The Bainbridge democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-????, January 21, 1909, Image 2

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THE DEMOCRAT. By John M. Brown; OFFICIAL AI»VSRTISI>« MEDIUM- H second ctans mail m»uer is '-a-, poatoffice. Jau. 21, 1900 HaitiOriiltf*, <> sw Gov. S m i'ii Ifcf- it down right Hays h“, “Don’t coin plan but get bu*y fltid help enfojee the prohi* bition law.” ® Toe now th«*»rv that had are a cau-e of insanity will many peo i le here to *h w teeth—to t. etti fo ro«* their The Albaay Herald w aathority for the statement that# there will he na session of th« United State* court thi* w ek, a* h«G been ex pected, It is stat.d that Judge Speer h is postponed the se-sion to a later <iaie not jet announced. A number < f lawyers are interest ed in t; is postpOn* merit, having cases itic’i are to he tri'-d ■*t the next lA^st of ih*> United State-: coui Valdosta. #11 good people ou^iit to thank 'J >d for Ihe ri-ing tide of con science in the South and Nation. Dr. Hamil. Go!umbu- ha* b* come thor High ly reconciledjto prohibition am! i* boringartesian well- to secure a larger and bitter water suppD. The anti-saloon league is plan a legal fight against near-beer dealer*, who are selling reel beef in Georgia. May the right win! and it will One by one t muriitie-i ar«- ii • j narnt r i-iWivi • if who expects to to do it- perp et less page oi 1909 act thailUtoWi!l r h<- famiTjmierore trie b is the Auc ror or 19 prahibitin operating, there were bnt 8,99o cas s, wjtb I,5§8 drunks* It would be a serious case of per verted vision or mathematical m efficiency it one weie unable to sec- chat a decrease of 6,096 criminal coart cases and 2,754 .bucks in the brief period of nice months mast mean something to a • ity. It is wonliv of note that bunding pe -- | mil * of the same period show an in* ; ciease oi $331,17o, and this m the I face of our financial depression. Yet they tell us that prohibition does not '‘prohibit;” W ell, it does something anyway A GOOD REASON. Bainbridge People Can Yor Why It is So. Tell Pill - ! th. - - la Doan’s Kidney cause of dis* e *p, > the cures ar. e'ua rt uir-dy s'r- -a;-->t : the kidnej-, t>. piug d- 'a out of ihe body the liquid ore the : s why -. T is • ues itp to di:ve poisons J.M L A I N G. It is custom every year to spend a month , n New York and Baltimore, watching the markets f 0r the newest goods, I did this this season and whilo there secured an up to date line of vet) stylish I that cause backache, headache and distressing "kidney and uiinary t->. T c city of le in Dough* eny county, Georgia, which went ! dry, January 1 1908. The fi>llow-| ing comparison of the number of ar- j rests lor all offenses in that city,} M M’l - - • li- I Fainbridire p 4 ’•manent cure* > tey, living uu : ' i ;bridge Ga., - * > .ail’s Kidnej Put- chey gave me : a dull pain in toe - Fall and Winter Goods. “I ; <nd • All Tli s« Seasons Good s and ?t prices in keeping with the times. There are l os of merchants not buying a dollar s worth of newgo 0c ] s on account of so hailed “hard times’. I. however, COn . eluded that if I didn’t buy IcouHn’t sell them; so I bo’t my back than any rem 1 V without prohibition and widh u, has | v , tj ., v U3ed . The kidni timers. 1 Hoke .Smith saj’s the Interstate Commerce Commission shou i! have in.reaied power to be abl; t<> accompli-h things they were i: - tended to do, Secretary’ of State Phil Cook Haid to be drafting a bill reguiat .f (he operation and speed of aut< rt hilen in this state, to be introduce at the next session of the legisl. ture. The question “How much does your soul weigh?” which is agiat- ng psychologists, may be more readiij’answered later on when it is discovered whether it weut up or down. “Whether prohibition prohibits or not the official records show that it has cut down the annual consumption of liquor forty million gallons'—Observes the Augusta Chronicle. A Boston doctor says that every 'one should swallow a dozen raw eggs every day. This is an effort to put down the cook and uplift the hen to the position of domestic tyrkunjr. Loos out for Little Joe. It iooks as If ho desires to g^t next to the people and there is nothing i orae people appreciat | ore than get ting “next” to a of Little Joe’s potentialities. There is a deplorable lack ot the good old time hardshell Baptists re ligion now a days ot paying debts promptly. If we could return to those days when ones his bond tlijs would be wor 1 il. word a Governors And Speaking of the title of Gov- rnor and the occupant of the office, in the course of his Augusta speech, Gov- < ’ nor-elect Brown Slid: “Free people do ncAhave a gov ernor, but govern l!i#nselves, and I might say that when^hey make Hp i heir minds t.o govern the governor tl.ey usually carry out their point. “The Governor is no other than ti e man who executes the laws you have upon the statute books and that is ali he can do. AH I intend to do is to bi the executive ol the people ct the state.” The Gnvner is clear, to say the least and it is just as l ”e apprehend, •id. Till the l ist of June Georgia will continue to have a Governor, after that what? some bearing oc the taxation men!: XUMBEF. OF AKEES1S. argu- A Full Line of Good, Glean Merchandise v.-ry j n I <* t ! 1908 1 9o7 January 81 117 Febraary 45 144 March 63 103 April 44 195 May 54 117 June 45 135 July 45 144 August 36 134 September 54 153 Totals 468 1,179 Advertising An Asset. Has it occurred to you that mon ey paid out for advertising is mon ey invested in a permanent asset? Ordinarily a merchant makes each piece of advertising, stap.1 ,*n its own bottom. He says: “I paid $40 for that space and it brought in $5oo worth of business. That ad-, verlisement paid.” If, on the other hand, the $4o advertisement brought in oi’ly $5 worth of business, the merchant figures that he lost.his f>4o. But advertising has a cumulative vaiue,-provided it is good advertis ing, and provided it is good goods and provided it is honest ads vertising. Good advertising, back- ed by good goods and g.od treat ment, build up that most valuable asset a businest can have, namely the good will of the public. lion* times were thick mu. r.sral in lappearante, Lt-Xcoi ubk. Learning oi iionu’s Kidney Pills I sent »o Willis Drug Company and procured a box. I had used but a few doses before I began to fee! a great do; 1 better, I continued their use and at pres ent have but very little pain in my i back, ana the action of my kidnej’* i is more regular. I have no hes- ! tancj’ in giving my naaio as an en- | dorser of Doan’s Kidney Pills, and jam pleased 10 recommend them to ’ others. “It P a - V8 far betle G” thp P resl j For sale by all dealers. Price ent the other day, “to support the I 5Q c , nts . Foster Milburn Co. Birf. secretaiy of the M. C. A m a. New York, -uie agents for the community than to pay the salary > United States, of a policeman.” j Remember the name—Doan’s— j and take, ao other. th?t I-fee! sure will appeal to you, aoj^-tfierefore 1 j n . vite au inspection of the same. Regarding prices. I WILL Sell Them For LESS, As i pay Cash and Sell for Cash and my expenses small. in the These expense items cat a big Figure price of goods. Remember I handle a General line of consisting of, goods, K*m-as has prohibition written in I its constitution, but the officers in j halt the counties made no attempt , to enforce the laws. Recently there Don’t Get A Divorce. A western judge granted a divorce on accoun t of ili-temoer and bad breath Dr. King’s New Life Pills would haT e has been a revival ot civic righteous* prevented it. They cure Constipat2on, ness, the public conscience has beeu ' causing bad breath and Liver ^rouble quickened, and men have awakened ' the Hl-temper, dispei colds, banish head There are . xainbles in every town ol what application to business on the part ot young men possessed of hard muscles and determination can accomplish Those brought up on a flowery bed > f case seldom amount to much. Our farmers will never bo as in* dependent ns they should be till they cease to depend ou cotton al together. Hogs, Irish and potatoes, ttnek, poultry etc. should be raised and then they will have money coming in all the year round.' This Is Why.# The Savannah Press, referring to ths comtemplated removal from happier j Sav >nnah to Waj’cross ofjthe At- - lantic Coast Lino Ry , shops, ©b- ser es this: “We can see no good ret}g|n for robbing one city of a large^work* ing force simply to transfer the men elsewhere. The system is big enough to maintain shops at Way- cross and S ivannah also, and the sooner the Coast Line officials are made to realize thi* the better.” But does the Press know that Waycross is an acknowledged “Dry” town? a place where moral to their duties. Kansas City, Kan , is across the line from Kansas City, Mo. It is the seat of the great packing indus tries, and other manulaoturiagr-eon* cerns, and it was insisted that to prohibit the sale of liquor was to destroy the town. It had 256 sa loons, which paid in faxes to tie city $6o,boo. In the anDals of tie American Academy of political, and Social -Science 1 lk a-paper 1 by f' * |L' fc!oddia£, president of iSansas,; Temperance tTnion. After review ing the movement jor the enforce* ment of prohibition, Mr. Codding sasy; “The results following jthe enforcement ot the prohibitory | li quor law in Kansas justify every, ar gument that has been made in its favor.” He is sustained by the test, imony of city officers and business men, and he submits the figures: “The expense of trying criminal cases was reduced $25,o00 a yeai; the police force of the city was greatly reduoed, saving another $25,00o, and the saving in city gov ernment * xceeded the amount ever received in revenue from the joints. W hen the joints were running six weeks or more of District court weie necessary to try the criminal ca es. After the joints were closed thrce week* in cash term were *uffi. ient.” j aches, conquer chilis. 23c afcalldru*- gists. We Sell Bankrupt Sale. sentiment backs up and demands | Prohibitionists should file for fu ture use the remarkable financial exhibits the cities of Georgia have at the end of the first j’ear of the State-wide prohibition law. These are unau- werable arguments on the economic 'ide of the prohibi tion question. Senator Bacon resents the rule wnieh forbids the inspection of public payers hv the Senate. He will make an effort to prevent the carrying out of thi* rule <n future, claiming ;hat it will save needles- trouble and dissension, and the Si nator’- right. sweet I a state of moral conduct than Savannah, which pmmes her self as a “wide open” beer guzzling liquor soakt-d, blind tiger defend ing old town that,neither fears God nor regards man, nor Georgi t law? No doubt the Coast Line System wants its shops and opera ives lo cated where they will be removed from such temptations and environ m*-nt? so that their operatives j and famHies may be in a better moral atmosphere, and that when a traius crew and engiueer mounts a train to take charge of the lives a-nd *afety of passengers and pro perty they will be sobe;, and with ■deady nerve, clear eye and brain deliver them at their destination. We think the Coa*t Line agement |s r*ght. Prominent nit-mbersof congress are saying: “\Ye practically’ went down on our knees to Roose velt and begged him to suppress this Tillman matter in the interest of the whole country, and our offer of peace was spur.', d. Now, he will have togju.- to his knees be fore this thing is done with.” In the District Court ol the United States for the Southwestern Division of the Sou them District of Georgia. Iu the Matter of ’•} InBankruptcy OEb the positive guarantee that if it does not give sat- ^ fcfaction we will return the entire amount of money paid us for it. We ask all those .who are run-down, nervous, debili tated, aged or weak, and every person suffering from stubborn colds, hanging-on coughs, bronchitis or -incipi ent consumption to try Vinol with this understanding. Dress-Goods, Notions, W sns and Boys’ Clothing, Hats, Caps, Ladies Long Coats Skirts and Underwear. Shoes Qur Specialty, Ali Prices suit the Times. Will appreciate an inspection of our Goods VO UMS TO PLEASE J. flf. LA ING. Sold By WILLIS DRUG GO. ORDER BY HAIL . Largest Stock Of Men’s Clothing IN THE ENTIRE SOUTH NOW OFFERED AT MORE PINKHAM Greatly Reduced Prices SUITS, OVERCOATS anl RAINCOATS $io oo to $i3 oo VALUES $Q95 CURES Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy. W, C. T. 1). Department Matters Some Prohibition Facts. The results of prohibition in At lanta are shown in these figures: In the first nine months ot 1907 the annual recoid slows 15,o86 cas. es, of which 4,352 were drunks. For the fame months this year, with Decatur Furniture Co Bankrupt. In pursuranceof an order * passed by the - Hon. \\ iifred C. Lane, Referee in Bank ruptcy, in the above stated matter, pend ing in the District Court of the United States for said Division and District, I will i sell at oublic outcry Jjie following property ■ belonging to said eatate freed o^&il liens and encumbrances,to wit: All uncoBected notes and accounts due aid owing to the -Deca tur Furniture Co,, two horses, one buggy and harness and dray and harness, and all the stock of fcfnitwre local^i in-the’store house of tbe^ecatur Furnitu^kCo., at At- d sale will take p*e at the ture Co., in BainjHdge, Ga , j i o’clock ^jletion of the Je. Private bids wll^^wen-tertained up to the hour of sale. Ten per cent of the l Ms must: be ke- ! posited with the trustee on the day of sale and the balance of the purchase price paid to the irustee on :he confirmation br the court of the sale. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. An inventory of the above assets and a list of the uncollecta ed notes and'accounts may be seen on ap plication to me at my office in^k-.nbridg*. Bainbridge, Ga., J anuary 15H909. R. G. Hartsffeld, Camden, N..J.— “It is with pleasure that I add my testimonial to your already long list—hoping that it may vail th< induce others to avail themselves o"f this valuable medi cine, Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. I suf fered from terrible headaches, pain in $15.00 tO $l8.0,‘> j $20.00 tO $25.00 VALUES s 1O O0s 15 VALUES m B. H. LEVY BRO. & CO. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. my back and right dt tapulgu-. A Decatur Fuf man- j on January 27,1909, beg.r.n ■ and continuing'untU the Si de, was tired and nervous, and so weak I could hardly stand. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta ble Compound re- stored me to health and made me feel like a new person, and it shall always have my praise.’’’ —Mrs. W. P. Vaj.Vvtixe, 9«2 Lincoln Avenue, Camden, X. .J. Gardiner, Me. — “I was a great suf ferer from a female disease. The doc tor said I would have to go to the hospital for an operation, but Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound coml pletely cured me in three months ” — Mr*. S. A. Williams, R. F. D. No 14 Box 39, Gardiner Me. Because your case is a difficult one, doctors having done you no good,’ do not continue to suffer without S ving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable impound a trial. It surely, has cured many cases of female ills, such as in flammation, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, indigestion, dizziness, and ner vous prostration. It costs but a tiifle Atlantic Ccast Line Railroad EXCELLENT PASSENGER SERVICE MIWETIB A INBRIDGE d. ND Montgomery, Birmingham, New Orleans, Chicago ;innati. St Lnnia anfl all nainir. v v«vlr Cincinnati, St Louis and ail points West also New York ..x!? de 1 l P hi * ? Ha tmore Washington also Cuba and all Florida points. THROUGH PULLMAN SLFFPFRS. Local Schedule of Trains: GuT£ji_wfisT, 3 07 a,hrf% 11.35 a,m. / . to try it, and the result is worth mil. i rostee m Bankruptcy. Uons to many suffering women. Train No 57 Train-No. 189 s' going east. Train No. 58 Train No. 189 Train No. 182 K.ywSSfSSJSk" P ' ,rt 1 ’ a “ pI Wi,h P - * <’• »• Connectiu a. Savannah with Steamer T i Ph.a Ne, York, Boston and poVnt* north ‘ Tourists Tickets now on sal- Schedule flares are giveu a* Informal,™ and ar „ 12.53 u. m. 1.15 a. ni. 5.1o a, m S. Co ship* ne® to Baltimore, Phi not guaranteed' T. C. WHITE. E. M y N b a t,ckets lr ^ ^i ntS ‘ Gen. Pass. Agt. i)?v pf,’ 9 P , t T ’ Wilmington, C-, Savaunab, Qa., Trav Pas9* Aari Thomasville, 0®”