The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, March 15, 1902, Image 4

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REPAIRING DEPARTMENT. I make a specialty ot Repairing Fine and Complicated Watches, also Clocks, Jewelry, and all other repairs known to the trade. Satisfaction Guaranteed. OPTICAL DEPARTMENT. If you need Spectacles I can fit you no matter what your Eye trouble is, and will Guarantee every pair I lit to give entire satis faction. A full, stock of all kinds at reasonable prices. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC. I carry in stack Watches of all kinds and grades, Clocks toil Fine jewelry. I also carry the Celebrated Ball-Bearing NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE which I will sell on time or for cash; also all kinds of Sewing Ma chine Needles and Fixtures. See me before buying, I witt save you money, . ^ JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. H. A. YOUMANS ^ NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE, Legal Advertisements. Georglq—Dooly County. Whereas Ole Harrlaon has in due form applied to the undersigned (or the guar* Uianship of the persons and property of Emma, Charles John, Ole and Thomas Orak, minor children of K. T. Orak, de ceased. I wilt pass upon his application on first Monday In April next. This March ad, 190a. |. 1). HargroVk, Ord. Georgia—Dooly County. To All Whom It May Concern: D. L,/Henderson having, in proper form, applied to me for Permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Mrs. Amelin Harper, late of said, county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Mrs. Amelia Harper to be and appear at my office within the lime allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent adminis tration should not be granted WD. L. Hendersor on Mrs. Amelia Harpei’s es tate. Witness my hand and official sig nature this 3d day of March, 190a. J. D. Hargrove, Ord. • Sheriffs Sales; Georgia—Dooly County. Will be sold before the court house door in Vienna on the first Tuesday in Apr'l, 190a, between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder tor cash the following described property towlt: City lot No. 14, In block 32, according to map of survey of the-city of Cordele; levied on ss the property of Asa M, Hal ley, to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by F. J. Lewis, T. C., for state and county taxes for the year 1901. Levy made by F. M. Coker, L, C., and turned over tome for advertisement and sale. Georgia—Dooly County. 1). L. Henderson having applied for permanent letters of administration oil the estate of Mts. Rachael Angelly, late of said county, deceased, this Is to cite all concerned to show cause, li any they have, why said 1). L. Henderson should not be appointed administrator on said estate on first Monday In April next., This March 3d, 1902. J. I). IIaroro'k, Ord. Georgia*—Dooiy County. Whereas Peter Duckwiler has In due form applied to the undersigned lor let, ter* of administration on the estate of K. T, Orak, late of said county, deceased, t will puss upon his application on hrst Monday in April next. This March 3d, 1903. J. D, Hargrove, Ord. GEORGIA—Dooly County, Ity.virtue of an order from the court of ordinary- ot Berrien county, Georgia, granted at the Marcli term, 1003, will he sold ut public outcry on the first Tuesday in April, 1903, ut the court house door in said county, between the legul hours of sale, tlie following real estate situated in Cordele. Dooly county, Geurgla, towlt: Citv lots Nos,’ One(i)amt Four (4) In block No. Twenty-six (26). Terms cash. This March 4th, 1903, HARRY KENT, [Sigurd] R. H. BRIMM. Executor* ot J. W. Hrimm. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereus the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign twelve months’ sup- poll mid furniture out of the estate of EltlVti Walton, deceased, for Ills widow, Mrs. Elisabeth Walton, and Ills two mi nor children, Dora and Charles Wulton, having in due form filed their report in office ns required by law, I will pass upon said report on first Monday in April next. This March 1, 1902. J. D. Hargrove.Ord. Georgia—Dooly County. Whereas W.’C . Culpepper, Adminis trator of estate of David Culpepper, de ceased, having filed his petition for a discharge from his administration of said estate, this is to cite all concerned to show cause, if any* they have, against the granting of this discharge at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county on the first Monday in June next. This the 1st day of March, 1902. |. D. Hargrove.Ord. 3 m z, o m & in O z to Lm O 33 a > z 0 H < S 00; .* C " w to 2 V P b g 2 2 0 jl 0 I 3 0 J 0 < 5 0 < j c 5 n a y ■'i n 3 5 t> * 0 z, .0 9 r 2 s 0 | • » * in 2 ? P -q 8 b 0 3 0 3 Also at the same time and place 50 acres land oil of the Northeast corner of lot ot land No. 92, In the and district of said county; levied on as the property of B. F. Sangster, agent for Mrs. Gertrude Sangster, to satisfy a tax fi fa, issued by F. J. Lewis, T. C., tor stale and county taxes for tbeyear. 1901. Levy made by Z, T. Woodruff, L. C., and turned over to me tor advertisement and sale. Also at the same time and place too acres off ot lot of land No. 68, being in the North half of said lot In the and dis trict of said county; levied on as the property of laaluh O. Oliver, agent for estate ot Henry Oliver; to satisfy a tax ti fa, issued by F. J . Lewis, T. C., foV state and county taxes lor the vear 1901. Levy made by Z. T. Woodruff, L. C., and turned over to 111c for advertisement and sale. Also at the same time and place too acres of land lying and being on the south side of lot of innd No. 16in the 13th district 111 sub! county; levied on us the properly of Mrs.M. K. Lalrsey, George C. Lairsev', agent, to satisfy a tax fi in issued by F. J. Lewis, T. 0., for state and county taxes for.the year 1901. Levy made by R. II James, 1-. O, and turned over to tor advertisemnntund sale. Also at tlie same lime and place, city- lot No. 14 in block No. 144, us appears front map of survey ol (he city of Cor dele, In said county; levied on as the property of Elijah !). Morris to satisfy a lax fi fa i-sued by F. |. Lewis, T, £., for slate mid county tuxes for the year 1901. Levy made by II. James. L. C. , and turned over 10 me fur advertise ment and sale. Also at the same time and place, lot ot land No. 39, containing 202 1-2 acres more or less, lying and being in the 14th district of said county; levied on ns the property of R. E. Holliday to sat isfy a tax fi fa issued by F.'J. Lewis, T. C., for state’and comity laxes for the year 1901. Levy made by R. H, James, L. C., and turned over to me for adver tisement und sale. Alto at tire same time and place tot No. 168 in block number 23 in the town ot Arab), ns appears from map of survey of said town In said county; levied on as tlie property of S. M. Brock to satisfy a tax ft fa issued by P J Lewis, T.C., for state und county laxes for tlie year 1901. Levy made by R H James, L. C., und turned over to me for advertisement and sale. Also at tile same time and place, house and lot on Fourtli street In the city of Vietiua, Gu.. said county; levied on as tlie property of B. P. Howell to satisfy a tax ti fa issued by F. J Lewis, T C., for state and county laxes for the year 1901. Levy made by F. M. Coker. L. C.« und turned over to me for advertisement und sale. Georgia. Said land levied on ,a» tlye property of Miss Dollie Crumpler to sat isfy a; county court fi fa issued from the January Quarterly term, 1900, in favor'ol Barfield & Wilson companyand against Miss uollie Crumpler. Tenant in posses sion notified in the terms of the iaw. Levy made by J W Roberts, ex-sheriff of said cp.unty. * . This March 5th, 1902. G. W. Sheppard, Sheriff D.C. CITY MARSHAL’S SALES. GEORGIA—Dqoly County; By virtue of the power contained in a security deed trom J.-H. Stapleton to the Equitable, Building & Loan Association, recorded Iir Clerk’s office Dooly Superior Court book"W" cage 226,said deed given ns security for n certain bond given by J, H. Stapleton to said Association, of even date therewith, (which smd deed, bond and debt has been duly transferred and assigned to the Equitable Trust Compa ny), the undersigned will sell at public outcrv before the court house door of said county within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in April, 1902, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the fol lowing described property; Town lots In the town of Arab!, Georgia, known and designated by the map of said town ns lota Nos. 142 and 147 in block number Eighteen, lot No. lot in block num ber twenty-one, and all of said lots beir.g a part of land lot number 142 in the 13m District of Dooly county, Geor gia! In said bond it Is provided should default be made inpayment of any insur ance premiums within thirty days uftei due that the entire amount «f indebted ness due under said contract should be come due mid payable forthwith. Such default having occurred and having con tinued for more than thirty days, and said debt having been declared due and pavnbtefxaid property will be sold for the purpose of paying off said indebtedness, uniounting to the sum of $255^86 at the dale ot sale, besides the expenses of tills proceeding. This March 5m; 1902 EcLVitaui.e Trust Company By C. G. Goodrich, Pres, A.8. Hatch, Secretary. c 3 r o 3 3 tsi gnat o 3 3 in-. Also at the same time and place lots Nos. 1. 2, 3 and 4 in block No, 15 in the city of Cordele, said county; levied on as the properly of Mrs. |ts-,e Lee Col- | lins to satisfy n tax fi fa issued bv F. J. Lewis, T. C., for stale and county tuxes fur the year 1901, Levy made hv>F. M. Coker, L. C., and in riled over to me for advertisement and sale. Also at the same time and place 66 2 3 acres on east side of lot No. 242 in the 10th district of said county ; levied on as the properly of J. F. Adams to satisfy a tax U fa iss,.ed bv F J Lewis, t. c., for state ar.d countv taxes (or tbe year 1901. Levy made by F. M. Coker, c. c., und turned over to me for advertisement und sale. • Also at the same time nnd place lot No 17 In block 266 in tlie city- of Cordele, said county, levied tin us ihe firoperty of Ashley Cobb 10 satisfy a tux fi ta issued by F J Lewis, T c., for slate and countv taxes for tlie year 1901. Levy mad'’ b* F M Coker, 1.. c., and turned over to me for advertisement and sale. Also at ihe same time and place lot No 3 in block No. 86 in ti.c city of Cordele, suid county ; levi, d 1111 a; tlie property of J. 11. Austin to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by F J Lewis, T. e., for stale und county- luxes lor the year nyui. Levy: made bv P. M. Coker, I., c., and turned over to me fur advertisement and sale. A iso ut the san.ctimeund place will be sold the following described property towlt; Fifty acres ot land, being tile southwest corner of lot No. 116 in the second .’and district of Dooly couuty GEORGIA—Dooly County. By virtue of the power til sale contained In a'certaln mortgage deed dated July 8th, 1S98, und recorded Sept. loth, 189S, Book “O,” pages 415 and 416, Clerk’s office Dooly Superior court. Said deed signed and executed by A. E. Norman and given to secure the payment of two certain promisorv notes fur $101.25 each, dated July 8th, 189s, and due respectively une year and two years trom dute, with interest from date at the rnte of 7% per unnuni, said notes made payable to D. T. Dough- try, and said notes and mortgage having been duly transferred and sold to the un dersigned, I will sell before the court house door In theclty of Vienna, between the legal hours of sale on the tst Tuesday in April next, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described rent estate to wit: The East half of lot of land No. 22S inthe I tlh district of Dooly couni y Georgia, the same being the land describ ed and conveyed in the deed above referred to, default having been made in the pay ment of the principal nnd intetest of suid notes us provided against in suid deed. Said lands sold ns the property of A. E. Norman for the purpose of paying the sum of $302.50, principal, due upon suid above described notes, and the further sum cl $51.92 interest to date, $25 00 attorneys' fees, and all other and further cost of this proceeding, the balance remaining, should any there t e, to be paid to the said A. E. Norman, his heirs,administrators or assigns, as provided in said deed. I lie purchaser or purchasers at this sale will obtain absolute lee simple title to above described property. This March 5O1, 1902. C. C. Cu fTS, Transferee. B. F. Stkozier, Attorney. WORKING 24 HOURS A DAY There's no rest tor those liretess little workers—Dr. King’s New Life Pills, Millions are always busy, curing torpid Liver, jaundice, biliousness, (ever und ague. They banish sick headache, drive out .malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work wonders. Try them. 35c a; Vienna Drug Co. Street Tax Notice. To all male petsons between tlie ages o sixteen and fifty; You are hereby notified to meet the marshal a*, the council chamber on Tues day, the first day of April, 1902, in work the streets; or You may be relieved from, this duty by paring $j.oo on ur be fore llmt duy. B M Wood, C & T C C Fop Rent A five room house, call on Mrs. A. j. Blount, Vienna, Ga. for particulars. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Vienna, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday in April, 1802, the following described property, towit: / Lot No. 12 on Block No. 320, as ap pears from map of survey of the city of Cordele, Ga., levied upon under and by virtue of a tax fl fa, in favor cf the May or and City. Council of Cordele vb. Smith & Baker, for advalorem taxes due the city of Cordele for the year 1801. Also at the same time and place lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 0, Block 107, as ap pears'from map of survey of the City of Cordele, Ga., levied upon under and by .virtue of a tax fi fa in favor of the May or and City Council of-Cordele vs. Mc Kinney & Jones. for one-hail advalorem taxes due the city of Cordele for the year 1801. .also at the same time and place wilt be sold lot No. 1 on Block No. 115, ta appears from map of survey of the «-ity ol Cordeio, Ga., levied upon under and by virtue of a tax fi fa in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Cordeio and against Henry Holloman, for advalorem taxes due Baid City of Cordele for the year 1901. Also at the same time and place will be sold lot No. 15 on block No. 200 as ap pears from map of survey of the City of Cordele, Ga., levied upon under and by virtue of a tax fi fa in favor of the May or and City Council of Cordele va. Joe Singleton for advalorem taxes due the City of Cordele for the year 1801. -.iso lot No. 18 op Block No. 137, as appears from map of survey of the City of C'ordolo, Ga., levied upon under and by virtue of a tax fi fa in favor of the Mayor nnd City Council of Cordele vs. flcllen Patterson for advalorem taxes due the City of Corucie for the year 1001. Also lot No. 13 on Block 45 as appears from map of survey of the City of Cor deio, Ga., levied upon as the property ot J. P. Hughes, to satisfy a tax fi fa in .ixvor of the .Mayor and City Council of Cordele vs. J. P. Hughes for advalorem taxes for the year 1U01. Also Strip No. 280, as appears from map of survey 01 the City of Cordele, Gu., levied upon as tho. property of J. B. Austin to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Cordele, vs. J. B. Austin for advalorem taxes for tho year 1901. Also Lot No. 10, Block 85 ob appears from map of survey of tho City or Cor dele, Ga., levied upon as the property ot Lula Bartlott to satisfy a tax ft fa in favor of tho Mayor and City Council ot Cordele vs. Lula Bartlett for advalorem taxes due for the year 1801. Also Lots Nos. 11, 12, and 13, Block 108 as apears from map of survey of the City of Cordele, Ga., levied upon as the property of Max Jackson to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor of the Mayor and City Council tff Cordele vs. Max Jackson for advalorem taxes due for the year 1801. Also lot No. 8 on Block No. 45 as ap pears from map of survey of the City ot Cordele, Ga., levied upon as the prop erty of Geo. W. Sheppard to satisfy u tax fi fa issued in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Cordele vs. Geo. W. Sheppard for one-half advalorem tax due for the year 1901. Also Lot No. 14, Block No. 22, ns ap pears from map of survey of the City of Cordele, levied upon as the property of A. M. Bailey to satisfy a tax fi fa in fa vor of Mayor and City Council vs. A. M. Bajlcy for one-half advalorem tax dues for tho year 1901. Also Lot No. 11 on Block No. 53, as appears from map of survey of the City of Cordele, Ga., levied upon as the prop, erty of M. T. Braswell to satisfy a tax ll fa in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Cordele vs. M. T. Braswell for advalorem tax due for the year 1901. Also, tho north' one-half of atrip No. 278, as appears from map of survey 01 the City of Cordele, Ga., levied upon as the property of the Bankers’ Building and Loan Co., to satisfy a tax fi fa in fa vor of tho Mayor and City Council of Cordele vs. Bankers’ Building and Loan Co., for one-half advalorem tax due for the year 1901. Also Lot No. 2 in Block No. 152, as appears froth map of the City of Cordele, Ca., levied upon as the property of the Southern Home Building and Loan Asso ciation to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor ot the Mayor and City Council of Cordele vs. the Southern Home Building and Loan Association for one-half advalorem taxes due for the year 1901. Also Lots Nos. 18 and 17 in Block No. •26, as appears from map of survey of tbe City of Cordele, Ga., levied upon as tile property of B. T. &, L. M. Doughtry, to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Cordele vs. D. T. & L. M. Doughtry for one-half advalorem taxes due for ihe year. 19QJ. Also lot No, 7 on Block N'°- 216 ** appears from map of survey of the City ot Cordele, Ga., levied upon as the prop erty of Fannie Steed to satisfy a tax fi fa. in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Cordele vs. Fannie Steed for advalorum taxes due for the year 1901. , Also lot No. 5 on Block No. 42. as ap- ' pears from map of survey of the City of Cordele, Ga., levied upon as the property of Mr*. Annie Hughes to satisfy a tax ft fa. in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Cordele 'vs. ; Annie Hughes for advalorum taxes due.'for the year 1901 Also lot No. 12 Block 122 as appears from map of survey of the City of Cor dele, Ga., levied upon as tho property of William Benefield to satisfy a tax fi. fa. in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Cordele vs. William Benefield for ad valorum taxes due for the year 1901. Also lot No. 2 on Block'No. 274 as appears from map of survey of the City 01 Cordele, Ga., levied upon as the prop erty of Mary Lou Brown to satisfy a tax fl fa. in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Cordele vs. Mary Lou Brown for one half advalorum taxes due for- the year 1901. Also lot No. 20 in Block No. 159, as appears from map of survey of the City of Cordele, Ga., levied upon as tho prop erty of W. T. Byrom to satisfy n tax fi fa. in favor of the Mayor and City Council of Cordele vs. W. T. Byrom for one half advalorum taxes due for the year 1901. Also lot Nos. 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 on Block No. 02 as appears from man of survey of the City of Cordele, Ga., levied upon as the property of Annie Caine t* satisfy a tax fi fa. in favor-of the Mayor and City Council of Cordele vs. Annie Caine for advalorum tax due for the year 1901. Also lot No. 0 in Block No. 140 as np* pears from map of survey of the town of Cordele,, Ga., levied upon as tho propA erty of Annie J. Ellis to satisfy a tax H h fa. 1 in favor of the Mayor and City Council of cordele vs. Annie J. Ellis for advalorum taxes due for the vear 190) Also lot No. 14 Block No. 200 as np- pears from, map of survey of tlm town of Cordele, Ga., levied upon as the prop erty of Julius Davis to satisfy a tax L fa. in favor of the Mayor and Cicv Council of Cordele va. Julius Davis for advalorum taxes due for the year 1901. Also lot No. 1 on Block No. 109 as oF Pnrl w’ ma , P ? f * urv °y of the town rltv t I evie d upon ns the prop el ty of Kotth Carson to satisfy a tax fi fa. in favor of the Mavor and Citv Council of Cordeio vs. Keith Carson for advalorum taxes due for the year 1901. Also lots Nos. 6 and 0 on Block No 15- as appears from map of survov of the City of Cordele, Ga.,'levied upo^bv virtue of a tax fl fa. in favor of the Ttf y v an o d “ty Council of Cordele va. The New South Building and Loan Asso- don 1 ?” lu* ono llaIf edvnlorum taxes duo for the year 1901. Aiso lot No. 1 in Block No 3 as np. Ff 8 p S j r ? m r! na P, ot eu rvey of the City of Cordele, Ga., levied unnn ■> n,„ / of Cordele, Ga.,'levied upoF. the orty of M. T. Burwell to satisfy7Z Council" f ft | V0, i°i f th * Ma y° r ®'nd City Council of Urdele vs. M. T. Burwell fo-- 1001, ha, f advalorum tax due for the year Also lot No. 1 on Block No. 20 as an Kle^GarfevfecfTpon Vu ^ ° f erty of Harry Kent to satisfy tax 'ft "ft o rwT i° f the u Ma y° r City Council" of Cordele ys. Harry Kent for one half advalorum taxes due for tlie year 1901 urn! f 4 12 * n Block No, Hi) oF P Cor(Irl! 0 p "T ? f ® urve y of the City Mtv of HilWd T V ^ U L 0n as tI,e pvop- f> , ,ard Lewis to satisfy a ta- -', n f , aVor of the Mayor and Cit'" Council of Cordele for advaCnm due for the y ear 1901 alorum tnx Also lots Nos. 11. 12 11 ,, survey^of tl° r it appe ? rs from >™p of upon as the projSrty of . satisfy a tax fi ta.ihnyor of the u!‘ ^ und City Council of £S5£ for 0 Aho t ?nt**V Ue io 0r th ® Veat 19()I - Also lot No. 12 on Block No « appears from map of survey of tlJ rif* ' SaafrflwfVSg of ttl 5 A. map Of survey “atis h fy taTfiY ^ a'" CollinTt" L c a?”;YJ5i , * dv * b ™v^ -1 °% c,«j This March 5th, 1902. -it „ G - n - BRAY. Marshall City of Cordele, Ga. Will sen groceries cheap, an deliver to any residence inside < the corporate limits. „ . H. B. THOMPSON & CO-