The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, March 08, 1902, Image 1

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1 TWICE-A-WEEK $1.00 PER YEAR, VIENNA. GA., SATURDAY, MARCH 8.1902. county be opened up for lawful clai6fication and kept a* such, and that proper officers attend to same and see that it is done at once. V/e recommend that D T Matb- burn and J D Hargrove, Ordinary, investigate the neceSsity.of a bridge across branch of Turkey creek near Iordan Wheeler place - in Second district, and if they deem it neces sary to have a bridge at that point that the same be built. We recommend that J L Powell be appointed Notary ’Public for 1040 Georgia Militia district. We recommend that J C Forehand be appointed Notary Public of the 585th G.M. disrrict; J N Harvard's term expiring. We recommend that T E Padnck be appointed Notary Public of the 540th. G. M. district. We have also carefully examined the pension list placed before us and find the same correct. We recommend that, J D Pate, A B Tippett and D L Ivey be ap pointed as members of the School Board for the next four years, their present term expiring March 1903. We find in the report from our County School Commissioner that the number of schools taught in the year 1901 were 58 whites and 37 colored; total 95. No. of white teachers employed 83 “ •* colored “ 11 47 Judge Littlejohn has been very cution by Col, D. A. R. Crum, busy this week presiding over the Five speeches were made in the criminal cases that have been tried case, and the evidence on both and passing sentences. He has sides was carefully reviewed from drawn a new jury and court will beginning to end. probably continue all of next week The jury returned a verdict of if there is enough of business. A guilty of voluntary,, manslaughter new judge will probably be here about 11 o’clock that night, next week to try the disqualified Mr. Gunter was sentenced to .the cases. penitentiary for a term of three The motion docket was taken up years, A new trial has been asked this morning. The following is a for by his attorneys and he is now We find that this very important office is conducted by onr Ordinary, J. D. Hargrove, in the most satisfactory man. uer. We also find ail bonds well secured and find thi-t he has Received from all sources $73 53 Paid 10 County Treas... .844 00 VV. A. \Vright, Comp-Gen.29 53' I *73 5*-$73 S a Clerk’s Office. We examined his books and find that they ure correctly and neatly kept and 5peak in the highest praise of our effi cient clerk in the manner tn which he has ' kept all records. Tax Collector’s Office, ' Total No. white pupils admitted “ colored “ “ Average attendance of whites. “ “ “ colored. Total r..: ....I Paid out as per vouchers to I teachers..... 1 errent expenses... I Pittance on hand February Term, 1902-Books of County Officers Found Correct-Several Bills Ordered Paid, and Profitable Recommendations" We the chosen and sworn Grand Jury for the February Term, 1903, beg leave to submit the following general presentments: We have, through proper com tniltces • appointed at September term, 1901, examined the books of our different county officers and re port ns follows: Ordinary’s Office. We find in this office taxes due the state, vis * General taxes $30,136 65 Professional taxes 560 00 Pull uxe* 3-733 00 Total due the stale 834,434 65 Taxes due the county, vix: General tuxes,... 812,955 56 Knilruad lax.... ’ 3,588 69 Total due the connly $15,524 55 Total due state and county .39‘968 90 Paid out <0 W. A. Wright, Comp-Gen $19,949 31 Paid to J. C. Dunaway, T. R.. 533 83 Paid County Treasurer ,.13,310 79 Cash on hand 1,443 39 Total collected $35,236 12 Leaving balance of >tate and county tax uncollected $4,743 78 Sheriff’s Office. We find in this office all books kept in a .niisfuctory manner, also find alt the bonds in this office amply secured. Treasurer’s Office. We find on hand at the time last report $ 4,457 92 Ret:, from other sources since. 14,32a 68 $18*780 6a Paid out as per vouchers and commission 8,276 37 l eaving balance on hand $10,504 25 We find the books in tills office in fine •liatw. / County Court. wl examined the books in this office Jnd find that they ate correct.. We find Ji^t this court has disposed of 63 prison ers; convicting 46 and discharging 16. ll,ii turned over to the county treasurer 1375.90. This court has been very profit able t# the county. * County School Commissioner. | We find the books of our County S.ii‘inl Commissioner in good shape and ij. d mat he had on hand at lust court ex- iir.-.inatloS,. '.. .$ 205 78 Received since 11,335 86 We recommend that the Ordi nary, J. D. Hargrove, levy a tax of three mtlla op property given in for the year 1903. We recommend that J. D. Har grove, Ordinary, be paid $500, ns per his bill, for services to the county from February, 1901, to February, 1903. We recommend that the bill of D. A^. R. Crum ($35.00) tor mak ing up, printing and distributing 500 copies.of assignments of civil cases for the February term, 1903, be paid. We recommend the payment of bill ($17.05) of George W. Shep pard, sheriff, for expenses trying to get prisoner from ' Birmingham, Alabama. We recommend the following added to the pauper list: Mrs G B Bearden, $4.00 per month ; Mrs B S Capal, $3.00 per month for is months ; Mrs MaryJloland $3-00; William Roundtree $3.00und Green Woodward raised from $4 to $5.00. We haveexamined all the public buildings of the county and beg to report us follows: The poor farm we find eight in mates, three whites und five col ored ; one mule in good condition, about 100 bushels, of corn, about 600 pounds of meat, one bed of seed cane, 40 gallons of syrup, 6,- 700 bundles of fodder, und a lot of peas. * The houses are in fairly good condition, except one house that needs some repairs, siding and cover,pil!ars under two houses need repairing. We recommend that these repairs be made at once, and that lumber be iurnishedthe Super intendent to ceil his family room. Jail. We find inside shutters should be put on rolleis, stove pipes repaired, new timbers be put under water tank, rooF painted, and recom mend that these repairs be made 0: once. We recommed that an iron pick et fence be put uround the jail and that R C Harris, M T Lanier, be appointed as u committee to pc> with 1 D Hargrove in purchasing and putting up said fence. Through the proper committees we find all the Justice of Pence ami Notury Public books to be properly kept with the exceptions of occa sionally minor error us to itemizing cost. We hereby appoint H W Camp bell and M T Lanier as a commit tee to examine the different county officers books and report September term, next grand jury, and that they be paid $2.00 per dnj for their services. V/e bog to report the roads as reported froin different grand jurors throughout the county to be in fair condition. We recommend that all registei- ed and public roads throughout the Sorthem Express Company Fined $500 lor Violating Local Option Lav—Genter Gnilty and Gats Three Years. Total . 3547 The board of education has six school houses, comfortable build ings, worth about $350,00 each ; used by whites. School buildings in the town ot Vienna, Arab!, Cordele and Unu- dillu are nice modern buildings and worth from $3 ,000.00 to $4,000.00 each, and well equipped for school work. We recommend that jurors anu bithffs be paid $2.00 per day for their services for the ensuing year. We recommend that the court house be repaired us follows: Leak in the roof over grand jury room, the banisters on the second floor, that the second floor veranda be patched, and that the first floor veranda be repaired in broken places with cement. Leuk on west side of court room over the stove and leafs to clauset be repair ed and also sun sash broken out. We recommend that these General Presentments be published in the Vienna Progress, Cordele Don’t give up und say there is no spec tacles which von can see through just because you hare failed tu get fitted Re member I am fitting those kind every dny. H. A. Youmans, Jeweler and Optician. ERE*, peas, corn, lard and hams are wanted at Kelly Sc Walt an. Cabbage, rutabagas, peas and onions at Kelly SC Walton’s. NIGHT WAS HER TERROR- “I would cough nearly all night long,” writes Mrs, Chas Applegate of Alexanda, Ind., “and could hardly get my sleep. I had consumption so bad that ii I walked a block I would cough Irightfully and spit blood, but when all other (nedicine failed,three $100 bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds,*’ It’s absolutely guar anteed to cure coughs, colds, lagrippe, bronchitis and all throat and lung trou bles. Price 50c and $100. Trial bottles free at Vienna Drag Co. list ot the criminal case* tried aince our lait issue John Davis, colored, was tried Wednesday charged with burning the barn of Jordan Bros. He was represented by Busbee & Busbee. This was a hard fought case and the jujy returned a verdict of not guilty after being out several hours. Wesley Newton, a young white boy, plead guilty to larceny from the house arid was given a sentence of three months in the chningang. The Southern Express Co. was fined $500 for violating the local option law in this county by bring ing whisky here marked C. O. D from other states, George and Jeff Lewis, colored, were tried for robbing Mr. Mike Adkins a few years ago and the jury made ti mistrial. Possibly the case of The Stale v« Guilford Gunter, charged with the murdering of Green Speer cre ated more interest’and excitement than any other case tried so far. This case was commenced Thurs day morning and concluded early that night, when the jury went to iheir room. Col. M P. Hall was leading counsel for the defendant und was ably assisted by Cols. J, m. Dupree and W. F. George. The solicitor was assisted in the prqse- out under n bond of $3,000. Oscar Thompson and a negro- named George Sheppard were- tried Friday for robbing a. uf. Hall at Cordele last December. The defendants were represented by Col. J T Teter and J T Hill r and the prosecution was assisted by Col. Gordon Jones. They were found guilty and Thompson was sentenced to 7 years and Sheppard tour. A new trial has already been applied for in both of the above caseB. A new trial has been applied for by Col. m P Hall in the case of the State vs Charles Kitchen, jr. r sentenced to a term twelve years tor manslaughter. Sentinel, Daily News and Vienna News, and that they be paid $5.00 each, tor same. We beg to extend thanks to Judge Littlejohn for courtesies ex tended to us, ulso to our able So licitor for the many courtesies und tavors shown us while in session . We recommend the payment of $1.00 extra for our clerk, II W Campbell, per day,for extra iervice during session. J R Horne, Fore’n, 11 W Campbell, Cl’k M T Lanier, T C Cooper, J C Mercer, J M Ward, Z Harden, W J Musslewhite O P Swearingen, D T Mashburn, Allen Owens, R. H Davis. J T Brown, II M Stripling H M Williamson, J T Westbrook, C Harris, Jack Bridges, G VV Hayden, W R Harris, H W Powell, VV F Byrom, A J Dunaway. Read in open court and ordered filed on record. Let the present ments be published as requested. This Match 6th 1902. Z. A. Littlejohn, J SC. S W C F. A. Hooper, Solicitor Geu. HARRIED OTHER THAH BETROTHED. Quite a romantic marriage oc curred in Macon Thursday night,. and there is disappointment down, in Doolycounty. All arrangements had been made fer Miss Eva IIas lant to wed a young man at Pine- hurst, but s^e was disinclined, so she came to Mucon and met Mr. David R. Rogers, of Atlanta, and they were married at the residence of Mr. Ryder, at 874 Third street. Rev. W. N. Ainsworth performed the ceremony.—Macon Telegraph. The happy couple left Macon for their iuture home at Atlanta yesterday afternoon. CITY. To Our Friends and Customers: We have a’phone (No. 5), call us np and give us your order; will deliver once a day. Tell 111 today what you need to morrow. All bills due tat of each month. We solicit a share of your .patronage. Yours to seyve, KELLY ft WALTON. ■I was troubled for several years with chronic Indigestion and nervous debility” writes F J Green ot Lancaster, N. 11., “No remedy helped me until I begun using Electric Bitters, which did memore good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wiie In excellent health for years. She says Electric Bit ters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invtgora- tor for weak and run down women. No other medicine can lake its place in our family.’’ Try them, only 50c. Satisfac tion guianued Vienna Drug Co. Fur cocoanuts, apples, orange*, cab bages, rutabagas, Irish potatoes, onions and wiiite peas, ’phone Kelly Si VYaltoiv