The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, March 05, 1902, Image 3

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• • T ~" ’ - JUDGEMENT IN BUYING! '■ I ; .JgR I Our Buggies are sold under a | Guarantee!Worth Something, | You don’t have to toy any old “Chef John” style buggy when yon Buy where you can find an Article of Merit. We Represent Ohiy Reliable Factories, % We the following' well-Rnown Brands s 3ARME5VILLE THE VALDOSTA. ROCK HILL. AACHOR BABCOCK. many other Celebrated makes. V If you want Buggies that Bide good, that Look well, and that arc Up-to-date and Prices right . WE ABE THE PEOPLE!! Yours for Buggies, , Sienna*Georgia. L©0ALAND PBRSeNAU.NB.WS ^ For Rent. A five room house, call on Mrs, A. J. , Blount, Vienna, (?a. tor particulars. Eat well Jellitine; try some. Kelly & Walton. John II. Jordan, of Findlay, was here Monday. Kelly & Waltonwill buy your lard,'hams, eggs and peas: E. S. Lassetsr of Cordele, was here on business Monday. l)r. L.O. Wooten of .Unadilla, was . in the city Monday. Say Gills, do you use snuff? ’Phone Kelly & Wa^on. Judge Jno. F. butler of Drayton, was here on business Monday, 4 Dried apples, peaches and Irish pota toes at Kelly & Walton’s. II. A. Shipp, of the Cordele Daily News, was in the city Sunday. Pineapple and cake at Kelly & Walton, yeast cake and sliced pineapple. W. S. Christian left yesterday morn ing for Macon, where he goes to enter the Ga-Ala Business college. Cranberries, maccaronl, postum, pine apple. raisins—all fresh, sweet and jufey at Kelly & Walton's. » Miss Fannie Butler returned to her Ihome near Coney' Monday, after visi- ’ ting friends in this city fot several days. Rev. H. P. Mytrs accompanied Miss Edith Page down from Byromvtlle, Sun day afternoon to spend a few days here ^ aith friends. •flie columns of the New* are open to discusrlon of public interests whether he ideas advanced by those w -Iting coin- ide with those ol the News or cot Kelly & Walton is preparing to do a r g e supply business this year as well as ■11 k oods cheap to the city trade in their J[ l0 :,unmodious store rooms. Read their Dr. R, H. Pale of Richwood was here Monday. J. D. Cobb and wife of Cordele, were In the city yesterday. Eggs,, peas, corn, lard and hams are wanted at Kelly & Walton. R. L. and Bascom Dickson, of Pete, spent last Sunday in the city. Jno. T. Graham a prominent citizen of near Unadilla, was in the city yesterday, Kelly & Walton have some bargains in shoes and dress goods. Mrs. M. T. Lytle and daughter, Mies Lilly, are visiting the family of J. J. Cooper this week. The Ordinary's notices for this month caii be found-in another column-. The Sheriff's sales will appear in Saturday’s paper. - ' - Herbert Rushin arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from Atlanta, wiiere he lias been attending business school for the past two months.' Mcsdamcs W. A. Dodson, of Ainer- icus, and John Holmes, of Macon, ar rived in the city today on a visit to their titter, Mrs. D. B. Leonard. Miss.Mamie Peacock of Bmerich, is in the city on a visit to the Family of Judge J. II. Woodward. Miss-.Mamie has many admirers in Vienna, who are al ways delighted to have her visit the city. R. Boniske left yesterday morning for New York, where he will buy his Spring goods for the store here and the one at Unadilla. He will be absent about three weeks. He will stop over at Philadelphia, ‘ en his return for a few days with relatives. Mrs. J.' H. Ellison and her guest, Miss Annie Powell, of Vienna, were in town from Roundtree, visiting triends. Mfss Powell, who by the wav is a most char ming and attractive young lady, will return to her home week after next—to the great regret of her many admirer*. —Swains boro Blade. About 130 .bales o( cotton were sold in Vienna yesterduy. Cabbage, rutabagas, peas and onions at Kelly &. Walton’s, Mrs Joe A Smith Is quite, v.ick. She was tuken with a congestive chill Satur- any. a Miss Nina Davies who 1* teaching school at Pfnehbist, spent Saturday and Sunday here with her .mother Mrs. L. Davies. Col. M. A. Flemming of Beaumont, Tex., arrived in the city Monday 011 a visit to relatives and to look after some business matters. He will be here sev eral days. I The Dooly CountrMedlcnl Association * convened in Vienna Yesterday with the following visiting members present; Drs. T. J . McArthur and L. 6. Wooten, ol Unadilla,. W. M. Haslam, W. N. Ed- enfileld and S. M. Roberts of Pinenurst, R: II. Pate of Richwood. and Wv E. Ed wards of Cordele. They decided to hold their next meeting at Uns.dilia, on the first Tuesday in April and a .banquet will be. tendered the members by Drs. Mc Arthur and Wooten. Jonas Lewis, a ueero raau living on one ot Mr. F.A, Peary’s places, about five miles from this city, Is the father of triplets—all boys. They were brought to town - Monday by the father and mother, who were witnesses in a-case at court. They are . nearly five months old and seem to be getting along all right. Two ol them weigh to pounds eacli and the other one 13 pounds. As soon as it became known that they were in town quite a number went around to the store of Jack LeoilarJ, colored, where they were staying during the day, and took a look at them. Dr. C. T. Stovall had a half dozen pictures made of the triplets whlchwill be added to lit* souvenirs. In Memory Of My. Father. A HORRIBLE OUTBREAK. “Ot large sores on. ray little dsugber’s head-devleoped into n case of scald head’’ writes C D Isbell of Morganton, Tenn., but Bucklens Arneca Salve, completely cured 'her Its a guranteed cure for Eczema, tetter, salt rheum, jdinpies, sores ulcers and purs, Oniy 35c, Vienna Drug Co. Joel It* Page, who was born in South Curollna, Feb. iSgi, departed this life Feb isth., 1903. He moved to Jones county when about four years of age and spent his boyhood days in Jones and Bibb In 1847 he moved to Dooly, where he lived until lie was moved to a better coun try. I say a better country because he was a man that “feared.Uod. and eschewed evil,’’ My father was a poor man bnt an hon est, upright Christian. I feel that he lias left me a legacy better than silver or gold which will rust and corrupt. He- had some severe trials I11 his life, having lost his first wife when I wain bout four years old, and a child younger than myself, fie married the second time, and was in very good circumstances when the Con federate war came on and when the call was made for men of forty-five he left home and family, like a man and fought two yearsfor his country. Hewas in the Virginia army and in same were-very severe engagements, but he came home without a mark uf the bullets, always putting his trust in the Lord as he enter ed into a battle. He was a filleted lour years with paraly sis before he died, the second stroke caus ing his death. He asked us not- to grieve for him as he would be .10 much better off, and we feel that our loss is his eternal gain. lie sleeps in tne family burying ground near where he had lived for more than fifty years. We miss him, the community will miss him, the church will miss him, for his seat at the church was never vacant as long as he was physically able to attend. He had been a member of the Methodist, church st-old Friendship (or over fifty years. “He is not dead but sleepctli.” We shall meet again, 1 trust where there is no more sorrows, trials,parting and-tears “Mark the perfect man and behold, the upright, tor the cud. of thaL u-an it peace.” His only son,. W. II. Paok. Fur cocoanuts, apples, orange*, cab bages, rutabagas, Irish potatoes, onions and white peat, ’phone Kelly & Walton. SNOWFLAKES- We are having some very Cold weather since tic hall and rain Saturday alter- noon. • Miss Julia Wallace attended the teach er’s meeting in Vienna Saturday. Little Ollle Bula Moore is visiting her grand parents, Mri and Mrs.T. E. Folds this week. Mr. and Mrs C, E. Simmons left yes, terdy for 1 Perry 1-where they will visit their sick brother. Quite a crowd of our - young people attended a nice croquet party- Saturday at the home of Miss Susie Lowery. Mrs. Alsabrook and grand daughter, of this place, are visiting her son, Mr. J, L. Alsabrood ot Cordele. " Frooleap. Many people wenr themselves out needlessly. Their conscience is n tyrant. An exaggerated sense of duty leads many a person to anx ious, ceaseless activity to be con stantly doing something, overpunc- tuol,.never idle a second of <ime 4 scorn to rest. Such are in uncon scious nerve tension. They say they have no time to rest, they have so much to do, not thinking they are rapidly unfitting them* selves for probably what would have been their best and greatest work in Hfter years. Seif control of nerve force is the great lesson of health, Hnd therefore of life itself. To- understand how to relax ii to understand how to strengthen the nerves. Hearty laughter is a source of relaxation, as ore ulto all-high thoughts, as thoseroMiope, beauty* trust or love. Relaxation it found in diversion.—London Doctor. We Do Job Work.