The Bainbridge democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-????, November 05, 1908, Image 2

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THE DEMOCRAT. judge Taft—he is elected—jast aB j Prohibition is Profitable* we all expected. i _____ DECATUR MORTGAGE SALE GEORGIA—Dbcatuk C osty: J. M. BROWN, Fd. & Mg’r. OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF SHE RIF F ORDINARY, CLERK SUPERIOR COURT AND COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS. E uered as second class mail matter at, Bam bridge, Ga., postoflice. Bainbridge, Ga., Dee. 5, 1908 W e’ye always something to be thankful for. After the 4th of next March, we will not ha ve a “rough ridei” in the white house. President Roosevelt is fifty years old and not many half centuries have received as many jolts k as he has inflicted upon the one just dosed. The Outlook magazine has en gaged Roosevelt as editor on a sal ary of $30,tOO per year, to com mence at the end of his presi dential term. Verily old PJuto eareth for his own, A number of .ossil eggs havfe been discovered in Wyoming, so we can now account for the staying qualities of certain old fossilaria still sticking to the nody politi* in Georgia. The Rome Tribune-Herald sug gests that there are too maoy law yers in Rome. Coming so soon after that lawyer lynching in Ten nessee this looks darkly sugges tive. Now that the business policy of the National povernmentis settled fur another period of four years, business interests will take a new grip of life and move on to higher success Governor Hok^ Smith has shown in the national campaign that he is a national figure,—Ex. And we will add that he is oie With whom other uational figures will have to reckon in the not ere long \ Governors like the one Ten nessee has are worth while. If the people of that state hftvn’t re- elect ed him, they will not only fail their duty, but will show a lack of appre ciation or a magnilicant officer and chief executive, “Joe Brown talks just li&e a inau who intends to give aii sides a square deal when he becomes gov ernor,” say3 the Darien Gazette. It is rather deeds, not talk, bow- ever, that speak most eloquently in practical every day life. Lets Bee how he acts. By the side of Hoke Smith’s con* tribution of $250 to the Democratic National Committee, can now be Viewed the offering of governor- elect, Joseph M. Brown, who re cently passed over a ten dollar bill When the collection hat was handed around in Marrietta recently.— 'Thomson True Lance. The announcement of Walter Brown, an Atla/iia attorney, of his purpose to support Thomas E. Watson for President is believed by some people to mean that Ap pellate Court Judge Russell will be a candidate for Governor of Geor gia two years hence, provided, of course that Little Joe decides that he doesn’t want it, A Pittsburg physician has found 7300 living bacteria on a two dcllar bill We have always heard that two dollar bills were the worst sort of Jonahs, bnt we are daring the bacs, to theextent of still aeceptin; two,s, or even fives to the extent of subscription arrearages and will give 16 to 1 silver in change So bring along your old .^bacteria in fested bills—we mean bank bills. The country round about will thank the Thomas county grand jury Cor the fearless and faithful discharge of their duties the past two weeks in its crusade for an honest administration of the penal code.against immorality and Im purity, violations of tte prohibi tion law, and we hope Decatur county’s next grand jury will take theitcue from their great work and do likewise. No community er other organism in any better than what it allows. And even Decatur County only saved her Democratic bocon by the skin of her teeth. Who’.a thunk it? No more politics for two years at least—except of minor import, Thank the Lord for Sunday I We’ve had ideal Autumn weath er ali fall for the gathering of crops—atl Nature apparently striving to bring Man in tune with the Infinite. “Only man is vile.” Well, thank Goodnes the Nation al election is past, and no matter how much nor how little you like the result it is with us for another four years, and you’d as well adjust yourself to enviroments, There is more joy in a printing office over one sinner that pays in advance and abuses the editor on every possible occasion than there is over ninty-and-nine who borrow the paper and sing its prai es, without contributing a cent to keep it out of the poor house.— Waycross Herald. Gov. Hoke Smith’s service to the National Democratic party, in the West, Middle West, aud East, stands out in relief as that of a doz en of the ablest men who did val iantly for the cause. Wherever he appeared the power and force of his great personality and mentality evoked the wildest enthusiam for the cause he championed. Hoke Smith is a man whose a leader and organizer, the Ameri can nation has to recognize and honor with its chiefest honors in the not ere long. Memphis will endeavor to secure the conference of five governors of as many southern states the pur pose of which will be to discuss and suggest remedial measures con cerning the night |rider situation. The place where the conference is to be held is not a matter of im portance; it is the result thereof that the people will be interested in. Night ri erism is netting to be alarming:, it is a most serious matter, and the peoole want such steps taKen as will for.ak it up. The governors of Tennessee, Alabama. Kentucky, Mississippi and Arkansas, have been request ed to meet in this conference. Some of the papers are insisting that chief counsel Hme«, of the Georgia R’y.Commission, resign, because he expressed a purpose to vote for Mr Watson, the popnlist candidate for President, this mak ing him the assume, perona non grata with the commission and with the Administration This all depends upon "the viewpoint. Judere Hines is one of Georgia’s ablest and most incorruptible law yers, and it is Drains and sound legal judgement rather than par tisan politics that ought to charac terize official action and conduct, especially when the common peo** j pie’s vital interests and business are concerned, as involved in Rail- I wav, telephone, and telegraph con trol, in their encioachmentg upon private personal rights. And the thought recurs that perhaps these papers have some old booze soaK> ed political hack tied out, which they purpose grooming for the job. Perish the thought! and herein lies a danger which the next incoming dynastv, had best guard—or the peoples and the states interests shall suffer—for their name is legion, their maws are capacious and tbw ir appetites insatiable. The Elective Franchise. You get the jight to vote from the state, not the United State*. The ballot m a state gift. Naturalization is a Federal gift, and, is a gift of the Union, not of any one state. Tke registration of voters is res quired in the states of Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho. Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massa chusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Viiginia, Washing ton, West Virginia, Wisconsin and the territories of Arizona and New Mexico, Yoa must be registered to vote ■ Georgia. As far as the financial mutters are concerned the city of Birmingham, Ala., ial9o9 will not know that pro hibition bas ever been put into operation in Jefferson eounty. The cry of the anti’s before the election was that the city government would lose $117,ooq from the loss o: saloon licenses. This caused hundreds of votes to be turned against pro 1 ibi— tion that would otherwise nave gone for it, it is claimed. The year 19o8 shows an increase in the taxable values of the city of approximately 33 per cent, This will net the city during tne year $80,o0o more than it received from the same source last year. This great increase, however, does not in clude the assessments that have been raised by the board of revenue or the back tax commissioner It is es timated in cry hall circles that the taxable values of the city have been raised id this way nearly $8,oo0,ooo. which will net the city during 1909 $8o,o0o more than it received in 1908. This will be an increase in taxable values for two years of $17, ooo,00o, giving the citv additional taxes of $i 7o,ou0, or $Co,ooo more than it received under the open sa loon regime. When it is taken into considera tion that the buildings formerly oc*> cupied b - saloons ate now occupied by other kinds of business, netting the city at least $2o,ooo more in license it is see*' that 19o9 will bring the city’s net reuenue up to more than $lo0,o0o more than it. received during 19o7, the last year ot the sa«* loon. National Prohibition Com ing. The President of the National Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, which eoi.vened recently it. Denver Colorado says: “I predict that m ten years the prohibition movement will cover the entire nation,” said Mrs Stevens of Portland, Me., president of the Un ion. “It is not a spasmodic effort, but a substantial and healthy gain which cannot be checked by any amount of opposition W e now have nine states—Alabama, Arkausas, Georgia, Kansas, Maine,Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota and Oklahoma—which have gone for prohibition, and there are others on the road.” Legal Advertisements. DECATUR MORTGAGE SALE GEORGIA—Decatur County. Will be sold, before the Court Housr j door, in the city of Cambridge, in saic county, # during „he leg* ours of sale on the drst Tuesday,* in Dec. next, the following described property, to-wit: One seventy [70] saw Gin, Feeder and Condenser ope 42 inch Malsbv & Company grist mill, one Felker Engi..e and Boiler, twenty and twent-five horse power, also one Elevator, said described property lev ied on as the property of Defendant, to sat isfy a mortgage Execution issued from the city court of Bainbridge in favor of the Bank of DonalSonville vs J. F. Reynolds Property pointed out in the fifa. This Nov, 4th 1908. . E. F. PATTERSON. Sheriff. DECATUR SHERIFF SALE GEORGIA, | Decatur Countyj Will be sold before the Court hous, door in the city of Bainbidge,*ln saic County, on the first Tuesday in Decern her next, during the legal hours of sale the following described property to-wit That certain one half acre city lot situate in the City of Bainbridge in said County, and bounded as follows : On the North by Planters’ Street, on the West by property of Mose Pinkney and others and on the South and East by land of Defendants,—said lot levied upon being in a square—and levied upon as the property of Defedants, to satis fy a Fi-fa from Decatur Superior Court in favor of Homer Dtckenson and Jill a Dick enson vs Mrs %■ E. Hunnewell and Mrs. G. E-Baker. This November 4th, i9o8r L. F. PATTERSON, Sheriff. | DECATUR MORTGAGE SALE Will be sold, before the Court House door, in the citv of Bainbridge, in said county, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Dec. next, the following described property, to- wit: 2 desks; fifteen section Book Case; twenty six [26] volumes of Encyclopedia of Law [80] eighty volumes of Georgia Reports four [4] chairs, lot of rugs; one clock; one cuspidore; one coal scuttle, lot of miscel aneous Law Books; one Typewriter all of said described property levied upon as the property of Defendant to satisfy a mort gage fi fa from the City Court of Bain bridge vs D. W. Sheffield. This Nov. 4th 1908. _ .....* —« w L. F. PATTBRSO Sheriff. Will be sold, before the Court house door,in the city of Bainbridge, in raid i rVw.n-^ County, on the First Tuesday in Dec.; GEORG! \—Decatur Goun .». next, during the legal hourB of sale; The foil Swing property, harp g remained in Uic posses-uo • of than the following described property j j, ioridjt A Railway O »mpia. for the period prescrib >a by Jne bay mare about seven years old. ! be /’ fle * d for sale ‘° ** d ^ U ”“P»ny’3 West Bain- named Matt, one black mare about seven ondge Depot, 10 Bam bridge, Decatur County, Georg,*, -,r sn,n ocher p U ;i „ years old named Ella, with star in her face , may be designated,Thursday, November the5th, t‘W5, in liquidation of f r one black mare named Della, about six I and stoiage charges due the said Georgia Florida & Alabama Railway Com- years*old, one light bay mare with black pany,aud topav the coBt cf ad/ertistug aud sale, s ich s tie beriauiu^ j' mane and tail, named Minnie with white o’clock, a. m., and continuing from day t > day until goads are disoosed o* spot on her back and with blaze face and j q>jgRMS ST L CASH, about nine years old. Also one two horse . -“White Hickory’’ wagon, one Barnesville top buggy with red running gear twenty- three [23] head of cattle marked with s'mootiiciop in the left ear and swallow fork and underbit in the right ear, also three hundred [300] bushels of corn, twen ty-five hundred [2500] po-nds of fodder and ten thousand [1000] pounds ef hay All of said described property levied upon as the property of Defendant to satisfy a Mortgage fifa from the city court of Bain- _ bridge at’th e March term 1908 in favor of j the Wedeles Tobacco Co. vs William E. > Harris. Property pointed out by . the de- j fendant. This Nov. 4th 1908- L. F. PATTERSON, Sheriff. DEJATUR SHERIFF SALE. Georgia—Decatur County. Will be sold before the c >urt house door, in the city of Bainbridge, in said couni y, on the” first Tuesday in Dec. next, during the legal hours of sale, he following described property, to-wit: “The Wamman Normal and Industrial Institute” and especially the following pro perty towit: All of Plat No. [11] eleven embracing ten [10] lots and five [5] lots di rectly North of Plat No. [11] eleven, in Plat No. [19] nineteen, the amount contained in number nineteen is [375] three hundred and seventy-five feet by [150] one hundred and fifty teet. The amount contained in Plat No [ 11] eleven is three hundred and > fifteen [315] feetb) [375] three hundred and J seventy-five feet, and known as ‘‘Free- j town,” and situated near the city of Bain-, bridge in lot of land No 205 in the 15th . District of said county and state, being the J property conveyed by H. J. Bruton, to said ’ Normal and Industrial School, October 14th, 1903, by Deed recorded in Book No ’ 2, folio—said described property i levied on as the prODerty of Defendant, to J satisfy a fifa issued from the city court of j Bainbridge in favor of E. M. Wainman vs ! the Wainman Normal and Industrial Insti tute and one other fifa in my hands. This Nov. 4th 1908. L. F. PATTERSON. Sheriff. DECATUR SHERIFF SALE. GEORGIA—Decatur County. Will he sold befere the court house door, in the city of Bainbridge, in said county, os the first Tuesday in Dec. next, during the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to-wit: The one half undivided interest in and to that parcel of land in the city of Bain- fa ridge, state of Georgia, and county of Decatur, bounded as follows: On the East by Bruton street, on the South by an ex tension of Perry street andon the West and North by lands of L. O. Jackson, Trustee for Estella B- Jackson and of the following measurement, commencing at the North west junction of Bruton and Pern streets, and running North fifty-two [52] feet,thence East one hundred and five [105] feet to the point of commencement, and containing one eighth of an acre more or less and moreful ly described by a Dt ed made by L. O. Jack- son, Trustee, and recorded in Book “T” 2, page 58, March 28th, 1901. Said described property .levied upon as the property of Defendant, to satisfy a Jus tice Court fi-fa issued from the Justice Court of the 1430 District G. M. of said county, in favor of J. H. Boyett, vs, Jno.E. Wilkes, Jr. This Nov. 4th, 1908. L. F. PATTERSON, Sheriff, DECATUR SHERIFF SALE. GEORGIA—Decatur County: Will be sold, before the Court House door, in the Citv of Bainbridge, in saf -county, during the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in Dec. next the following described property, to- wit: One new model Eureke Gang Lathe mill, No, 7095 and levied on as the property of Defendant; to satisfy a city court fifa issued from the city court of Bainbridge, in favoj of the Chattanooga Machinery Co., vs. L M. Priest. This Nov. 4th 1908. L. F PATTERSON. Sheriff. UNITED STATES COURT. In the District Court ol the United States for the Southwestern Division of the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of Morris 4 Brown Drug Co., and city Drug Store. T. J. Morris and J. P. Brown. Bankrupt. In Bank ruptcy. To the Creditors of Morris 4 Brown Drug Co., and the city Drug Store of Bainbridge, in the Gcunty ol Decatur, said District a Bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the 31st day of October, 1908, the said Morris 4 Brown Drug Co., and the city Drug Store, T. J. Morris and J. P. Brown were duly adjudged bankrupt, and that the first meet ing of creditors will be heid in the U. S. Court Room Valdosta, Ga., on the 12th day of November. 1908, at 9 o’clock in the fore noon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trus tee, examine the bankrupt and transact sucu other business as may properly come before said meeting. The bankrupt isreq uired to be present. # Ai Valdosta, Ga., this 31st day of Octo ber, A D. 1908. WILFRED C. LANE, Referee in Bankruptcy. R. G. Hartsfield Esq., Bainbridge, Ga. Attorney for the Bankrupts. B. C.PRINCE, Traffic Manager. Box Picture Frames. Pioneer Portrait Co., Chicago. Unclaimed Box -Clocks, Jesse Grant, Babcock, Ga. Refused. One Bedstead, wood, W. G. Smith, Hinson, Fla. Unclaimed. Box Dry Goods, Chas. T. Walthan, C’Belle, Fla. Refused. Bu. Bed Rails, Mrs. M; B. Allen, C’Belle, Fla. Refused. Two Plow Standards, ,1 Stove pot, I Water Bottle, boxed, from Iilnson Fla. Np marks. _ ^ Box Glass, Wn. Kerbye, C’Belle, Fla. Unclaimed. Four Stoves, I. Kwilecki, Bainbridge, Ga. Refused. Bu Wire Fruit Baskets, no marks, Hinson, Fla. Iron Column, no marks, from Colquitt, Ga. Crate Picture Frames, L. B. Shepard, Carrabelle, Fla. Unclaimed. Six wood Bedsteads, 3 Bureaus, 1 Dresser, 1 Coal Heater, J. u. Lacy, Hinson, Fla. Refused. Two Cook Stoves, J. D. DeLacy, Hinson, Fla. Refused. Barrel Lamps, Ada Roberts, Sopchoppy, Fla. Unclaimed. One Show Case, Roberts & Campbell, Sopchoppy, FTa. Refused. Two Packages, 11 caddies, Tobacco, R. & B., White Mill, Ga. Over. Three boxes HH. Goods, 2Bu. Bedding, E. Barnes, Arran, Fla, Un claimed. Two Boxes Drugs, McCallum Bros., Arran, Fla. Refused. Box MaiLlng Tubes, Fain & Weaver, Edison, Ga. Unclaimed. Box Earthenware, L. Davis, Havana, Fla. Unclaimed. One Show Case, Havana Pharmacy, Havana, Fla. Refused. One Box Shoes, Attapulgus, Ga. No marks. Two Small Cook Stoves, Attapulgus. No marks. Four Iron Rods, 30 ft. long, Attapulgus. No marks. Disposed of. One 12 ft. Shafting, Attapulgus. No marks. One Tombstone base, Attapulgus. No marks. One Old Barber Chair, Havana, Fla. No marks. Box H. H. Goods, Havana, Fla. No marks. One Table, Havana, Fla. Np marks. Box Marble, J. W. Croft, Edison, Ga. Unclaimed. Two boxes H. H. Goods, one Stove and Pipe, L. M. Hunt, Quincy, FI*. Unclaimed. Barrel empty Bottles, J. A. McPherson, Quincy, Fla. Unclaimed. Half Barrel, contents unknown, Jenny Lane, Quincy, Fla. Unclaimed. Hhd. Crockery, B. S. Smith, Quincy, Fla. Unclaimed. Bax Hardware, Gus Bennett, Quincy, Fla. Unclaimed. One Bu. Stove Pipe, Eldorendo. No marks. Box Dry Goods, Pail Candy, Case Crackers, Mrs. J. McCriff, Hinson. Box Iron, M. E. Carter, Arran. One Scale Weight, W. H. Stanton Co., Colquitt, Ga. Refused. Four Darrels Extracts, crate Earthenware, Fain & Weaver, Edison. U nclaimed. Box Pictures, J. T. Local, Tallahassee, Fla. Unclaimed. Box Carpet Sweeps, H. Spangler, Quincy, Fla. Bag Clothing, Mary Hicks, Bainbridge, Ga. Unclaimed. Bex Starch, Pearl W. Walden, Edison, Ga. Unclaimed. Small Show Case, J. W. Christie, Colquitt, Ga. Refused. One Bureau, 1 Dresser and 1 Bedstead. Carrabelle, Fla. No marks. Bed Spring, John Smith, Carrabelle, Fla. Unclaimed. One case Notions, 1 case Cotton Fabrics, J. P. Westburg, Carrabelle, Fla. Refused. Box Glassware, Miss O. B. Brown, Arran, Fla. Unclaimed. One Bu. Whips, R. C. Butler & Co., Havana, Fla. Refused. One Empty S. Barrel, Babcock, Ga. No marks. Four Bu. Toy Wagon parts, J .W. Trull, Sopchoppy, Fla. One Cook Stove and ware, C. L. Howard, Babcock, Ga. Refused. Two boxes Drugs, R. H. Raker & Son, Arran, Fla. Refused. Box Glasses, Arlington, Ga. No marks. One Bu. (2) Grate Castings, Woodward Mantle Co. Over with Bdge. One Bu. Drip Pans, J. G. Sharon, Quincy, Fla. Refused. Five Bu. Plow Castings, S. H. Sanders, Damascus, Ga. Astray. One Bu. Carpets, Mrs. J. C. Donaldson, Bainbridge, Ga. Unclaimed. Box Earthenware, D. Carroll, Hinson, Fla. Unclaimed. One Bu. Bedding, Howard Culbreth, Arlington, Ga. Unclaimed. One Empty Milk Can, M. H. Johnson, Tallahassee. Unclaimed. Box Glass, A. G. M., Hinson, Fla. One Piano Box, A. D. Johnson, Damascus, Ga. One Box Bicycle Parts, Bainbridge. No markB. Box Notions, Bainbridge. No marks. Box Books, Bainbridge. No marks. Barrel Washing Powders, Bainbridge. No marks. * One Bu. Hames, Bainbridge. No marks. One Box Drugs, Arran Grocery Co., Arran. Refused. Box Adv. Matter, Spencer & Johnson, Havana, Fla. Unclaimed. Box Tmware, S. B. Gavin, Arran, Fla. Unclaimed. Crate Wheels, B. M. George, Damascus, Ga. Refused. B. W. Hilborn, Damascus, Ga., 12 pails and 1 package Animal Food. Box Glassware, James Frances, Arran, Fla. Unclaimed. Box Advertising Matter, Bainbridge Stock Co., Bainbridge. Unclaimed. One Crate Crockery, Mrs. D. O. Quitty, Bainbridge, Ga. Unclaimed. One Iron Bed, 1 Bed Spring, Wyett Moore, Bainbridge, Ga. Unclaimed. Three boxes Marble, H. B. Halstead, Bainbridge, Ga. Unclaimed. Two empty Banana Crates, Joe Demtree, Tallahassee. Unclaimed. Barrel Earthenware, P. A. P. Massey, Tallahassee, Fla. Unclaimed. Barrel Notions, M. Byron, Tallahassee, Fla. Unclaimed. Box Adv. Matter, T. B. Sweet, Tallahassee, Fla. Unclaimed. One crate Picture Frames, E. H. McIntyre, Arlington, Ga. Unclaimed. One Sign, A. J. Cowart & Son, Arlington, Ga. Refused. One Pa. W. W. Drawers, Lottie Smith, Colquitt, Ga. Refused. Four cases Drugs, J. L. Webster, Hinson, Fla. Refused. Two Tables, J. W. Blount, Quincy, Fla. Unclaimed. Four Pails Animal Food. J. R. Lawhon, Sopchoppy, Fla. Refused. One Wash Stand, Bainbridge. No marks. One Case E. Manna, Bainbridge. No marks. One Soda crate. Bainbridge. No marks. One Box Glass, I. Kwilecki, Bainbridge, Ga. Refused. One Hhd. Earthenware, Arran Grocery Co., Arran, Fla. Refused. Box Lamps, Susie Matthews, Arran, Fla. Refused. Barrel Extracts, Frances Mills, Arran, Fla. Unclaimed. One Bu. Lumber, Haddock & Griffin, Damascus, Ga. Unclaimed. Box Notions, P. Williams, Havana, Fla. Unclaimed. Three Cases Drugs, 1 pail S. Food, 1 Graphophone, Howell Drug Co., Havana, Fla. Refused. Box Lamps, Mrs. M. L. Perry, Edison, Ga. Refused. One Barrel Notions, Addie B. Thomas, Edison, Ga. Unclaimed. One Washing Machine, 1 box Soap, o. n. W. C. Clarke, Quincy, Fla. One Barrel IiOose Paint, W. G. Schultz, Bainbridge, Ga. Unclaimed. Twenty-four Cross Arms, Municipal Elec. Co., Quincy, Fla. Unclaimed. One Saw and 1 Bu. Belting, New York Tobacco Co., Quincy, Fla. Un claimed. Three cases Fire Works, L. C. Hartsfield, Tallahassee, Fla. Barrel Vinegar, D. A. Smith, Arlington, Ga. Unclaimed. One Case Drugs, City Drug Store, Colquitt, Ga. Unclaimed. Seven Cases Drugs, 2 Cases A. Powders, 1 Case Glassware, J. L. Web ster, Hinson, Fla. Refused. One Book Case, B. B. Blount, Carrabelle, Fla. Refused. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 33. 34. 35. 36. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 106. 179. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. Disposed of. D. TALBERT J. W. TALBERT TALBERT & TALBERT, ATTORN EYS* AT- LAW. Offices at Bainbridge and Brinson. Fractfce In all the Courts. 121. 122. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139 140. 141 142 143 144. 145. 146. One Crate Glassware, Miss Minnie Neal, Quincy, Fla. Unclaimed. One Wardrobe, k. d., Y. L. Watson, Quincy, Fla. Unclaimed. Barrel Rock Salt, W. E. Pierce, Edison, Ga. Refused. Box Notions, F. P. Wortman, Bainbridge. Ga. Fifty Rolls Roofing Paper, Dixie Fencing Co., Attapulgus, Ga. Refused. One Ammonia Drum, Bainbridge. No marks. One Bu. (2) gates, Bainbridge. No marks. Two Rolls Wrapping Paper. Two Boxes Knife Grinders, Towles & Raker, Arran, Fla. Unclaimed. Fifteen Rolls Wrapping Paper, Bainbridge. No marks. One Box Clothing. 1 Oil Heater. Miss M. B. Blanchard. Three Boxes Marble, H. L. Gregory, Tallahassee, Fla. Refused. Two - Boxes Leaf Tobacco, Wanish Tobacco Co., Tallahassee, Fla. One Bale Printed Matter, Tallahassee Drug Co., Tallahassee, Fla. One Transplanter, A. S. Wells, Tallahassee, Fla. Refused. One Lath Machine, 1 Saw, o. n. Sanborn Lumber Co., Sopchoppy. ^ la - 1 Sewing Machine, Bainbridge 1 bu. Bardn door track, over, Quincy 1 bu. [6] water buckets, over, Quincy. 1 box H H. Goods, over, Quincy, 5 Roils paper, over, Quincy . 1 Roll roofing paper, over, Quincy 1 trunk, Oscar Wilson, Climax, Ga. No check. 1 suit case, Tallahassee, BB check 8885. *. 1 trunK, Bob BurtweJ), Greenville, Fla., Havanna, BB cn A-17370. ’ ’ Any of theabove lip ted goods .will be delivered to the owner thereof U P° submission ol satisfactory evidence af ownership and payment of all accrue charge*. B C, PRINCE, Trafficflanagei.,