The Bainbridge democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-????, March 05, 1908, Image 1

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Here Shall the Press the People’s Rights Maintain .V JOHN M. BRflWH. | BfliSBSIOSE, GEORGIA. THURSDAY MOStNINC, MARCH 5, 1908. i Vol. 39—Ho. IS-$leo a Yur news is dnl! we know il - n ot. always be so. There are „,t separate ruinations of the ,. ru p to come yet. \\\ ;»re not disposed to make a , n- to realm, *& long a we ' t,a sufficiency of’the coins them elves. 'IV difference is probably in our ‘•Teddye" Auti'truet policy. The aore folks the more dishonsty, • t jjp ,.;d world only it is now c8 :jed “Gratt”, >IIiC ;. Atlanta has been dependent on C'lnttanooca tor her spirits not so much is heard of the Atlanta 6 ;,irit. That Chattanooga brand Ktm- to he less rambunctious. jr e ill right to talk about a forest r ,. fer v.. but it isn't yet too .ate to g ive come strong doses of forest pre-' 6,rv»- to the people, as there is still chance of it doing some good. A man in New York says there is more honesty in public affairs today than in the days of George Washing* ton. If that is true, the gratters then certainly had a better system ui keeping their deeds ; n the dark. -Lxchange The Macon Telegraph thinks we need railroad regulation and not strangulation, But even The Tele graph will admit that without a fitrangle hold the railroad will not take regulation. Ail the ‘ distress cotton” has been sold, and those now having the sta*. pie on hand are able to hold, and arc doing so. This has balked every effort to the bears to depress the market, and high prices may be looked for in the near future. New York is excited over a man who speaks a language which no body has been found able to under*. *tand That’s nothing. Our police in the old days often picked up men who 'spoke this same language, and occasionally br ng one in now via of the Express office. “Brainstorm’’ will be the defense of Young Hargis for killing his lather. From all accounts he gathered brainstorm from the same kind of drink that was so well patronized by Harry Thaw. No sooner was it announced that t ie motto “In God We Trust” was to be put back on our coins than the objection was raised that this would not make them auy better. iou jn«t can’t please some people, no tna’ter what you do and, as a role he is a fool who tries. Ar.d to think that “You are a •* ar - broke out in Congress just when the Shah ot Persia and the ^ of Spain both had, after feel> themselves all over to be sure • }' were still alive, to hoist thmr respective windows 3nd yell out: re not assassinated! The re* ?'.Tiers here, too, are liars !!” To Delinquent Subscribers* Postoffice Department at ’’ ^iugton issued an order on December 4, 1907, which requires ‘ ta: ail weekly newspapers sent to '"' ;i r ibers who owe for more than -■ year's subscription, shall not be ^untied to the mails at the regular r "Wsprper rate of postage. behave some subscribers on our J wTo are in arrears and we them to settle their sobscrip. at once. Those who fail to ‘.ue by April l«t, 1908, their names * have to be stricken from the list. BISHOP H. M. riORRISON. Bishop H. M. Morriscrt. The official board ot the Methodis-t Church here have been advised that Bishop Henry M. Morrison will spend Sunday, March, 8tb. in Bain- bridge, and will preach in the Court House on this oeeasiou. Bishop Morrison i- one of the most distinguished ministers in iho Southern Methodes 1 Cbuvch. Prior ;o his election to the Bishopric in 1898, Dr. Morrison had served as pastor in many ot the leading aps pointments throughout the church. In 1890 he was elected by the General Conference to the ■•ffiee cf Missionary Secretary which position he filled with great honor and success when he was (tailed to the higher office ot Bishop, As preacher, writer, and leader Bishop Morrison easily stands in the I front ranks ^among the leading ministers of the country. The officials of the Methodist church have extended an invitation to the other churches in the city to worship w ith fhem at the 11 o’clock sorvice. As many out of town peo ple have signified their intentions to attend the services here on the 8th. ot March it is safe to predict that the Court House will be filled on this occasion. The officials of the church will meet the Bishop while here in a body. An invitation is hereby extended to the many friends of the Metho dist church to meet with us in divine service the above mentioned time and place Municipal Debt Growing:* The rapidisy with which our municipal indebtedness is increasing isn’t generally realized observes the Savannah Morning News. In fact, very few pay any attention to it unless they are invited to do so by such men as Mr. Justice Baewer of the Supreme Court. In an address in Cooper Union, New York he commented at length on the great increase in our municipal indebted ness and kindred matters. Among other things he said that “our most dangerous trust is the trust that posterity will be able to pay our debts.” Of course our national debt isn’t much, only about $1,000,000,000, and the total of our state debts isn’t alarming, but our municipal debts are increacing at the rate of more than $150,000,000 a year- The debt ©f the city of New York is more than $42,000,000 and it is practically eertain that it would quickly become as large as the debt of the natioD if there wasn’t a constitution’ll limita tion. Whenever there is a margin for a bond issue there is a demand for more bonds. It all comes about this way: The 1 people of the cities want all the improvement they can get, and j they believe in letting posterity j bear the burden ot their cost. Be- j sides, every city administration, wants to make a record for improve, ments. The aldermen want to hold on to their places by pleasing the people and nothing pleases them more than improvements. Im provements mean money scattered among wage-earners, and this money is put at once into circulation and helps to make trade lively. It is probable mat there] are not many towns in Georgia that are not thinking ot putting out im provement boDds, or haye not recent ly issued bonds. Atlanta just now is agitating the issuing el a $1.0«0,- 000 improvement bonds and no doubt there is now a similar agita tion in this city. Afler all, woul dn’t it be a wiser plan to be a little less extravagant? There come times when the interest on the bonds is a pretty heavy burden to ca-ry. Name Your Sausage The state department of agri culture has issued an order as the result of an examination by the state chemist ol sixty-five samples of sausage collected in various parts ot the skate. Eleven of the samples sold as pure pork sausage were found to be mixed sausage, which is a distinct violation ot the pure food law, and . offending parties are notified that f they will in future be prosecuted. A number of the other samples were found to contain various chemi* cal preservatives, which are prohibit ed by the pure food law, and atten tion was directed to several specific instances where sulphite of soda was used. Commissioner Hudson's order warns all dealers using such preserv atives that they are violating the law and that prosecutions will foh lew unless such violation is discons tinned. There is no part of our public duty which is more important than the preservation ol the beauty ot the tres of our streets and jparks. We must I eep an eye to the aesthetic as well as to the material aspects ot the city. It would be particularly unfortunate to allow anything like careless and uncientific cutting of the shade trees which, have attained large growth and have been given i little attention for years. The i citizens whose homes they shade 1 and beautily should take a personal i xsride in the, and be always anxious ! hat they receive the greatest possU j ble care. For Ordinary, I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Ordinary for Decatur County, -ubject to the action of the Democratic Primary to be held on March nth. As one evidence of my fitness for this place cf responsibility a..u trust, I cite my fellow citizens to my ree rd of service on he County Board in years past, aud add a pledge of faithful discharge cf duty for the future if elected. After 49 years residence amorty the citizens ofBainbridge and Decatur County, I deem it unnecessary to make a more extended statement in this announcement. On account of recent illness my canvass is necessarily limited. Respectfully, L. O. Jackson ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR STATE SENATOR. To White Democratic Voters of Decatur County: I am a candidate for State Senator from the Eighth Senatorial District in the ap proaching White Democratic Primary upon the principles and planks enunciated in the Siate Democratic platform of 1907, of Macon, and as championed by myself in and out of season for years past in The Bainbridge Democrat and endorsed over whelmingly in the State election of 1906 and subsequently in our local Prohibition campaign and by the State Legislature of 1907. My convictions on these and correllated questions of local and State policy I should like to see embodied in statutory law, in a spirit of conservatism, with due regard to vested rights and equity, and if hon ored by y#ur choice I shall make it my bounden duty to subserve our County’s, our District’s and the State’s, and thus the whole peoples best interests. TOHN M. BROWN. FOR STATE SENATOR. To the White Democratic Voters of Decatur County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the State Senate from the Eighth Sena torial District, subject to the approaching Primary, I pledge, if honored by election, to do all within my power to advance the best interest of our district and the entire State, without any promises or favors to any one. I will give aM the People a square deal, whatever their calling in life may be I heartily endorse the present State ad ministration. I will appreciate the support of the Voters very much. L. C. TOOLE. FOR REPRESENTATIVE- I hereby announce my candidacy for Representative from Decatur county, sub ject to the action of the coming Democratic white Primary to be held Wednesday, Maich 11, 1908. I earnestly solicit the support of my felllow citizens, and promise if elected to do all in my power to perform the duties of the office fearlessly, conscien tiously, in all things looking to the public good. S. BRINSON. FOR LEGISLATURE. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Representative in the General Assembly subject to the white Democratic convention to be held on March Iith. 1 pledge myself to support the Democratic principles as laid down in the Macon platform. I am an organized Democrat and have been in De catur county from childhood. I respect fully solicit vour support. CHAS. L. HARRELL. FOR LEGISLATURE. I announce myself a candidate for Repre sentative fr v m Decatur county subject to the action of the Democrat.c white Primary. If elected, I will do all in my power to merit your confidence. I will faithfully and fear lessly discharge every obligation incumbent on me as your representative. On account of pressing business matters just at this time, I ask the influonce and interest of my friends in behalf of my candidacy. If you see fit to honor me with the noxnmation I will be truly grateful. W. T.*NICHODSON. FOB REPRESENTATIVE. At the solicitation of friends I announce myself a candidate for Representative in the Legislature subject to the action of the white Democratic Primary, and I respect fully solicit the support of the voters of the county; and pledge myse.f, if elected, to subserve, to the best of my ab:*iiy, every interest of the whole people, without prom ises or favors to any one. 1 am a Confed erate veteran and will do what I can to take eare of the interest of the old soldiers and their widows. Remember me. W. J. M. Sh*TH. FOR REPRESENTATIVE At the solicitation of friends I announce my candidacy for the House of Representa tives, subject to the will of the voters of Decatur county, as expressed at the white Democratic Primary tobeheld March nth next. If chosen to represent the good peo ple of Decatur, I will appreciate it and do all 1 can to advance the interests of the people. A. A. SUBERS FOR JUDGE CITY COURT. I shall be a candidate for re-election as Judge of the City Court of Bainbridge, subject to the action of the approaching White Democratic Primary. If I am again honored by the people by an election to this office, I shall faithfully and sincerely strive to merit your continued confidence and approval. W. M. IIARRELL. FOR CITY COURT SOLICITOR. To the Citizens of Decatur County: I desire to announce that I am a can didate for thje office of Solicitor of the City Court of Bainbridge, subject to the Democratic White Primary. -* If elected I will discharge the duties of the office faithfully, and to the best of my ability. 1 re-pectfully and earnestly ask the suf- rage and support of the white citizens of Decatur County. M. E. O’NEAL. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as Clerk of the Superior Court, subject to the action of the coming Primary, and solicit the support of the voters of the county, I sincerely appreci ate the confidence of the public in the past and shall lend my entire “fforts to merit their continued confidence. Respectfully, C. W. WIMBERLY. \ FOR SHERIFF. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the Democratic White Primary to be held soon. I feel that my service as Deputy Sheriff for the past three years should better capacitate me to fill the office. I pledge, if elected, a faithful and active, honest and impartial administration of the aflairs of the office. I shall highly appreciate the favorable consideration of the voters in the eoming primary. JNO. H. EMANUEL. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Decatur County, subject to the action of the coming Demo cratic Primary, feeling that my success as Deputy Sheriff for the past four years should fnlly capacitate me for the duties of the position and make me acceptable to the peoble. I respectfully solicit the sup port of my fellow citizens. D. R. BARBER. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Decatur County in the coming Democratic Primary, and if elected shall bring to a discharge of the duties of the position all the energy and capabilities of my being, and shall duly appreciate the suffrages of my fellow citizens. A. B. GRIFFIN. FOR SHERIFF. At the solicitation of many citizens, I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic white Primary. My reputation and ability as an officer is well known. Having been active in the prosecution and , convic tion of blind tigers since the Prohibition law was passed is conclusive evidence that the public can rely upon me for its en forcement, if elected, I pledge to give it, and the Vagrant law. special attention. I believe every good citizen should and will endorse their enforcemeht. My ability as an officer has never been questioned and if elected, you are assured of a faithful and impartial discharge of ail duties connected with the office. I earnestly solicit the sup port of every voter in the county, especi ally those wno favor the enforcement of all laws that would be beneficial to the public morally. Thanking yta in advance for your support and influence, I am Yours truly, C. A, HELTON. FOR SHERIFF. I respectfully announce myself a candi date for Sheriff subject to the Democratic Primary to be held March nth. If elected, I promise a faithful discharge ol the duties ofthe office. I'- -A- SMITH, FOB COUNTY ASSESSOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office cf Tax Assessor of Decatur county, subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary, to be held this spring. I solicit the votes of my fellow citizens, assuring them, if elected, to faithfully and conscientiously discharge the duties of the office. THOS. T. JACKSON. FOR TA IIYER. I hereby annoi—<. ... self a candidate for the office of R -ce’ver of Taxes in th coming Democratic White Primary and i elected will, to the best of my ability dn charge the duties of the office faithfully ant conscientiously. A native of the count; and a life long Democrat, 1 respectfully as' the favor of Democratic voters and ask n.y friends to kindly interest themselves in my behalf, the time before the Primary render: ing it impossible for me to make a thorough canvass. AARON P. LONG. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Tax Collector of Decatur county, subject to the Democratic Primary. I desire to thank my friends for past favors, and trust that I shall again be given the the office which I have tried tc fill to the satisfaction of everyone. J. W. BUTTS. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. 1 take this method of announcing myself for re-election to the office of County Treasurer, in the Democratic Primary, subject to its action; ami respectfully solicit the suffrage of my fellow citizens— piomising, if re-elected, that the same fidelity to duty which has characterized my -gst record in the position. Deeply grateful for past favors, I res pectfully and earnestly solicit a continu- nce of the same. Your obedient servant, GEO. S. McNAiR. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the con ing Democratic W’hite Primary. I prom ise, if elected, a constant and faithful attendance upon the duties of the office. I have been a life long Democrat and have lived in Decatur county for thirty yeajs, and have never before been a candidate for any office, but have been a loyal private in the ranks. My present position will make it impossible for me to make a thor ough canvass of the county, I therefore ask my friends to interest themselves in my behalf. I will appreciate the public favor at this time. E. H. DANIEL. FOB ORDINARY. Tc White Voters of Decatur County: 1 take this method of notifying you o my candidacy for re-election to the offic of Ordinary of Decatur covnty, in the coming White Democratic Primary, and I respectfully ask the suffrage of my fellow- citizens. Should I be re-elected, I pledge the same fidelity to the duties of the office as has characterizen my past incumbancy— always observing those principles of Justice and Equity and the Law as shall subserve the State’s, the County’s and the citizens’ best interests. Thanking each and all for their past support, I am gratefully T B. MAXWELL. FOR ORDINARY. I will be a candidate for Ordinary at the approaching Democratic Primary election. I ask the support of my friends in all parts of the county. If elected to this office I make the voters ofthe county one promise: To discharge the duties of the offiee con. scientiously, honestly, promptly and cour teously. J. D. TALBERT. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce my candidacy for County Commissioner in the White Demo cratic Primary on the nth of March, from the Fourth Commissioners District, vice J. E. Harrell, whose term will expire with th« current election year. If elected, I promise faithful and earnest discharge of the duties of the offiee, having due regard to the question ol expenditure ef public monies and low taxes. R. E. L. MONROE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce the can didacy of Mr. J. A. WELLS, of Faceville, as candidate for County Commissioner in the white Democratic Primary'on nth of March, from the district represented by Hon. A. Cook, whose term expires with this year by limitation. We commend him as a man worthy the highest eoasiderat: Keeping Ope© Boom 1 . Everybody Is welcome when feel good; and we feel that v- ociy when oar digestive organs ara working properly. Dr. King’s Ne« Life Piils regulate the action o' stomach, liver and bowels eo pei ‘ectiy one can’t help feeling goo4 when he ases these pills. 25 cit at all druggists.