Newspaper Page Text
The Weekly Democrat.
I. E. Kawwll Ac Jno HI. Brow».
Editors and Proprietors
no. H. BROWN,
: lirsiNisa Manager.
KI85S8J?T::s BiTIS:
Far Annum
«x Months.
.1 00
Three Months “
tticr 1 * Copy w
Invariably in advance.
The legislature will re-conveooon
the first Wednesday in July next.
Will Porter, negro was hanged at
Perry, in Houston county, on Friday
last for murder of Will Swift, negro.
Evidence is accumulating to the ef
fect that the tariff question will figure
conspicuously in the next presidential
About January 1st all postmaster?
in the U. S. will be furnished with the
new combined letter sheet and en
velope, to be sold at t! ree cents.
A bill has been introduced in con*
gress fixing the rate of letter postage
at two cents instead of three, the pre
sent rate. The bill should bo made a
Farmers, are you in debt ? Then
resolve that you’ll never buy another
dollars worth of goods on credit till
you have paid out. This is too grand
a country for a man to live in debt.
It is the fashion of some newspapers,
when they get hard up for an item, to
abuse the Legislature. On e would
suppose from these editors opinions
that the Penitentary and the Legisla
ture were one and the same thing.
The House of Representatives of the
48th Congress is divided as follows:
Democrats 191, Republican 121. re-
justers 6 , Independents 3, Independ
ent Republicans 2. Making a Positive
majority of 59 for the democrats.
A committee was appointed by order
of the legislature, recently to investi
gate and consider the propriety and
expediency of establishing in this State
a School of technology under the
•upervision and direction of the State
There are sheep in Georgia. There
would be a good many more if dogs
were net so valuable, but it is well
that we have as many as we do
Early and Miller counties lead the van
in the uumber of their sheep Lanier
Collier & Co., of Early, with 2,300.
and John Davis, of Miller, with 1,209,
are the heaviest sheep owners.
Messrs, Scoville and Culpepper
of Atlanta, have purchased the Su-
wanee Sulphur Spring and a large
track of land adjacent in Florida, and
are now engaged in beautifying the
grounds and erecting a magnificent
hotel at a cost of §50,000, A railroad
track is now beiDg laid from the main
line of the Live Oak branch to th^ front
of the hotel. The hotel will be opened
on the 1st of May next.
Near Eufaula, on Friday last there
ocourred a frightful railroad acccident
which resulted in the injury of every
person on board except the Engineer
and fireman. A broken rail threw
the entire train down a thirty foot
embankment it rolling over as much as
three times in the decent. No one
was killed, but a large number were
aerverely injured. They were all sent
to Eufaula and the best medical at
tention furnished them a* the Hotel.
Stick to the party nominees through
thick and thin. The Democracy of
Decatur may have been demoralized in
times past but now they are as solid
as a rock. They march under the
banner of organization, and tbev will
never stop until the enemy are routed
horse, foot and dragoons. It is good
to belong to a party without dissen
sions, and ali striving to gain a certain
object. In the past Decatur Democrats
have quibbled about supporting the
nominees, but since they have learned
that in unity only strength lies and
success is fouad. bickerings have ceas
ed. 1 his is well—this is patriotic—
this is wisdom, aCitesmanship—com
mon sense. “Now jet the wild world
wag as it will.** th© grand old party
of Decatur is sQi'e, sound and march
ing on to victory.
We take it that the people of Deca
tur county will vote for prohibiting the
sale of intoxicating liquors at the elec
tion which is to take place on the 17th
day of April 1333* If it should L.
deiidcd at the ballot box that wiiisk.-y
shall continue to he sold the law
make* it incumbent oa the people to
hare an election on each recurring 17th
of April until the nuisance is voted
out of the countv.
The railroad war is stiil raging in
North West, and the Grand Pashto of
the great lines issue their pronuncia-
mentos with ali the flourishes of a
Mexican grandee. They are laying
wlirat down in Chicago, from the far off
Red River Valley, at reduction from
former rates of 15 c-nts per bushel.
Such rate cutting in freights will rday
merry fcavoc with speculators and drive
somebody to their corners.
The first accession to our timber
trade from the line of the P. & A. R.
R. came rolliog in on Thursday last.
The shipment was made by Messrs.
Milligan A Chaffin, from their mill
at Chaffins, and was consigned to Messrs
II. Barrs A Co.
The P. A A. trains run well filled
with passengers.
The track on this end of the rosd
has been laid cont'nuously to Ponce de
The cotton “bears” are doing a good
thing for foreign cotton spinners this
year. They have hammered cotton
down during the first three months of
the year to a point that has induced
the foreign spinners to come in and
buy 320,200 bales more than they did
during the same period of 1881. Later
in the season, when the grades are
poorer, and the price higher, brother
Jonathan will have to get bis supplies
A great deal has been written and
spoken about the probable completion
of tho old Bainbridge. Cuthbert A
Columbus Railroad. The road ought to
be built, and if the poor devils that
worked their hanJ3 off and spent their
money in the concern when it was
first started are allowed to
reclaim the interest they were
ruthlessly swindled out by somebody
there will be a chance of its comple
tion, and not before. Capitalists will not
invest in an enterprise that is covered
over with claims as thick as \ alatnbro-
s'ai leaves. Let there be a square deal
and a fair cne all around.
Tho Democrats of Decatur met
through their delegates in Convention
and nominated a ticket for county offi
cers. Mr. George A. Wight, a thor
oughly organized party Democrat, was
chairman of the convention. All
sections of the county, we believe, are
represented on the ticket. Now let the
rank and file go to work to elect the
candidates. Dont come any back motions
or tread water polkas in this campaign,
but do like Moses commanded the chil
dren of Israel: “Go forward!” The
Democrats of Decatur gave Henry G.
Turner, the iron-ribbed Democratic
nominee for congress, a majority of 150
votes. There was no discount on his
politics. lie was sound to the core.
He did not equivocate; he was Simon-
pure, and Decatur people understand
the genuine article. Therefore let Qur
county ticket be e'ected by all means.
Henry G. Curry, the Democratic
nominee for Treasurer, is a man whom
all delight to honor and respect. He
is the present incumbent, and has been
so clear in this important office that
friends and foes alike proclaimed his
fitness for the responsible trust. Henry
Curry is a Democrat,because Democratic
rule has been the best for Georgia and
for Decatur county. He is a Democrat
because Democracy snatched the carpet
bag-cursed South out of the throes of
political perdition, and placed her on
the road to happiness and prosperity.
That’s the kind of a Democrat he is,
and the kind every body ought to be.
Whon Radicalism held sway in Georgia,
her bonds were 25 per c<mt below par
in the markets ; her people were dis
pirited ; her soil was not cultivated ; her
waste places were but the howling
wilderness. When Demociacy brand
ed Radicalism with the mark of Cain
and sent it howling back from whence
it came, hope was renewed. To-day
Georgia bonds are worth 12 to 15 per
cent above par—property is doubled
in value—shool houses arc every where,
and education is free—free for the rich,
the poor, tho black, the white—free
for all. Th at is the reason why Curry
is a Democrat, and what disinterested
citizen of Georgia is not of the same
political faith. Let Curry be elected,
and the balance of the ticket, also.
Leon station at Sandv Creek, over 90
miles from Pensacola. Messrs. Lane
A C<4, the contractors, say they will
take Christmas dinner at Marianna if
not delayed at Choctawhatchie river
waiting for the bridge. In reference
to this delay we learn that the con
tractors are under agreement not to
delay, but to cross track ou temporary
work. The impre«ioD is. if any de-
fcy shoud occur it will ouly bo for a few
days.—Advance Gazette.
Savannah has received this season
425,000 bales of cotton, against 438,000
last year to same date.
Now i9 the time to plant fig cuttings
and roots. The fig grows better from
cuttings, and we would advise every-
body to put out enough to supply
themselves ao.l their families with this
delicious and healthy fruit. By get
ting different varieties a succession of
crops may be had from June until frost.
It is also the season for rnn ning grape
Leoal Notices.
Notice to Teachers.
A meeting of the City School Board
will be held at 10 o’clock ou Friday morn
ing the 291*1 inst. for the purpose of se
lecting a teacher for the Bainbridge Acad
emy for the Scholastic year of 1883. Ap
plications should be forwarded to the un
dersigned at once.
T. R. Wardei.l,
Clerk of Board.
Mules Strayed—Liberal Reward.
On the night of 9th of November two
mules strayed from the turpentine farm of
Lightl'oot Bros., in Decatur county. Beth
were very large dark bay mules—a mare
and a horse—Any information regarding
them would be thankfully received, and
a liberal reward be paid for their recovery.
Address. I.igiitfoot Bros.,
Bainbridge Ga.
Dec. 21,1882—2t.
House and Lot for Sale.
I hereby offer one house and lot situa
ted ir. the town of Bainbridge, on the
west end of Shotwell, and known as the
“Old Doctoi Crawford Place.” It has
four large rooms with dining hall and
two slack brick chimneys giving a tire
place to each room ; also a Kitchen with
a brick chimney. The sale will take^dnee
on the first Tuesday in January next, ami
the highest bidder will get the property.
Terms Cash.
TYhigham, Ga„ Dee. 18th 1882.—ids
Notice of New District,
At Chambers Decatur
Court of Ordinary
Sept. 23rd, 1882
Upon hearing the petition of a number of
citizens of the 513th, G21st and 1005th Dis
tricts ol said county to have a new Militia
District laid out and established.
It is ordered by the court that Jolm R
Brock, Josiab L Penitt and Charles L Mar
tin be and they are hereby appointed com-
mis*>ioner^ whose duty it shall be to take
into consideration the expediency of estab
lishing a new Militia District from the
above named districts and report your act
ings and doings to this office within fifteen
days from this date and to designate and
define in your report the lines of said New
District if you should report in favor of
laying out a new district and retu-n this
writ. Maston O’Neal,
The New Orleaus Times—Democrat
has sttuted an expedition to explore
the Everglades of Florida. This ex
pedition becomes of interest io connec
tion wi‘h the effort to render the great
swacjp available fur the production of
cane, oranges and other tropical fruits.
A w althy company is at work to drain
it into the gulf. The work of our en
terprising New Orleans contemporary
will at first be confined to a thorough
investigation of lake Okeechobee lying
in the heart of the unknown land of
swamp and malaria Much good may
result from this exploration of territory j
that will soon bo op,n to settlement i
and cultivation. 1
GEORGIA— Decatur County :
We, the undersigned commissioners ap
pointed by the .Ordinary of said county to
lay out and define the lines of a new dis
trict ont of the 513, 621 and 1065 districts
G. M beg leave to make the following re
port for the boundary lines of the New Dis
trict, viz:
On the north commencing with bonudary
line between lots'of land no. 92 and 93 in
loth dist., running land line, east to the
east boundary line of lot ot land no. 146 in
16th dist., then' on land line between lots of
land nos. 146 and 147 in 10th dist. to dist.
line between land dists. no. and 19 then
west one column of lots then south on line
dividing lots of land nos. 15 and 16 in 19th
dist to south boundary of lot of land no
ltt-5 in the 19th dist 4 -thqn west on land
line dividing lots of land no. 105 and 136 to
the west boundary of lot of land no 36 in
20th dist.. then north on land line, dividing
lots of land nos. 86. aqj 115. to the north
ern boundary of lot of land no. 94 in loth
dist., the starting poi t. And we submit
the above boundary lines of the new district
and beg that the game be accepted and
spread on the minutes or on recoid ot your
office nnd that you at your earliest conven
icnce order an election for Justice of the
Peace in said new district in compliance
with the law.
RespectfuMy Submitted,
J. L. I’fcERin, I f-o m m is-
Jno. R. Brock, Vsioners.
C. L. Martin. )
Filed in office and approved October 24th
1882. MASTON O'NEAL, Ord’y.
Com mercicrl Advertisem evts.
Special Notices
To Public School Teachers.
1 will be in my office on Saturday the
9th, 16th and 23rd of December for the
purpose of paying theaccounts of Teach.-r-
who have made reports if their School.
C. S. C.
Bainbridge, Dec, 2nd, 1882.
Miller Sheriff’s Sale,
GEORGIA, Miller County.-
Will be sold before the court house door
in the town of < olquitt Miller coun
ty, Georgia, between the legal hours of
sale on the first Tuesday in January 1883,
the following described property to-wit :
One town lot, ip the town of Colquitt,
Miller county Georgia, sixty feet front and
one hundred leet back, kaown a. the
Fudge store bouse and and lot. Leveid on
as the property of P C. Wilkins Agent for
the estate of E" D. Fudge, to satisfy one
Tax fifs for the year 1883. Levy mads and
returned t® m»by IV. R. Polle L. C.
Dee. 7th—4t- Sheriff
Atlanta, Ga„ Dec. 11, 1892.
Whereas, it appears from the proceedings
of the commissioners appointed therefor of
file in this office th it a new Militia District
with suitable meta and bounds has been
laid out in tbe county of Decatur, and it
further appearing that said proceedings are
in due form and according to law, it is or
dered that said new district be known and
distinguished as number 1361 and that
proper record thereof be made in the office
of this Department.
By the Governor :
A i.exandrr H. Stephens.
J- W. \\ *rren. Governor.
Sect'y. Ex. Dep.
Dec. 21.—30d.
GEORGIA, Deeatur County. To all
whom it may concern. Whereas Mrs.
Susan N. McGriff as Admanistrntrix of
the estate of P. A. McGriff, deceased,
has made apdlication to me for leave to
st 11 the lands belonging to said estate,
for the payment of indebtedness of said
estate, and for distribution amongst the
heirs ; this is, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned to show cause, if any they
caD. on the first Monday in Febuary 1883
why such leave should not be granted
as prayed for. IJiven under my hand and
official signature, this 11th day of Decem
ber 1882. Maston O’Neai*
mi & Gun
Tie Largest Drug House
After ten years exper.ence in the Drug
trade, we feel safe to say that we have
one >f the best selected stocks of Drugs,
Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs. Ac.,
ever offered to the people of this section
of the country.
Our Mr. Grace,
who is a regular licensed Pharmacist, is
in daily correspondence with the largest
Drug Houses and Manufacturing Chem
ists in the United States, and there is not
an oppor* unity that presents itself but
what he takes the advantage thereof, and
by so doing he can afford to give his
friends and customers the advantage of
GEORGIA, Decatur County :
Robert Donalsoa, guardian of Sarah C.
Jones (formerly Donalson) having applied
to the Court of Ordinary of said county
for a discharge from his guardianship of
Surah C. Jones’ person an.d property, this
is therefoi^to cite all persons concerned
to show cause bv tiling ohjectiors in my ,
office why the said Robert Donalson should -
not be dismissed from his guardianship of
his said ward and receive the usual letters
of dism'ssion. Given under my official
signature MASTON O’NEAL,
r Administrator's Sale.
GEORGIA, Decatur County :
By virtue of an order from the court of
Decatur county, Georgia, will be sold before
the court house door in the city of tain
bridge on the first Tuesday in January next :
I ots of land nos. 1C4, 189, 130, 201 and
202, containing in all 863 acres, lying, situ
ate and being in the 21st district of Deca-
tur conty, twelve miles south of Bainbridge
on the west side of Flint river and known
aa the John C. Patterson place. Sold for
the benefit of tbe heirs and creditors of
said Patterson. Terms cash.
S. W. Patter-os.
Administrator of estate of J. C. Patterson
We have in stock, one of the largest
and best assorted stocks of Fancy Goods
ever offered to admirers of such articles.
Consisting of Combs, Bruj-hes, Toilet
Sets, Puffs, Puff-Boxes, Infant’s Brushes,
Hair, Na*I, and Tooth Biushes, Hand-
keichief Extracts, Colognes, Hair Dress
ings, Bandoline, Pomade, Soaps, &c.
Leads, Oils, Colores, &c.
We have on hand, a large supply of
White Lead, Linseed Oils, Varnishes, of
the the best make ; Colors of all kinds,
strictly first-class; Kalsomining, White
Wash Heads, Paris White, Spanish Brown
\ anetian Red, Glue, Japan, Asphaltine,
For men, women nnd children. And
all the Patent Medicines of the day, kept
on hand and so'd at reasonable prices.
Any goods not on hand will be ordered
at any time by regust, and satisfaction
w <?ek. $12 a day at home
Sfjf <%reasily made. Costly outfit free.
Address Thus & Co.. August? fln p r.
Is given attention bv T. H. Grace, who
has been in the employ of Messrs. J. Fale
& Co., of IJawkinsville, for the pa-t ten
years, and they claim him to be one
among the best in tbe State. Tom has a
license from the board of Pharmacy' of
the State of Ga.. which is a ceitain guar
antee of his competency. Come, direct
or send your orders to
Pope & Grace,
When you want your Christmas Goods
Whoever you may be, ’
The Chief of the Grocery Tred e
He Will Supply You With
The prettiestand the neatest, the Sourest and the Sweety
The Best, and yet the Cheapest that ever you did see
A splendid Assortment of Toys, Handsome China Tea and foj| a »
of from \2 to 56 Pieces, each, at COST Glassware ap ?
Crockery of every description. Tinware, Lanterns and
Lamps from a Brass hand Lamp to splcudid Library and Par
lor Lamps Complete. Also the largest and most Elegant As
sortment of Fancy Candies. Candy Fruits and Toys in the City
A full and complete Assortmeet of Fancy and Family Groceries F
Nuts Tobaccos and Cigars and with Capt. E. R. Peabody t 0
them up lor you, and GEORGE BRUi E my HANDSOME m r v
C A P/W » .. r . I— n: * » vKl
WAGON to take them to any part of the City
I Guarantee Satisfaction!
^Lncl General Metal Workers,
Works, Corner McDonough and East Boundary Ok
A Tremendous Thander Clap has Struck our Prices This Week
And Torn the Bottom Out!
Goeds at an Enormous Sacrifice will be offered tor the next
It is almost incredible that JONAS LOEB can and will sell his entire stock it *
ruinous low prices, but the season has so far. auvanced, tha. he is determined r»ik*l
Slaughter his goods away at
Than carry tha same over to another season. This is % chance seldom offered wj
public. You can bny, fresh and new goods far below its value, and tb®F
lie can save from twenty five to thirty per cent, by calling on
And get some of the biggest bargains ever offered before in the town.
Owing to the dullness in the mercantile ’ orld caused by the heavy decline
I was enabled 10 make some large purchases recently in Drv^Gooods. Fancy Good*-
f 1A TV Q P Ant a o n/1 C k aa® LI — . — i >1 . . 1 • /-* • . - ■ It L Cvf 1
tions, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Groceries, etc., by paying Strictly tiafli
same and bought my goods cbeapor than the cheapest. Call early aitd be confine* 11 *
I Mean Business”
Respectfully Yours,