The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, March 22, 1902, Image 2

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WE SELL EVERYTHING... ■^WWWiftfVVVVVWlV*^**^^* *^ <,< ******** M *********** < ‘* MM * ,I, "~ ~ J. P. HEARD & SONS, Bankers and Genera! Merchants. .. VIEflM.-." GEORGIA. SERSTER HATS! AND Spring Novelties s 0 PRINCi PPENINO I ASTER HATS! AND OF AT BJ. L. TAGGART’S. H M ANDSOME SWIILLINERY WILL TAKE PLACE >ppmg v^oog AT I-. TAGGART'S.! % iBBBSMBaSBIBaMMgWjgBBBaBWptt Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, flarch 25 th, 26th, 27th. ■ . It will Eclipse anything Vienna has ever seen before.. The Novel Conceptions are tne Daintiest and most Exquisite Imaginable. Mrs. Kenney has just returned from an extended tour of the Eastern markets bringing with her the Ilaiest and most Beautiful Designs ever shown in Dooly. ItOW FOR THAT ALL IMPORTANT EASTER HHT. March 30th is EASTER, the Queen of Spring will take her stand upon the misty mountain tops and command the trees to unfold their green leaves, the buds to open ont into full-blown flowers, the fields to put on a suit of emerald, the birds to sing Easter carols, and bright-eyed, fair-faced worm 11 to put on the crowning feature of Easter Day»»a New, Stylish, Dainty, Beautiful and Becoming-Foreign or Domestic Pattern— H?XT from my large display. I will also have a display of Neckwear. Umbrellas, and Straw Hats for Gentlemen and Children, and Dress Goods in profusion. Be sure to Visit the Opening March 25, -28113(1 27th. J. JL-. TAGGART. Vienna, Georgia. THE VIENNA NEWS. TWICE-A-WEEK. T. A. ADKINS, JR.. Editor. r. A. Jr., and W. T. ADKINS, Proprietors. Official Organ Dooly •County. A Yale professor declares that no man should marry until he hns ac cumulated a cupital of at least $i,- 000. That would scein to us to depend entirely upon how much his wife’s father had accumulated, —Atlanta Journal. Otficlnt Organ of the City of Vienna. ‘Entered at the I’ostollke at Vienna, Ga., ns Second Class Mail Matter. Advertising rates furnislfed on request Carrollton is rejoicing over the erection of a $2,500 town clock in the court house tower. We are glad to see that some towns have the energy to make needed im provements even if they are too tar away for us to enjoy them. VON.Tlie News will not be responsible 'or views expressed by correspondents. rates or subscription: One copy one year .$1.00 One copy tlx months 50 Ouecopy three months. 25 Published WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS ’PHONE No. 11. SATURDAY, MARCH 22, T902. According to the census figures the southern planters received from the cotton crap x>f 1899 the snug sum of $353,758,17; for fiber aud $4 6 .93°»5 2 5 for seed, Mrs, Sarah ‘Dixon, who was given a life sentence for complicity in the murder ot her husband and . * given a new trial' by the supreme court,' was arraigned at Sanders ville Thursday, Jere Walden, her accomplice ts serving a life sen tence. The opinion prevails among fruit men that no damnge was done the fruit crop by the late cold spell ns it wus not sufficiently advanced to be injured. The previous warm weather caused some trees to bud but the germ was protected by blossoms and escaped any serious injury. The indications for la nrge crop are good up to the present time. The famous ‘‘‘Wesley Oak,” at Thunderbolt, near Savannah, un der which John Wesley preached on his first visit to Georgia, has been felled to make way for street car track. Corporations have no regard for landmarks. Tax Receiver’s Rounds. ‘Even u beast of the field takes care ot its young; a wild hyena would not desert its offspring,” said Recorder Broyles % of the At lanta police court when he sen tenced J. C. CUiwer, a white man, to the‘stockade for -failing to pro vide for his wife and children. Oh, for a whipping post for such char acters! Lloyd, Carlisle, Lindsay, Unadtlln, Ptnehurat, ' Findlay, Vienna, Bvromville, Capron, Drayton, Coney, Janies, Arab), Cordele, Dakota, May tat a, m. ‘-’iblev, May 1st P. M. Snow, May 9, A. m. Etnerich, May 9, p. M. Fuqua, May 16. RIchwood, May 23. Vienna, May 24, 30and 31. ( Cordele, May 26, 27, 28 and 29. Rooks close May 31st. Jxo. C. Dunaway, Tax Receiver Dooly Co. Cordele, Ga., March 17th, 1902, April i, 17, May 5 II 3, « 6 l< 3. «9. “ 7 It 4, at, •• 8 II S, 22, “ 10 7, 23, “ 12 8. 24, " 13 •1 9. *5. “ *4 • 1 10, 26, “ 15 “ 11, 28, *• 17 II 12, 29. “ 19 «l 14, 30, “ 00 it 15, May 2 and 2t ti 16, 3 u nd 22 April 18th. Pneumonia is prevalent through out the state und the dreaded Jis ease is playing havoc in some sec tions. In the family of W. E. Hartell, near Valdosta, the father, a son, and a niece all succumed within a few days, and at Dames’ Ferry, 15 miles above Macon, five brothers in the Crcshntn family have been stricken, three are dead -and two are still very bad off. ANNOUNCEMENTS- For Representative. To the voters jf Dooly county: I hereby announce myself as a candidate tor representative .from Dooly county In the next general assembly of Georgia, subject to democratic primary. If nomi nated and elected, it shall be my sole aim to represent the interests of nurcounty to the very best of mv ability. The support of every one will be highly appreciated and kindly remembered. Very respectfully, • S. R. Fields. of my ability, appreciated. Your support will be Very respectfully, H. C. Brown, After belnc earnestly solicited by many of the good people of Dooly county to again enter the race for Representative of the General Assembly I have, after mature deliberation, consented to stand for re-election. With grateful thanks to the good people of my county tor past kindnesses and the honor they conferred on me,.I assure them that if again chosen to represent them I will ever be faithful to their trust. Respectfully, . D. W. Harvard. For Tax Collector- I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office ot Tax Col lector, subject to the democratic pri- mary. Thanking 'my friends for their support in the past, and soliciting a con tinuance of the same. If nominated and elected I will endeavor in tne future, as in the past, to correct errors or over sights which would save the taxpayer cost in anch cases, Very respectfully. F.J. Lewis. To the Voters-ol Dooly County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for Representative subject to the Demo cratic primary,'and if elected will devote my time to the interests of the people. Your support will be appreciated. Very respectfully, ]. S. Pate. For Treasurer- I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer subject to the Democratic pri mary, Thanking my friends for their support in the past, and soliciting a con tinuance of the same, I am, Very respectlutly, D. A. Taylor. A HORRIBLE OUTBREAK. "Ot large sores on my ^little daugher’ head devleoped into n case of scald head" writes C D Isbell of Morganton, Tcnn. but Buckleas Arneca Salve completely cured her Its a guranteed cure for Eczema, tetter, salt rheum, pimples, sores ulcers and ipues. Oniy 25c. Vienna Drug Co. To the Citizens and Voters of Dooly County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector subject to a nomination by the Democratic primary. I solicit tlic support of everybody, and if elected will serve alt to the best of my ability. Respectfully, Ja’s. A. Williams. For Clerk Superior Court I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office ot Clerk ot the Superior Court of Doolr county, subject to the democratic primary. I am very grateful for the hearty support that has been accorded me in the past, and earnestly hope for a continuance of tfie same. Very respectfully, J. Frank Powell. After consulting with many of my friends from different sections of the county I have decided to run for treasurer of the county, subject to the Democratic Prtmury. Thanking my friends for past favors, I solicit your support in the com- -ing primary. j. W. Roberts. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce myself a canditate tor Tax Receiver, -subject to the demo cratic primary. It elected will perforin the duties encumbent upon me to the best For Sheriff. To' the voters of Dooly county: I hereby offer myself as a candidate for re-election to the offi.-e or Sheriff of Dooly county, subject to the Democratic prima ry If re-elected I ahail in the future, as in the past, fill the office to the best of iny ability. Thanking you for past fa vors, I remain yours, • G. W. Sheppard. To the voters of Dooly county; I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Dooly countv, subject to the democratic primary. Il elected will perform the duties incumbent upon me to the best of my ability. Your support will be appreciated. Very Resp’t. Louis Clewis.