The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, April 02, 1902, Image 2

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i 1 WE SELL EVERYTHING. • • J. P. HEARD & SONS, Bankers and General Merchants. VIEfiflA. GEORGIA. THE VIENNA NEWS. LET’S CALL A HAW. TWICE-A-WECK, T. A. ADKINS. JR.. Editor. T. A. Jr., and W. T. ADKINS, Proprietors. ‘Official Organ Dooly Courdy. Official Organ of the City of Vienna. t ■ entered at the Poitofficc at Vienna, Ga., as Second Clast Mail Matter. Advertising rates furbished on request. The News will not be responsible ■r views expressed by correspondents. RATES OK SUBSCRIPTION! Onecopy one year $J.oo One copysixmonths 50 Onecopy three months 85 Published WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. •PHONE No. 11. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1902. THE ROAD WE MUST HAVE. It is ridiculous to hear some of our citizens talking; about Vienna not having any .chance of getting the Atlantic & Birmingham rail road. We have not even made ilicm a direct proposition. The News is of the opinion tlnit a con sideration, which would be readily met by our people, could secure the roud, and we will never believe to the contrary until such an effort lias been made. We cannot rea- ANNOUNCEMENTS- The News heartily endorses the points made by Rejrj Alex. W. Bealer in Saturday’s Atlanta Jour nal on the subject of “What Geor gia W.omen Think of Educating the Negro.” How foofish it is for the white people tOf Georgia 1 Ho urge measures for the industrial training and education of the ne gro when there are thousands of white boys and girls in the stiite toddy that are illiterate. It is high time we were calling a halt and looking out for oUr own folor, and letting others do likewise, espect ally when there is no reasonable hope of such training ever solving the race problem or making them more useful and industrial citizens. Below will be found n few of the points made by Rev. Bealer •. “Many an old mammy from ante bellum times, with but few exceptions, is toilingday by day to give her daugh ter or her granddaughter education, so that she may not liave to work, but can have an easy time foir tho balance of hop life. Another strong argument they use is that there is not onough benefit coming to the south from the money that has been spent in <>ducu- ting the negro. 'Take Atlanta, for In stance,' I heard one of' the delegates say, 'you can hardly throw a rock that will not land on a negro college. Hun dreds of thousands of dollars have been spent in educating the negroes there, and taking them as a whole a more trifling set does not'UVo oft earth. Will industrial education be any hotter? For a number of years this experiment has been going on and millions of dol lars have loan spent, but no apprecia- Fop Representative. To the voters of Dooly county,: I hereby anhouncemyseif asa candidate for representative from’ Duoly county In the next general, ^assembly; of Georgia, subject to democratic primary. II nomi- paim iunty to ^■■■■■■■■PPVsupport of every one will be highly appreciated and ‘kindly remembered. HttHn Very respectful!; After beine earnestly solicited by many of the good people of Dooly county to again enter the race for Representative of the General Assembly I have, after mature deliberation, consented to stand for re-election. With grateful thanks to tiie good people of my county lor past kindnesses and the .honor they conferred on me, 1 assure them that if again chosen to represent them I will ever be faithful 10 their trust. Respectfully, D. W. Harvard. IpTfHf^* UNftDILLft, ' GE0KGI DEALER IN General 4 Merchandise. Plantation Supplies,gHighcst' Price Paid Buggies. nor all kinds of Wagons I Country and Coffins.! ' Produce. To the Voters ol Dooly County: I hereby announce myself u candidate for Representative subject to the Demo- J erotic primary, and if elected will devote ‘ my time to the interests of the people. Your fttinnort will be nnnrer.tateH. Your support will be appreciated. Very respectfully, J. S. Pats For Treasurer- I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer subject to the Democratic pri mary, Thanking my friends for their support in the pust, and soliciting a con tlnuauce of the same, 1 am. Very respectfully, 1); A. TAylor. The Place to Go to Find Everything You Want. LARGEST SUPPLY HOUSE IN THIS SECTION. sonttbly expect something for noth- . , . . , .: .. . blu benefit has come to Georgia, and it Ing and,why not make the author.- |§ t||M tQ M , u h(Ut , tie* a direct proposition ond offer «. Tho !deR geem9 b0( thatwhlle wo to pay the difference in the cost of cannot control Northern' capital, we construction, und also offer them 1 can at loast hold up in spending our depot facilities gratis. And if they j »«theedacation^of^e^negro refuse this proposition, then ask After consulting with many of my friends from diflerent sections of the county I have decided to run for treasurer of the county, subject to the Democratic Primary. Thanking my friends for past favors, 1 solicit your support in the com- mg primary. j. W. Roberts. To the Voters of Dooly County: 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Treasurer of, Dooly county, subject to a democratic primary. If elected,will perform tne duties incumbent upon' me to the best ot mv ability. Your support will be aoprcclnted. Yery Rcap’t, M.‘II. Hickson. AND For Tax Receiver. Mr. A, ROOBIN has just returned from New York where he purchased A Large and Stylish line of 4New Style Fabrics CONSISTING OF Pique, Batiste, French Ginghams, Dimities, ' until' schools have been established among the mountains, in middle Geor- tliem to flume the amount ot hard. -. and down In tho land of the wire- cash that it will take to bring the grass and pines, schools In which the road within our borders, nnd then, ambitious white boys and girls pf Geor- ifwc cannot meet their proposition Rl* c#n receive an education. r, r “Put money into this kind of educa- . ter we havo exerted every posst- t , on and „ not take flfteen 0P Will be time enough twonty years to see the remits, far tho taint hearted to give up nil “If the contention of the woman Is hope, true that those educated to bo good White there is breath, so to servants refuse to servo it will ba an speak, in the town, let's not give^T™' Ro many southern as well up until we have ut.least done our .. But thu M H may , wou ldn't it be best. Who will help to keep the a good idea for the southern people to iron hot? Other places have nc- put their cash Into some of tho colleges compltshed their purpose when at for wh,t0 children, and especially for i ime, it icemed .. if „o use m trying longer I hereby announce myself a candltate tor.Tux Receiver, subject to the demo- cratic.prjlmury.. , U elected will perform the diitlcx encumbent upon me to the best of my Ability. 1 Your support will be appreciated Very respectfully. M. C. Brown. For Tax Collector- I.hereby announce inrself a candidate for re-election to the office ot Tax Col lector, subject to the democratic pri mury. I hanking my friends for their support in the ppsti and soliciting n con tinuance of the same. If nominated and elected I will erioenvor in tne future, as ir. the post, to, correct error*' or over sights which would save the taxpayer cost in such cases. Very respectfully. ' F.J. Lewis. Organdies,, and a beautiful line of Embroideries arid Laces, Silks, Satins, Ribbons, All Widths and Qualities. I'o'the Citizens and Voters-of Dooly County i j I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector subject to nomination by the Democratic prlnrfary solicit the support of everybody, and if elected will serve all to the best oi my ability. Respectfully, Jas. A. William*. . The News glories in the “stick- ability” of Mr. John S. Byrotn, une of Dooly’s best citixens, in this matter. If we had in few men in Vienna with the backbone of Mr. Bxroin we would have known long ago what the result would be (n tive matter. Now, let us till come together and make the 'effort of our lives to secure the A. & B. railroad. Tiie N»iws is willing to do her linuncial yurt and go down in her "jeans” and produce the substan tial stuff, its far us Iter ability will allow, to secure a station of the i e\v road at Vienna'. WILL YOU? The democratic executive com mittee of the state met fn Atlanta Saturday and selected June 5th as the date for holding the state primary. Chairman duBignon of Savannah , handed in bis resigna tion, and vice-chairman G T Brown was elected in his stead, und J; L. Boynton of Calhoun, vice-chair man. And the wish of son>e of he pupers in the state in regard to holding the primary in August did not pieet with the approval ot the committee.. Farewell, Ledger I! Look out for Joe Smith’s Market. Fresh Fisli. Oysters and Steaks. Pork Steak at 9c per lb.J spot c.tsb; 3 lbs nice steak or pork for 15 cents. . Nothing charged. Now, that the date has been selected for holding the state pri mary, our county chairman will future to decide what date to hold the county primary. Let’s have both on thi same day , A serious wreck occurred on the Macon, Dublin & Savannah R. R last Monday morning between Vi- dalia and Macon. Two wnite men Robert Bush and ChdVles Renfro both employees, were seriously in jured and twelve colored people slightly hart. . AISO THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LINE OF LADIES* AND MISSES’ HAT8 EVER BROUGHT TO VIENNA- Gents’ For Clerk Superlbr Court I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to theofiice ot Clerk of the - Superior Court of Dootv county, subject to the democratic primary. I am verv grateful for the hearty sapport that has been accorded tne in ijiq past, and earnestly hope fqr a continuance of the sime. Very respectfully, 1 ]. Frank Powkll. For Sheriff. To the voters of Dooly county sit as a candidate for Furnishing Goods, Neckwear, Clothings Shoes* Slippers to Ht Everybody And Other Seasonable Goods too Namerons to Mention Ytbu are respectfully Invited to call and Inepeot our'New Goode. R. ROOBIN & CO. Loans, Loans, Loans. I hereby offer tnysel re-election to tiie office of Sheriff of Dooly county, subject to the Democratic prims- 1 y If re-elected I shall In the future, at In the past, fill the office to the best of my ability. Thanking you for past fa vors, 1 remain yours, W. Sheppard. To the voters of Dooly county; I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff ol Dooly county, subject to the democratic primary. It elected will probably call a meeting in the neuH P orr “ r "» ,h * duties Incumbent upon me r.., to the best of my ability. Your.upport will be appreciated. Very Resp’t. Louis Clewis. You will be in safe band* if you buy vour Vehicles from . ]. O. Hamilton, TIS EASY TO FEEL SOOD Counties* thousand* hare found a bles sing to the b*Jy In Dr King’s New Life Pills, which postirelv cure constipation, sick headache, dizziness. Jaundice, Ma laria, fever and ugmc and all liver and stomach troubles. Purely vegetable; Never gripe or weaken Oulpsjcat 1 Vienna DrugCa WE CAN PROCURE A LOAN FOR YOU ANYWHERE FROM $150.00 TO $5,000,00 with Interest from 6.7T0 7 1-2 PER CENT. AND AT A VERY SMALL COST. HENDERSON & JORDAN. (0 DAYS FREE TRIAL. Canada without a cent deposit*and allow 10days free trial. You take absolutely no rUk ordering Iron: us, as you don’t pay a cent if it don’t suit you. 1902 Models SB $9 to $IS 1900 and 1901 Models $7 fe Si' 500 SECOND RAID WHEELS twTTSi SuS»Wi^5S^SyiSS. ,torea ’ 53 to $8 DO NOT BUY ?ACwM& h FMfALOrFEg’ ot useful information. Write for 1L AGENTS WANTED 8MU& Bicycle of our manufacture. You can moke 814 reeou besides having $ Wheel to ride for yourself. tNESfVSK' V