The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, March 29, 1902, Image 1

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wm ■ ' : ^iss|pp|s ' &.*.•>' s *■;'. : 'fP2 . .i*5J4 , v-vl > /> •>>* 1 VOL I. NO 87. VIENNA. GA., SATURDAY, MARCH 29. 1902. TWI.CE-A“WEEK $1.00 PER YEAR. filllLTY SAYS THE JURY In the Case of State ts. Lee B. Jones, Which was Taken Dp Wednesday and Finished Yesterday—Has Cost the At the time of our going to prebs Wednesday the case of the Slate vk Lee B. Jones, charged with embezzlement had just been called and the work of securing a jury was in progress. After a short time the following were selected as jurors to puss upon the case; W. W Barlow, S C Byrd, S D Peavy, W H Lowry, Jus. C Folds, C C Duncan, W J Locke, VV I Nupier, J S Taylor, j T Adkins, Jno. H. Bedgood and C S Brown. The defendant was represented at this trial by Judge Allen Fort, Jim Anderson and G t W. Busbee The state is represented by Solicitor Hooper, J H Hall, M P Calloway und J G Jones. The producing of evidence in the commenced upon the recon veiling of court Wednesday after noon und was not concluded by the state until Thursday ufternoon The defendant did not put Up any witnesses on the stand. The questioning of the witnesses for the state was conducted by Col. Calloway und JudgeFort, and Col. Anderson did the questioning in belmlf ot tbs defense. The princi pal witnesses for the state were: E Colwell, jr., W T Dougbtry, D L Henderson, R E Harris, W H McKenzie, D 'W Ketchum, Z A Littlejohn, ] F Cobb, R P Waters, \V S Thompson, E W Bullock, U V Whipple, W E Dunwoody and B H Robertson. The statement of the defendant consumed two and a half hours, in which he endeavored to explain the different transactions and irreg ularities in the books as brought out by the expert book keeper and .other witnesses for the state. Three speeches were made on each side. Court adjourned about 6 o’clock Thursday evening until after supper, when Col. Busbee made the opening speech for the defense and was followed by Col, Hall for the state, after which court adjourned again until Friday morning. Col. Anderson was the next' speaker for the defense, nnd who commenced his speech immediately upon the opening of court yesterday morning. He..was followed by Col. Calloway and Solicitor Hoop er for the state. Judge Fort then made the concluding speech in the case in behalf of the defense. All of the speeches were strong und } very forceful in presenting the different phases of the case to the jury. The arguments' were concluded at a few minutes before 4 o’clock and the charge to the jury was then made by Judge Evuns. The ■ jury retired to their room 014:15 and returned in two hours with i verdict of guilty, with a recommen dation to be punished os for a mis demeanor. He was -fined $i;ooo or go to the chaingnng for twelve months. His attorneys have given notice that a motion fora neW trial )ld be made. The costs in this will run’ up to nearly the aunt of the fine, tse next thing taken up by the : was the case of Rev. Hyde, ed with contempt of court. he having refused |o obey a- wit ness summons. He was given a lecture and let off with the costs. After that Judge Evans turned over the reins of the court to Judge Littlejohn and the first case called was that of the State vs. Seaborn Phillips, colored, charged with the murder of W. C. Batson at Rich wood about two weeks ago. The court appointed Cols. \V. V, Harvard and M. P. Hall to defend and the solicitor is being assisted by Col. D. A. R. Crum. Both sides announced ready and the work of securing the jury com menced. S&D DEATH OF YOUNG LADY. liter Long Illness, Miss Rosa Coppege Passes to Her Reward. ■ A VIOLET TEA. On Wednesday evening Miss Ada Towell, one of Viennu’s social favorites entertained a number of her many friends veiy informally at a “Violet Tea.” For decorations violets were pro fusely used. A dainty menu wus served, after which both laughable, and instructive games were played. Those present were Misses Mamye Myers, Mary and Emmie Wood ward, Lucy Heard, Cora and Jewel Powell, Cliff Whitehead, Calla Lilly, Eva Penny, and Mrs. R. B. Solomon of Valdosta, and Messrs. Walter F. George, W, H. Lassetcr, Luctous \\ oodward, Joe Smith, Wallie Lytle, Will Proctor, Frank Powell and Dr. Bullington. BOLD ATTEMPT. Oil yesterday morning, near the place of Mr. John Vinson, about six mires from this city, a negro man in a wagon met u negro girl about 13 years old on her way to school. The girl was cursed by the negro and told not to open her mouth as he proceed to get out of his wagon to hitch his mule. The girl commaneed to run for her life and went to the home of Mr. Vin son, who carried her to the school house. A purty of men went in search of the brute and the results are not known to us. One of the saddest deaths that ever happened in this county oc curred Wednesday afternoon about six o’clock when Miss Rosa Cop pege passed away at the home of her parents, Mi. and Mrs. J. J. Coppege, u few miles east of this city. Miss Coppege had been a suf ferer from that dread disease, con sumption, for several months. She was an only child and was idolized by her parents who made many sacrifices for tier comfort and wel fare. She attended the LaGrange Female College and graduated last June, and while in college she was converted und joined the Methodist church nnd lived a consecrated and happy Christian life. Miss Coppege was indeed a no ble young lady and her friends were numbered by her acquaintances. Her remains were interred in the old Campbell cemetery, near the home, yesterday morning about 11 o’clock in the presence of a large crowd of sorrowing friends and relatives, L©eALftND PERSONAL NEWS Epworth League Easter Program. The Epworth League will con duct an Easter program ut the Methodist church Sunday morning at it o’clock, March 30th, 1903. APPOINTMENTS. We make the following an nouncementR of appointments' at the Methodist church with pleas ure and trust our people will give these two able divines large and appreciative audience* : Rev, Homer Bush, president of Andrew Female College, Cuth- bert, Ga., will fill an appointment here on the second Sunday in April. Rev. C. E. Dowman, president of Emory College, Oxford, Ga., will fill the pulpit at ths Methodist churcn on the fourth Sunday in April. STRIKES A RICH FIND. “I eras troubled (or several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debility" writes P J Green ot Lancaster, N. H. “No remedy helped me until 1 began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than alt the medicines I ever used. They hare also kepi my wile In excellent health (or years. She says Electric Bit. ' ter* are Just splendid forfemale troubles that they are a grand tonic and Invlgora tor (or weak and run down women. No other medicine pan take its place In our family.’’ Try them, only 50c. Satlsfac- tlon guranteed. Vienna Drug Co. For Rent A five room house, call on Mrs. A. Blount, Vienpa, Ga. lor particulars,. Song and prayer. Bible Lesson by leader. Rending. “The Resurrection the Crown of Redemption”—Mr. A. E. Walton. “In the Garden on Easter Morn” —Mrs. J. S. Holloman. Music. Selection—“Rolling Away the Stone*’—Mrs. C. T. Stovall. . Poem—“Take Ye Away the Stons”—Miss Anna Vamadoe. An Easter Story—“Petro’s An them”—Miss Sara Collier. Music. Poem—“ Christobel’s Vision ot the Christ Child”—Miss Mamie Myers. Prayer. Song. Benediction. PINEHURST DOTS- Mrs. J. F. Waters has had a mess of spring salid. * . W. L. Sheppard visited Cordele yes terday afternoon. Miss Lucy Heard visited friends in Cordele Thursday. Miss Carrie Quick is clerking for Mrs. R. P. Mitchell. J. A. Wilson of Cordele was here on business yesterday. W. 0. Hamilton of Cordele, was here on business Wednesday. E. S. Losseter of Cordele, was in .the city yesterday afternoon. P. G. Busbee came in from the plan- Jation yesterday afternoon: L. E. Summer ford and wife were in in town shopping yesterday. J. T. Jackson, and wife, of near town, were here shopping yesterday. J. S. Morgan of near Drayton, was here Thursday on business. Ex-representative J. H. Doroitgh. of near Cordele, was here Tuesday. J. M. Itoobin and D. R. Altman, visited Cordele Wednesday night. Miss Carolyn Roberts is clerking at the milliner store of J. L. Taggart. G. S. Haslam and wife of Pinehurst, were in the olty shopping yesterday. J. B. Walton'and wife of near Plnc- hurst, were in town shopping yester day. Dr. R. H. Pate of Rich wood, was in attendance upon court hero this week. Mrs. E. G. Walton and Mrs. A. M. Wilson arrived in the olty Wednesday night. Mrs. B. F. Sheppard of Cordele visi ted the family of Sheriff Sheppard yesterday. The grand jury adjourned Wednes day afternoon after being in session two days. J. B. Cole n contractor who did some work In this city last spring was here a few days this week. Capt. Samuel Cnrnes returned from Oartersville, Thursday night where he dins been on business. A. Bullington and family ot Findlay, spent Thursday in the city with the family of D. A. Taylor. If you want your advertisements to reach and be read by the people—insert them in the Vienna News. PnwromsT, Gs., Mar. £8—Mrs. J. Y. Netherton and Mias Cross, of Unadilla, spent Sunday aA the guest of Mrs. R. E Jordan. After a pleasant visit to Mrs. O. A. Thompson,Misses Laura Kate Pate and Smithie Carroll returned to their home in Unadilla, Sunday. Miss Nina Daviesrspent 1 Saturday in Vienna, with her mother, Rev. J, M. Boss spent Sunday in Unadilla. Misa Hilsman spent Sunday in Elko, the guest of Mrs. Clark G. Hardeman and Min Elms Houser. E. B. Peacock and Miss Laura Kate Pate, of Unadilla, attended services here Thursday. Rev. Mr. MaGee of, Cordele, was in town Thursday. 1 Min Pearl Hooka, of Unadilla, is visiting Miu Maude Lee'Peavy. * Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jordan visited Unadilla, this week. James A. Whitehead spent last week in Moultrie. - Mr. and Mrs. Wilkea, of Findlay, were in town Wednesday. James A. Williams U on the tick list this week-. Vienna hn a chance to secure the A. A B. railroad yet, provided something is done immediately to that end. Houston county has 20 announced candidates for the various county offi cers, and Dooly county has twelve, If you have a news item—tell it, or else hold your peace If J the editor doesn’t happen to read your mind. Arnie Youngblood, who is attending school at Isabella, visited homcfolks near this city a few dnys this week. J. L. Taggart who lias been confined to his bed for the past two weeks, was able to be down at the store yesterday J. R. Arnold and family arrived in the city from Turin, last Sunday and will make their future home in this city. B. B. Pound, R. E. Harris, H. W. Campbell and Editor C. M. McKenzie of Cordele, attended court hereThurs day.' Gordon Wood, the little son of B. S. Wood, who lives a few miles East of this city is suffering from ah attack of pneumonia Cordele will have an election to be held on the 2nd Wednesday in April to decido whether cows will be allowed to run at large on the atreets or not Oh Wednesday Afternoon at 3 o’clock March the 12th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gilbert, near Colon, their daughter, Miss Dorie, was tnsr- ried to Mr. G. B. Mercer. Bov. Jno. Powell officiated.. . Herbert Rushin can now be found with A. Roobin A Co., where he will be pleased to have his friends call around to see him when in town. Mr. 0; H. Reynolds, of near Viennu; lias accepted a position with H. H. Steel, passenger and freight agent of the Hawkinsville and Florida Southesu railroad.—Hawkinsville Dispatch. The Houston Banking bo., was or ganized in Perry last Saturday. This makes two banks for tljat place andjthc. officers and directors are composed of some of the best men in that county. Col. G. W. Wooten went up to Ma con, Thursday morning to meet Col.. J. E. Wooten of Eastman, where the two had a conference in regard to a land ense in which they are employed. - The News has been the recipients of ‘several nsce compliments on our Wednesday's edition which was prin ted on pink paper and contained six pages, all of which have our sincerest thanks. It is rhraored that Mr. John C. Dun away will not offer for Clerk of Super ior court in the approaching primary. If he does, not ho informs a reporter of the News that he will not be a can didate for any other office. In the case of the State vs Ida Whitsett, charged with assault with intent to murder before the Supreme court, rendered affirming the judge ment of the Superior court. Col. W. V. Harvard represented the defendant Dr. H. A. Yoqmans Vienna’s up-to- * date Jeweler and optician also handles machines. Ho has just .purchased 11 large number of tho best second-hand Sewing Machines ever sold in South Georgia. He will tell the people about it next week through tho columns or tho News. The oommittee composed of Mayor Whitehead, J. P. Heard and M. F. Hall returned from Macon Wednesday afternoon, where they went to have a conference! with Vice-President Goo.. Dole Wadley, in an effort to secure the A A B railroad. They had the confer ence and the wishes and ideas of the committee were laid before th«- authorities of tho rood in Atlanta, yes terday and the committee expects to receive an answer today in regard t« the matter. The committee foel* hopeful as to tho results. A party composed ot J P. Smith, W. II.Losseter, H. J. Morgan, J Q Shipp, J M. Basbce, L. R. Hobbs, O. M. Heard, P. A. Leopard, B. D. Bryan Jr., D. A. R. Crum nnd T. A. Adkins Jr., wen: down to Ashbnrn Wednesday nlghr and assisted in organising a K. of P. lodge at that placo. Several protninen r Knights from different parts of tho state were present and the cterenionie- were very impressive. An elegan: banquet was tendered the visiting brethereu at the Hotel Clydo during tho evening. SATURDAY NIGHT’S DEBATE. A Saturday night debating club is in existence at Piniu und the young people are making it quite interesting to spectators as well a - beneficial to the members. Deputy Sheriff W. L. Sheppard, visiter the club last Saturday with hi. best girl and reports that the de bate was very interesting and en tertaining and that he would like very much to be present again soon Farewell, Ledger! i Look out for Joe Smith’s Market Fresh Fish. Oysters and Steaks. Pork Steak at 9c per lb., spot cash; 3 lbs nice steak or pork fui as cents.. Nothin j^charg§d..