The Bainbridge democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 18??-????, February 25, 1909, Image 3

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r ^,y03’^'OC> > '00‘'Oo , £Ky£)o> < o<y < oo , £)cy^ X/'OU’LL never have any $ * trouble with your oatmeal $ if you buy Quaker Oats in tins. It will keep in any climate, indefinitely, and is the most wholesome and cheapest food you can eat. b Q H Ixr Quaker Oats family size package contains the finest china. Ask your dealer about it. The Quaker O^s (Jmpaivy CHICAGO C&tt£xy&^£>QtGQfC>Qr<0<ytXf£xy j W Me Do Your Gookinfl. Why persist in sweltering nearly half your day over a hot stove—jumping from one dish to the other^-while with the Ideal Combination Steam COOKER and BAKER ou may pnt a dozen different dishes on 0> E BURNER and Leave ’em to Cook themselves. The whistle Blows jjjtl jfwhen you ate wanted; and your lood ■ will be found cooked in the most de licious satisfying manner; everything tenderly and daintily done, arn all about this little 20th Century Wonder by ling on _ . MacDonald Hardware Co f Georgia, Florida & Alabama Railway Company LOCAL TIME TABLE. Arrivals aHd departures of Passenger Trains at Bainbridge, Ga.: arrives departs Train no l For South 11.06 a. m. “ “2 “ North 4.28 p.m. “3 “ South 7.10 p.m. “ “ 4 “ North 8,36 a.m. All points easily accessible via the Georgia Florida ^ lw *y. Ask Ticket Agent for rates and schedules. Local Matters. A Mother's Meeting. On last Thursday afternoon » Urge crowd attended the meeting of the W. C. T. TJ. at the lovely home of. Mrs. C, C. Brown. This was one of the most interesting meetings of the year and a most enjoyable programme was render ed. The meeting waa opened by a Bible reading by Mrs H. J. Bruton followed by prayer by -dr 8. Charles Dickenson. A song beau- tifniiy song by Miss Ben Jackson one of the most tslanted soloists of he city, was encored, and Miss Jackson graciously responded with another. Interesting papers were read by Mrs. Morris, Miss Boyce and Mrs. Bussell and the pro gramme was concluded with music by Mrs. Gordon Chason. A de lightful salad course was served by Misses Martha Brown. Kat herine Fields and Emma Morris, while Miss Claudia Devergers dis pensed chocolate. / About fifty ladies were m at tendance, and the occasion was one of much social pleasure as well as of instruction* It was in the .natnre of a Mothers’ Meeting and this de partment of the W. C. T. CJ. hgs done and is doing most effective work. The Democrat is indebted to the Miss Russell for the above ac count of a highly important and most interesting accasion and function—the publication of which is a distinct pleasure. Editor. Quarterly Conference, The firs*, quarterly conference of the Bainbridge Methodist Church will be held next Monday night at the parsonage, and a full attendance of the ofTioial Board is earnestly des sired by the Presiding Elder. Dr. Williams as business of vital concern will be op for action and discussion to the end cr proceeding with the completion of the new church at once, by the Building Committee. Tne l : Rinbridge Grocery Co., which has been operating in whole sale merchantile circles here for several years will move to that city and open business in New Or leans,’on the 15th of March under the j fim name of the Sharpe- Garrett Grocery Co., with Mr John G. Garrett as manager, who will move to that city with his famiiy. The departure of this con cern and business will be a dis tinct loss to Bainbridge and we re gret it* Found Dead. Mrs. Haire, grand mother of Mes srs Oliver and Gus Haire of this city, she was living with her dans ghter below Whigham, was found dead in her bed, where she had lam down to rest on Monday after noon, having dkd without a struggle or outcry, some time between 2 and 4 o’clock alone in her room. Decease ed was in her 82 year, and had been as well as usual. She was buried on Tuesday at a private burial ground, near her home. The bereaved bhildren and relatives hare the sympathy of the commnnity, Mitchell Case Continued. In the motion for a new trial of ^ . H. Mitchell before Judge Roan of Fulton Superior Board the case was postponed till May 1st. Ground for the continuance was thefsilureof Court Stenographer Davis to finish the record. Judge Roan, however, notified the at torneys for (he defense that A’nless they were ready to proceed on the date set, he would fben entertain the moti-n from the* solicitor gen- _ The Lc«t Season. —i— > ? Yesterday was the beginning of Lest, the great annual penitential ska son. It is observed as a jrelig- leas duty ' vary strictly by the Catholic ohnreh, and fees strictly hjr various of the protestant ebur* chat. That aside from Its strictly isHgiouk or devotional feature it iVa wholesome custom, conducive to physical as well as moral uplift ing ! , must be J readily admitted; and this being true, its observance is to be commended. Lent com prlsee the forty days preceding Easter, and in Christian observance is intending to repre sent the Savior's passion before His crucifix'on. The follower of Christ is expected to practice self- denial, and more thkn ordinarilly ?ive t tboughto his past life with its short comings and to the future life with its premiar-s. Mar in consequence of waa during Lent a cessation °.ver go and observance wfjely- j purely for pleasure. In socie e ^ is the grand period of rest > . mg the year. In the practice of s^ lf-de- nial, aside from the special fasting there is greater simplicity of liv ing, in consequence of the absti nence from everything that comes under the head of the extras and which, while tickling the i Ulate at the same time vex the stoAach. The rest thus given to the n'Jrves and the physical organs oannot do otherwise than be beneficial pe- sically to the observers of Lent. And the natural effect of this phy sical change upon the mind, to gether which induced this self-de nial, must have the same improv ing hffect mentally and spiritually. Man can only be made better by the obligations of Lent, and th stricter they are observed the greater the benefit that will result. There is wbat seems to be gen uine effort to restrict, at l"ist, the shipment of liquor into dry terri tory. The latest snggestieu is to make it unlawful to ship liquor to any place, in any state that forDids the'shipment of liquor from on9 place toauother within the state That is an admirable snggestion. It ought to be a misdemeanor for any common carrier to haul any com— modify within the state that the law fees condemned as unsalable for food or drink, unless it shall have first been denaturized, so as to render it unfit for use as food or drink. If we bad a law like that, it would head off Uncle Sam in his liquor auctions at the federal court house. Everybody that bougbt at the sale would then have to tote bis own purchase, or haul it away in his own wagon. This evil however, would be more directlv met by a law offered by our Con gressman Griggs. His bill proposes to destroy all captured liquor. That would leave no’Tiug to sell and would put the liquor where it wou d do the least harm. DYNAMITE STUMPS On FEB . an expert representing THE DU PoAr POWDER COMPANY will give a DEMONSTRATION of Stump Blasting RAnaaiosG, ca- a,, on the farm of O EO.H McNAlli who has kindly placed his property at the disposal of the Company, Every Farmer and all others interested are Invited to attest 'After more than a months visit to Atlanta, her old home, Mrs. Co Robb G, Hartsfield | Q ,at home a- gain to the delight ot the Colonel Mrs. Roper, of Atlanta, a sister of the lamented Gen. John B. Gor dan, of sacred memory, and a sisters in-law of Mrs. John E. Donalson, is in the city visiting her daughter Mrs* Col R. G. Hartstield, on Evans Street $24.25 TO WASHINGTON. D. C. AND RETURN via ATLANTIC COAST LINE Account Inaugural Ceremonies President Elect Taft Tickets on Sale February 28lh, March 1st 2nd and 3ra ; final limit to reach original starting point nut later than Midnight March 10th. GREAT MILITARY PARADE Special low rates for parties of 11.10 a. m. 4.40 p. m. / 7 15 p. m. 8.38 a. m. A Alabama B, c. PRINCE, Traffic Manager. eral to .dimiss the application for new trial, ^hich wouj^mean the ^ Qr more traveling together defendant would bav/to begin tb ^j| one ^. K6 t. service of his sentef ce. ^ JpTr 0 Mr. John Dickedusn. an old Bainbridge boy ar.dson^'^r. Ras Dickenson, of FowUownSUit who has been living in Arkansas for several years past, is in the city for a lew days with friends and rela tives, who are glad to see him. -,lfc3Kinflt«<ta*A52E Buu- ,/y For farther information reserva tions etc., call on nearest Ticket Agent. Correspondence solicited. W. J. CRAIG Passenger Traffic Manager, Wilmington, N. C- T. C, WHITE, General Passenger Agent, E. M. NORTH, Division Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. McDonald Hardware Co. FarnisHes the Djnaiitc Stalk Narcotic And Irritant, Hold a mouthful of spirits whisk, ey for instance in your mouth fur five min ales, and \ouwiII find it iburns severely; inspect the mouth and you will find it inflamed. Hold it for ten or fifteen minutes; and you will find that various parts of the interior of the mouth have be come blistered; then lie a handker chief over the eyes, and taste, tor instance, water, vinegar, milk, or senna, i^nd you will find that yon are incapable of distinguishing one from < xperiment proves to a certainty that whiskey or aico- hoi is not only a violent irritate but also a narctic. C m yon believe that the still more tender and important internal organs of the body can be fees injuriously affected than the lmouth? Alcohol is specially i.p l to all in. tents and purposes a cerebral poison It siezes, with its disorganizing en>. ergy, upon the brain, that myster* ions part whose steady and zndis- turbed action holds man in true re sponsible relations with his family, with society, and with God; and it is this fearful fact that gives togov- erment and society their tremend ous interest in the question. The chief bar to the working oi the Spirit of God in the sonls of! men and women, is intoxicatingI drink. I know of no antagonist to ! that good Spirit more subtle, more j stealthy, more ubiqoitous than is. j toxicating drink. Though I have { known men and wo men destroyed I tor all maner of reasons, yet I know J of no cause that affects man, women,! child, and home with such univer- i sality of power as intoxicatingj drink. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind Yob Hw Always Bougbt SIMS CIGAR FACTORY, BAINBRIDGE, GA. ‘•PRIDE OF BAIN BRIDGE.’' “HAVANA PEt3” “SIMS BROS. SMOKERS." “HAVANA PRIDE.” Vuelta Ahajo yalley (Cuba) ^-ed (Imported) Fillers with Select Su matra Wrappers, Shade growi . Patronize Home Industries. FREE TRIP to th PACIFIC COAST ARE YOU ONE of the manyt^vi Ug anda w ho w:.r t ta explore this V j ri de rl a ad ? ? ^ 7 SUNSET MAGAZINE has instituted a new department, whom special work it u to put within th« reach of every one an opportunity to tee the FAR WEST. Write fo* Sample Copy. :: :: For full particulars address * Sunset Travel Clui 16 Flood Building, San Francisco, Cal We promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign PATENTS Send model, sketch or ; free report on patentab Howto SecnreTD ini Patents and I HBUI iboto of invention tor iity. For free book Ml ADVO write , Patent WASHINGTON D C. Bears the Signature of S4T Removal Notice. First-class Dentistry in all Branches. United States Court. cm In the District Court oi the United States for the Southwestern Division of the Sou them District of Georgia. Its In the Matter of M. C. Johns <fc Son,. M, C. Johns and L. Johns in Bankrupt cy; NOTICE FOR DISCHARGE. TO THE COLORED PEOPLE OP DE- i To the creditors of the above named CATURANDADJOININGCOUN9IES bankrupt: TO oe m.« cm, lly too «d „»d to! be tter serve my maDy patients, I have ; plication for a discharge from all of the REMOVED mv B£NTA OFFICE ; H. ba £ k ™ ptCV gainst . . _ - the said M. C. Johns A Sons as h firm to the Commodious Offices in the ai.d against M C Johns and L. Johns as BERRY BUILDING, Comer of BrouL-! individuals and against their estate, ton and Clark Streets. 2nd Floor. ! and the said Discha-yegapplicatinn *ill j be heard by the Hon. Emory S(eer,, C60 VN & BRIDGE YORK SIECIALTIES United States for Haid District and Di- j vision at the United States Courthouse in Valdosta, Ga., on the 22ond dav of Extract Tied! Y.tlicit Pain. I Gaar- artee Satisfaction. » -- A continuance of your patron age Li rispectfully solicited. DR. J. W. F, JOHNSON, Dentist. February, lt>09. at 10 o'clock a. m. All creditors of said bankrupt are notified to appear at the time and place stated and show cause, if any the.v can w by the prayer contained in said appli cation should not be granted. Bated at Valdosta, Ga., this 12th day of February> 19W- ROY E. POWELL, Beputy CltrfU