The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, April 05, 1902, Image 2

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■ WE SELL EVERYTHING... J. P. HEARD & SONS, Bankers and General Merchants. VIEfifiA. GEORGIA. THE VIENNA NEWS. TWICE-A-WEEK. Auditors Court. T. A, ADKINS, JR.. Editor. 7. A. Jr., and W. T. ADKINS, Proprietors. Official Organ of the City « W*JD. Entered at the Postdffice at Vfefi'ds, 6a„ as Second Clan Mail Matter. Advertising rate* furnished'On request. The case 5f W W Shipp against the Mavof'andcity cqtmcil of Cjor- dele, was heard before the auditor, C0I.1W. V. Harvard, of Vienna, ■ at the council chamber yesterday Official Otgdn booty ‘Cobnty. hftern<lon;ThU litigation grew of ■—- - * *»■“.... ^e fact, VHI. M* J Shipp: claims that he advanced money to roeef the obligations of the city when he was 'clerk and treasurer. This case it a large one aryl >t is stub* bornly contested by both parties, and we cannot say, what the out come wiU,.J^, The plaintiff is represented ;by Messrs. Shipp, & Sheppard, of .Americus,. and the city is represenipd by Col, S. R. Fields—Cordele News, MT VERNON NEWS .The News will not. be responsible for views expressed by correspondents. rates of subscription: One copy, dne year. I J,|t .00 One copy six months...../ ;..i.<So One copy three mpntht.. a.* Published WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. 'PHONE No. It. SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1902. AN EXTRACT ANNOUNCEMENTS-, For Representative. To the voters of Doolr county: 1 hereby announce mysdJfhsfcandidate for representative from Duoly county In the next general assembly of Georgia, subject to democratic primary. If noml> nated nnd elected, it shall be my sole aim to represent the interests of ourcounty to the very best of my ability!'' The sdpport of every one wiil be highly appreciated and kindly remembered; - 1 ' Very respectfully. . ,»A V - . ( S. R. Kielus.' After beine earnestly solicited by many of the good people of Dooly county to ngafn enter the race for Representative of the General Assembly L have, after mature deliberation, consented to stand for re-election. With grateful thanks tp the good people of my county tor past kindnesses and the honor they conferred on me, I assure them that if,again chosen to represent them I will ever be faithful, to thqlr (rust. Respectfully,' ‘ '' . K D. W. Harvard. To the-Voters ot Dooly County: I hereby announce myself u candidate for Representative subject to the Demo* I era tic primary, and if elected will devote my time to the interest* of the . people The following is an extract from the article wrliten by Rev. Sam Jones, dated' Nushville, Tenn., Mar. aSth and published in Sat urday’t, Atlanta Journal on the subject of “Fighting Saloons in Tennessee,'’ in which lie makes reference to the Nashville papers in the following words: "There are three dally papers pub lished In Nashville, but they seem to me to occupy the some attitude towards the candidates and questions at issue, 1 hat the old woman did towards tho liquor light in her town. 8he said "Now they’ve got up a big Issue and fuss here over these saloons, but," she said, "lam not going totake any sides nt all, I’m just going to be nulsanco,” ' l think tlint's tho attitude ot the dally press here in Nashvillo towards the is sues Involved in tho campaign. The l«sers hardly know which, side' will win, and thoy rather be "nuisance" than to get on the side that don’t win. They're ou tho fence, nnd an editor on the fence Is worth just about os muoh to tho moral being of a community, as u milk wagon delivering watered milk nil through tho city. As for mo I huvo Your support Will be appreciated. After a rainy spell wo are having some pretty weathor and the farmers are making good use ot it, planting their com over. P. T. Forehand entertained young folks Saturday night with a sing. It was highly enjoyed by all present. ‘ Rev. Jim Nelson preached to a large congregation, a very entertaining ser mon here Sunday. Pearl Summerford, one of our pu pils who has been very slek with pneu monia for several weeks, we are glad to state is better at this writing. Miss Susie Hall vi*i$d the family ot Mr. Jaok Dunn Saturday. We aro glad to note that Mrs. T. Lil ly is up again ; Another Friday afternoon has passed and with it pleasant memories of an Easter Egg Hunt promptly at the ap pointed time, many of tho pntrons and friends of the school came in and were pleasantly entertained with recitations for an hour. Then all gathered, in the woods near by where over 100 colo red eggs were hid by a committe. It wus a scene to bo remembered by young and old. . Miss- Maud Butlor visited homefolks Saturday and Sunday accompanied by Mis* Ruby Watd. For Treasurer- T. H. GREGORY, UNBDILLa. - GEORGIA. DEALER ; ,-r General 4. Merchandise. * :: I$ .. . j •. . . . -. - ■- Plantation Supplies,JHigliest Price. Paid Buggies. J Ifor all kinds of Wagons, I Country and Coffins.l Produce. The Place to Go to Find Everything You Want. LARGEST SUPPLY .HOUSE IN THIS SECTION. ' I hereby announce mytelf a candidate for re.elebtibn to the office of County Treasurer subject to the Democratic pri mary, Thanking my friends for their support in tin? past, and soliciting a con tinuance of tty: same, 1 am,. . ,-t Very respectfully, D. A. Taylor. After consulting wjjb many, of my friends from different sections of the county I haVc decided to run for: treasurer of the county, subject to the Democratic Primary. ‘ Thanking my friends for' past favors, I solicit your support In the com-' ing primary. J..W. Roberts. To the Voters, of Dooly County: I hereby announce myself a candidate fur Treasurer of Dooly county, subject to a democratic primary. If elected will perform the duties incumbent ..upqn me to the best ot tnv ability. Your support will be aopreciated. Very Resp’t, M. H. Hickson. resh and Nice. Fop Tax Receiver. I hereby announce myself a canditate lor Tax Receiver, subject to the demo cratic primary. ‘It ’elected will perforin the duties encumbent, upon me to the best of my ability. Your support will be appreciated. Very respectfully, H. C. Brown. Obituary. J. E, Rost wav born Feb. torh, forty vears ago, in this county.' He Waa born no respect for any paper or man who afeain by the spirit of God in the sum does not take sides on any question \ mer of 1398, and was baptized Into the ihRt affects the home and elevates so- fellowship nt Mt. Pleasant church by clety j in other words, a refusal totake Rev. J. R. Fields. For Tax Collector- I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office ot Tax Col iectqr, subject to the democratic prl maty. Thanking my friends for their support In the past, and soliciting a con tinuance of the same. If nominated nnd elected I will endeavor in tne future, as ir, the past, to correct , errors or over sights which would save the taxpayer coat In Such cases, Vej*y respectfully. F.J. Lf.vvis. a stand is prima facie evidence of cow ardice or meanness. A fellow is either afraid tp take a stand for fear he will loae money or friends, or he is on the wrong side and hasn’t got tho manli ness to maintain his meanness.” A movement has been, on foot in Americus the past week to organ ize a stock company and . start n new daily paper in opposition , to t he Americus Times-Recorder or to jiurchase'thnt paper. It seems to us that an up to date afternoon .holy would pay well in that city. J. E. Ross was one of the best men I ever knew. He selected three songs "City of Gold, My Heaventr Home, and God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again }. E. Ross went to heaven March,,7th, 1901. J. A. Nelson. The Uuerry club at Zebulon hat sent Mr. Gufcrry a petition nsking him to quit the race, according to a dispatch in the Macon Telegraph Thursday. - - - -- We are pained to see that pur old friend the lion. Joe Hil| Hull has been defeated in a free-for-all con test to determine who was dressed man in Macon on Easter Sunday. The winner appears to have rung in a pair of ice cream breeches on our'tricnd, who seemed to be resting securely in a- thought that the weather indications ruled •mt that style of attire. We have ->ot yet secured the official returns l.u^ we also fear that our friend also neglected to provide himself with one of those phonpy Panama hats nnd u pair of oxfords .with red laces However, Godfrey still remains “loil" nnd thus must not be taken as ending {he Hon. Joe's public career Journal. The residence of Judge Logan E Bleckley in Clarkesville, wits de stroyed by fire Wednesday, nnd his valuable library was also burned. The loss will amount to $5,, This was formerly the home of the late General Robert Toombs. A question which has been dit considerably by several of ly’s citizens of late is in regard tolpubltshing the lists of juries, Some say that a law should be pnssed requiring the names of jurors to be kept a secret - and not allow a grand or traverse -juror to tell anyone after he has been served with a summons, by requiring him to sign an outli to that' effect. And in torder to enforce tj^te secrecy make it a misdemeanor tor anyone convicted of violating the same. t'o the Citlaens and Voters of Dooly County: 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of 'Fait Collector subject to u nomination by the Democratic primary I solicit the support ot everybody, and if elected will serve all to the best of my ability. Respectfully, * * Jas. A. Williams. Mr. A. ROOBIN has just returned from New York where he purchased A Large and Stylish line of 4New (Style Fabrics CONSISTING QF Pique, Batiste, French Ginghams, Dimities, Organdies, and a beautiful line of Embroideries and Laces, Silks; Satins, Ribbons, All Widths and Qualities. 1 ALSO THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LINE OF LADIEs’ AND MISSES’ HATS EVER BROUGHT TO VIENNA- Gents* Furnishing Goods, Neckwear, Clothing, Shoes; Slippers to Fit Everybody And Otber Seasonable Goods too Nomerons to Mention ~ You aro respectfully Invited to call And Inspeot our New Goods. For Clerk Superior 6ourt I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Conrt of Dooly county, subject to the democratic primary. lam 'very grateful for the hearty support that hat been accorded me in the past, and earnestly hope for a continuance of . the stme. Very respectfully, J. Frank Powell. H. ROOBIN & e©. A few have gone so far as to say by any means.—Atlanta i t |ui» they were going to 1 urge the | passage of such a,hill. For ; Sheriff. To the'voter* of Dooly county: I hereby offer myself su a candidate for re-election to the offi.-e of Sheriff of Dooly county, subject to the Democratic prima ry If re-elected I shall in the future, as ha past, fill the office to the best of my ability. Thanking yon (or past (a. vors, 1 remain youra, G. W. SHEPPARD. To the voter* of Dooly county; I herebv announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Dooly v county, subject to the democratic primary^ It elected will perform the duties ineuhtben't upon to the best ot my ability.. Your support will be appreciated. Very Resp’t. t - ■ Louw-Clewm. W.\ r „• You will be in safe hand* .if ypu ' buy vour Vehicle* from J. O. Hamilton. US EASY TO FEEL GOOD Countless thousands have found a bles sing to the body in Dr King’s New Life Pills, which postivelv care constipation, tick headache, dizziness. Jaundice, Ma laria, (ever and agm and .all #v«r and ! stomach troubles. Purely vegetable; Never gripe or weaken Oulp 25c at [ .. Vienna Drug Co Loans, Loans. Loans. WE CAN PROCURE A LOAN FOR YOU ANYWHERE FROM $150.00 TO $5,000,00 with Interest from 6.7T07 1-2 PER CENT. AND. AT A VERY 8MALL COST. HENDERSON & JORDAN. 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL. % approval to any person In U. S. or Canada intAout o cent depotit, and allow 10 days fro# trial. You take absolutely no risk ordering Iron us, 03 you don’t pay a cent If It don’t suit you. 1902 Models Kfi $9 la $16 1900 and 1901 Models a $7 f e j|t gsa’assssssB.'tsi.'ss *• $8 DO HOT BSY Tires,, halt rexnU'r prices. In our &hr S2?iun5^«itmlogxwi D< cb5.' tains a world ot useful Information. Wrltoforle. RIDER MNgSggX