.
2G. To incorporate the town of Cbipley.
27. To repeal *eeUou 1278 of cew Code,
as to where elector* may vo e.
28. To authorize app-*la to juriee in
Jus* ices' Court* iu civil case*.
29. To amend the charter of the Bank
of Augu*ta.
30. To prevent liqnor sale* in five milea
#f Damascia Chcrch. Karly county,
31. To amend au act for the sale of the
common* of CoiunibuB.
32. To withdrew the land* of the Au
gusta Lead Coiujsniy front the corporate
limit* ot iS’uuimerviile
33. To repeal the act fixing the liqser
liceuse in ^Va^hingtOll e.unty at f2G.0U0.
34. To amend the charter of Newnan,
Coweta couuty.
35. To prohebit the sal# of liquor iD
Claytoa county.
36. To amend the charter of the city of
37. To provide for only one grand jury
of both weeks of Merriwether Superior
38. To change the time of holding the
Superior Courts of Fayette and lieard
39. To fix the l.quor tax in Columbia
40. To regulate the sale of Icquor in
Randolph county.
41. To provide for an election to pro
hibit liquor Kalf in " ashington county.
42. To prohibit liquor selling at Keho-
both, Wilke* county.
43. To incorporate the town of Clark-
stou. in Itelvslb county
LeVert Feuial- College of I'albolloa lo
transfer the title of tae property to the
Mayor and City Council of I aiGotio,.
€3. T# exempt Wor-h county from
road law* which exempt hand* trom work
ing over three mile* I'roia their resi.»-**€•■#
64. To amend aectiau 4875 of the
45. To fix retail liquor license in Ware
county at 10,000.
66. To amend the charter Atlanta, to
slrit'a out tiiO * ction a lowing *alo ol
book*, map*. cUarla, ate., free from lax.
Utatbfra Opparlaaltle*.
L-iwor aad tvea aiddle Georgia
aoald, if it*woald. rebpse the truck
farming that has given the districts
about If irfoik and Charleston wealth
awi prosperity. We Hava a softer
climate, earlier aeavoo*. and in m-«ny
place* a richer soil. All along the
Gulf road and the Brunswick and
Alba ay and ia our enast counties, and
op th* live* that lead to M*<vtn. there
should bo tiack farm*. There never
w*o a well track farm of twen
ty acres that did n.*i p*y better than a
cottoa faroi often limes the ,-iie. And
this would especially b* the ease
in Georgia oa account of our abil’ty to
take advaatage of th* high price* that
prevail at the opeuing of (he vegetable
and 'ia ill fruit sea**>a. Georgia raised
■tawberries and tomatoes acd green peas
67. 1 o regulate liquor rales iu tieury i sn j oa ions would aucceed those
covnty. j brought from Na-sau or Bermudas.
68. To prohibit aaie of liquor in War- I L „ wer Georgia would send bee ga-dea
reu conuiy. j p r , 1( j u#{# ^ ( 4rife citie* oo the
steanier* that carried away Florida
69 To ameud the iucorpuratioa act of
\V aycroae, in k\ ore county.
70. i o repe«l a liquor act iu Eaatiuan,
Dodge county, aud bx the license.
71. To exempt ceruiu ueiobor* of the
Maoou Votuutecr* Iroui jury duty.
72 To aulhoriae the tuwu of Elbertoa
to issue $12,0o0 bonds.
73. I o odd a (action to the liquor act
for Worth county.
74. To exteud tho time of returning
wild lauds.
75. To provide one grand jury for each
term of Randolph county Superior Court.
80. To amend the revised cha’ter of
thecity of Americas and to provide for tho thvt w-mid be
collection of taxes.
81. To jrt-ovide lor the aole of United
htateo bonds ill me .State I naeury.
vegetable*. There would be no differ
ence iu time, aud therefore oo difference
in the returns. The pn.-ribilitie* of
thia tuduHry at a very iittle uudersUnd
and a-d at all appreciated by our peo
ple. Only hare and there has it
accused a fuuihnld, hut in no iastauce
where it ha* been tried
ha* it proven aosatisfactory. Instead
of gathering a bale of cotton from three
to tea acre*, we alumid endeavor to
tarn our. sun an « *«•) into products
to at least two
acre— ten bales an
acre. There aif^P joe* of acres
! that have yt. ided the equivalent of
82. To amend the acts iucorporafin* j The pri;fi , 9 of , ruct
the town of Peiry (*.-coud act about Perry) .
The New Wild l.nad Tax Act.
A* there is widesja-i-ad iutsreot in the
act of the legislature, recently [lassed re
garding Wild Iannis in Georgia and the
payment of taxes thcreea we publish be
low so much of ill? act as ia pertinent to a
full understanding of it* purport. It i* aa
Sac. 1. Re it enacted by the General
Assembly of Georgia, That the time for j
n-furiting wild lamia ia this State, for tae
year 1882 be extended nutii the firs' day
of Februarv. 1*83. and tue Reee.vers of
the several counties ar« hereoy empower
ed, and required by low, to receive such
return* as may be made of aucu land* as
provided by said act of September 28th.
1881, aud to enter same upon the wild
land digest returned ia their coant*, allow
ing return? of such land* for year 18t*2;
and when such return* a? may be made
u.nier Drovieioii* of tbi* act are received
by llieu, they shall forward # copy of aaam
to the (Jeiupuroller General, to that ho
may enter aaine oo digest of 1882. in hi#
office, forwarded by **iJ Il*Cetver» to his
when forwardiug their digest* a* now pro
vided by law. aud eaarge the tax tltereou
to the i ux Collector of the couuty where
return i? made.
Sue. 2. Be it further enacted by the au
thority aforesaid, I hat the time for th*
payment of taxes due upon wild lamia,
which have been relumed and which may
bere'urued toiler provision of See. 1. of
this act. be extended until March 1, 1883.
and the sale of such land* f-^r noa-return,
or Bor-pay men l of taxea due thereoa, be
suepeuded until Octol>«r 1. 1683.
Approved by the Governor.
farming are simply wonderful, wherever
it is cmducrec^vilh intelligence and
business iwpaoity. The truck farm
should also he a fruit farm, »ud the
fruit that cannot be marketed at good
rate* aliould be dried by the new pro-
o«a««*. This would give employment
throughout the entire season, and at
th* end of it the fortunate farmer
would have before him the assurances
I bat divorsifi- d erop* and cever-failing
market *l«oe afford, with no guano hills
to settle, and no lieua past or to come
to disturb bis mind.
the niece** vri>h which new
11 Agriculture and new methods
in uf*cture are meeting iu the
h*t has turned the lide of emi-
'his direction. No class of
*'li seek a potetty stricken
J. and the prosperity of the
ls 80 tnsrked that none can fail to
* **• The good crops of last
‘h he an in.petu* to this pr- s-
|,D d will nut only be of beut fit
*rvieu' ara| w.,rld. but will have
* 6u ‘ ls J I‘ u the manufacture* of
** tr J U w* I.
l>Iph<h*rla*'w fa re.
A gentlemau residing in the aoethern
part of thecity. whose two little daughter#
were dying last Thursday of diphtheria
saw in the Record of that day a commu
nication commending the use of sulphur
44. To amend the revised charter of the • CuSe * of diphtheria. Aaalast reonrt h*
c>iy of Americas. j made a trial of it. using wa-hed flowers of
46. To |>rovide for holding two weeks’ j , u lph«r and applying '»• direcily to the
court in Mitchell county. j aiembranous growth* in the ibroat* of
46. To amend the acts incorporating t jj e childr -u by mean# of a comntou clay
town of Perry. Houston couuty. j pip«. The eff.-ct wa* magical. Wiibin
47. To fix the liquor license ic Bryan two hoar* they were eoiiipleiely recovered.
While It i* not reasonable to rely eatirely
epon sulphur in the ill* thet besot child-
county • t $5,000.
48. To auieud section 1.762 of Code.
49. To prohibit the **le »f in j hood, it i* doubtful tf tbare baa ever b.*a
three miles of etnel Mi**ionary Baptist * proper recognition of it* raluerxadt-
Cl inch, near Rocky Mount, Meriwether j ftro y er of morbid or tungus meuii.ranoua
comity. i growths in cases of a diphtheritic lype-
50. To prohibit liqnor sales in three ; Distilled or aublimed sulphur, known aa
miles of the Methodist Church, at Rocky • fl.jwers of *hoabl bo
Mount, Mcr wether county.
51. To give 810,000 to rebuild the Dah-
loui-ga College.
52. An act to grant the Floyd Rifles, of
Macon, jury exemption.
53. To prohibit the sale of liquor in 1 er-
rell county.
54. To reduce Sheriff bond of Jasper
county to $5,000.
55. To devote nire of county convicts
to Greene county.
56. To amend the act for the Cowmis-
»J. not the
powdered crujje
Neil Willingham, late of the Albany
News and Advertiser, aow wie d* his
A Novel Theary,
An English writer of aoine eminenee
ha* recent y propounded a theory about
drmkeunes* whioh ha* attracted a good
Jeal of atteotioo. He *ej* that aic >hol
ia on# of Nature’# ageucieato rd the
world of people with di-eased or enfeeb
led wooatitatiiMti. Nc at*a or woman
beoomra a drunkard, according to this
view, a ale.-* there w some hidden vice
of «o«*titbii-ia craving an clcholic
vtiuiulaot. which is Nature * prompting
to get them out of the world. In time,
acemding to tbi? authority, these ferbie
pci-ple wiil he killed < ff, and thus alco
hol will prove a blessing in perfecting
the human race. 01 Course this theo
ry flies iu the face of all experience.
W'e all know ut*n and won<en who
have inherited splendid constitution*,
who yet, through unhappy circum
stance*, are now slave* to the bottle.
How many gifted young men, because
of their social surroundings, have be
come infatuated with alcohol iu some of
ita many alluring forms ?
is often the dull and unimaginative
person who escape* the an*re of the
rum demon, while the healthy, strong,
and exceptionally clever become its
AdTies to “Sweet Sixteen.”
Be glad that you are a little girl yet.
Keep your childhood a* long as you
ean. Th 11 ** days are the happiest you
ever can know in all your lt!v You
mav believe that to be grown up, an i
to have the pleasure* of society will be
■better ; but you never made a greater
mistake. With womanhood comes
duties, care* anxieties, of which you
have no knowledge. 'To marry means
generally to have home and begm a uew
life that may b« full of trials and
trouble*. In these last school days
with uo greater anxiety than yoor lea-
son#, encompassed by th* affections of
your parents, warm and «B*g is th*
fa -ilo Faber for the local columns of , . , ,, , ,
T*vt|. raoer j jj, inie ue st with no more knowledge of
the Macon Telegraph and
Success to Mr. W.
Governor Stepens has pardooed Ed
Cox, the murderer ol Col. B - -b Alston,
who was sentenced by the Courts to a
! sioners of -ring Place, Murry connty, to . ,- |fe j Q t h* PenUentiaty three
issue retail licenses.
67, T* nuthorix* th* EatuulQu
mutheri- |
y«*r* *g»-
tbe outride world than a newly hatched
spring bird has of winter, be content
Time will pass all toe quickly. You
will have many years in which to wish
yourself a little girl again. Linger on
the threshold where ‘ womanhood and
ohiklhsed meet*” an long aa job may.
■ roitx OF the meason.
fitartllng Pr*4icttsi
adiaa Atlrant
The Prestdsot has received a eomtnuni-
aation from Professor E. 8tone Wiggins,
L. L. D., Astroaomer of the Canadian
Finance deportment, aa follows :
Ottawa, Nov. 27,1882.
To his Excellency. President Arthur,
President of the United State*. Washing
ton : May it please your Excellency:
On the 23d of September last 1 announc
ed through th* Canadian press that a
great s’orni would occur in March next;
that it woaid first be felt in the Nort .ern
Pacific, would appear iu the Gulf of Mexi'
co ou th - 9th, aud, b^ing reflected by tba
Rocky Mountain*, would cross thi* meri
dian from the west at noon of March 11.
No v -ssel. whatever her dimensions, will
be safe nut of harbor, and uoae of small
tonnage can hope to survive the tidal wave
and fury of the temjiest. As (he wind will
blow from the soulhest, the planetary force
will be suificiaut to rabmerge the low
laud* of the American const, especially
those bordering ou the Gull of Mexico and
washed by the Gulf Stream, while the air
current* for ae.eral honored mile* along
the east side cf the RocSty .Mountain rang*,
owing to the atmosphere pressure in those
regions, will spread universal destruction.
The N«w England State* wil. also suffer
severely from the wind and floods. No
point outside of the harbor in the whole
area i f the Atlantic, especially north of
the eq lator, will be a place of safety, for
this will be pre-eminently the greatest
storm rhat bos visited this continent since
the days of our iitustiious first President.
In view of this eveuc. therefor*, 1 take
the great, liberty of representing to you
Excellency the advisability of ordering all
United States ships into safe harbor* not
later then the 5th of March till this storm
be passed -
Senator Brown’i Revenue Bi’l.
The first bill of the session in the
Senate looking to the abolition of the
internal revenue system was introduced
by Mr. Btowd.
The text of the bill is as follows :
Whereas. The policy of the Govern
ment of the United States from the
earliest period of it* existence, except
its o*#e orthe emergencies of war, has
been to collect the revenue necessar^o
support the . government by the tax
upon imports; and whereas the exi
gencies of war made it necessary to
vary from this rule, practiced by both
political parties during the late un
fortunate civil war; and whereas a
period of about eighteen years has
passed since the war cloved and the
aoun'ry is now enjoying profound peace
and prosperity, rendering exception to
the general rul* of policy and practice
on this subject no longer necessary;
and, whereas, the raising of tho revenue
of the United Stale* to support the
government economically administered
by a tax upon imports affords a legiti-
irjcid-ntii protection to Ame'ican in
dustry and American productions ; and,
wherea*, it is unnecessary and improp
er to have two large eorps of collectors,
one at the port and the ether to collect
the internal revenues, the latter being
used in a great measure as an immense
political machine to aid the diminant
party in carrtying election*, while said
duplicate system is very expensive and
demeraliitng; therefore, be it
Enacted—First, that the not entitled
an act to provide internal revenue to
support the government, »o pay the
interest on the public deb and for
other parposes, passed the 30th of June,
18t>4, and all act* add to, enlarging
or amending the same, and all laws
authorising the collection of internal
revenue, be and the same are hereby
Sec. 2. This act shall be of force
from and after the Is* day of July, 1883.
Senator Brown lays the axe at the
root of the whole revenue aystem
by the bill which be introduced into
the senate a few days ago. Ha cer
tainly represents the sentiment of the
jyeat majority of the people of Georgia
when he demands the total abolition of
the iniquitous system with all iu ap
Don’t make your wife feel that she
is an incumbrance on job by giving
grudgingly. What she needs give
cheerfully, a? if it was a pleasure so
to do. She will feel better, s« will
Don’t expect your wife to honor and
love you if you prove a man unworthy
of honor and Iota
Whiskey **d T*bacc«.
N. T. 5*n.
The Secretary of the Trvwwry ad
vises that the iatere*l revenue tax**
ns'rpirita, hcer, and tohaco bo main
tained; the President advises that the
ux o* spirits alone be maioUincd and
all other* abolished.
The advice of Gen. Arthur is much
wiser than that of Jadge Folger.
For o*r part we think the whole
internal revenue system is an abomi
nation? Wa would wipe it out alto
gether, and go back to the mode of
suportiag the Federal Government
whioh was in Me before the war. But
if any of th&e hateful taxes is to be
preserved, it is dearly that oa spirits.
The tobacco tax especially ia an odioa*
nuisance. It i* attended by all sorts
of petty oppre-eion sod demoralisation.
For instance, there are iu the eity ef
New York tlono veventeen hundred
cigar factories, big and little, all of
them liable to inquisitorial visits of
revem.e officers. The abuse which
unavoidably exist under such a system
do not need to be described. Nothing
but absolute necccsity can apologise for
the oiaintenaooe of a method of taxa>
tion which can so easily be turned into
the means of outrageous personal op
The co*t of collecting the internal
revenue is now about five million dol
lars a yeir. This sum wiil be reduced
by one-half if the plan recommended by
the Preti lent is adopted’ while the
number of officeholder- will likewise be
reduoed by the return to prfrara life of
from fifteen hundred to two thousand
persons. Moreover, the liquor i.4)ra.i,
being levied upon comparatively hunt
ed number of large manufacturers, arc
not liable to such perversion os the
tobacco taxes.
As we have said, we are for abolish.,
ing the entire internal revenue estab
lishment: and yat, if it should become
ueccessary to choose between imposing
a tax on vbikkey, the whiskey tax
would certainly have to stand. No
body but a fool would advocate taxing
tea and coffee and leaving whiskey un
Palat* far Husband*.
Don’t think that when you have
won a wife that yoi have won a
Don’t caress your wife ia bublic and
snarl and growl at her in private.—
This proves you a hypocrite.
Don’t forget that if you both live as
you should, that you will always be
respected aa genteel person*.
Don’t find fault with her extrava
gance ia ribbons, et*., until you have
shut down on cigars tobacco, whiskey,
Don’t think that your wife has less
feeling than your eweethart bad.—
Her relationship to you has limply
changed not her nature.
Don’t eipect your wife to have no
feeling. Not to have i* not to be hu
man ; and, you were marrying
a lady when you married her, and she
married a gentlman.
Legal Notices.
Homestead Kotice.
GEORGIA—Miller County .-
Albert Pierce having applied to me for
the setting apart and valuation of borae-
stpad I will pass upon the same at my
office in Colquitt. Miller County, Georgia, on
the gib day of December next at 10 o’clock,
a. m. Given under my band officially. This
the 20th day of November, 1882.
16 .M. GRIMES,
2t. Ordinary. M C.
Citation to Obtain Letters of Dis
GEORGIA, Decatur County :
Whereas John W. Wilson, Administrator
of Elizabeth Fain, represents to the court, in
his petition, duly filed and entered on
record, that he has fully administered
Elizabeth Fain's estate. This is, therefore,
to cite all persons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause, it any they can,
why said administrator should not be dis
charged from his administration, and re
ceive letters of dismission 'on the first
Monday in February 1883.
Mastos O’Xkai,,
Ordinary, D. C
Citation to Obtain Lettere c-f Dis
GEORGIA, Decatur County:
Whereas Robert R. Terr»' -. J -u:ais-
trator of William O. Fleming. i» ' . .nis to
the court, in his petition ‘ij.iy j-ied and
entered on record, that he h* 3 i>j:,y admin
istered William O. Fleming’s estate. This
is, iherefore, to cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any
they ean, why said administrator should
not be discharged from bis administration
sad receive letters of dismission on the
first Monday in February. 1883.
OHiaary, D. 0.
Sheriff’s Sales
Decatur Sheriffs Sale.
GEORGIA—Decatut County ;
Wil! be sold btfore the court house door
in the City of Bainbridge ou the first Tii*s-
dey in January next between the legal
hours of sale the following property to-wit.:
The life-time interest of Mrs. Larina
Barbaree (formerly Lavina Harrell) in and
to lots of land Nos. (114) one hundred and
fourteen oa€ hundred and
twentt six and (155) one hundrao and fifty-
five, all situate, lying and beiug in the
90th District of Decatur Couaty, Georgia,
levied on as the property of the said Levina
Barbaree—formerly Harrell—to satisfy one
Superior Court Execution is»ucd at the
May Term, 1881 in favor of VY. A. Lavis vs
D. 8. Thompson, J. S. Thrash and Lavina
Harrell. This the 29tb da; - of Novem
ber, 1882,
Nov 30-4t Sheriff.
•«catur Sheriffs Sale.
GEORGIA, Decatur County :
Willjbe sold before the Court Ilonse door
in the City of Bainbridge, Decatur County,
Gdynia, during the legal hours of - i’ . -
the first Tuesday ia January nod t.'i.'
following described prvcertv to-wit
1-ot of land No. thirty-sir siiuato,
lying and being iu ilie 15th Lis.iict of
Decatur county, Georgia, and ’evied ou as
the propertj of 8. W. Lee. to satisfy oue.
Justice Court fi fa issue-1 from a Justice’s
Court in and for the 1026 District, ij M.,of
Fulton County, G-nrgia, in favor of Kim
brough & Allfriend, vs S. W Lee. Le- y
mao* and returned to me by J.8. Brad wail,
L. C. This November 28th, 1882
Nov 30, 1S?2.—4* Sheriff.
Profession al t 'a rds.
JJiO, X. DOXALSON, HV.TiIv iZ n’Wvit.
Attorneys and Counseicrb <»t Law.
Office in the court house. Will practice
n Decatur and adjoining counties, and
sc where by special contract. a-25 7
Attorney at Law
Trompt attention given to all business en
trusted to me,
HcoiLL & O'NEAL.
A t t o ; .1 e y s at Law.
Their office will be lound over the post of
D r
th o
Has retoovpd his office to the drug store,
formerly occupied by Dr. Harrell. Resi
dence on West street, south of Shotwell,
wherj calls at night will reach him.
J.C. Carry, D. D. S. f
Can be found daily at his office on South
Broad street, up stairs, in E. Johnson’s
building, where he is ready to attend to the
wants of the public at reasonable rates.
Office over Hinds Store, West side
cocrt house. Has tine dental engine, and
v'iil have everything to make his office
first-class. Terms curb. Cilice hours 9
a. m. to 4 p. m. jan,13U:
Respectfully tenders bis professional serv- -
ices to the people of Bainbridge and vicini
Office over store of J. D. lien-ell Sc Bro
Residence on West end of Broughtorf
street, where he can be fouod at night.
April 6,^jj81—
I respectfully offer my services to all who
may desire surveying done. All calls
promptly attended.
D. McLAucnLiir,
Aug. 30. ’82. Surveyor,
JEFF. D. TAI.BERTf trtl. K. V. ' Zil ;
Attorneys anti Co«nse!ora a: Law,
The above have formed a copartnership
under the firm name of Talbert k Harrell
for the practice of law. Will practice in'
m; the courts o r the Albany Circuit. Office
over Barnett's store.
Augrat 14,1882.
Re?I Estate and Oe!ic*jting Agent.
I will ho glad to reetd ire i . pat roDag? of
all who have property t. ... -. ,i. or
collecting fo make. Al! bio ■ .3 . i„
my hands will receive prou.p* ...tcction. 1
wiil look after wild !sr.ds, investigate titles,'
pay taxrs and protect from tresspassers.
1 propose to make ihe collection of bad
claims a specialty. The worse'the claim
the more attention I will give it.
Correspondence solicited.
Aug 1, 11-82.
week- $i2 8 day at home
^-wtsily made. Costly outfit free
Address. Tkc'E & Co., Augusta Maine.
week inycurpvfc towr. Terms'
J riil f6 AQifit free. Address,
H. Baliitt or Co,