The Bainbridge democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-????, February 18, 1909, Image 2

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THE DEMOCRAT. By John M. Brown; Georgia’s Increc se£l Reve nue. The official fluures of the state treasurer for 1908, whie 1 have now been completed and are iu the hands of the printer, stow that the ipvenuf's of the state increased bv more thQ.o half a million dollars as compared with th« year before. Batnl.ri.l-c, Ga., Feb. 18, lOOJK^vTo oe accurate, the amount of ti e OFFICIAL ADVERTISING MEDIUM Entered as se ;c ad cia*»' matter ft Bum bridge, Ga., postoffice. Printer Wanted. An all round n^v. ~ • /• r Printer.j with regular habits cat. *tcure a per. j mar.cnt job at r l'I i IS OPFI CIS. According to an exchange, ”a town that pays the preacher and incaroaso was five hundred and sev- ler.ty—four thousand five hundred ! ar> J ei cht do hvrs. n revenue for last year ! vv»k five mtHb"'-*’ three hundred and j ;.i hiy e;,r g ' *nd two hundred land -ih^ra dollar?,* while for II’- ~ r n vas four mil- ion eife;- .ared thirteen support* the editor, is mighty close j thousand seven hundred and sixty to heaven.” Then this town is mighty from the pearly gates. for Oh, do not pray for easy fives Pi ay to be stronger men ! Do not pray for tasks equal to your pow ers; pray for powers equal to your task! Then the doing of your work will be no miraele. Every day you shall wander at yourself, at th- richness of life which hascome in you by the grace of God.—Phillips Brooks. four dollars In view of the fact that last year was the first year of the new state wide prohibition law. under which a large revenue directly directly derived from lie- uses was w iped out. and’ that property devoted to the liquor business on which the usual taxes were levied was also withdrewn from the reach of the tax-gatherer, the i^rease is highly creditable. Hut in spite of these setbacks the natural growth and develop ment of the state was such as to enable- the treasury to make a showing of more than a half mil There is nothing which tends so much .to retard the progress, qf a city as a disposition on the part of,’lion dollars' in tax revenues a? tts citizens to form themselves inlo- against the previous year, cliques to tight other citizens and* The disbnrsemeo i: .ve also in- their interests. The people who, creased, during the past year, and are thus disposed are willing to'in fact, exceeded the revenues, but help a public move only when they tn.’s- is tvplarned oy the fact that, can take the leadership or reap the j during la-t yt,ar a largo amount of greeter porficu of the profits and ft f ^qe v VA 5 ! tnade to the school matters not how gteat the benefit i teachers while the current obliga- may be to the city and wifi knock | tions were at the same time met any proposition that is not subserv- more promptly, m other words, ient ta them. The history of any I the state dery nearly, up on city’ that has made 'rapid progress J its arrears to school teachers arid will show that its people steed to- jSuriug the present year wiilnpi gether where the i iterest was con cerned though they fougtqt oiferiy in a business way. The farmer who wifi be sure of his ground every day iu the year is the one who will plant food crops with a generous hand; who will raise corn, oats, hay, potatoes,peas, cane, peanuts; have hogs in his pen and cattle In his pasture. He will plant no more cotton than he can conveniently care for without entailing neglect of food crops, and the price of cotton next October and November will be to him a mutter of minor concern. The first negro insurance com pany on record was chartered on Wednesday in Atlanta by Secre tary of State Cook. It is to be known as the Standard Life Insur** ance Company and has a capital stack of #300,900. The incorpora tors are all negroes and are all cit- faene of Atlanta, except one who Is from Tusbegee Institute, Ala, A sure sign of returning pros perity is shownad by the increased earnings ot the railroads of tho United States for the third week of this in on Ih show a big increase over the same period for ia-»t year . The seme l? true of the next earn ings for the etitire three weeks of the month.—Macon News. It is the prosperity of the people that makes prosperity for th; Railroads. The Certainty Of Pun - ishment. It is bcecming more and mor certain that the ministration of the law needs revision, The multitude of evasions of the law have ak most destroyed their eff«cy as a defender of liberty in the cornmuu- eity. It isfor this reaaon that the method of mob law has been re ported to in some places, hut that is a desperate remedy and must not he tole-ated. That evil, how- over, must be met bv removing the cause, namely : The lax ad ministration of the laws. Make the punishmentof crime certain and mob law will ceese. Then make felonies against the family punishable with death. This is what the law of God made them at firet, and the world has not been benefited by the change to a less severe punishment. Gambling in all its fora a should be made a fel ony. Liquor selling ought to be punished by imprisonment every time any body is convicted of the cf/ense. In order to induce men ■ot to commit crime, we must mak crime uuattractive. That is what penalties are for. have so mudh to pay on arrears. ) Already we h?.ve adjusted our- j selves to the new condition of I ihinirs brought^ about by the pro hibition law 7 . New business en terprises have been set on foot where the saloons formerly were and elsewhere, and the taxes from these will increase as the years go by. The indications are that this will be a good year for for the rail roads and other great corporat.ons, and that the asessment? may be increasod in proportion, sc we may confidently rely upon a still larger increase next year over fhi«. It is glcry enough for the time being that a year like that which has just closed, marked as it was by business depression, should have failed to retard the growth and development of the state, but, on tne contrary, should witness a substantial increase. — At anta Journal. The Eye of theVteedla. Christ says in his sermon “tfc* it Is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom tf heaven” he does uot mean a sewing needle, but a bole through which a camel had to pass through In getting Into a fortress. It waAhe custom In eld times, and in partsof Arabia still Is, for the people of a village to build a fortress against the robbers of the desert, into which they carried an un derground passage in a zigzag form barely large enough for a camei lying down on its side to work itself through Into the courtyard of the fort, and the Saviour beautifully compares the strug gles of the animal to what the rich man must suffer in order to gain paradise. The hole was called “the eye of the needle.” In the oid stone cahirs, or walled cities, in Ireland specimens of these eyeholes may be seen. Most of them have been partially destroyed, but there Is cne almost perfect at Grianan Elleach, In Donegal, and so like the eastern eyeholes that one would think they were made by the same workmen. The Irish annals relate that Elleach was erected by a Tuach de Daanan chief 1,300 years before Christ—Ex change. The Magic Flat “This is our library," said the New York woman, leading her visitor into the front room. “And that cozy little room back of it is the music room. The ‘den’ is the big, bright room on your left. Come over and see it Yes, we have just five rooms in all. The small back hallroom we use as a pack ing and storage closet. Isn’t It cozy?” "Y-e-s,” agreed her visitor doubtful ly, “but where do you sleep and eat, and all that?” “Oh,” said the New Yorker indiffer ently, “my husband and I sleep in the ‘den’ on the oriental couch, and mother sleeps in the music room on another couch that pulls out at night We eat ou that funny little table In the libra ry. You’ve no idea'how big it can be made when the leaves are in. And we dress in the bathroom and keep our clothes in the packing room. So, you «'ie, it’s all very convenient." “What do you do in the kitchen 1" in quired the other laconically. “Oh, we keep the dogs In there at night and in the daytime we some times use It—to cook l#.”—New York Press. DYNAMITE STUMPS Cheapest Way To Clear Land On FFR 25th*” ex P ert representor THE DU PONT POWDER COMPANY will give a DEMONSTRATION of Stump Blasting at BaINBRIDGE, O -A, , on the farm of GrEO.S AIR who has kindly placed his property at the disposal of the Company. Every Farmer and all others interested are invited to attend. GmSmtu r i 1' ■ THE LAW OF ENTAIL Same of the Evi!.~ c; P One .of the. -chief. satisLletioii j vvi' -,. among our Wets li*g inw oi o.i.u.. cfS the (liitriirr. atc-J a weahl: arid; deprived' w.< r-. hope aifd niiii.i';v'= . con . said • that *f:.\ . ; • ..V- compost heap, which grq.vaU*. more offensive up’if-il th ! . ed, but theft-; produced evefy .vhoo fertility and beauty. Entails are not prohibited in tin. constitution oi' Unc i'niied State--, but they are abolished in ihii.o- • and in almost every other stale v ther by constitutional provision? > by statute, it is the sense of id American people that they are con trary to public policy aril inimie:,: to freedom. It is important that there shorn i be laws against entails, for other wise we should certainly have them in this country. The instinct which originated them in England cent.. ries ago is firmly fixed in human nature and is as powerful amor*' men of large estates today as it cvet was. Whenever one of them dies an I his will is published we discover that the strongest desire iie had in death was to preserve bis fortune intact and pass it on unimpaired to his de scendants. He bequeaths the bulk of it to as-few people as possible and even then puts it in the hands of trustees, so that it may continue un der one management and retain its unity as long as possible. If the law permitted it, he would bequeath it all, just as his ancestors did in England or some other European country. ! The evil of keeping a large for- j - Mica ^sk- p 'Grease Helps the Wagon up " : the Mill ... ^ j The loach svelris lighter—'Wagar and wear longer—You make • i H - more; money, arid hive more tim ; • to make money, when wheels are j greased wiill’ '■ . . iMiea Axle Grease —The longest wearing and most | : satisfactory lubricant in the world. I STANDARD fill CO. f ARE YOU SURE That the ice cream yea bar is strictly PURE f Do yoa know that the makers’ hands were dean, flies excluded from the taetory. and freezers and other utensils kept in Sanitary Condition! Why take any chance where your health i* concerned ! Why not MAKE AND FREEZE YOUR OWN ICE CREAM In 10 MINUTES FOR 1c. A PIATE with JtII-0 I6E mm PtWtfei It is so easy. Simply stir content* of one 13e. package into a quart of milk and freeze, without cooking, heating or the ad dition of anything else. This make* two quarts of ice eream, clean, pure and whole some. A good ice eream freezer eon be bought for a dollar or two which will last for years, and will soon save its cost. 2 packages JELL-0 ICB CREAM Pow der for 25c. Flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, Straw berry, Lemon and Unflavored. Sold by all good grocers. When shown positive and reliable proof that a cer remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't! any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy won also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble ?* Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of LydJ E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. " 1 Red Banks, Miss. — “ Words are inadequate to exprew whj Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound bas done for me. suffered from a, female disease and weakness which the tors said was caused by a fibroid tumor, and I commenced J think there w as no help for me. Lydia E.-Pinkham’s VegetaM Compound made me a well woman after all other means haj failed. My friends art all asking wliat has helped me so mnA] and I gladly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Co»| pound.”—Mrs. Willie Edwards. Hampstead, Maryland.—* 1 Before taking Lydia E. Pli Vegetable Compound I was weak and nervous, and could u be on my feet half a day without suffering. The doctors to] me I never would be well - without an operation, but Lydia] Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound lias done more lor hie than a. the doctors, and 1 hope this valuable medicine may come ink the hands of many more suffering women.” — Mrs. Joseph f Dandy. * We will p?y a handsome reward to any person who wi prove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthfu — or that either of these Women were paid in any way for their testimonials,,or that the letters are published withou their permission, or that the original letter from each dii not come to us entirely unsolicited. What more proof can any one ask ? For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills. No riick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from • roots a/ud herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit. Mrs. Finkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Georgia, Florida & Alabama Railway Coup LOCAL TIME TABLE Arrivals and departures of Passenger Trains at Bainbridge, Ga.: ARRIVES DEPARTS Train no 1 For South 11.05 a. m. 11.10 8.1 “ “ i “ North 4 28 p. m. 4.40 p. “ 3 “ South 7.10 p. m. 715 p. “ “ 4 “ North 8,35 a. m. 8.38 a. AH points easily accessible via the Georgia Florida Jc Alaba K lilway. Ask T eket Agent for rstes and schedules. B, C PRINCE, Traffic Manager tune intact is just as great when it Se/yoo is involuntary, and the evil all grows I grows out of the-fact that the man who in herits a fortune is an entirely Hit ferent character from the man who makes it and that the fortune itself in the hands of its founder plays an entirely different part in civilization from what it does in the hands of his progeny.—Chicago Chronicle. ^Woodward Mantel lead all others by virtue of quality — they are aru i;c as brains can make them, reasonable in price and made in every' possible style. No modern Southern home is com plete without WOODWARD MANTELS. The tre mendous demand for them has made us the larsest MANTEL MANUFAG URERS in the South. Our beautiful CATALOG “C” illustrated with many de signs, sent FREE ON REQUEST. WOODWARD MANTEL CO.. 85 Whitehall St. ATLANTA. GA- W There are busgies and buggies but the OE0RGIA SPECIAL TOP BUGGY is away above a y $30.00 VEHICLE in the entire country. It has quality— REVL GUALITY. It has style,—durability,—runs asy.—is comfortable —stands the toughest test: of .ear and looks good. These statements are positively true. Look u up—we are ,sic of the oldest, la-gest and most rr fable concerns in the South. Our FREE FUGGY CATALOG wilt interest, entertain and in struct you how to make a satisfactory a .d profitable investment. Write for it today—don’t delay—drop us a postal for this FREE AND HANDSOME : CATALOG. Sarcastio. A Frenchwoman was complaining to her husband that he was too much of a hookworm; that he re tired too often to his study, leaving her to speird many evenings alone. “I wish/'* she ended plaintively, “that I v^re a book. Then I might always have your company.” “In that eas£. my dear,” the Fren- hnAn answfted, “I’d wish you wave an almanac. Then i could Attorney a ji (l Counsellor change you ono# a year. • j at Law, II Boy A.kod- VALDOSTA, GA. ns are sometime* j g than their ! Special attention to U S Court and ANDERSON HARDWARE COMPANY, 267 Decatur Street ATLANTA, GA. WILFRED €, LANE, ft What One Children’* q- en more emb <^Sb. Henry Burn in j Patent matters. •n>wers, says ^Children's y^fewers." The fnllC^ing were asked by a ■mall bfe during a two minutes’ conversation: • 1. Do kittens take oft their fur when they go to bed at night? 2. Who cooked dinner when all the big people were little boys? 3. Why don’t ovsters have tails? 4. What kind of medicine is it the chemisi has in the big green bottles in the front window ? 4. Wliat does Santa Clans give littf t beys skates for when there ain't*any lee? 6. When I drink water, why don*t it ran down into pay legs f M. E. O’NEAL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And REAL ESTATE AGENT. Will practice in aU the State court*. Special attention given to the Inve*- gation of Land Titles and the Law Administration. DR. E. J. MORGAN, PHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON. Bainbridge Ga. .Office at reer. of the. Willi* Dru* Store Sick Arc Made And th« Waak Are Restored to Full Vigor and Strength at the Hands of the Greatest Specialists of Modern< . JJSPjA perfectly strong, aQtlr«, wlworoaa, healthy, happy man or woman! ? d ® Ie J day before consult a ipoctaliBt, one to whom the be man bodyw open book, ana who understands every phase of weakness and disease and to whom proper treatment tor a cure 1b as simple as the adding of a column of fiacres. The Leading Specialists Tot over 20 r»»r* Dr. Hathaway * Co. bar® b«en tb» lea*uur specialist"* of tW» MWitry- Their practice baa been for year, larger than that of other specSli uta. Tr hs r " cures of all sorts of diseased conditions bare been the marvel of the medical Pjof. you add tho people generally. Tlieir f«cs g cpread Into every town and every Those afflicted with all manner of di have sought the! r services I n order tb....w might be made whole by the ad mini of tbeir wonderful system of trea-in®*' 1 - Wrecks of humanity bave come t<» t consultation and medicines wbo. aj® months later, hare returned to them - ^ ® - vigorous health to give them their All Chronic Diseases Cured Dr. Hathaway A Co. treat all chronic <Uw eases—those peculiar to men and t* ^ _ aliar to women—vital Weakness I*V Every Case Specially Treated *very ease taken by Dr. Hathaway * 0J- la Specially treated eccordlng to Its na'? 1 " all underthelrgeneral personalanpetr* [~7 ? nd aU remedies used by them are preP*- rom the purest and best drugs In tbeir c laboratories under tbeir pe rsonal °' v and all from special prweriptioaaoJ «• OT ^r. Hathaway k Co. make no <to*rg»J?J consultation or odTlee, either at their o® DR. HATHAWAY A CO. SWSiSfflTSC