The Bainbridge democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-????, June 18, 1908, Image 1

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Here Shall the Press the People's Rights Maintain V JOHN M BROWN. BAINBRID BE. 6E0RCIA. THURSDAY MORRINC, JUNE IS, 1908, Vol. 39—No. 16—Sl.eo a Year r A.. —A.- ^ — - - -- EDITORIAL ,J- ,, .v rnor Hughes makes a mighty j , ,i :; .ce starter.—Savannah Press. \Vi. v? Is the governor an old baclp'ior? o A Hoston girl is said to have six ne-iarate and distinct personalities. Ti« ueedeless to add that she is a “nt'vr woman,” and has a number oi exemplars—in some respec’s — much nearer home than Boston. “The vermiform appendix is ab solutely useless,” sayB the Wash ington Herald. Not so, for what would the world now be siying of Georgia’s political condition, tor she* is evidently suffering with political apendicitis, and without the very vermiform attachment, so recently made manifest, diagnosis would be most difficult. lion. Joe Hill Hall goes back to the legislature from Bibb. What, say,* the Axgusta Chronicle, would th'' legislature be witbou Joe Hill Hall? One thing is true, it would be a more pc arable sar.e an ; savoury \tmther scientist ha? come ier* ward with the announcement that ti.i sun is gradually cooling off and that posterity will freeze to death, btr it is very difficult to be very much impressed with such prognos- ii^tVms as long as we are to have campaigns as hot as the one which closed on the 4th o* June. 'Notwithstanding his defeat, Gov. Smith received nearly ten thousand more votes in the primary than he did in ID06. This shows that the oppos tion to him was not the spon taneous affair that the Joe Brownies would make believe, but was born of a carefully planned and vigorous 1 ly executed scheme ot retaliation. Has anybody noticed that there have been few assaults in Georgia since prohibition was obtained? Turn sack to the records made in June a year ago, two vears rgo, three, four, five and six years ago ana say if we are not compensated a thousand times over, taking noth ing else into acsount. “The people paid a high tribute to themselves in passing through as warm a campaign as the one which has just closed without a single personal collision, so tar as we are aware.—Ex. They should i ay tribute to pro. lubition, or what is more to the point, to people who are^responsible lor prohibition. There were fome exceptions to the rule of sobriety and decency. In some instances liquor was used and vote buying practiced, but they were isolated instances. It was Georgia’s soberest election. The Joe Brown management should not fee? bad over the decli nation of Judge Callaway and Ed;* tor Pendleton. There are a whole lot of the faithful left, who are will* to accept positions of honor, trust or emoluments, as the case may t»p.—Macon News. It is rather an evidence of moral ■in' m the gentlemen named we ' ike it. that they decline. At the end cf his first term Presi dent Cleveland was defeated about as Governor Smit' was defeated. Later he was re- elected bv an oven whelming majority over the same man who had defeated him at the end of his first term. Our predicts tion is that IIi ke Smith will be the strongest and most pooul r man in Georgia in less than' two years Nobody doubts his ability, every, body knows ol his great energy and indomitable will, and principles for which he stands will live far beyond m tin* effect ot the recent election. Already some prominent Geor- bome three or tour cars of Thomas . i .. l^o.i .i T„,.c gians are predicting that a Johnson county melons were loaded lties- | - n => •lav. This opens up the season a j lit t’e early, but the reooits come j :r m every quarter that melons are ?tu\\\!.—Thomasvilie Press. Are we to understand lrom this ! | prefer Brvan because he is outspo ken on all the vital issues of Demo* everything contemporaneous with the time is to be small, because Georgia s recently elected such a »ni:ill man govwrncr? Perish the the';! delegation will be sent to Denver from Atlanta. Johnson would be a splendid candidate. Some people >ay that his record on states rights is a little bit hazv. These people is 1 <>*-k about you with candid ej e »i'J "U shall find that the malady °f the age is lack ot individual cour- *C*\ Sack of individual integrity of thought and action. One of the most pamful features, Outside of the defeat ot the people’s 'vider in the recent primary, is tbe re* crop of aemagogues the success c ‘ - v Brown ha? brought to tbe b nt m the state ot the hot air T *netv. % It will he interesting to note two •ears from now how cohesiVe has 1 " vn the alignment ot railroads, ' r l* s, liquor interests, dis- f °nifitted politicians and % Tom Wat. v t.;t s who encompassed the defeat ( ’ ov - Hoke Smith tor a second term. T; " fc i resent convict leases expire c -• April and the legislature will tbe next thirty or forty days Decatur’s Delegation. To the State Democratic Uonven* tion, to nominate a state ticket and promulgate a Democratic plstlorm on the 23rd inst, consists of the fol lowing named gentlemen: L F Patterson, R G Hartsfield, J G Garrett, A R Benton, S A Ein stein. E J Willis, C C Brown, J H Gilp n, M H Nussbaum, M C Will iams, F S Jones, E T Hines, J L Davis, I A Allen, T E Gurr, j C McCaskill. Alternates—R L Z Bridges, W H Harrell, L Ball, J W Napier, M C Johns, D R Bower, John (Jkason, W j M Smith, I K Horn, D B Sherman, C G Powell, H M Gra ham, Alfred Bird, Cenrad Harrell, D S Oliver, Jacob Young. Want of Discipline. A lack of discipline is one great curse of this age of the world. In the family, tbe school and the colleg youngsters grow un to do as they please. There is a mawkish sentiment which is evidence of de generacy and which prevents the old .fashioned, wholesome enforce ment of authority among children and youtu. It is not good for so*, ciety and not good for the individ* uals. In every family a^d in every school it is desirable to have some stringent regulations, if for no other reason than having them complied with. The best foundation for characterh the habit of submission to authority, and the tun# to acquire that habit is in childhood and youth. None can ever become so comp lent to wisely direct as those who have first earned to obey. The looseness and instability of fami’y discipline and in the insistence of silly and inefficient parents that the same looseness of discipline shall be carried in the schools, from which it easily extends into the colleges. The fledgeling in college will turn out a much more useful member of society if be is made to behave hi mi self or clear out. cracy. But Governor Johnson is nea'er being a tariff reformer than Mr. Bryan. Mr. Roo.-evell now has but a few j days left lu which to make his third and final declaration that he will not accept a renomination. But he is not improving the opportunity, and if he runs he will be re-elected. Tom Watson’s interest in the Democratic party is limited by the extent to which he can make mis chief within his ranks. His nomina. tion for the 'vice-presidency on the Democratic ticket would be about as appropriate as the suggestion of a Methodist hishop for Pope of Rome. — Herald. Business Scholarships. We have three lull, life Scholar ships for sale at very attractive- prices for young men or young ladies—one in Southern Shorthand and Business University, Atlanta and Albany, Ga.; one in Thomas, ville Business College, and one in Stanley’s Business Coif ge, Macon, Ga Each of these institutions strictly first class and secures paving positions for all graduat* with salaries paying *75 to $151 ner moith. See or write Editor Jernocn Bamb ;dge, Ga. What shall We Hare for Dessert Try JelLc, the dainty, appetizing economical dessert. Can be pre pared instantly—simply add boil ing water and serve when cool. Flavored just right; sweetened just right; perfect in every »ay. A 10c. package makes enough dessert fora large family. AH grocers sell it. Don’t accept sub* stitut.8. Jeil-o complies with all Pure Food Laws. 7 flavors:— Lsmon, Grange, Raspberry, Straw-* berry, Chocolate, Cherry, Peach The Best Pills Ever Sold. “After doctoring 15 years for chronic indigestion, and spending over $200, nothing has done me as much good as Dr, King’s New Life Pills. I consider them the best pills ever sold,” writes b. F. Ays- cue,of InglesHe. N. C, Sold un der guarantee at all drug stores. For Voting Machines. Henceforth The Democrat is in favor of the county and city jointly nyng voting machines, election day. It consumed part of Tnursday and all that night to count the results ot' au election in which only 2,200 votes were cast, divided up in 12 precints. Then to consolidate that number of votes it occupied the executive com* mittee from 12 o’clock to 2:30. In New York State, and other states where voting machines are used, it would requi e about five ruinates to get. the entire resuP, number of votes cast, how many each candidate received and the consolidated vote, no matter wheths er it is 2,000 or 200,000. There are no ballots to print and count, no keeping tally, or any of the cler cal work that is necessary for such elections as was held Thursday. And the voting is so easy. No getting a ballot from tbe managers and going off to figure on who to vote for and who to scratch, no keeping the clerks busy in dropping the tickets iu a box, and all that sort ot thing. There are managers, of course, but the voter goes into tbe preemet, pushes a button against the name ot' the candidate he wants to vote for and that’s all there is to it, no mat* t r how many names on the ma chine. Wich these machines, when the hour for closing conies all that is to be done is fo one oi the managers to give a turn or so oi a crank, hkc a cash register, and out drops a panted *lip with all tie votes on it, ready tor the record. Enough money was spent last election sn bal’ots and clerk hire to buy enough machines for the city and county to last a lifetime. kidney The Atlanta Constitution wants Bryan -:nd Watson for the Demo- j 95*. era?ic national ticket Does Clark) mTirmH PlilMrilin Howell intend to succeed Joe j BETTER THIR SPIRKIRSn Prown, and is this ins method of spanking does not core children of bed* n'acating the Populist Warwick ot wetting. There is a constitutional cause p.acaimg n.c * for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Bor Democratic goveruors ot Georgi *. ^ Notre Dame, Ind., will send free to any toother her successful home treatment, with fall instructions. Send no money, but wtMli lWf> The Atlanta Journal wants to ^nte her today if your children trouble you i'h«Be“r‘coDyictrsi'ain,e know why there is so much effort to m Jto ~T-., ** ££££ private parties or 1 train necroes tor the hum, when no ^oconowldojwl js«d %>*** ••'Mon the public rendu j one trains any for the kitchen. with mWlilfcntoi* H * I ACT QHI/i Delay Has Been'Dangerous in Bainbridge. Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in times of danger. Backache is kidney danger. Doan’s Kidney Pills act quickly Cure ail distressing, dangerous ills. Plenty of evidence to prove this. Georgo W Herring, 113 Madi son street, Thomasville, Ga.,-avs: “For several years 1 suffered more or less from kidney and bladder trouble. Sometimes I had pain^ about my hips and in my limbs and I felt tired and languid most of the time. My kidneys wer sluggish and occasionally, when voiding the secretion 3 , there was an intense smarting sensation. Poan’s Kidney Pills gave mo re lief at once. 1 have never faKcn them long enough one time tu completely cure me but I can say that whenever I use them, re’ief tollows. My advice to others , bothered in the same way is to ! give Doan’s Pills a trial,” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 j cents. Foster-Mil burn Co., Buffslo, , New York, sole agents for the j United States, Remember the name—Doan’s —and take no other. A Grand Family Medicine. “It gives me pleasure to speak a good word for Electric Bitter-,”. writes Mr. Frank Conian of No 43*; Houston St., New YorK. “It’* a grand family medicine for dy-p^p* aia and liver complication?; while for lame hack and weak kidney* it cannot he too highly recommend- \ td.” EL ctrie Bitters regula.e the digestive functions, purify the blood, and impart renewed vigor and vitality to tho weak and de bilitated of both sexes. Sold un der guarantee at ail drug stores. ‘teen as Wen as len Are Miserable by KiJney end Bladder Trocbia. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, iscourages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerful ness soon disappear when tbe kidneys arc out cf order cr dis eased. Kidney tree" le has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the old urinates too often, if the urine scalds q flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet ting, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment ot these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition oi the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect ot Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sob! by druggists, in fifty- cent and one-dollar Size bottles. Yon may have - sample bottle by- mail free, also a Home of Sunmp-Boot pamphlet telling all aoout Swamp-Root including many of the thousands of testi menial letters" received from sufferen cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad* Legal^Ac' ements DECATUR * iIFF SALE. GEORGIA—Decatur County. Will be sold, before the Court Honse door, in the Citv of Baiubridjue, in sa ! d county, during tbe legal boors o: sale, on the Virst Tuesday in July next, the following described property, to- wit: Two h undred {icoj acres of land off of lot of land No, one hundred and ninety, one [191] situated in tbe 27th district.of said county of Decttur, and kn<vwn as the Ash place in said district and county, and levied on as the property of R. P. Ash, de fendant, to satisfy a city court lila, issued from the city court of Bainbridge, in favor of Bower & Bower versus R. P. Ash and one other fifa in my hands. This June 9th, 1908. L. F. PATTERSON, Sheriff. dress, Binghamton, N. bottle. Y., on every POISON Bane Pains, Can cer, M] sa, Met We Will SendSampleSltowing Hov B. B. B. (hires Above Troubles, ais« Eczema and Rheumatism. For twenty-fix 3 years Botanic Blooc Balm (B B H) has'been curing yearly th lands of stiff e-ers f om 1 rimary, Secndarv or Tertlarv Blood Poison and all forms of P:o*d Disease. We solicit the most obstinate eases, for BBB cures where all else fails. If you have exhausted the old methods of treatment and still have aches and pains in bones, back or joints, P,heu- ma-.ism, Mucus Pi tches in mouth, !St re Throat, Pimp^s, Copper-C olored '-pots. Ulcers on any part of the b- dy. Eating Sores, a eruu down or nervous. Hair or eyebrows falling out, *ake BBB. It kills the poison, makes the blood pure and rich,healing every sore und com- pietely chsnKimr the entire body into a clean, healthv condition. CURES ECZEMA Itching, watery \ listers or op-11, itch ing bnmors, Rislnas or Pimples of Eczema all le*ve after killing the po* son and pur -tying the blood v ith St B H. In tni- way a fiord of ; ’.re. rich blood is sent to :!•<• skin --uaface, the itching stop* f..i<-ver a;.d every humor or sore j- hca'ed and ft. red. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM (1! I; B) is pleasant and safe to take; composed of ’pure Botan-c lnarecienis. It purities and en -icfaes the bloi-d. DHU -GI*Ts$I i’EK L 1 RGK BOT TLE with directions furTiome cure. DECATUR SHERIFF SALE. GEORGIA—Decatur County: Will be sold, before the Court door, in the city of Bainbridge, iu raid County, on the First Tuesday in July next, during the legal bonta of sale, the following described property, to-wit: One certain tract or parcel of land situated in the village of Diffee, in said county, same being in the 15th dtstrict of said county, said parcel of land situated in the corner of the two [2] acres bounded on the north by the church, east hv property of Jim Davie, on the south by croperty of Mamie Davis and on the west by Church street in said village, the same being a house and lot in said village known as the Charlotte Davis home'place and levied upon as the property of Jessie Davis to satisfy a justice court fifa issued from the justice’s court of tha 1188 district G. M. of said county in favor of B. S. Calhoun vs. Jessie Davis. This June 9th, J908. L. F. PA TTERSON. Sheriff. DECATUR SHERIFF SALE. GEORGIA—Dkcatub County. Will be sold, before the Court House doc- , in the city of Bainbridge, iu said county, durine tiie legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July next, the following described property, to- wit: \ Two (2) seres of land, with duel ing and barn thereon situated in the North eaet corner of lot- ot land No. (2Mi) two hundred, and tiftv, in the 2<'ti: District of said county and state; and know j; as the Dock Campbell hits, bought from J. 8. Thomas, and ovied upon i.» tbe properiy 01 Pierce iJ^wie, defendant, to saiisfy a justice court fifa, iseoed ft- m the justice’s eou t of the 1392 District • M. of a aid county, in favor of J. P. Speight, plaintiff, versus said 2’ierce Bowie, defendant. Levy made and returned <0 me bv W. S. Ballou, Jr., constable. Thte June 9th, 1908. L. F. PATTERSON, Sheriff. FREE BLOOD CUBE COOION This coupon (cat fr< m B-inbridge Democratj, i- g oi for one large i-am- ple of Ktitr.pic Blood Balm mai ed free in piain packages. .S;mpiy fill in your n me ar.d address on dr i-td lines be low and mail to BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga; Stale name of trouble, if you know, j DECATUR SHERIFF SALE. GF ORGJA—Decatur county. Will be sold, before the Court House door, in the citv of Bainbrideo, in udii county, during the legal hours ot sale, on the first Tuesday ia Jntv next, the following described propelty, to- wit: Ten [to] acres of land stluated in the 14th laud district of Decatur county, Geor gia, bounded as follows: On one side by land Belonging to Paralee Bugga, and on the otfier side by Wilson Odum and on the other two sides by land belonging to Del Williams lying in Jot of land No. three hundred and one [301] in the 14th dis'rict of -aid county and levied upon a 1 - the pro* perty of Naicis Williams, defendant, to satisfy a justice court fifa is-ued from the justice court of the 1430 district G. M. of said county in favor or J. W. Clark vs. said Narcis Williams. Levy made and returned to me by W. C. W illiams constable. This June 9th. I0c8. L. F. PATTERSON. .Sheriff. ARE YOU SURE That the iee cream yon buy ia strictly FCRE f Do you know that the makers’ haada were clean, flies excluded from the factory, and freezers. and other utensils kept in Sanitary Condition! Why take any chance where your health is concerned < Why not MAKE AND FREEZE YOUR OWN ICE CREAM la 10 MINUTES FOR 1c. A.PLATE Jell-o IGE CPU Mill It ia so easy. Simply atir contents of one 13c. package into a quart of milk and freeze, without cooking, heating or the ad dition of anything else. This make* two quarts of ice cream, clean, pare and whole some. A good ice ere am freezer can he bought for a dollar or two which will last for Tears, t id will soon save its cost. 2 "pack, ^ea JXLB-0 ICS CREAK Pow der for 2-5e. Flavors: Chocolate, t onilla, Straw- berry, JLemcn and Unflavorcd. Sold by all good groeers. The Genesee Pure Food Co., le Key, A f. DECATUR SHERIFF SALE G eurgia—Decatur County. Will be sold, before the Court Hoquo door, in tbe city of bridge, in e*id , county, durie-g vbe legaf hours of tala 'on the first Tuesday in July next, tbe following described property. to-»it: One house and lot situated in the city of Bainb idge, in said county, bounded as fol lows: On the west by Washington street, on ihe north by property of Eliza Ann Campbell, on the east by property of Lucy Mayo, and on the souih by property of Jane Lyons, said Ioi fronting on Washing ton street seventeen and one half y..rds nnd running east from Washington -dreet thirty-five [35] yards.arid levied upon as tne property of Charlie Harper, to satis fy a jt\s‘ice court fifa issued from the 513 district G. M.of said county, in favor of T. S. Hawes vs said Charlie Harper, and Other lifas in my hands. l evy made and returned to me by C. A. Helton, constable. This June 9th, 1908. L. F. PATTERSON, Sheriff, PREPARED INSTANTLY. Simply add bo* ing water, cool and serre. 3*c- per package f ail grocer*.* 7 ffzvcra. Refuse ail snhnimtea. CITATION. GEORGIA—Decatur County. To AH Whom It May Concern: D. D. Stahi, having in proper form ap plied tome for permanent letters of admin— i>tration on the estate of Abram Kendrick late of sajri county, this is to cite ali and singular the creditors and next of km af .-aid Abram Kendrick to be and appear at m> office on the first Monday in July, 1908, and show cause, if any they can, why per manent administration should not be granted *0 said D. D. Stulls on said Abram Kendrick’s estate. Witness my land and official signature, June 9^ 190b. T. B. MAXWELL, Oulinarv. OAHTORIA. 80»t» ^TUfcaUntonVmr*** Big—Mm