The Bainbridge democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-????, October 22, 1908, Image 2

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/ V THE DEMOCRAT J. M. BROWN, Ed. & Mg'r OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF SHERIFF, ORDIRA BY, CLERK SUPERIOR COURT AND COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS- E.itered ** class mail matter at Ban ht'tlfct-f' *»., postoflice. Bainbridt''-, Ga-, Oct. 22, 1908 4 There abundant rea-son for the belief tha’ iMr.Bry*n is elec ted th*- price of cotton will advance. Ourantee of hank deposits will put an end to bank runs,bank fail- area and make your auvinsrs sale. So it appears that New York js the pivotal state. The candidate who carries s w York will be elected. iti H national tarapaign is nearing toe home stretch, and both parties will be doing their level best from low antil the 3rd of Novemoer The revised version as applied to our Dresent presidential campaign. should read. Many were called but only one was chosen. Bill had a billboard. Bill also had a board bill. The board bore Bill, so Bill sold the billboard to pay bis board bill, so after Bill sold his billboard to pay bis board bill the board hill no longer bored Bill. Governor Hoke Smith states that indications point to a big Demo cratic victory. It is the governor’s opinion that with sew YorK state Bryan is certain to win, .and he has a good firhting chance with it. Complication upon complication has recently risen in onr pnolic at* fairs, ail due to the slovenly man ner in which legislation is now enacted — Angnsta Chronicle, Sure; and isn’t it the truth! A man m Waterbary, Co., wanns arrested and lined |2o for kissing his wife on the street car.—Augusta Herald. lie ought to’ve been—the galoot! He should Lave kissed her on the lips, or cheek. At least four judges of the United States Hu pro me Court are to be ap pointed during the next four years. What show will labor have if the appointing power 19 Taft, the or iginal injunction judge, who is no w standing y his injunction policy? It is a good thing there is a law against game this month. If there wasn’t the whole flock would be killed.—Times Enterprise. A tew prosecutions, ae example# would put a stop to this sort of thing. It is pointed out that all the mem bers of Grovei Cleveland’s cabinet who are in the land of the living are oat on the stamp tor Bryan. Those who are not in the land of th‘- living prolmbly have a hot enough time without going on the stump, con cludes t e Angusta Herald. We need more lawyers, apparent ly, rnther than fewer in our General Asm nibly, that is to say real law yers, who know the laws, aud not fledglings in the law. It would take a search warrant to find men ot this enlarged type willing to go, hut none the leas we need them. Judge Speer, of the Federal Court In Georgia, enjoined a rail- ro id from advancing rates until a hearing could be had. Time was. nays the Philadelphia Press, when no load expected the least ques tion as to Its rate making; even the Interstate Commerce Commission could not interpose effective resis tance. The Prosscontinues: “By the com moo law, however, tny rate by a common carrier is open to Judicial review. The railroad hss mo more right to impose a rate too high than the Legislature has to reduce rates too low. A reasona ble charge, Judicially determined, by law the right of every shipper and alwaya has been. Neither the pnbHc nor the railroads were edu cated to this, but the education of both baa been rapid In the last five Both equal and eqolta We rates for all ie the object of the B *deral legislation of the last sev- yeara.” A naturalist claims to have made the discovery that wild geese mate for life, It appears now how inap propriate it would be to class American heiresses who marry for eign titles as “tupid geese. The next legislature has just got to give us bienenial sessions of that body, put in the Constitution. It will prove the strongest card in the deck for the incoming dynasty Twenty drunks were entered on one poiiee docket in Columbus the other dav. Have thev a bridge aL so across the. Chattahoochee?—Au gusta Herald. Why certainly there are two of them—with plenty -f booze right over in Alabama. Tho game law? of this state ap pear to be fereial and the game war dens jokes. There is no sneh thing as an enforcem- nt of the laws and the gentlemen to whom this duty nas been trusted [ are either ad verse to an enforcement or too tired and ornamental to take the matter in hand. The Devil is threatening to visit Georgia, and o s usual the people are anticipating his eom ; ng with pleas ure.—Times Enterprise. They’ve reason to—for his Agents and Imps are doing his work in Georgia better than he wants it done if such a thing is possible, That it is not neeessary for the farmers to ru?h their cotton on the market so rapidly is evidenced by the fact that by placing it in the ware houses t y can now secure loans on the receipts, which should be sufficient to tide them over nu- til they can get a higher price for the staple. People talk about capital beimr timil and so it is, but labor is still more timid in regard to everything that affects their jobs. And this i- naturai. for capital has only to con sider its prospective profits, but the working man must consider bread and meat for his family. Sb» when a threat is made concerning their jobs working men as a rui^ do not reason about it, but to be on the safe side if they possibly can they will do what is demanded oi them. They can vote„as the bos> orders them to vote, [and when he jobiash is used they almost invar, iably do. And this in a free coun try—in Georgia and in Decatur county, Stop Night Riding. The sneak is to be despised ; the person who waits for the cover of darkness to burn and beat and slay property and human beings is not human ; he is a coward, afraid to strike openly and to a man’s face to wreak imaginary vengenance or correct a fancied wrong. Night riders tome in this class of evil doers: Instead of being a protec tion to a community they are an actual menace,—ShellmanBun. Bravely and truly said. In this enlightened day there is no place for such wanton brute force. Night riding is a hidden and terrible menace to civilization, and tbe sooner Georgia stamps out the sporadic attempts at it. the better It will be for Georgia. It is a sur vival of dark and bitter days,when terror and death lay on the land, but there is absolutely no excuse for it in this diy. Raising Cotton Prices. A meeting of members of the Farmer’s Union in the South has been called to assemble, in New Orleans ou Nov. 11-12 lor the special purpose of discassing meth ods of raising the price of cotton. In his call President Barrett in vites all southern peopie willing to aid in this work to meet with the union. This is a matter of vit al importance to the South. There is no miataciiig? tbe shortage of the crop—here in Georgia the commis sioner of agriculture says it will not fail far short of a milllen dol lars. cotton is the great moaey erop of the South. Itis'tbe chief sooree of wealth, and its price fixes, more or lean, the prosperity of a great sec tion; With Jost price for his sta ple, tbe farmer prospers,and whan the farmer prospers so does every Other line of bailees*. Decatur Couuty Anti-Sa loon League Reorganized. A meeting was held Sunday after noon at 3:33 o’clock, at the Baptist church, this city, for the purpose ot reorganizing a local branch of the Anti-Saloon League The meetiag was opened by prayer, by Rev. A.J. Reamy. and Judge W. M Harrell, was elected temporary chairman, and Mr. C. A. Crews, Se: rotary. Mr. J. B. Richards as- ciote State Superintendent or the State League was called upon to state the object of the meeting. Mr. Richards -tated that tbe object of the meeting was to reorganize the Anti- Saloon League here, and that he was call” ed btie for that put pose. He also stated that if tho e who favor Pro* hibition ever expected to do any thincr now is the time, t<* organize and make the fight against Uquor and the saloon. A!«*ng this line eevcai short speeches were made by J. M. Brown, J. S. Braswell, Mr. T. L. Gilmore, and Brother A. J. Reamv. Ail agreeing to the necessity con certed action along tne line of Pro hibition. And if some aggressive work was not done right how we might expect the s Boon to he back again m our town county and state. The Chairman then called tor a permanent organization, and election of officers. On motion o* Rev. J.L. Gilmore, Mr. J. M. Brews was norms nated and unanimously elected per manent Chairman; J. M. Diffee, 1st Vice President, T. M. Battle 2nd V. P., J. S. Braswell, 3rd V. P., C. A Crews, Secretary and Treasurer. The election of an executive Com> mittees was deferred to the next meeting. The meeting adjourned to meet again on next Sunday aiternoon, at the Baptist Church, at 3 o’clock, at which a large attendance is urged. J. M. Brown, President, G. A. Crews, Sect’y. aud Treas. CA.STORZA. Bnn ti* Kind Yoa Have Always BwgM Legal Advertisements. Citation. MargarteC. Rushworth Guardian, James A, Brewer, Minor rs. M. W. Monroe and Nicola M. Skacke Iton. Application for Partition to the Judge of the Superior Court of Decatur Couuty To Nicola M. Shackelton,— By order of the Honorable W.N.Spence, Judge of the Superior Court o said coua* ty, at Bainbridge, Ga., on November 9th, 1908, al 10 o’clock, a. m., at which time and place the applicant will apply to the Judge of the Superior Court for an order of partition and sale of the lands in Decatur county in which you are interested with the applicant a*d M.W.Monroe, and which application will then and there be passed upon. Witness the Honorable W, N. Spence, Judge of said court, this the 14th day of October, 1908. C. W. WIMBERLEY, Clerk. NOTICE for discharge. Jn the District Court of the United States for the Southwestern Division of the Souther* District of Georgia. In the matter of 1 J. II. Kirkland V In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt, J To the creditors of the above named bankrupt.’ You are hereby notified that the above named bankrupt has filed his application for a discharge from all of the debts provable in bankruptcy against the said J. H. Kirkland and against his estate. The said application will be heard by the Hon. Emery Speer, Judge of the United States District Court for said District and Division, at the United States Court House, in the city of Valdosta, Ga., on the 26th day of October, 1908, at io o’clock a. jn- All creditors ofs^iid‘bankrupt are notified ;o appear at the time and place mated and show cause, if any they can, why the pray* ers contained in said application should not be granted. Dated at Valdosta, Ga., this 16th day of October, A. D., 1908. Roy E. Fowell. Deputy Clerk. Libel for Divorce. Libel for Divorce GEORGIA—Decatur County. Frank Crawford 1 vs. } Lola Crawford. J The defendant, Lola Crawford, is hereby required, in person or by attorney to be and appear at the meat Superior Court to be held in and for said coanty on the sec ond Monday in November next, then and there to answer the Plaintiff’s libel for a to tal divorce, as in default of such appearance tbe coart will proceed according to the statutes in such caaes made and provided. Witness the Honorable W. N. Spence, Jndge of said Court. This 34th day of Au gust, 1908. R. G. HARTSFIELD, Plaintiff s Attorney. C. W. WIMBERLEY aag.-27-2J*. Clerk. Thou Shalt Not. There are people who are shoot ing game m direct violation of th game laws of the state. Turkey- are being killed aad lots of bird slaughtered by those desiring tL juicy me3t lor tleir own particula palates. The game wardens of the conn y ought to catch - me ol them an-i p t the law to them, as an example to those who are inehned toward ti s rathle-s violation and be made to suffer heavy co -eqsences. SALE OFUNCLAIMEDFREIGHT AND BAGGHll Tax Collector’s Notice. I wili be at the fcllowing named places on date= given be.ow for the pur pose of collecting Stat°. County and School taxes for the year 190*. 1st sorsD. Rock Pond, Monday Oct. ^th iron City, Tuesday - th Donalsonville Wednesday 7th Boyettville Tfcurs. morning Steam Mill Thars. afternoon Stk Spring Cree.„ Friday 4th Kendrick Saturday 10 th Kecoverv Mon Lay I2th * Faceville Tuesday 13th Fowltown Wednesday 14th Attapulgus Thurs. morning loth Amsterdam Thors, afternoon loth McRaeville Friday morning 16th Bells Saturday 17th Climax Monday 19th Parkers (at Bells store) Tuesday 20th Belcher Wednesday 2lst v Brinson Thursday 22nd Pine Hill Friday Ztr** Bainbridgee Saturday 24th 2nd ROUlfD. Rock pond Monday Oct. 26th Iron City Tuesday 27th Donaiaonville Wednesday 28th Boyettville Thurs. morning 2Pth Steam Mill Thurs. afternoon 29th Spring Creek Friday 3cth Kendrick Saturduy 31st Recovery Mondav Noy, 2nd Faceville Tuesday 3rd FowJtown We Inesdav 4' h At agnlgosTbnrs. morning '.th Amsterdam Tbura. z~ VSftOQ 5th McRaeville F r-uay ironing 6th Bell’s Saturday 7th Climax Monday 23rd Parkers, at Bell’s store Tuesday 24th Belcher Wednesday 25th Brinson Thursday 26th Pine Hill Fr-day 27th Will be at Bainbridge two weeks of November Superior Court. Books will positively close December 20th accord ing to law. J. W. BUTTS, Tax Collector. Decatur County, Ga- GEORGIA—Decatur C >un'y. Tbe following property, havi: g remained In the pos3ea- j - Florida A Alabama Railway •Company for the period p’-es r. be ffe ed for sale to the highest and best bidder at the Comps- v‘ T. bridge Depot, ia Bainbridge, Decatur C juaty, Georgia, ,r sack oihf may be designated, Thursday,November the5th. in ?-pari nioz and stoiage charges due tbe said Georgia Florida Jt Alabama Rai -. pany,and topav the cost cf advertising and s-jch s t ;- r-erin-,. o’clock, a. m , and continuing from doy to day until go ris a-r i.,- TERMS STRICTLY CASH, ’- -'rh 3*ia- ' rit * H B. C. PRINCE, Traffic Manager. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WILFRED €, LANE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, VALDOSTA. GA. Special attention to U S Court &,ud Patent matters. M. E. O’NEAL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And REAL ESTATE AGENT. Will practice in aU the State court*. Special attention given to the Invee- gatlon of Land Titles and the Law ‘ Administration. DR. E. J. MORGAN, rHY8ICIAN AND 8URGEON. Bainbridge Ga, Office at rear of the Willis Drug Store W. C. JONES. High-Grade T y I i n g and Brick’Laying. A Postal card or a message will meet prompt attention. W. E. BUSH & SON, First Class Masonry, Tiling, Plastering and Cement Wort OF ALL KINDS. All work FULLY GUARANTEED and replaced if not satisfactory at our own expense. Mail orders to Postoffice Box 363, Bainbridge, Ga. £&• Refer by p.-missK.u to the Editor of the Democrat. ‘ jan6-6m) Very Serious ft ft a very serious matter toaak tar one medicine and hare the wrong one given you. For Ode reaaon we oege you fat buying to be carefifi to get the ratue— BUdi^MKHT I. SI ’ feta I <er Medldae of this old, It does not imitate ft ft better tha others, crit would not be the ft. raft liver powder, with a 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. IS. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 33. 34. 35. 36. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. , 44. |X45. i 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. _ 59. 60. 61. 62. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 177. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 106. ID. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 116. 117. 118. 119. -- -DM*, D D* Box Picture Fiames. Pioneer Portrait Co., Chicago Cncla:~ed Box Clocks, Jesse Grant, Babcock Ga. Refused. One Bedstead, wood, W. G. Smith. Hinson, Fla. Unearned Box Dry Goods, Chas. T. Walthan, CBelle Fla. Refus . Bu. Bed Rails, Mrs. M. B. Allen, CBelle, Fia. Refused Two Plow Standards. .1 Stove pot I Water Bottle V-xed Fla. No marks. Eox Glass, Wm. Kerbye, CBelle, ria. Unc’aimed. Fonr Stoves. I. Kwi’.ecki, Bainbridge, Ga. R fused. Bu Wire Fruit Baskets, no marks, Hinsor. Fla. Iron Column, no marks, from Colquitt, Ga. Crate Picture Frames, L. B. Shepard. Car: bell- F a Six wood Bedsteads, 3 Bureaus. 1 Dresser 1 Coal H- . Lacy, Hinson, Fla. Refused Two Ccok Stoves, J. D. DeLacy, Hinson, F a. Refused Barrel Lamps, Ada Roberts. Sopchoppy. Fla. Unclaimed One Show Case, Roberts & Campbell, Sopchoppy. Fla Refused Two Packages, 11 caddies, Tobacco, R. & B. White Mil: Ga Ove.- Three boxes HH. Goods, 2Bu. Bedding. E. Barnes Arran. Fa (> claimed. Two Boxes Drugs, McCallum Bros., Arran, Fla. Refused Box MaiLJng Tubes, Fain & Weaver, Edison, Ga. Unclaimed Box Earthenware, L. Davis, Havana, Fla. Unclaimed. One Show Case, Havana Pharmacy. Havana, Fla. Refused One Box Shoes, Attapulgus, Ga. No marks. Two Small Cook Stoves, Attapulgus. No marks Four Iron Rods, 30 ft. long, Attapulgus. No marks. Disposed of. One 12 ft. Shafting, Attapulgus. No marks. One Tombstone base, Attapulgus. No marks. One Old Barber Chair, Havana, Fla. No marks. Box H. H. Goods, Havana, Fla. No marks. One Table, Havana. Fla. No marks. Box Marble, J. "W. Croft, Edison, Ga. Unclaimed. Two boxes H. H. Goods, one Stove and Pipe, L M. Hunt, Qmiicy, fia Unclaimed. Barrel empty Bottles, J. A. McPherson, Quincy, Fla. Unclaimed. Half Barrel, contents unknown, Jenny Lane, Quincy, Fla. UndattMC Hhd. Crockery, B. S. Smith, Quincy, Fla. Unclaimed. Boot Hardware. Gus Bennett. Quincy, Fla. Unclaimed. One Bu. Steve Pipe. Eldorendo. No marks. Box Dry Goods, Pail Candy, Case Crackers, Mrs. J. McCriff, Hlnsca. Box Iron, M. E. Carter, Arran. One Scale Weight, W. H. Stanton Co.. Colquitt, Ga. Refused. Four barrels Extracts, crate Earthenware, Fain & Weaver. Edtoot Unclaimed Box Pictures, J. T. Local, Tallahassee, Fia. Unclaimed. Box Carpet Sweeps, H. Spangler, Quincy. Fla. Bag Clothing, Mary Hicks, Bainbridge, Ga. Unclaimed. Box Starch, Pearl W. Walden, Edison, Ga. Unclaimed. Small Show Case, J. W. Christie, Colquitt, Ga. Refused. One Bureau, 1 Dresser and 1 Bedstead, CarrabeHe, Fla No marks. Bed Spring, John Smith, Carrabelle, Fla. Unclaimed. One case Notions, 1 case Cotton Fabrics, J. P. Westburg. Carrabelle, Fla. Refused. Box Glassware, Miss O. B. Brown, Arran, Fla. Unclaimed. One Bu. Whips, R. C. Butler & Co., Havana, Fla. Refused One Empty S. Barrel, Babcock, Ga. No marks. Four Bu. Toy Wagon parts, J .W. Trull, Sopchoppy. Fla. One Cook Stove and ware, C. L. Howard, Babcock, Ga. Refused Two boxes Diugs, R. H. Raker & Son, Arran, Fla Refused. Box Glasses, Arlington, Ga. No marks. One Bu. (2) Grate Castings, Woodward Mantle Co. Over with Bdge. One Bu. Drip Pans. J. G. Sharon, Quincy, Fla. Refused. Five Bu. Plow Castings. S. H. Sanders, Damascus, Ga. Astray. One Bu. Carpets, Mrs. J. C. Donaldson, Bainbildge. Ga Unclaimed. Box Earthenware, D. Carroll, Hinson, Fla. Unclaimed. One Bu. Bedding, Howard Culbreth, Arlington, Ga. Unclaimed. One Empty Milk Can, M. H. Johnson, Tallahassee. Unclaimed Box Glass, A. G. M., Hinson, Fla. One Piano Box, A. D. Johnson, Damascus, Ga. One Box Bicycle Parts, Bainbridge. No marks Box Notions, Bainbridge. No marks. Box Books, Bainbridge. No marks. Barrel Washing Powders, Bainbridge. No marks. One Bu. Hames, Bainbridge. No marks. One Box Drugs, Arran Grocery Co., Arran. Refused. Box Adv. Matter, Spencer & Johnson, Havana, Fla. Unclaimed. Box Tinware, S. B. Gavin, Arran, Fla. Unclaimed. Crate Wheels, B. M. George, Damascus, Ga. Refused. B. W. Hilborn, Damascus, Ga., 12 Pails and 1 package Animal Food. Box Glassware, James Frances, Arran, Fla. Unclaimed. Box Advertising Matter, Bainbridge Stock Co., Bainbridge. Unclaimed. One Crate Crockery, Mrs. D. O. Quitty, Bainbridge, Ga. Unclaimed. One Iron Bed, 1 Bed Spring, Wyett Moore, Bainbridge, Ga. Unclaimed. Three boxes Marble, H. B. Halstead, Bainbridge, Ga. Unclaimed. Two empty Banana Crates, Joe Demtree, Tallahassee. Unclaimed. Barrel Earthenware, P. A. P. Massey, Tallahassee, Fla. Unclaimed. Barrel Notions, M. Byron, Tallahassee, Fla. Unclaimed. Box Adv. Matter, T. B. Sweet, Tallahassee, Fla. Unclaimed. One crate Picture Frames, E. H. McIntyre. Arlington, Ga. Unclaimed. One Sign, A. J. Cowart & Son, Arlington, Ga. Refused. One Pa. W. W. Drawers, Lottie Smith, Colquitt, Ga. Refused. Four cases Drugs, J. L. Webster, Hinson, Fla. Refused. Two Tables, J. W T . Blount, Quincy, Fla Unclaimed. Four Pails Animal Food, J. R. Lawhon, Sopchoppy, Fla. Refused One Wash Stand, Bainbridge. No marks. One Case E. Manna, Bainbridge. No marks. One Soda crate. Bainbridge. No marks. One Box Glass, I. Kwilecki, Bainbridge, Ga. Refused. One Hhd. Earthenware, Arran Grocery Co., Arran, F2a. Refused. Box Lamps, Susie Matthews, Arran, Fla. Refused. Barrel Extracts, Frances Mills, Arran, Fla. Unclaimed. One Bu. Lumber, Haddock & Griffin, Damascus, Ga. Unclaimed Box Notions, P. Williams, Havana. Fla. Unclaimed. Three Cases Drugs, 3 pail S. Food, 1 Graphophone, Howell Drug Co , Havana, Fla. Refused. Box Lamps, Mrs. M. L. Perry. Edison. Ga. Refused. One Barrel Notions. Addle B. Thomas. Edison, Ga. Unclaimed. One \Vashing Machine, 1 box Soap, o. n. W. C. Clarke. Quincy, Fia. One Barrel Loose Paint, W. G. Schultz, Bainbridge, Ga. Unclaimed. Twenty-four Cross Arms, Municipal Elec. Co , Quincy, Fla Unclaimed. One Saw and 1 Bu. Belting, New York Tobacco Co.. Quincy, Fla Un claimed. / Three cases Fire Works, L. C. Hartsfield, Tallahassee. Fla Barrel Vinegar, D. A. Smith, Arlington, Ga. Unclaimed. One Case Drugs, City Drug Store, Colquitt, Ga. Unclaimed Seven Cases Drugs, 2 Cases A, Powders. 1 Case Glassware. J. L M’eb- ster, Hinson, Fla. Refused. One Book Case, B. B. Blount. Carrabelle. Fla. Refused. 321. 122. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 120. Disposed of. One Crate Glassware, Miss Minnie Neal. Quincy, Fla. Unclaimed. One "Wardrobe, k. d., Y. L. Watson. Quincy. Fla. Unclaimed. Barrel Rock Salt, W. E. Pierce, Edison, Ga. Refused. Box Notions, F. P. Wortman, Bainbridge, Ga. Fifty Rolls Roofing Paper, Dixie Fencing Co., Attapulgus Ga. Refuse One Ammonia Drum, Bainbridge. No marks. One Bu. (2) gates, Bainbridge. No marks. Two Rolls Wrapping Paper. 130. Two Boxes Knife Grinders, Towles & Raker, Arran, Fla Unclaimed Rolls Wrapping Paper, Bainbridge. No marks. Ml' 2v e Box Caking. 1 Oil Heater. Miss M. B. Blanchard. 133. Three Boxes Marble, H. L. Gregory, Tallahassee, Fla. Refused "^ wo Boxes Leaf Tobacco, Wanish Tobacco Co., Tallahassee, Fia Jo*-’ Printed Matter, Tallahassee Drug Co., Tallahassee Fi a On® Transplanter, A. S. Wells, Tallahassee. Fla Refused 137. One Lath Machine, 1 Saw, o. n. Sanborn Lumber Co.. Sopchoppy 138 1 Hewing Machine, Bainbridge 139 1 bu. Bardn door track, over, Quinsy 140. 1 bu. {6J water buckets, over, Quincy. 141 1 box H J9. Goods, over, Quincy, 142 i Bolls paper, over, Quincy 143 1 Boll roofing paper, over, Quincy Any of the above listed goods will be delivered to thwowner th submission of satisfactory evidence of ownership andliayment ot al charges. / B. C. PRINCE, Traffic nanage'’