The Bainbridge democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-????, February 11, 1909, Image 1

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Here Shall the Pre*<* the People's Rights Maintain 3 Y JJHfi * r ^OWH. BAINERIDGE, S&OHCiA, THURSDAY K*QR5«ISIC FEBRUARY II, 1909. Vol. 39—No.t#-$l.oo a Year tdito'iaettes 1 w0t jm r.(* traveler decte.ros ^'h'. , i - “ Washington.*’ Jr ''' >; .oky»‘ to her! YoU cr > bay V ™«P« at many . . r>« if. R j.Jyeo to i tii i pi t-e advertises. A '■ | *<’ ’ I WP' '*• 1 I ■ • is are a part of a j -ti-i —par- ... » .ri of which saves ,r i.tue and money. . |, M ; Is .« accompany Mr. , „ , • ins African trip, bo . fv.aed with assurance IttJir «I*i: iiavu a Heller of a time l»i\vr«iiu.«ii'Ji! of crops would I C u-. rdiii-‘’is of dollars to the far- fTi 0 f (it c»rf»ia. where they now 1 ffton'v 0 oiiaard?. A race vsr threatens in Pitts- horg . ccci r.t o'a tacks by negroes en »mi.i •Aomen. Human nature i« virv .ii# same—even is Pittsl-'iiK- The jii-tol tot* r should be dealt *ith i:> r ir. irt vigorous manner. Tb „,i.. r-..s »:> why any man ;v,.,y pistol in a civilized conns.urty. \: „ . po to churc-h »‘V. f r: »y worship, at d v ;«h f-;--1 ulso forgotten the sr r o.f' nhich mean3 the •r; of V.f-c >i.'rol, hv.n all tluvro cnnvkts are put •c work <hi the roads throughout Georgia, will it be proper still to cv inn touch, since they tv built by bad men? And <1(1 to report, Carrie Nation Will soon Mum home. Why could h:t*’e married one of those lord- u; dukes while over in land, and remain there? E. H llarritnau is said to have rrk.aiued away Low a Taft ban- qnri in Augusta because ho was Fw liiMit u u spOaK, lie siiOuiu n-.lizo that the id. a s. ems to be o R .iiro.ul ortieialsj should be u rod not hoard, rhe Albany llorald tays :“Wher fr-r prohibition ctOse’nt prohibit • • ;■ ; ’.t- c/ the community are to blame for it.” This is true of *rv law. Wherever there is vlola- bt'B of any stHtute for the people * rf t -1 Ham? for it—not the law. ■ n s the at ('arra belle, Fla., sou* l “ l ' ! t. minus of the G, F. & A. Mlnad, Sunday uight, a hotel, thrte stores and a large quantity -umber in the yards of the /r Aaklin Lumber Go, were de*» •tooyed. fhe loss Is estimated at toO,OOXi. at\ ! time the Tennessee an fi, ?rc*hiMtioi)ist8 move heaven *Fd eartb to brlug about the ehc- ^ttif a governor suited to their r " r r they will probably also 90tt,? slight {attention to the K, ®pie\ionof the legislature being -ted to help the governor mu *** ship of slate. •''mart Alex of a do3tor has _^° Vi »red that laziness is a di* ***'• amt tLst itcaufbe cured by wdical treetmsnt. But f 7 '* : °uid anybody want to enre ? 1f Is the~sole and only -antlessdissipation in ihe To many persons;laziness - t9 Pi'iness,—Favauuah News v, 13 the personification of I*' sud selfishness is the he of meanness and ^ J| a PP‘U e as that conies thro • 0f ,* ! Afg«ly human Is damn- T-/ - 1 ”fl , ienc8 on mankind. lj^ Q | aistr y of service for the ° tfairs 19 tlie 0D ^ sane wuJ . 5ie world, such as was - • h? of Galilee. Gov.*tl»ct, “Li*tie Joe” says he will not allow the people to “cut up” whej he is inaugurated ‘ Lit tic Joe”is none of your demagogue 3 He is “ahumblemau.” He is just one of the boys, and he ie going to plain like our grand daddies. Here’s to “Little Joe!” Let us make the most of him while he lasts.—Alpharetta Free Press. The vr.lue of advertising is cumu iative. A thrse mooi&’a or three year’s campaign will not build business to a point where adver tising is no longer aocossary. The first month’s advertising starts the ball rolling. The second pushes it a iittto faster and so on. Each year will make the soiling problem an easier one than it could possi bly be without advertising. The more you advertise, tho more you appreciate its value and the less able you are to do without it. With Augusta and Savannah awakening to a realization of the desirability of obeying the prohi bition law, there seema a good chance of wiping booze from the state map. The Augusta Herald, in an editorial on the subject con cluded : “The prohibition law must be obeyed. It will be strictly enforced in Augusta. Those who would violate it In the future must do so knowing that they will surely bo detected and meet the j severest pobalty ot the law. Night Riders 3n Georgia. The Graud Jury of Ware county has returned fifteen indictments against attested night riders charg.. ed w ith intent to murder which covers the shooting of Miss Maggie Taylor aged 15 years, daughter of Leonard Taylor, who is the prose cutor. It does seem that the fate o£ the Tennessee night riders would be a check agaiust these crimes. These midnight regulators have had les sons enough in the conviction of the Tennesse crowd to give them warning. Mob violence is contrary to the spirit of our governmjnt aud those who may be so deluded as to think that they can always hide their dark plots by the shadow of dark ness will wake up to the fact that their sin will find thorn out. Georgian’s are not of the class that will staud for this sort of dev ilment—and Georgia jurors mu3t show the world that they are men. ground ht.i.ire the /irei of tot* pres ent mont.:, an order issued I * the secretary of sgrieulture hr forced th» abandonment of iL • bleaching p.oc. y-c Bleached flour for export will be made and the millers will be al lowed until next June to dispose of the bleached flour they now have on hand, but no more of it must bo made. As indicated in a special article published iu lhe Journal of $ee- terday, the millers contend that there is noteaougb sodium r.itrato used in the bleaching process, to barm a child ; that, in fact, if a con surnor began eating hslf a locf of bread ou the day he was born and retained all the sod,urn nitrate in his system, he would be fifty-Sve years old before he b'gaa to feel any harmful effects. But the dangers of tha bleaching process are not the controlling res son for abolishing it. The agricul tural department wishes to make the flour look natural It is point ed out that while much of the wheat grown in the northwest makes » fiour utmost as white as ii it had been bleached, the wheat grown in the southern latitudes, particularly in the neighborhood of St. Louis, makes a yellow floui. N -t only is thi s true, but it i? the custom to use a hirge quantity of durum, or macaroni wheat, which is ot an inferior quality, and this, after being bleached,is mixed w-ith the superior bind. This durum fiour Is 20 per cent cheaper than that made from the wheat of the northwest, aud the in centive to bleach it and mix it with the superior quality is therefore very strong. Under this new prohibition from the secretary of agriculture a cus tomer will be able to know just what he is buying and no longer, under a system by which “things are seldom what they seem,” will “skimmed milk masquerade as cream.” The natural color of the flour will give us a clear index as to the quality. Inasmuch as wheat-flour bread, crackers and other pastry consti tutes nineteen per eent of the total uod of toe average American , It is impottant that we should be able o know exactly what we are get ting, whether it be specially harm ful to health or not.—Journal, Water Transportation. The necessity for increased traua. portation facilities is adm.tted by the highest authorities in transpor tation circles. The authority of the Federal Government over the navi gable waterways ot the country is unquestioned, and the immediate question is how to finance the river and harbor improvements, already approved, and, in a great many in stances, undertaken by the Federal Government. The current revenues will not admit of the expenditure neocssary tor the improvement of the deserving waterways that are demanding improvnient, without the issue of bonds. Therefore, the National Rivers and Harbors Con. gress, at its Frth Convention,Wash ington, D. C., December 9-11, at which there were delegates from forty-five States and two Territories of the Union, declared for the issu* ance of bond* to the amount of $5oo, ooo Ooo to bo sold from time to time at may be necaaaary to improve the deserving waterways of the country that havo been examined and favor ably reported upon by the United States Corps of Engineers, the bonds, to be issued under the same provis ions as those>uthorizmg the con struction of the Panama Cauai No More Bleached Flour. If flour of that extreme white ness to which Syou have become accustomed is sold to you rem now on yon will know that it was Saving Time At ’Phone. According to a manager of the Bain bridge telephone company, the stereotyped “Hello” as a meth od of opening a conversation over the wire is doomed to go. “It I? really a waste of time to bawl out “Hello” ovor the wire,’ said the manager, “and I think people are beginning to realize it. The line of least resistance is a very good one to follow in telephone talk, and so why encumber your conversa tion with unnecessary words? You will find that those in the telephone business have cut out “Hello 1” en tirely. Take for instance, the ope rator. See how they’ve cut oat the unnecessary talk. It is sim ply ‘Number, please,’ with them, and that’s all there is to it. Now the proper way to talk over the telephone is to establish your iden tity at once and then get right down to business. Personal,I 1 always answer ihe telephone with a ‘yes,’ as I think that is the Sost direct means to the end of finding out what’s what. Some jeo ole answer the ,’phoue by giving the* name. In speaking you can live a certain inflection which ans °wer c the purpose of a half do-.n words. For Instance, let us say that a Mr. Smith is called. Heaa Ivers the telephone by saying ‘Smith ’ Tbeo °* bor ^ iTlungo right into his easiness without wasting time who is on the'phone or otherneed toss questions. It '*•*»*'“** ver and a great many business firms have issued mjM to tte « m- - loves never to say‘HelloI but to „ ve the firm name upon »° 3 wer- T-g the telephone, so you can readi I /see that ‘Hello ? is doomed to i iave us. It is already old-fash toned. * f rum Keg To Car. ii?. <03 me laugh, said Dan Sin* c air, To hear the fellows shout That iiquor *a!ea will be increased When li^erso is knocked out. They say they’ll intrudaoe blind t’gcrs, And sell it on the sly, Aud any one can get the stuff That has the ea-h to buy. I used to run a railroad train, In prshibition days, WeM sometimes haul a keg or two, Which tigers wouid sneak away. But when t.lie’license introduced, 'llie self respecting bar, Instead of h auling by the key, We hauled it by the CAR. M. THEIR DOTY. Scores of Bain bridg e Readers Are Learning the Duty cf the Kidneys. To filter tne blood is the kidneys duty. When they fail to do this the kidneys are sics. Backache and many kidney Ills fohow; Urinary trouble, diabates, Doan’s Kidney Pills cure thorn all. J. R. Barnes, 310 Barnes Bt., QultmaD, Ga., 3ays: “I can re commend Doan’s Kidney Pills as I used them with good results. My kidney secretions were very irre gular in action, sometimes scanty and again profuse. They were also highly colored and contained a dark sediment. My back ached nearly all the time and became so lame that it was hard for me to get up after I had been sitting for some time. I saw Doan’s Kidney Pills advertised and so highly recom mended that I concluded to give them a trial and procured a box In a few days after beginning their use, the kidney secretions were mado regular in action and the backache ceased. I have felt much better in every way since then.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buf. faio, New York, sole agents for the United Slatee. Remember tbo name—Doan’s— and take no other. AFTER THE GRIPPE Yinol Restored This Man's **r Strength “Several year* ago I waa attacked by a aevere ease of grippe, which left m» with a hacking cough, soreness in my chest, and bronchitis. I took nearly every kind of cough syrup sold on the market, besides medicine given me by physicians. I received me permanent relief until ,ay druggist asked me to try Yinol, and after taking thrte bottles I won entirely cun$. I believe Yinol to be the greatest bleeeing ever otered xo the public, u U does what is claimed for U.“ 18 X Hicks, itap’.esville, Ala. The reason yinol cures ehronls coughs, colds .'Jt pulmonai.; troubles is because i*' contains tonic r ron and •11 the hesrfeng and tody buDllng ele ments of c'v H liver oil but no-oil. Yinol is ah>'-unexcelled as a strength builder for old i- ! *ple, delicate chlld-en, weak and ruu-dottU r iriftjis, and after •lekneMb 7tr A 7f«t for Ssmeea- to Oratk. Why do people who do not eat pork as meat continue to use it in the form of lard? Lard is just as indigestible as pork. In a recent article on cook ing fats. Dr. Peige Emery, the eminent specialist, writes as follows: “The healthful and economical solu tion of tte asking fat problem Is t'ie use of Cotto kie. Cottolene Is purely e vegetable fwoduct. is easily assimi lated. and aids digestion. Dietetic ex periments have shown conclusively that when a vegetable oil la u a ed in cook ing In preference to animal fat, it is mors easily assimilated and-yields far more nourishment to the body.” Cottolene is sold only in sealed pails, of special design, which keep it sweet and fresh indefinitely. Legal Mveriiseients. DEc-ATUIt rf H ERIFF SALE. GEO ROT A—Decatur Ccuni.y, WiJi b.> fold, befor,- the C.'drt House dour, in iut city of Ban bridge in sitd county, du.-iog.he ,e3»i hours of sale ou tho first Tuesday in March 10o3, the following described property, to-wit: Ail tL;.t tract cf parcel of land in the town cf D .na>.,nv;!'e, Drcn'.ur county onrui^ia, courted fofion’s—beginning at the nori.'.e. st corner of lot ofjard No. [4]>our in 'doef. H, running so-.uh to souths *’e.>t coraer of lot No. [2] two insaie Block H fhenee west to sou'fewest ’■'corner of lot No. L-j tv o in :^aii! ii'ock II, tlicn west to to southeast- i-ner co: uer of lot No. [2] two in Block*", thence to the right of way of the A. C. L. Ry., thence northwest along said ri^it cf wuy to the point of bes giuinng, containing five acres more or less all the ictus referred to iu the plat of he town 01 Donalsonvilie which is on the Re- cords of the Decatur County Georgia, said premises being described in a mortgage Deed from R, D. Carr to the Citizens Bank of Iron City, Gr., and re corded in Deed Book 33, p-rge 564 and levied on as the^property of Defendant to satisfy a fifa in favor of the Citizens Bank ot Iron City, Ga., vs, R. D. Carr Principal and W. J. Harris security and S. E # Five ash endorser. This l'eb., 2, 1909* J. H. EMANUEL,Sheriff. Aiso at the some time and place one Anto-Dobtfe, Poo msk*>, sr.d levied on as the property of Defendant, to satisfy a City Court Tifa in favor of T D Wil liams vs 1 -Clark. This February 2, 1909 J H EMANUEL, Sheriff Also at the s*>me time and iplace, cue gray liorco and IiUi,gy. as > he* property ui \\ H f-eott to KMtitjfv a City Court Tifa from the City 0 ,r.rf of D:unbridge in favor of L I.oeb Whiskey Co vs dccti A Si*-mens W H Scott and Gor don Sirmena. This FebtuiRryl', 1908 J.U. EMANUEL. Sheriff. The Cause of >*lany Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing- in this country most dangerous because so decep- .... .. .... — - tj ve> Many sudden deaths are caused by it—heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kid ney disease. U kidney trouble is allowed to advance the kidney-poison- 4 _ ed blood will at tack tbe vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, brick-dust or sediment in tbe urine, head ache, back ache, lame back, dizziness, sleeplessness, nervous ness, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of tbe kidneys and batter health in that organ is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kid neys. Swamp-Root corrects inability to bold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity •f being compelled to go often through tbe day, and to get up many times during tbe night. The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest be cause of its remarkable health restoring properties. A trial will convince anyone. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this gen erous offer in this paper. Don’t make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, and don’t let a dealer sell you something in place of Swamp-Root— if you do you will be disappointed. Also at tha some time and rdace the South hrlf of lot 'and 'he 31! iu the 21 Distfiov o£ fliad i.'i’iii.ty auu levied on a? tnc property of K F Cloud to sa'.ify a rifa issued from th6 City Court of Bain- bridge iu favor of J S Tnotnes Adminis trator of the Estate of L II Peacock vs R F Cloud This Feoroarv 2,1909 J. H. EMANUEL, Sheriff, Also at the some 1 imt and place One bay mare about Oyearsold; one mule aobut i2 years old, brow 11 coiorei; one yello w cow 6 years old marked crop and half c*op and overbit in each ear; one red and white pidtdheifer 3 years old; on > yellow colored heifer, 2 years oid; one red heifer one year old; all levi ed as the property of "Defendant to sat isfy a lifa-n favor of J R Pickran vs Mandia lug] am and K Ingram This Febrr.arv 2,1909. J. H. EMANUEL, Sheriff. Also aL>he same time and place that va cant citylut in the city of Baiubridge, De- catu r C unty, Georgia,described as follows: Louuded oii ’he soutn by Saotwell street on the east by property of Mrs. II.- C. Al len. on th- r-ortb , by o-o’-’er’y of Mrs. ! Nussbaum, on the wcs< by iesitienee of Mrs Chloe O’Neal, said lot fr.nting on bhoi- well street about ninety feet and running back abont the same width of front one hundred, ,id filty-thres feet more or less, ..aid described property levied on as the property of Defendant to satisfy a City- Court fifa in favor of Mrs. E. J. Hamil vs. Mrs. Chloe O’Neal. This Feb. 2, 1909. J,H. EMANUEL, Sheriff. Citation. To All Whom It May Concern: C. C. Cliett having in proper form ap plied fcr me f >> permaneut- letters of Administration on the c-atete of Frances George, late of said county, this is to cite eil and singular the creditors and next of kin of said Frances George to be and appear at mv office on the first Mon day iu March 1609, und show cause, if sny they can, why permanent Admin istration should not bo granted to said C. C. Cliett on said Frances George’9 es tate Witness my hand and official signa ture, Feb. 1st, 1909. T. B. MAXWELL,. Oidinary Guardian Sale. GEORGIA—Decatur County. By virtue of an jc-rdcr of the Court of Ordinary of said county will be sold at pub lic outcry on ti e first Tuesday in March 1909 ot the court house in said county be tween the legal Lours of sale the following real estate situated in the city of Bain- bride Decatur Cour.ty, Ga-, 10^wit/ a sroafi tract of land in the city of Bainbridge bounded as follows ou the north by pro perty formerly owned by Delphia Jennings on the east by Clay si reel sout by properly formerly owned by Adcrti Nelson west by property formerty owned by Mack Mc- Griff, said parcel of land being ten feee east and west by twenty feet north and sou'h. Terms calh. This February 2, 1909. A. W. FORDHAM, Guardian. of Ed Alonzo McGriff. P0IS0M 4 Boae Pains, Can cer, Scaly SHi Met Wo Will SMidfriimpleSIioTvIng Het B. B. B. Cures Above Troubles/ air Eczema and Rheumatism. For twenfc.v-fh > years Botairic.Bloov Balm IB BB) has been curing yeaily thoands of suit erers f nm Primary, Secndarv or Tertiary Blood Poison and ail forms of Blood Disease. We solicit the most obstinate cases, for BUB cures where all else fails. If you have exhausted tlioold methods of treatment and still have aches and pains iu bones, back or joints, Rheu matism, Mucus Patches in mouth, Sore Throat, Pimp' iS, Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body, Eating Soros, a e mu down or nervous, Iliiir or eyebrows falling out, take IIBB, It kills the poison, makes the blood pure , -,A /. V r. r r- ,. ;m . pletely changing the entire body into a clean, healthy condition. CURE.-’ ECZEMA Itching, watery blisters or open, itch mg humors, Risings or Pimple3 of Eczema all leave after killing thepoi son and puryfying the blood with B B B. In this way a flood of pure, rich blood is sent direct to the skin suaface, the itching stops forever end every humor or sore is healed and cured. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM {IS I! B) is pleasant and safe to take; composed of pure Botanic ingredients. It purifies and en-ichea the blood. DRUGGISTS $1 TER L ARGE BOT TLE with directions for home cure. FREE BLOOD CORE CQOPOfl This coupon (cut from Baiubridge Democrat; , is good for one large sam ple of Botanic Blood Br.m mailed free ia plain packages. Simply rill in your name vnd address on dotted : nes bc- ow and mail to BLOOD BAcM CO., Atlanta, Ga. State name of trouble, if you k«>» Soldier Balks Death Plot. It seemed to J. A. Stone, a ciyll war veteran, of Kemp, Tex., that a plot ex isted between a desperate lung trouble and tie grave to cauae^nls death. '*1 contracted a Btubbora cold,” he writes, “that developed c cough that stuck to me, In «p!*e of all remedies, for y sale. MV weigh! raudown to 130 pounds. Then I began to use Dr, King’s New Discovery which .restored my health completely, inow weigh 178 pounds.” For severo colds, obstinate Coughs, Hemorrhages, Asthma, and to prevent Pneumania 5t*s unrivaled. 5Cc and $1.00 Trial bottle free. Guar ran teed by all druggists. The General Demand of the Well-Informed of the World ha-t always been for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy of known value; a laxative which physicians could sanction for family me because its com ponent part.5 are known to them to be wholesome aud truly beneficial in. effect, acceptable to the system and gentle, yet prompt, in action. In supplying that demand with, its ex cellent combination of Syrup of Kgs and Elixir- of Senna, the Calii'cruia i ig Syrup Co. proccetls along ethical lines aud relie* ca the merits of the laxative for ita remark able success. That ia one of many reasons Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given the preference by the Weil-Informed. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine—manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sate by ail leading druggists. Price fifty cents per bottle.