The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, March 15, 1902, Image 2

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WE SELL J. P. HEARD & SONS, Bankers and General Merchants. %% . : VIEfiHA. GEORGIA. THE VIENNA NEWS. TWICE-A-W6EK. T. A. APKINS, |JR.». Editor. T. A. Jr., and W. T- ADKINS, Proprietors. v Official Organ Dooly County. Official Organ of the City of Vienna. . ■ ■ I " " — vKntered at the'Postoffice at Vienna, Ga., as Second Clast Mail-Matter,. Advertising rates, furnished on request The News will not be responsible for views expressed by correspondents. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: Qne copy one year $1. oo One copy six months ••.••5° One copy three months. .*5 Published WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. • 'PHONE No. it. SATURDAY, MARCH 15th, 1902. Few people are so greedy as to take both sides of an argument. Twqnty thousand men are on 11 strike in. Bpslon, for an increase in wages and the situation is grave. DON'T CUT THE SCHOOL FUND. I ANNOUNCEMENTS- The Macon News is a recent valued,exchupg upon, our tuj)le, It is among the best evening papers in the state. The Nswbdoes not favor any measure that would cut down the public school fund jn Georgia, thereby keeping a single boy or girl from receiving a common school education. It is a fact that our appropria tion bill is too large, bui there are other means of cutting it down without touching the one above mentioned Which is the better, to increase the public school fund and allow the thousands of boys and girls in Georgia now out of school to learn to rend and write, or to.increase the. advantages ac cordingly for a higher education, which opportunities are Only taken advantage of by just a smiill per cent of the school population of the state? We are in favor of., a common school education, and also of the higher education, but we believe that the interests of the beginners, so to speak, should be looked after first. Give every bey and girl in Georgia a common school educa tion wul the institutions offering higher education will never suffer. A better foundation with which to build on is what we need. Aaron French, of Pittsburgh, the benefactor of the; Georgia School of Technology, is lying critically, ill at hjs borne in Pittsburg, The senate committee on the isthmian c.muls has ordered a fa- . vorable report on the Hepburn bill and the Atubama senator is happy. The war department has received details ot th6 awful march of Wal ler’s marines across Sqmar. The men lived* on dog meat and many of them became crazy. We admire the man that is true tp his friends in politics or any thing else, and do not believe it is right to encourage a. man. for office unless you intend to support him. The Landers case, on trial in, the federal-court in Atlanta for the misappropriation ot 920 in stamps has cost the government to. date over $1,000 and, may soon cost double that amount. Uncle Sam don’t cure tor, expenses when it punishing law violators, A negro woman has confessed to the sheriff ut ljcanmout, Texas, that she was at the head.oL a. gang of negro women, and white men who.had for months been luring men into her house, drugging^beut- :ng and robbing them. At least 50 strangers have been unaccounted for in the past three months. Why don’t somebody interview Tom Carling, of Macon, in regard to that Potts telegram? He knows what made the cat jump. Win. J. Bryan was in Wushing ton Thursday and created the im pression that he considers himself a presidential possibility in 1904. In an interview published in the Constitution yesterday'Mrs. Marie Louise Myrick declares that the charges against Berner connected with the Potts telegram are un founded. We don’t know how she found it out, but we do know that Guerry had better not cross her. For Representative. To the.voters of Doolr county: I hereby announce myself ana candidate for representative, from Dooly county In the next gdgerat' assembly of' Georgia, subject to.democratic primary. If nomi- nate'd and'elected, it shall be my sole aim to represent the interests of ourcounty to the very best of mV ability. The support of every one wl|l be highly appreciated ana kindly remembered. . • V urv respect fully,' S. R. Fields.'. After beine earnestly solicited by many of the, gyod people of Dooly county to: again enter the race for Representative of the General. Assembly I have, after mature, deliberation, consented to stupd for're-election. •' With grateful thahks to thy good people , of my county tor past' kindnesses and the-honor they conferred on me, I assure them that if again chosen to represent them T will ever be faithful to their trust. Respectfully, D. W. Harvard. To the Voters 61 Dooly County: I hereby announce myself 11 candidate for Representative subject to the Demo cratic primary, and if elected will devote my time to the interests of the people. Your support will be appreciated. Very respectfully, J. S. Pate. .Fop Treasurer- I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer subject to the Democratic pri mary, Thanking my friends for tlteir support in the past, and soliciting a con tinuaoce of the same, 1 am, . Very respecttully, D. A. Taylor. After consulting with maily of my friends from different sections of the county I have decided to run for treasurer of the county, subject to the Democratic Primary. Thanking my friends fo.r past favors, I solicit your support In the com ing primary. j. W. Roberts For Tax Receiver, I hereby announce myself a canditste 07 lor Tax Receiver, .subject to the demo (Closing Out Sale - . -j ,n . -,t $•{« jj ; iy ■ . ■■I 1 0.} ifllllj Fall and Winter Stock! In order to make room for our large Stock, of Sprin) Goods now being purchased in New York, we are going to sell aU our Winies' GoOdii such'as \ Dry Gaods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc,, AT AND BELOW COST ! Our stoi'e is already packed, and we must dispose of these goods as fast as possible. The'truth of this ad. will be acknowledged if you will only givens a call. If you want the “ Best for the Money ” come at once. VERY RESPECTFULLY, R. B0NISKE, VIENNA, GEORGIA, A Large Supply House CASH OR CREDIT A. L. Me ARTHUR, Dentist. Rooms 2 and 4, Peoples’ Bank Building, Cordele, Georgia. cratic primary. It elected will perforin the duties encumbent upon me to the best of my ability. Your support will be appreciated. Very respectfully, H. C. Brown.* A small boy brought a $70 chock to District Attorney Jerome, of New York, the other day, saying that he had found it ou the street. “Htjnesty is the best policy,” said the district attorney, as be banded the youngster a one dollar bill for reward,“you, may be a great man when you. grow up.”—Macon News. Atlanta is to have a new after noon daily. A charter has been filed for $50,000 incorporating the the Atlanta Daily News, with Hon John Temple Graves as editor and Chas. Daniel as business manager, together with the names ef several other prominent business men of Atlanta,, as stockholders. We predict that this paper will not meet with the same fete of the other Daily News. We wish the new paper much success. For Tax Collector- I hereby announce myself a candidate for-re-election to the office ol Tax Cql- lector, subject to the democratic pri- mary. Thanking my friends for their support in the past, and soliciting a con tinuance of the same. If nominated and elected I will endeavor in ttie future, as In the past, to correct errors or over sights which would‘save the taxpayer cost in such cases. Very respectfully. F.J. Lewis. To the Citixens and Voters of Dooly County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector subject to n nomination by the Democratic primary. I solicit the support of everybody, and if elected will serve alt to the best of my ability. Respectfully, Jac-. A. Williams.' For Clerk Superior Court I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office ot Clerk of the Superior Court of Dooly county, subject to the democratic primary. I am very grateful for the hearty aupport that has been accorded me in the past, and earnestly hope for a continuance of the same. Very respectfully, ]. Frank Powell. For Sheriff. In a Wisconsin store tbe other day a young woman shopper drop ped a,penny on the floor. It roll ed atyay and hid in u da>k corner. She insisted, upon tbe coin- being recovered. The clerks joined-in the search. Somebody struck a match to light up a nook. A roll of cotton batting caught the flame. The loss, to the store was about :$600,000. Before, tbe embers of building were cool the young wo man shopper reminded the owner that she had lost a penny in his place ot business and would like to have him makp it good.yr-Macon Candidate Guerry. like.a drown ing man, is catching at straws this early in the campaign. His last effort is a “rye straw*’ telegram purported from tbe president of the Liquor Association endors ing Berner in his candidacy for state senator way back yonder in '96. and,of which he uccuses Ter- tell of being the originator and propagator. Both Terrell and Ber ner deny the telegram and strongly insinuate that Guerry is a falsifier. Berner is known as a pretty live' wire and if he gets after. Qperry. he’ll,“set. bjm afire*.” To the voters of Oooly county: I hereby offer myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Dooly county, subject to the Democratic prima ry. If re-elected I shall in the future, as in the past, fill the office to - the best of my ability. Thanking you for past fa vors, I remain yours, G. W. Sheppard. A HORRIBLE OUTBREAK. “Ol large sores on my little daugher’s head devleoped into a case of scald head’’ writes G D Isbell of Morganton, Tenn., but Bucklens Arneca Salve completely cured her Its a guranteed cure for Ecxema, tetter, salt rheum, pimples, sores ulcers and piles. Onty 35c. Vienna Drug Co. Do the people of Vienna and Dooly county at large know that Vienna lias a Large Department Store snch ns any city .might be proud of? Kelly & Walton now occupy two large brick stores and doing a thriving busi ness. They have on hand now between 1,500 and 2,000 pairs of shoes; About 500 pairs of pants, and more than 750 shirts. They contracted for 6,000 spools of thread at one time, and they will soon have on hand over 15,000 yards of cloth of different kinds. In their Grocerv and Hardware De partment you will find 3 to 5 barrels ol sugar, 35 kegs of nails, 25 to 50 barrels of flour, 35 bushels of menl, 25 bushels of corn, 5 sacks of coffee, 5 sacks of rice. 750 pounds of tobacco, and other things in proportion They tell ARrtOURiS’ FERTILIZERS, COTTON PLANTERS, QUANO DIS TRIBUTORS, as welt as a lull line of Plows, Haines, Trace Chains, etc. Eatables, fresh, fine and juicy, can al ways be found at their store, such as Cranberries, Gelatine, Macaroni, Pos- tum, Seedless Raisins, Extracts’ Corn, Peat, Beans, Pineapples. Toma toes, Vienna Sausage, Potted Ham and Turkey, Chipped and Dried Beef, Mu tard, Pickles, in fact a full ana complete line of Fancy Groceries. Cabbage, Rots Bagas, Apples and Uranges a specialty They now have a photic in their store Phone them today what you sjant to morrow aod it will be there. Make out your bill and send it to them and they will do the rest. Call up No. 5 and till Ketly Sc Walton your wants. If you want Cabbage^ Rutabagas, White Peas, Apples or Oranges, call up Kelly tt Walton. Buy a dollar’s worth and we will deliver it In the city. Do you drink Possum? Eat Macaroni? Milk and Peaches? We have them— Condensed Milk and Dried Peaches. CITY. W. V. HARVARD, Attorney at Law, Vienna, — Georgi» ‘i Vienna, DR. C. T. STOVALL. Physician and Surgeon, . . . . Gei-r^ia. BIVINS & MOBl.EY, T. T. Bivins, si. d. H, A. Mobley, m. d. Physicians & Surgeons, Culls promptly answered. Vienna, Ga. 1 M. P. HALL, Attorney at Law, Vienna, Ga. GEORGE Sc COPELAND, Attorneys at Law, Vienna, Ga. Building. Offices In StoVall’s Corner D. A. R. CRUM, Lawyer, Vtenn-., Georgia,. J. M. WHITEHEAD, Dentist. Will be in my office lrotn 15th to last of each month. . Vienna, Georgia. JOHN F. POWELL Sc SON, ’ Lawyers, Vienna, — Georgia. STRIKES A RICH FIND. To Our Friends aku Custosiers: We have a ’phone (No. 5), call ut. up., and give us your order; will .deliver once a day. Tell us today what you need to morrow. All bUls due 1st of each month. We soliriLa share of your patronage, Y’ourt to serve, KELLY & WALTON., “I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debility” writes F J Green ot Lancaster, N. H,, “No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all tbe medictnei I ever u.yed They have also kept my jvite in excellent health for yean. She aaya Electric Bit ten are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigors tor for weak and run down'women. No other medicine can take its place in our family.” Try them, only 50c. Satisfac tion- guranteed. Vienna Drug Co. Cranberries, maccaroni, postum, pine Eggs, peas, corn, lard and hams are apple, raisins—ail fresh, awget-. apd juicy nnt«t at St Waltsn. !.. V.II.S IV.It.. wanted. aV Kelly Walt an. | at Kflly 4c. Walton, t D. L. HENDERSON, Attorney at Law. Will practice in all thej courts except Dooly County court. VIENNA, GA. JONES Sc WaLDEN, Attorneys At Law. Cordele, Ga. Special attention given to collections. CHEAPEST HONEY ON EARTH! T We guarantee tO make you a loan on your farm for less ex pense and on. easier terms than,anyone. If you need money it will pay you to see us J. H, Woodward & Son, Lawyers, Vienna. Georgia^