The Bainbridge democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-????, January 28, 1909, Image 2

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THE DEMOCRAT. Bv John M. Brown; OFFICIAL ADVERTISING MEDIUM- E •.•frcri „e second class mail matter 11. H «m hi flee, Ga., postofiice. Balnbrid*^, (}»., Jan. 28, 19051 who dt- remove busi- l: Tin, Bo-jtwa physiciau Clares that kiting wi freckles certainly knows ness. G«v( rnor-clect Joe Brewn has promised to make public the con* tents of that famous sealed letter after his inauguration. The girls who get married this year will be able to hold their heads op proudly, knowing that they are free from suspicion. Pretty much all of the state of Ohio has climbed aboard the water 'wagon. Only a few “wet” counties are left. From present appearances it would seem to oe a fairly safe bet to make thai South Carolina will also soon join the sisterhood or prohibition states. The closing day-* of the winter with some depend upon the ground hog on Candlemas day. Jfhecoine* out and sees his shadow we ma> have a good deal of winter yet. > Ben Tillman has taken it upon himself to purify the ^ hite House. He will go down in his tory with the man who cleaned out the Augean stables. The New York woman who is sui g for divorce on the ground of Wi‘.-slavery under the 13th amendments, probably doesn't d»<.'ire a divorce as much ai she does a little attention. “Let ns hope that the legislature will lay everything »lse aside wnen it convene* in the summer until it disposes of the near-beer nuis* ance,” says the Moultrie Observer. Does the Ooserver mean to convey the idea that the legislature will u :c ;h . t much near-beer? Ex] If t h e legislature elect is like those of Hi« past they’ll take all .. e booj*A that thev lay hand-* on. c Roosevelt advocates £ memorial for Robert E. Lee. The North as well as the South has come to ie- cognize the merits of the great Soathern soldier and whether a national memorial to him is erect* ed or not his fame i^Miecure. His name will live whe crambled because it was q^HAorn to die. ^’ecuri is S ne has t|at i he Charleston News and Couri er says “Taft talks like a man.” What else did Editors Hemphill and Bail expect—did they think he would make a noise like a ’pos sum. 'I he announcement that Thorn., ton Rains threa’ens to write a novel about the Annis killing is Sti.i further evidence of the fact that he shouitf have been convict ed. It is not everybody who finds prohibition a dry business. The solicitors of the courts in which the violators of the prohibition law are being made to pay such heavy fines are finding it very juicy. “If prohibition goes on the statute book3. the fight has just begun,” says the Memphis Commercial- Appeal. Quite right, the fight of tho blind .tigers to prevent being lined or sent to the gang. That’s the way it was in Georgia. Since the prohibition bill has passed in Tennessee the Atlanta papers are again urging the instal lation o? a new pump. The need for it will certainly now become more pressing with a lead pipe .eynch on the wettest liquor the union. The jurorsRn the Cooper case in .Nashville to be served with a toddy each morning while the trial i| on. If this plan were gen erally adopted there would pro bably be less trouble expei^eoced In getting jurymen, especially in 'prohibition states, A traveling man was riding in the smoking car of an express train, reading his paper, when a man rushed in from the car be hind tho eiuoker evid. ntly in great agitation, and said : “Hus anybody in the car any whiskey? A woman in the car behind has fainted.’’ lustautly dozens of flasks were preduevd. The man who had ask ed for it picked out the largest one. drew the cork and put the txttle to his lips, "With along satisfied sigh, he handed it back and re in rked: “That did me a let of good. 1 needed it, for it always makes me feel so queer to see a woman faint.” The Savannah Press has a head line as follows: “Proceeded By a Platoon of Police Many Troops •larch.” Too bad that the excel lent soldiers of the city hy-tbe-sea need public protection when mak ing a public appearance. Is this another outcropping of prohibi ts n?—Macon News.v* P-issibly they thought Gov. Smith had came d.»wn with the State Militia to enforce Prohibi tion. Wd note that the State Anti- Saloon League, which held a meet ing in Atlanta recently resolved up >n renewed activity n the en forcement of the prohibition law and the maintenance of prohibition -'entimeat throughout the state. This is well. Good citizens gen erally and temperance people es pecially will regard with .approval this feature to the campaign map ped out by the leaders of the Anti- Saloon League and lend their moral support to this en . Taft’s Georgia Visit. is in the grip of a terrible epidemio gf suicide. The agnosMc, when the burbens ©f life become too severe, is willing to k lree himself from them and take the risk ol what death will briag. Aut*>-suggesiioa plays an important part in the wave of sui cide. The newspapers are indirectly responsible for fl muting ghastly stories ol crime before thp eyes ol the people, and thus inciting them to follow in the steps of those un fortunates who have died by thtir own bands.” “Vice is a monster ot6uch hidepns mein That to he shunned ends but be seen— Yet seen too ber face, We first endme, then embrace.” oft—familiar with pity, then mg liquors. WLat Burton years ago remains true at the ent day. ‘if a drunken man gets » child, it will never likely have a good bram. One oi the leading physi cians of America showed by h - statistics ih^.t, out of three hundred idiots whose history could b* traced oae bunder and forty-five years wer* 1 the children of drunker, parents. As Atoretime, The Democrat will publish tfce official advort'sements of the Sher iff and Ordinary and those of Ad ministrators, Executors and Guar dians, and when you see them -m onr columns they are so, cr i the Pe Kind Vroi The Preside nt-eleet got away from Charleston yesterday morn ing and is now well on his way to Panama. His visit to the South was a notable one in many respects and promises'to have an import ant hearing on his administration and his future political career. It was pretty definitely determined during his visit that ther should be a radical change in the 'method of ^making appointments in the South, and also in the kind of men appointed. For the past forty years a little syndicate of Re publican politicians in each .of the states has named the federal ap pointees, the government at Wash ington J knowing comparatively nothing about them, except that they were Republicans, and in most instances, uot satisfactory to the people. Judge Taft gave as surances that he would use great carain making Southern appoint ments and that he wouldQndeavor to appoint men acceptable to the comm unties iu which the offices wc a. this policy is adhered to there wi.l be a more kindly feeling in the South towards Julge Taft’s ad ministration than there has been towards any previous Republican administration. And it is safe to say that there will be a noticeable increase in the number of white Republicans m'the SouthJ No doubt Judge Taft came to the conclusion to change the polioy of Republican administrations in making appointments after giving the political situation in the South a pretty thorough consideration That he has acted wisely there is no good reason to doubt. His first, appointments in the South will be looked for with a .great det i of in terest.—News.* Good Times Coming* “Who said good times were not returning? The Central has ordered work resumed on its big shops at Macon, the Seaboard will increase its force at Americas, the Plant System is going 6o open its enor mous plant at Waycross, These are signs that tell the sory of pros perity ahead.” Really! it doe- appear that Geor* gia has no! been consigned to the demmtiou bow-wows just simply because it had been made harder to get a drink in the confines of the state. Things here are moving for. -t*-. A GOOD REASON. Bainbridge People Can Yor Why It is So. Tell Doan’s Kidney Pills eure the cause of disease, and that is why the cares are always lasting. This remedy strengthens and tones up the kidneys, helping them to diive out of the body the liquid poisons that cause backache, headache and distressing kidney and urinary complaints. Painbridge people testify to permanent cures, W. A, Mooney, living on Craw- Ul “ VV ' * O | W , r-, ward ai d not backward. Some folks ford, St., Bainbridge Ga., says: “I Moral Cowardice Growing New York is startled by the sen- *at'onal statement of Bishop Greer that the desire for lile among the people, not only of that city., but •f the wLele conatry is decreasing. The bishop declares that men and women are becoming Jess sensitive to their, personal responsibility to God, and lays the blame for the ap palling wave ot self destruction that has been sweeping the land during the last tew months to a relaxing of modern life on th. vital realities. “The people are forgetting that they are placed here to struggle,” says the bishop. “Too many seek only happiness, instead ot striving to he worthy ot life. The aountry may argue that all of these advance ments and betterments are merely natural progress. All right, let it go at that; then you cannot deny that prohibition does not affect progress. You must not say any longer that mun'cipalities cannot prosper without a liquor revenue. You must not presage misfortune on account of prohibition when there is progress instead of retrogression. Jus-, he fair and admit that it’s a whole lot better to reduce ciime in the state and progress at the same time than to progress with a saloon on eyery corner and the police work ing over time to make the streets safe and reputable for tho women and children. Prohibition is not so bad, if you will only look at it with prejudice, —Recorder. Drunkenness And Insani ty. The following statement regards ing the increase of insanity through drunkenness, is made by Dr. Forbes Winslow, one of the greatest Eng lish physicians and authorities on the subject of insanity: “At the present day wh n an in dulgence in alcohol poison is exert ing its sa t but dreadful effects on humanity, when our lunacy statis tics show that the increase of insan ity is really due to an increase in thin vice, it behooves one to ncosider briefly the question. The recent publicat’on of the London asylum’s committee’s annual report shows an actual increase in lunacy in the asy lums govertned over and controlled by the County Council of seven bun dled, as compared with last year, In one large asylum the medical superintendent states that out of nine hund ed and fifty eight inmates received, two hundied and seventeen ol these admissions were due tq “in temperance in drink.” OneifouiUi of tfu : insanity; then, is attributed to a vice, whieh is, so to speak, self.m- fl'eted. These statistics also com pare well with those issued by/tbe unacy commissioners, and on tak^p^ have used Doan’s Kidney Pills and can 3a., that they gave me mure relief from a dull pain in the small of my back than any remedy pre viously used. The kidney secre tions at times were thick ant very unnatural In appoaram e, and I felt j miserable. Learning of Doan’s j Kidney Pills I sent to Willis Drug Company and procured a box. I had used but ajew doses before I began to feel a great dei.1 better 1 continued their use and at pres ent have but very little pain in my hack, and the action of my kidneys is more regular. I have no hes- tancy in giving my name as an en dorser of Doan’s Kidney Pills, and am pleased to recommend them to others. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buf. falo, New York, soie agents for the United Slates. Remember the name—Doan’s— and take no other. Don’t Get A Divorce, A western judge granted a divorce on account of ill-temper and bad breath Dr. King’s New Life Pills would have prevented it. They enre Constipat2on, causing bad breath and Liver .^rouble the ill-temper, dispel colds, banish head aches, conquer chills. 26c at all drug gists. PATENTS Send model, sketch or free report on Howto Secure' Patents and • photo of invention for ( bllity. For free book patentability. For free TRADE-MARKS pposite U. S. Patent ^JVASHINGTON MAKE ICE CREAM FROM WATER and a small quantity of ccmdensed milk, if fresh milk cannot be had. RECIPE. H pint condensed millrcosts.. . . .06e. Add enough cold water to make one 00 One 13e. package JEIX-O ICE CREAM Powder ..... ,13c. i-. I - Total I9e. Mix' all together thoroughly and freeze. Don’t heat or cook-it; average’ for the la-*^ftv« .’ don’t-add anything else. This S..E „„„ „ *£ i »' msikfes two .quarts of delicious ice drink as a cautp averages ;2h.,9- -~pe£i eect. o the admi-sioas' ,-Whfejy^ lake into consideration bbelacl tMt there is n<>. disease ^lose gprms jtrq haededwown to posw^nty to a-'great' er extAt than this, w^*;hudder to think \*iat the coiiditi/T ot the de- scendants of these ct^/oholic degen erate: murt bar ^ is a law of vital physiology that, _ as “like begets I ke, ’so do drunken parents often transfer their brutalizing habits to their unhappy offspring, who, if they do not actually follow in the wake of their parents exhibit 'some form of moral aad mental obliquity or a nervous disorder clearly traceable to a deterioration of phv^eal strncture in all probability sea&l in the brain —eans-d by a long and persistent indulgence in the see of intoxicat- quart§ of delicious ice • cream ip 10 minutes at very small ■ cost. ' - AND Y{OU KNOW IT’S PURE. kindi.;. Chocolate. J * fruit!a. Strom— ■■ ■ . perry, -Lemon and Unflavored. 2 packages 25c. at all grocer*, Illustrated Recipe' Bo#kf.Free. The uenesee Pure Food Co-, le Roy, N.'Yc KILLths COUGH AhJ CURE THE LUNGS Dr. King’s Discovery ONSt .tiPTiOi. OUGHS OLDS •-nee 30c &$1.00 Free Tri?*. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY SACK Soe&tioM/ d any Com* “ Do you know of any woman who ever receive benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable pound ?” If any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar to her sex will ask her neighbors this, question, she will be surprised at the result. There is hardly a community in this country where women cannot be found who have been restored to health by this famous old remedy, made exclusively from a simple formula of roots and herts. During the past 30 years we have published thousands of letters from these grateful women who have been cured by Lydia E. Finkham’s Vegetable Compound, and never in all that time have we published a testimonial without the writer’s special permission. Never have we knowingly published a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine. Here is one ju«t received a few days ago. If anvone doubts that this is a true and honest statement of a woman’s experi ence with Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound write and ask her. Houston, Texas.—“When I first began taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound I was a total wreck. 1 had been sick f;>r three years with female troubles, chronic dyspepsia, and a liver trouble. I had tried several doctor’s medicines, but nothing did me any good. “For three years I lived on medicines and thought I would never get well, when T read an advertisment of Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound, and was advised to try it. “My iiui.ha:id get ine bottle of the Compound, and it did me so mircli good I continued its use. I am now a well woman ' and enjoy the best of health. “I advise all women suffering from such troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound a trial. They won’t regret it, for it will surely cure you.” — Mrs. Bessie L. Hick*, 819 Cleveland St., Houston. Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely not to give such a medicine as this a trial. Why should it not do her as much good as it did Mrs. Hicks. FREE ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS For a limited time only Dr. Hathaway (& Co., the old reliable specialists, will give free electrical treatments by means of their wonderful High Frequency Electrical Apparatus to all cases placed with them. This wonderful electrical current is little short of marvelous in its manifestation* and effects upon disease. You have never had anything like it Let us demonstrate it to you. The finest electrical equipment in the north west The most pleasant and effective method of relief and cure used in the treatment of such chronic and special diseases as Rheumatism Catarrh Neuralgia Varicocele Indigestion Weakness Blood Poison Women’s Diseases Stricture Kidney Vital Losses Hydrooele Bladder Nervous Debility Rectal Diseases Prostatic Troubles 23 years’ experience, 20 years in Sioux CHy, firmly establish our reliability. Come at once and get our opinion of your case and the benefit of this grandest of all modern curative methods. Our specialty includes all Chronic and Special Diseases of both Men and Women. Everything strictly confidential. If you cannot safl, write us about .your case. NATIONAL BANK BLA Dr. Hathaway & Co. Sum£ • - ’1 ^ Georgia, Florida & Alabama Railway Company LOCAL TIME TABLE Arrivals and departures of Passenger Trains at Bainbridgp, Ga.- .. . ... ARRIVES DEPARTS Train noT For South -11.05 a. m. 1J.10 a. m* ‘ “ “2 “ North 4 28 p.m. 4 40 p. m* ‘, “ 3 “‘ South 7 I0p. m, 7l5p. 00• “ “ i ** North 8.35a“ m. 8.3S a. m Aii points easily accessible vi* the Georgia Fforida & Aia’ia^* K lilwav. Ask tickets for r*tes aad schedules. . ... B. G PRINCE. G. P A. IWoodwardMaiEt Llslspb lead all others by virtue of quality — they arc ar.. brains can make them, reasonable in price and rr..i. every possible style. No modern Southern home is com plete without WOODWARD MANTELS. The tre mendous demand for them has made us the lara" 1 MANTEL MANUFACTURERS in the South. O uf beautiful CATALOG “C” illustrated with many J** sijms, sent FREE ON REQUEST. WOODWARD MANTEL CO. i 83 Whitehall St ATLANTA. C ^A WOODWARD MANTEL Ct{ ATLANTA. CA.