Newspaper Page Text
V..' -X J
THE DEWOCRIff, has Done '
By JohnM. Brown; . ’
i ♦ »^« ■» —-—
; K ale red *s second elRes' mail matter
I at Rainbridge, Ga., postoffiee.
baltiltridirf, G«., Feb. 25, 1900
Printer Wanted.
An all round newspaper Printer,
with regular habits C3n secure a per.
manent job at THIS OFFICE.
Bainbridge would be fine loea-
for a plant for the making of pa
per from cotton stalks. Thera
would be no difficulty in securing
the raw material here,
The chickens are chieking.-New-
port News Times Herald. They
could hardly be expected to duck -
Norfok Landmark. That ought to
cggs-haust the subject.~Savannib
Morning News. And that la«t
ought to exhaust the writer ef it.
Columbus Enquirer.
Well you need’nt cackle about it.
A company has organized at Sa
vannah for tne purpose of manu
factoring flying machines. The
company is capitalized at $75,000 titulars, Gov, Hoke Smith of Geor
; President RdoieyeH^has not been
Ynfall b!e in b>s'judfgmeht, Dor baa
he always been tpuch lees sought-to
be- diplomatic in-his ( method". Mot
Ins administratiombaa been fraught
with tremeadouS|gooJ for the pjpo-
pie. He baa wbko?ip1i»hed things
that waited and; waited >nd waited
tor the right mao to. . secure their
aocomplishment. He has r£eed tLe
standards of otftci als and
business fnaotalirty »ad has gWen
the nation high social §nd patriotic
asperauons. Although cot ol<*itn>
ingtofea constructive econo nlist,
he has ooened the eves of the ppo.
pie as bo other man before him did
to the greatness of the couati y ind
to its obligations" Correspondingly,
be ha6 arroused the ammositv of
the beneficiaries of special
everywhere, and this clasj
conceal its satisfaction ovfer ■%
nearing end of his administration
and some ot t iem hav- not eyea
taken the pains to hide their malice.
In these things his administrat
ion will go down in history as } an
morial hne; for the influences i he
has set in operation will |lso
throughout eternity. \
What Mr. Roosevelt has done* tor
the American nation in these par.
The action of the .House last’
week tp passing the Knex-Rrapt
ly anti-jog bill indicates that ... tbs
Proftbitionists have worked ep a
sentiment against the liquor traffic
which Congress has keen , compell
ed to respect. A few years SKQ
neither.the House nor tha Senate
would have, passed this hHi.., .The
situation is diferent now, and the
prohibiiionists can |d**pend upon
Congress passing almost any bill
against the liquor traffic that isn’t
in violation of the constitution.
The discussion of public ques
tion upon their merit- and the
criticism of public men is the
right of every man and of every
newspaper. Honest disgreements
often occur, and every man has a
rijrjit to hi8 own opinion and the
ri^n Vo express it within consti-
tuJpart wUjuitation 9. If an official
who was nrment should reach the
ter hwwere he is above criticism
itsaaild then be a case of the cre-
al being greater than the ere
atoWand that cannot be.
n ^ V X ^REMEDY:
Acute a * Tronic Diseases of
, tfce Kids-... ..Liver, gladder
or Urinary Organs^and
Acute, Chronic Rheumatism.
Uric acid,-lumbago or
Dissolves and expels Gravel
or Gal! Stones. It heals and
removes' 5 rrits tion, In flamma-
-t;c Ulceration or Catarrh ol
the Bladder.
The Test That Tells.
and will probably have their
machine r^ady in 60 days.
There is to be no change in the
plans for the construction of the
Panama canal as a result of the in
spection by the visiting engineers
who accompanied President-elect
Taft on his ishmiau trip-cut the
height ot the Gatum dam is to be
diminished twenty feet.
Mr, Roosevelt declines to enters
in the suggestion that he hunt
blind tigers at home instead of |
hunting big game in Africa, Blind
tigers have votes and hippopotami
have none, you see -
That section of country between
Apalachicola {and River Junction
is filling with saw mills and naval
stores plants, and the passenger
who went over this railroad a year
ago would soon note 'the many
changes that have taken place since
that time. So extensive Is' the
timber in this section that many
years will elapse before it will be
cut oat. The several mill* men
tioned furnish a great deal of
lumber for transportation.- 1 -Times.
gia, has done in Georgia, in parts,
and would have d ne in liki ratio
1 had his time not been cut, so short
by the farnatieism which his policies
Time and history will tike kind
ly care of both names and both,
Prohibition sentiment is
ing and a prohibition movement
has even been started in tbe Orient.
The international conference at
Shanghi, assembled with the object
of putting a check upon the trade
in opium and npon its indiscriminate
use as r.n intoxicant, is very much
akin to the widespread and system
atic effort in the United States and
some other countri< s to restrict the
manufacture and sale ot intoxicating
Governor Hoke Smith’s statement
given to the press on Saturday, in
which he defended his administrat
ion against the charge of crippling
the railroads id Georgia and pointed
to the net earnings ot eight princi
pal railroad UneB of tne state as
proof of the fact that the roads have
fared fairly well and better than
many other interests have during
the year ot the panic, as shown by
their ovo reports to tbe Railroad
Commisaioner o* Georgia, cannot be
answered with misrepresentation
nor with warmed-over drival from
the campaign of 19o4*5.
A girl named plain “Mary” at her
birth dropped the “r” when sbe
grew up and became “Mi6S May.”
As she began to shine in a social
way she changed the “y’ to “e” and
signed her letters “Mae.” Abont &
year ago she was married, and now
it’s plain “Ma.” There’s evolution.>s
Villa Rica Star.
And gro ring up with Mary was
a boy named plain ‘‘Patrick.” When
he became a'man and went to col
lege the boys cut his name down to
“Pat” As he married Mae, it was
sidered to be only fair as she
upped a letter from her name he
ould also agree to “Pa.” Some
more evolution. Dalton Citizen.
And when “Ma” and “Pa” disa-
there was revolution .aDubl n
K u
There has been introduced ;u
the Pennsylvania Legislature a bill
providing that “treating” to al
coholic beverages in hotels or other
places of public resort shall be un
lawful, under a penalty of $5 fine
for each offense
Georgia is again trying her hand
at farming,having recently bought
three plantations to accommodate
that number of classes of convicts.
The memory of man runneth not
to the contrary when the state en
gaged in-line enterprise. Here’s
hoping for better luck this time.
And now representatives from
the black republ c ofLiberia are in
Washington supplicatory* Congress
to add th«ir decadent country to
the altruistic burdens that Uncle
Sam is already staggering under.
This is an absolute confession, aft
er sixty years of experiment under
favorable conditions, that the ne..
gro is incapable of self govern
Cougress, last week, passed the
Bill regulating the interstate ship
ment of liquor, which forbids the
shipping of liquors, unless to bona
fide consignors, and unless the
package is plainly marked with
the name of the consignee, and
with the contents. C. O. D. Ship
ments are positively forbidden.
There can be no longer any doubt
that the Taft inaugural parade will
be a magnificent spectacle. Not
less than twenty Governors are to
be|in line, each accompanied by
from ten to fifty of his staff colonels
and majors. Since there are no
more resplendent beings on this
mandane sphere than the staff of
ficers of a Governor, it mast follow
that this feature of the parade will
throw back the refulgeuce of the
sun itsslf with something added.
Nothing would so quickly attract
the Southern people or so surely
bold their respect as a disposition
on tho part of Mr. Tatt to select as
respra^entatives of tbe federal
government men of competence
and character, who possess not
only ability, but the supoort and
confidence of the communities they
are to serve. In this way, and this
alone, can a strong and respectable
Republican party be built up in the
South. And the first step toward
clearing (he path for a better policy
Is tbe abolition of tbe ‘referee’
“Dahlonega dollars” now- com
mand a considerable premium in
the market. One of them wasf'sold'
in New York the other day ; for
$23® The “Dahlonega dollars” are
<rol* coins that were < mimed - at
Dafflonega, Ga., practically up"to
the time of the outbreak of-the war
between the states. The 'Dahlon-
ega branch mint was never a,- very
large affair.-It coined the gold of
this state and the Carolina®. Jts
last year of operation was 18€1,
when only a few gold dollars were
milled. It was a dollar of the mini-
age of 1861 that sold the other* day
at the price named. The Dahlbn-
ega coins are identified by a “D”
under the wreath on the obverse
side. Only a bare handful of the
1861 “D” coins are in exiatenee. It
is worth while to -keep an eye jput
for them. • . . .- ■{.
" * t'' • C« ;
You cannot read the sealed mes
sage which God has wrapped up in
your boy or girl, and yon should
regard it as sacred. You should
respect the dre-ims of future great
ness of your son, because the Crea*
tor may have intended hint for a
grand and far reaching mission.
You cannot tell what is going on in
his mind ; you ”cannot tell what
possibilties are locked in hi3 brain.
He may be perfectly conscious at
this moment that he was {intended
for a much higher place in tbe
world than you are occupying
yourself, and to denounce him, to
scoff at his dreams, to laugh at his
predictions for the future may be a 1
source of great humiliation to you
some day. It may also work in
calculable {injury to your boy. A
thousand times better strike him
with a switcjjlhan blast his hopes
by ridicule or by a cruei, chilline,
cutting word.
Dothan, Ala., Jan, 21, 1909.
Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
Gentleman:—About one year ago two
of my children suffered, badly fram
weak kidneys and diabetes; tbeii urine
was very bad and they would have a d in , ace of four time8 P day
severe SDells of dizeiness, and were all'.„ u ... , * -
The Value of a Remedy
i Proven by its Cures.
! *
' Klkwoob, Aia., Dec. 14,1908.
t Dr. kilmer&Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
! Dear Sir:—1 have derived such- grdat.
; benefit from ;the us*> of your remedy.
! Swamp-Boot, that I believe it to be
most important for the public,to know
its Worth. For the paBt ten years I
hav^.been the most miserable {of men.
Did not know what Abejirqnble was but
had'to urinate very frequently both
day,'and night; was all [puffed up gen
erally. Could not sleep more than a
eonirie of hours at a {time, wa* greatly
distressed after eating a meal and was
about {worn. out, 1 had tried nearly
everything I could see advertised and
hear [of, without helping me to any
great extent, until finally in October
last atRipan, Wis., 1 purchased a one
dollar both of Swamp-Root and com
menced taking it .ccording to direc
tions and I followed that with [anether
bottle and experienced such great
relief and benefit from same that I pur
chased five dollars worth at Huntsville,
Ala.., and continued its use and am now
taking it, but in smaller doses and
run down in health. 1 was just about
discouraged. I tried several remedies
and finally a docotr, but they did not
seem to improve. I kne w of a friend
who was taking Swamp-Root, for ki i-
n^y trouble with good results, and I
decided to get some for the children. I
ho'ticed therd was some improvement
after they had taken two-large bottles,
and continued to give it to . them uutil
they had taken a half dozen bottles
and were well on the road to recovery.
I thi'ek Swamp-Root has done more for
my children than any oth er medicine 1
have tried and I recomm.end it to one
having children'who suffered as mine
did. ‘ .
City Clerk, Dothan, Ala.
A Georgia Woman.
Sparks, Ga., Jan. 11,1909.
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
Gentlemen:—Some time ago I. was
troubled with kidney [trouble; had
severe pams^in back and hips. Was
treated by a physician, but without
any benefiiu I noticed some Swamp-
Root advertising and resolved to give it
a trial. After taking four bottles I was
completely cured. Have not suffered
any pain at all since and can recom
mend Swamp-Root to anyone suffering
from kidney trouble.
and believe by the time present "supply
is used uu I will be entirely well. I am
feeling better now tnan for ten years
pas't. Can eat and sleep first class, in
fact I am feeding so goqd th^t x c nnot
resist telling you about it. You are at
liberty to publish this testimonial
should you wish.
Very Respectfully.
THOS. 8TALLARD, U. S. A., Retired,
Box 7, K. R. No. 2, Elkwood, Ala.
- J-,
Baptist ilinister.
Brinson, Ga., Jan. 20,1909.
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
GentlemenSome time ago .1 suffer
ed severely with pain in my back and
hips. My back pained me continually
and I felt miserable. A friend recom
mend Swamp-Root. I obtained and
took the contents of two bottles when
I ffelt relief, My back has not troubled
me sinee and I can thoroughly recom
mend Swamp-Root to anyone suffering
from kidney troubles, as T find it af
ford me great relief.J
Yours very truly,
Results After Using.
A Promiuent Mi son.
; t • ' Jackson, Tenn.
According to my experience, I do not
consider there is anything to equal Swamp*,
Root for kidney affection-
Twice it-relieved me when 1/ was com
pletely helpiess.
The la-t time I was traveling in Texas
when my kidneys became affected, and for
ten days I suffered excruciating pains ac
companied with severe chills. Several years
previous, haying been relieved of a similar
attack, I naturally sought relief as before
from Swamp-Root.
Alter using.fdur of the large size bottles,
I was ctffepletely restored and went on my
way rejoicing and praising Swamp-Root
Thi&Vas three years ago and I have had no
indication ofV return of the afliction.
J. C. SMITH, Jr., 33 Mason.
DR. KiLIv’r-
>.- Kilmer’s likeness it,
y-ae wrapper cf eve:
A Contractor.
DonAI.BONYILI.E Ga., Jan.201«
Dr Kilmer & Co, Binghamton. N'\-
Gentlemen:—About four [years
suffered from kidney trouble and
mastism in my hips. The pain
my back be ame so serve that I w ,u|
hardly stra ghten up and could ri|
walk with ut dragging my feet /|
would urinate f-equently and wo«|
have to rise wo or three times dural
the night, causing me to su*ter
loss of sleep . And with the pain I
all run down and began to lose 1
gaw Swamp-Root advertised a^i
bought one bottle to try it. After tapl
ing it I felt better and couJd sieep s j|
right at-night. I continued to tR- e jT
until I had taken four large bottles!
I was entirely free from any pata i,|
the back md began to gain in we* f
I always redommend Swamp-Root J
my friends as I think the cure in jj/
case remsrkaDle.'
Yenrs very truly,
M . H. HICKSON, Donalsonville, 6a
Beneficial in
Cases i
A Clergyman.
; New Roads, La., Ja_. 22 1909.
Dr. Rilpaer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
Ded-r Sirs;—I write today to the public
that your Swamp-Root cured me of kid
ney trouble, T was almost past going;
having : spasmodic spells with my
kidneys that were breaking down my
constitution. The best medical aid was
employed and they pronounced my
trouble as alkali in the kidneys, but
were unable to do me any permanent
I took foui bottles of Swamp-Root
and became a well man. This was s x
years ago and I have had no trace of
the trouble. Yours for suffering men,
Pastor Baptist Church, New Roads, La.
Edgefield, Tbss.I
Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghan ton,N.Y,[
Gentlemen:—I hardly know howd
express my appreciation 'or the goi
your Swamp-Root has dona me. 1 k
been greatly troubled with my kid
neys, and with pain in the back; als
with what the doctors termed Infea
maiou ofthj neck of the bladder!
Sometimes my back would gel in sue
shapa that 1 was almosl helpless,
had tried several doctors and medicine
to no good effect, and finally I noticei\
in some paper where Dr Kilmer pro-l
posed to send a sample bottle of hi r
kidney medicine, Swamp-Root,free:y |
mail. I sent at once and received
promptly a sample bottle. After at
ing it I found it did me good. 1 tha !
purchased two bottles from our mer-1
chant, Mr W. J. Elizer. Aftertakini
the medicine I felt like a new man.and
each dav rode five miles to teacfcl
school. You are at liberty to use tkiil
etter, or refer anyone to me, as I w I
always b® glad to tell them what il
w nderful remedy this Swamp-Root if T
Mi. James Ivens, of Saun'iersviliiJ
Tenn., is taking it with good results.|
Very truly yours,
Member Tennessee Legislate,
Rural Route No 24. Edgefield’ Tm. |
Results It Has Proved,
Business Scholarship.
The Democrat has a full lite
S holarshlp in theThomasville Basis
ness College, which i* a high class
Business College for sale, which a
quick buyer caiT get at a bargain,
for cash, or good paper. Apply to
the Editor.
A Negro To Negroes.
Booker Washing to gives this
good advice his rsce in the
South, in connection with a refer
ence to the Ala. Prohibition law.
Theocca9ion was a negro confe r-
ence. Sad Washington:
Not since emancipation has any
law so beneficial to the negroes of
Alabama been enacted,” and he
expressed a hope of seeing ohi j
. bition laws enacted in every
Seuthern state.
A “declaration of principles”
was adopted unamiously, embrac
ing the .following.
“As representatives of 700,000
negio farmers ot Alabama and
the South we urge our people to as
sist in the enfoi cement of the laws
agsinst liquor traffic wherever
they exist.
“To negro farmers throughout the
South we say stick to the farm, tbe
cities have proven a curse to too
many of our race.
“To all our people in the rural
districts we say stand by the rural
sc hool. i
“To our women we say makoj
the home more attractive. Plan
flowers in yonr garden. See that
the house h painted or whitewash
ed, raise chickens and improve
your cooking.”
Boston, Ga., Jan. 13, 1C09.
Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghampton, N. Y,
Gentleman:—Some time ago I was
troubled with kidney trouble, ^thought
for sometime I was suffering with Dia
betes, I had severe pains in my back
and hips. A friend recommend Swamp
Root and I decide i to give it a trial, I
abtained a bottle from a druggist and
after taking a few doses, felt relieved.
After taking several bottles tbe pain
was entirely gone and I have not suffer
ed the slightest since. I cannot b e too
enthusiastic in my praise of this
wondeiful medicine and it gives me
great pleasure to glye my testimonial
in regard to its merits
Form i r Mayor and Member Legisla
We have sold Mr. Rountree Swamp-
Root and haye also it in a number of
cases for kidney trouble and alw- a y
with perfect sotisfaction.;
J. C. Adams A Son.
Mail Carrier’s Experien ce
Blountvii.i.b, Tenn
I have been a rural lelter carrier for
over fiv9 years. Some two years ago
I used medicine from my family physi
cian for several months without anv
benefit. A friend, Mr. J D Nelson, ad
vised me to try your Swamn-Root, but
I had no faith in it. I continued to
grow worse and at last decided to try
this remedy and {bought of Long Bros,
a flfty-cent bottle which gave me great
n Ihought two one-dcllar
bottles, which X can truthfully say
have completely cared me.
Had it not been for Swamp-Root, I
would have been compelled to qnit th 3
rural free delivery service.
I advise all mail carrier who gets
pains in their back that Swamp-Root
will care them,
I was so bad that very often my wife
would have to-help me to arise
Rnrai Letter Carrier, Route No. 2.
Dothan, Ala., Jan. 21, i9°9-|
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
Dear Sirs.'—Have been suffering n«:|
or less from kidney trouble for the last iivel
years and was induced to try your Swamp-1
Root. Am happy to say, or give you test:
monial, that it has cured me. I
traveling salesman for Messrs. Colgate k I
Co., New York, and am always traveling I
en the road. Drinking the different watra |
affected my kidneys
Yours respectfully,
Fully Satisfied*
Waycross, Ga„ Jan. 51c, *9°9-1
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y
Deae Sir$.'—During last October I |
fered from my kidneys.
I consulted my physician, who presen bed I
for me, bat his treatment did not bectfctj
me. After reading somt Swamp-Ro° , J
literature, I decided to give it a trial,
taking a few doses, I felt somewhat r
ed, and after two one dollar bottles hall
een taken, had no pain and was complete !
ly cared, I have not had the slightest p»*l
in my back or hips since. From my o*»|
experience, I can cheerfully reeorame»-|
Swamp-Roor to any one suffering h°*l
kidney trouble.
Yours very truly,
Mr. Martin conducts a carlyingir-l
transfer business.
Every mail brings many unsolicited testimonials from people
from all over the united States and foreign lands, expressing
heartfelt gratitude for what Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp=Root has
done for them.
Do not let anyone sell you some other medicine to take the
place of Swamp.Root-=if you do you will be disappointed"
insist on getting what you ask for--there is no other medi'
cine as good as Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root.
lor Infants and Children.
ftiM Ym Nan Ahnjs Bag
ip^you NEED
SWAMP-RrtCpT is not recommended for everything, but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble or obliged to go oft* 3
during the d» ^Jqjl get up many times during the night, have smarting or irritation in passing or heart distwbance due to kidne?
trouble, Swai^'_ r .oot will be found just the remedy you need.
DON’T BB-giiSLED—For example, when you a-k for Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder
| 0I jr Remedy, don’t allow any druggist, drug clerk or store keeper to persuade you into buying something else
in its. Every time he succeeds in selling you a worthless substitute hemakeis more profit,
but you humbugged at the expense of your health.
NOTICE.—Every reader of The Democrat who has not tried Swamp-Root, the great Kidney, Liver and bladder Remedy,
may address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.,and receive a sample bottle free by mail.
At all dealers in 50c. and $i.0G sizes.
A Sworn Certificate of Purity With Every Bottle—See Inside Wrapper.
The Denocrat Till January 1st. Next Far Half-a-Dellar.