The Bainbridge democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-????, July 16, 1908, Image 2

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> > - J The Democrat «lSO. M. BROWN. Editor & M’g’r. .OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF SHERIFF, OB' ihnaby, CLERK SUPERIOR court and county commissioners, second class miier at Rainbrkige, Ga., postoflite. BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA, JULY 16 Only One Term. The following statemant was maile by William J. Brvan when he re* ceived the announcement ol h’s nomination: “The honor ol the presidency is the highest official possession in the world, and no one oecapying it can afford to have i is views npon pub lic questions based by personal am bition. Recognizing his responBK bility to God and his obligations to his countrymen, he should enter npon the discharge of his tinti. s with singleness ol purpose. “Believing that one can best do this when be is not nlanning for a second term, I announce now, as a have on former occasions, that i! elected I shall not be a candidate Jor reflection. This is a nomina' tion as purely from the^people as it can be, and if elected my obligation will be as pmrely to the people. 1 appreciate the honor more because it came not from one person or a few persons, but from the rank and file, acting freely and withou^com pulsion.” make rayse.f necessary to the bu‘i ness. No matter how “scarce” times tre, there are a few employees who re never laid off, nor are their wages cut down. These are boys wiio mak*- the wheels eo round. And it isn’t Braids that counts most; it is Intent. The difference is this: the Bunch plot and plan for personal gain tor ease and a good time. The- other kind wovk for the bouse, and to work for all is the only wise way to help yourself. Gen. R. E. Lee Born After the Death of Mis flother The one hundred and first anni-> versary of the birth of Gen. Robert E. Lee. recalls the little knpwn fact that he was b»rn more than a year after his mother had been buried tarnishing to the world ODe of the meet astonishing oases o£ revivi* scence on record. General Lee’s mother was by no m< ans an entirely healthy woman, and the pby siciaa at Stratford, Va., the home of Henry Lee (Light Horse Harry,) was kept in constant attendance. Mrs. Lee suffered from catalepsy, and during a prol nged traucc she was pronounced dead. The body was prepared tor inter- ment, and the morning of the third day after her supposed death the remains were laid in the family vault in the graveyard of that pretty little Virginia village. Members ol the family amie fre quent visits to the vault, and while the sexton was cleaning up and ar ranging some flowers to be placed on the casket, he heard a faint voice Is Pension Commissioner Lindsey to be a victim of factional politics? The friends of Jdr Brown are some of them insinuating that Mr. Lindsey’s head will be reqaired for an act he comm tted during the recent cams | 38 though of some one calling for paign that was considered in the j assistance. Of coarse the old man interest of Ho!.e Smith’s candidacy.) was somewhat alarmed but as he —Ex. Well, why shouldn’t it be so? Are not the “spoils” the prioe of modern political service? and was not their failure tp ’ recognize this fact a great cause of both Cleve land and Hoke Smith’s passing? ' a -,-j k: Bryan Some More For the third time William J. Bryan stand* as the standard bearer ol the Democratic party, his boms ination being compassed by the necessary twosthirds vote. ‘ What* ever may be his persistency and his grip upon the party it must be stated that he got the nomination fairly, in spite of overwhelming pro 1 - test from every part of the country. People may say that there is fanati cism on the part of delegates from the West and timidity in the ranks of the Eastern leaders, and undue complacency in thu South. But the nomination comes without the pres sure of official patronage and with*, out the influence o hired delega* tions. Whatever else the conven tion at Denver was, it was a con vention ol the people. It was a githeiing of th plain people, - who thought they knew what. they wanted, whether they did or no, and who iu spite of all precedent, in spite ol the dictates of prudence, in spite of the looks of the things, or .he prospect, er the promise of poli tics, put up William J. Bryan, to be elected or knocked down, as the fortunes of war may determine. And that ibr the third time he will lead the party to defeat, we think, is as certain as the election in November. had seen many years of service in the “city of the dead” he did n «t leave the vault. He lis’ened closely and the voice was distinctly heard again.. Becoming satisfied that the voice ea me from within thfe casket he at onee set to work and opened jt, discovering that Mrs. Lee was alive. Releasing the' poerr woman from her awful fate, assistance was soon summoned and within a short time she was sale in bed at her home. : Mrs, Lee% recovery was .slow, but she did regain good health, and a little more Urn a year after she was buried alive her youngest son, Robert E., was born arid thus came into the world one of her bravest men.—Ex More Taxes. The general assembly has got down to work and is busily engag<d upon the great and main purpose fo which the Georgia legislature exists, namely the enforcement oi old tax Jaws and the devising of new.’ Our recent Democratic 4 P-.ate con- Vinth-n iuudh declared' fora reduc tion oi taxation, but the ink is scarcely dry up.n the paper before our hlw-making body is bending all its energies to the sharpening of the edge of old taxes and the devise* ment and enacting ot ones hit’ erto unheard of The apathy ol the public on the subject of multiplier and onerous taxation is one of the marvels of the da\. It really looks as if people delighted to bear burdens, 3nd like an ox or an a*a did u»t leel at home unless pulling a load. But the real truth is that those whoTtear the bur- Which Clast?, Young Man? I den are in despair. There are so ii'eal purposes, • h<r y j.-riu a I*rge ieompm t, weii o ganized and ener* ! getio 'on-' that has things its own i many persons now upon the pay-roll, In every business house there are | ai)(l ^ K1 „ 0 . (lf , w ... wa nt to get tw.. diet,net classes of employees. |. bete&nd roaiiy otrrtS w ), aid One we may call iho Bunch, and ^ abet th*, irrny of recipients and these are out for a maximum wage j as pj ric t,. tor and it minimum service. They are | tll , „» (jl . ... „ apt to r grt-d their employe? as the enemy, and in tneir spare time they persistently “kno.k.” They. _ i hew the n.eo who lew ti e tax^s j don’t teel 1 he weight thereof. Un* 1 dtr the abominably false system of i popular represea avion which pre- The other k.nd get ibeir sleep, | va | Is in thi . state the U w-mMn K .e r u!« c3.ii.. o.» *.ueir E.neitoni 5 p OWt . r , s no t lodged in a fair and iansjuh, no ciiqaes, and hustle for j jwtlv pr ., wrti cBed legisia ive ss- Ihe house. If I were a youth I keep bad hours, overeat, overdrink, overdraw the r s lari. -, and arc “off their f ed” at !e »st one dar m a week. ll would not compete in .the twelve- dollar,a-week class. Like George Ade who went to Chicago iu order to get away from mental cnupeJtion, I’d set the Bunch a ptcc. I would! . sembly. Wealth and numbers are put a- a fearful disadvantage. Wuat ores a member from a county which takes morv out « f the state treasury than it puts in, how high Legal Advertisements CITATION FOR CHARTER STATE OF GEORGIA, ^ Decatur County. f To ihe superior Court of said Gounty: The petition of D. W. Hodges, E. T. Thompson ard H C. Thompson of the said county and state respectfully shows: 1. That petitioners desire for themselves their associates, their successors and assigns to be iucorporated under the corporate name and style of “Btfhson Trading Com pany” for a period of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of that time. 2. That the principal place of business of said company shall be in the town ol Brinson, in said county and state, but pe titioners desire the right to establish' branch stores and offices elsewhere within the county and state, whenever the holder of a majority of the stock of said company may desire so to do. 3. That the object of said corporation is pecuniary gain and benefit for itself and its stockholders. 4. That petitioners propose anddesi e ta tie incorporated for the following pur poses, to-wit. to operate and conikuct a general mercantile business, to buy and sell real estate and personal property, to buy and sell 'cattle and live stock of all kind, to buy and sell farm produce of every character, and to engage in and carry on all kinds of trading aperations not con trary to the laws of the state, of Georgia or the laws of the United States 5. That the capital stock of said cor poration shall be ten thousand live hundred dollars, the entire amount of which ts now paid in, and they desire the privilege of in creasing the said capital stock at any time to an amount not to exceed twenty thous and dollars, and that said capital stock shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. 6" That petitioners desire the rigfit to sue and be sued, to plead and be im« pleaded, to have and use a Common seal to elect such officers as (hey may desire to conduct their business .properly, to make all such by-laws and regulations and to do all other things that may be lawful and necessary for the successful carrying on a business of the said corporation, and to execute notes and bonds as evidence of in debtedness incurred, for which may be in curred in the conduct of the affairs of the incorporation and to secure the same by mortgage, security deed, or any other form of lien under the existing laws. 7. That they desire for said coiporation the power and authority to apply for and to accept amendments to its charter of either form or substance by a vote of a ma jority of its stock outstanding at the time, and ask authority for" said corporation to wind up its affairs, liquidate an,d discon tinue its business at any time it may deter mine to do so, by a vote of two thirds of its stoek outstanding at the-time. 8. That they desire for said corporation the right of renewal when add as provided bv the Laws of Georgia, and that it have all other such rights, powers, privileges and immunities incident to like cor.-, porations” or as are permissible under the. laws of Georgia. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be incor porated under the name and Btyle aforesaid with the rights powers, privileges and. im munities herein ‘set forth* aftra as^aie.uQW or may, hereafter.he'4ljow|d-,»>corppration of similar character' under the laws of Georgia. And petitioners will ever pray, etc. Notice To the Stockholders of the Bainbridge Northeastern Railway Company." This is to notify yon that there will a specialTneetihg of the stockholders ol the Bainbridge Northeastern Railway Co., at the offices of the company in' Bainbri- 1 'e, Ga., on the 30th day of July, tgoS, t 3 o’clock p. m., for the purpose ofprovi ,;ig for an issuance of bonds on the road, .nd other business. June 30, 190S. E. SWINDELL, Preside t. Leave to Se*l. GEORGIA, l Dbcatur County{ Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has apphed othe Ordinary >f said County for leave to sell Jandd belonging to her wards, f r purpose of maintenance of said minors, and said application will be heard at the regutar term of the Court of Ordinary :or said Count .' to be held on the first M. >nday in August, 1908. This 'July 8.1908. M’-OME SHEFFIELD Natural Gu*dian for three minor ehil- ren of J c°rb Fairclot"", deceased. DECATUR SHERIFF SALE Georgia—Decatur County. Will be sold, before the Court House door, in the city of Brlnbridge, in said county, during „he legaf hours of sale on the first Tuesday in A'ug. next, the follow;»g described property, to-wit: One^ planing machine No. N 16—114 and one other machine No. 1526 situated in ■the Planing mill and Novelty Works of defendants, in the city of Bainbridge, in said County, and levied on as the property of Moore & Jester, Geo. B. Moore and T. W. Jester, to satisfy a City Court fifa from the City Ceurt of Bainbridge in favor of H B. Smith Machine Co., vs. Moore & Jester, Geo. B. Moore and T. W. Jester. This July 8th, 190S. L, F. PATTERSON, Sheriff, DECATUR MORTGAGE SALE GEORGIA—Dbcatur County. Will be sold; before the Court House ioo>, in the city of Bainbridge, iu said county, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday m Aug. next, the following described proparty, to- wit: One dark iron grey horse mule about six years old named “Jim, v and one sorrel mare mule about six years old named “Mary,” levied on as the property of J. L. Wester, Jr., J. C. Wester and J. J. Strange, to satisfy a City Court mortgage fifa in favor of H, A, Saunders vs. J. L. Wester, Jr., J. C. Waster andj. J. Strange. This July 8th, 1908. L. F. PATTERSON, Sheriff. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L D, TALBERT, Attorney 1 f; Attorney 1 far Petitioners. Filed,in office July ijfb, 1908. i c. w. wimberley; 'f: , >• Clerk.. , GEORGIA—Decatur County: I hereby certify that .the foregoing i* a true and correct copy of fhe original pe tition for incorporation of“"Brinson Tending Company,” now of file in.niy office. Thisjuly 13th, 1908. ■ ** C. W. W1MBBRLEY, Ci^rk Superior Court. NOTICE. * • The Bainbridge Northeastern Railway Company has filed its petition with the Railroad Commission of Georgia for auth ority to issue bonds in an amount not ex ceeding two hundred thousand ddlars. the proceeds from the sale of said bonds to be used in paying the existing indebtedness of said railway Company and in equipping and compIe:ing the construction of its railroad. Notice is hereby given that said petition will be heard by the railroad commission of Georgia at its office in Atlanta, Georgia, on August 5. 1908, at 10 o’clock, a, m. This July 9, 1908. r6-4w E. SWINDELL, President. WILFKED C, LANE, . Attorney and Counsellor at Law* VALDOSTA, GA. » V * , * * , Special attention to U S (Juirt and Patent matters. • , . . M. E. O’NEAL,: "J attorney and counsellor at 4 LAW, .And -REAL-ESTATE AGE^T, Will "• "practice- in ;aH the State courts. - Special attention.given to.the.Irfves- gatlon of Land Titles ai^ci the Law ’.I Administration; DOCTOR KINa UK tu KUBIE B0CTQ1X- OLIEST IR «£ A«» LOWEST LOCATED. REeiiUR " ■ » WE OFfEB TOU THE LARGE ARB «LU«lE EIFT a " Ck B *?* HTn »1 “"WISHED AHD MOST RELIABLEHull KfH L**? AuthorizeU by the sute to treat ^ CHMlie irfiLPTr" MEASES. Wa guarantee to refund non"?!-?' t» cines furnished ready for use- co mereon^VAn'S used. No*detention from busir.e.-s ™ 0T treated by mail andjexpreas. ~i* «* Bgajjffia J>J2- xnm mu a*f of sjMimxm- P«r*on, or by totter. Call or write today Ntrveut Dobltlty and Waakntssat strioture «««^ BO IK* rAKTilt* rnnrtrfnl fuilv and »imb. - IVIMI U h&rmfni . | TT I gjf 11 r n * .3 Jkf Dm tx* r*BUlt« or yonttrful folly and eneet-* hr - rm fal lnssrumMn? •» w. Of Mtnf aee—e.u.-lnff loaaa* by draami «r "irUb r«in . nd * i.pitnand blotchM on tba teco. rnJhe».oi n-i!i ne 4, bull(rl ' f o V oun dfc b J? I to tOTihetd, pain? In the baek,1conrused “ oli w. and forc*«a:n«»iyWabfa'.aeit, aversion to society' curst .a lee* Of vital force*. Ion of manhood, etc., cured tor P, *. tti » dlsea... "J book fJj* Ufa. We can atop night 1 o*m*. restore lest vitality. VlHCfifillla Enlarged Tetn. _ 0 develop and mature yonne or middle aifcd who are ( auiing nrrr^£ i 5l_ , mw weakly sad wraofcs and make them at for marrlaire °" *P*" erTnu »»rti«m.etc., (■■iillla thatterrlabledisease, In all It»'forms|S"Vl'*i 11 - P * r— * B ® t bso52j ajpnlllStaad stace*. onred for life. Bios 1 " “ J - ‘ Hofeonina, Skin Piaesises, Ulcer*, Bweliinps, Son* e uiseas«B.n klma * _ o-* v a. ' ~’. Gonorrhoea- Qloet and all form«"of prtTstteuiseassR.'BrL t M _ f _ oJL cured f stay Cured. Wt guarantee to rafund your » H I Ml 0 S I S withont > !^? ri * lit t MrmaUfiit'v ciintd. i m.. money if not permanently cured. Kldasy Bladder and ““ vnccessfully treated and ly cured. FILM and I . by pelnle** aid bloodless method*. . prosi*ticP.9°! c . 1 ’"3S«"r~ ;! a: DR. KING MEDICAL CO., " ’“aTLlSrSwSl ^ (Thoroughly responsible. Legally incorporated ut.,•■ T":n»w r ' H A\ DONALSON & DONALSON, ATTOFNCYS-AT-LAW. Bainbridge Ga. Offices in SUingler Building. DR. E J. MORGAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bainbridge Ga : Office at rear of the Wiilis Drug Store D. TALBERT J. W. TALBERT TALBERT & TALBERT, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Offices at Bainbridge and Brinson. Practice in all the Courts. jDUCATUK sheriff sale. GEORGIA—Decatur County. Will be sold, before the Court door, in the Citv of Bainbridge, in said county, during the lesal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in Aug. next the following described property, to wit: All of that certain house and lot situated in the city of Bainbridgs, in said county, and located on the North side of College street, and bounded on the North by property of Mildred Bouie, on the Ea=t bv property of Angeline Davis, on the South hv College street, and on the West Ly property of Will Jackson/ the same being the property conveyed by Hattie Mann to defendants, on the 6th oi February, 1906. and recorded in the clerk’s office of the Superior Cokrt, Book “B3,” page 735. Said described property levied upon as the property of defendants, to satisfy a City Court fifa, issued from the City Court of Bainbridge, in favor of N. H. Dickenson, vs. J. W. Moore and Mamie Moore '1 bis July 7th, 1908. U F. PATTERSON. Sheriff. WALLACE D. SHEFFIELD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bainbridge Ga Office* Upstairs in Hamil Building. DECATUR MORTGAGE SALE vtiC Iff Os £.."ui . GEO RGI A—Decatur County: Will he sold, before the Court bo ,se J doer, in the city of Bainbridge, in said 1 County, on the First Tuesday in Ang. next, 'during the legal horiis of sale, the following described property, to-wit: One black mare about ten years old named *‘Beli;” one single horse wagon “TnornhiH” make, levied on as the proper ty of J. P. Yawn to <5tisf> a mortgage fifa issued from the City Court of Bainbridge at the June term, 1908, in favor of I. A. Alien, vs. J. P. Yawa. Thu, July S'h, 1908. L. F. P .* 1 TERt ON, S:. or iff. W. C. J0NF5. High-Grade Ty 1 i n g and Brick’Laying. SdSlT* A Postal card or a message will ra°et prompt attention, w. E. BUSH & SON, First Class Masoarj, Tiling, Plastering and Cement Wort OF ALL KINDS. I All work FULLY GUARANTEED and t replaced if not satisfactory a: onr own expense. ! Mail orders to Postoffice Box 26*, Bainbridge, Ga. Refer by pennigmort » the Editor of the Democrat. f POT IN A TELEPHONE It multiplies jour neighbors.. Serves as a Messenger Boy It is a Protector, Saves time and labor, Keeps you abreast of the times. In toHch with the markets, the greatest of all modern conveniences. You can&ot be without it if von value your time, The co9t is small. Service is unexcelled. BAINBRIDGE TELEPHONE CD, Sltuoes "Ete-pairei c* hTgriffin’s Harness Factory - - AND - - Vehicle Repository,;; CALLAHAN BLOCK. AT SHORT NOT IC| ' ---.AND IN - - The Best Style f •- /: ' SEWED OR TACKED INAUGURATION Of Semi - Weekly Freight Between Hew York and Brunswick By the Brunswick Steamship I With five new Steel Steamers, Lapaoty 3,000 to- e Each, Sati lk ^ baw, Ogechee, Ocmulgee and Altainalia _ Effective April 1, 1908, Connectionf-at Brnnnw;c»T Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Railroad Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, Seaboard Air J.ine Railway and Railway and ibeir connections. Freight Shipped by This Route will be Handled 1 and Despatch. C. L. DI1ION, Vice-President and General Manager; J. R- Traffic Manager, New York. qua re Engagemen n:?.de will every s^le inthisatore. It is that if ihe article purchased i* cot exactly as represented it can be returned and the money will be returned withont ej> eslion. But we are very Careful A v -out Our Jewelry WESLEY WILLIAMS, Old porter, late of Pinev Woods Hote:. Carriage, Baggage and Utility Service. We know Thomas conntv and her good people and we are glad to transfer you 10 any part of Thomasviilv. pr- fw 25 e«n>* 'V) 344Boutb Madison St, Thom svil e , u ^ “ don’t buy it nutii we have examirnd it fh-ren^hiy. Sc wt Lave everytRing ali lieht. Our gnaran- lee is Kcati. e w<- know ti e ebaractf r of w hat we sell. Townsend Jewelry Co. Bainbridge, Ca. Vm THE GOOD OLD SI IS WHEN YOU tiZtO mM£ r 1w CHA^J We have over 3,000 Perch ==F*0'>i the Factoey to^v ^ ^ hnb E«l«, roxtb KoVfote, 2- 75 \ ' Locfccfs, ^ m** 90 LManx— U-sh i °p ***** FLORIDA CHAIR f ACT0 ^