The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, April 09, 1902, Image 2

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!••• WE SELL EVERYTHING. J. P. HEARD & SONS, Bankers and General Merchants. ■ ’’ ,. VIENNA, GEORGIA. THE VIENNA NEWS. twice-a-week. T. A. ADKINS, JR.. Editor. DO RICHES BRINQ HAPPINESS? jHi? f . 7, A. Jr., and W. T. ADKINS, Proprietors. Official Organ Dooly County. Official Organ of tho City of Vienna. Entered at the Postoffice at Vteuna, Ga„ as Second Class Mall Matter. Advertising rates furnished on request. ^5.The News will not be responsible tor views expressed by correspondents. RATES OF subscription: One copy one year. 00 One copy six months 50 One copy three months .25 This is a question that has been discussed time after time, m nearly every newspaper and periodical, and the answer is invuribiy “no.’' Life is what we make it. A man l * -\ Published WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. ’PHONE No. is. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 0th, 1902. The press in Georgia have learned to a great extent not to give some* thing for nothing. We ha vent got much respect for the man who intantionully misrep resents the record of un official in order to elect his opponent. A farm without fruits and mod cru improvements is but a finger board pointing the children toward town, says the Valdosta Times. \\ e are glad to note that our brother King, of the Rochelle New Eru, admires the style of heads, etc., that appear in the News. Hon. R. L. Berner of Forsyth, has explained up that Potts telegram and lifts beyond a doubt the 6us picion of the suspicious that Joe happiest beings on earth, while an other with millions at his command may be one of the most miserable, and often is. If a dividing line could be ir.ude dividing wealth from poverty, like unto the equator dividing the north half of the earth from the south, it it asserted by nearly all writers that the greater amount of happiness and content ment would be found on the side of poverty. An old negro with u fiddle and bow and without a day’s rations ahead, cun enjoy more su- ANNOUNCEMENTS- For Representative. To the voters of Doolr county: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for representative from Dooly county in the next general assembly of Georgia, subject to democratic primary. If nomi nated and elected, it shall be my sole aim to represent the interests of ourcounty to the very best of mv ability.. The support of every one will be highly appreciated and kindly remembered. Very respectfully, * S. R. Fields. After beinu earnestly solicited by many of the good people of Dooly county to again enter the race for Representative of f “ the General Assembly I have, after mature deliberation, consented to stand for re-election. With grateful thanks to the good people of my county tor past kindnesses and the honor they conferred on me, I assure them that if again chosen to represent them I will ever be faithful 10 their trust. Respectfully, I). W, Harvard. To the Voters ot Dooly County I hereby announce myself a candidate for Representative subject to the Demo- , . .i . cratlc primary, and If elected will devote preme happiness than thetnilionaire > m y time to the interests of the people. 1 Your support will be appreciated. at the most ^costly summer resort, with all that heart could wish at his command, The poet had evi dently come to the right conclusion when he wrote; •' "I live for those who love me, Whose hearts are kind and true, For the heaven that smiles above me . And awaits my spirit too.” That would be an ideal life. It would stop, to a great extent, ‘the mad rush after this wotld’e goods. It would make neighbors more de voted and friends more sincere.. It would even make Christians out of hypocrits and sinners, and bring the world to Christ. Then why not stop living for self, and like the poet, live for those who love us, and also know us, that we may huve more to live for. If we would adopt the Golden Rule, life would be so much sweeter pleas anter, happier.—Campbell News. Very respectfully, J. S. Pate Alter a careful consideration of the demands of mv friends, I have decidded to offer for representative, subject to democratic primary. Owing to the scarcity of labor I will be unable to can vass the county as I should, and hope I will not be cxpected to call on each one personally, but assure you I will ever be T. H. GREGORY, 4 U NAD ILL A, * * GEORGIA, DEALER IN General 4 Merchandise. Plantation Supplies, Buggies. Wagons and Coffins. Highest Price Paid for ail kinds of Country Produce. The Place to Go to Find Everything You Want. LARGEST SUPPLY HOUSE IN THIS SECTION. grateful for your liberal support, and if ll look to the interest of the elected I wi county and the people at large. Your humble servans, H. W. Powell Mr. For Treasurer- I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of County Trcalurer subject to the Democratic pri mary. Thunklng my friends for their support tn the past, and soliciting a con tinuance of the same, l am, Very respectfully, D. A. Taylor. After consulting with many of my friends from different sections of the county 1 have decided to run for treasurer of the county, subject to the Democratic Primary. Thanking my friends for past favors, I solicit yotir support In the com ing primary. j. W. Roberts. Tho Amcricus Herald intimates . that Hon. Dupont Guerry is losing Terrell had anything to do with it- j Rroundg( by rcag0 p 0 f hi. recent * . " , „ , I utterances and grievances against Amertcus people are allowed a , . 1 * . , ; the press, especially the Telegraph, discount of s per cent when they i r pay tliSir taxes in advance, which 0 the Voters of Dooly County: 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Treasurer of Dooly comity, subject •o a democratic primary. If elected will perform the duties Incumbent upon me to the best ot mv ability. Your support will be aopreciated. Very Resp’t, M. H, Hickson. seem* to us ns being perfectly just, as much so ns to have to pay extra colt when the time pusses by. Tits Nkws would like to have un article on some subject of public interest in every Saturday’s paper. It you know or anything that would be ot public interest for ‘There is not a n. wspaper in Geor- , . t . .. , gla that declines to accept advertise-' the future “dvancem.nt of the in ments from liquor dealers’’—Macon Telegraph. , “You are slightly off hero brother. They can't get into tho columns of the Observer, nud wo have tempting offers every wet k”—Moultrie Observer. Tho same rule governs this office, brother Al'en. tercets of Dooly county and her citizens, let us hear from you. vjll Dooly countv should have a fair this full by ull means. Our peo ple ought to get together sometime in the near future and perfect u county fair association by electing officers, and appointing committees in every district in the county to solicit contributions, ttnd exhibits of all kinds. We believe Unit a county fair could be gotten up und made u success without a great deal of expense. A few hundred dol lars for prizes for ^se different best exhibits could be secured by popu lar subscription in u few week*. Such a fair of, and by our people would mean u great deal for the farmers of Dooly county. It would arouse interest, and they would be certain to get on to new ideas about farming that would prove beneficial by coming here and in -peeling the dirfwenl exhibits, and talking with each other about tlietn. We arc heartily in favor ot a county fair. Let's have one. What do you say? The Chattanooga News says: "As between Bryan and Hill, the south w take Bryan every time.” "It has never had a chance to take Hill, and had two to take Bryan, how can theNews prove its assertion?— Macon Telegraph. We don’t believe the south wilt ever take Bryan ogam in preference to Hill, or any other logical cnndl date. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce myself a candltate tor Tax Receiver, subject to the demo cratic primary. ■ II elected will perforin the dutie. encumbent upon me to the best uf iny ability. Your support will be appreciated. . Very respectfully. ! H. C. Brown, RESH AND A. ROOBIN has just returned from New York where he purchased A Large and Stylish line of -4-New Style Fabrics^ CONSISTING OF Pique, Batiste, Erench Ginghams, Dimities, Organdies, and a beautiful line of Embroideries and Laces, Silks, Satins, Ribbons, All Widths and Qualities. 1 ALSO THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LINE OF LADIES’ AND MISSES’ HATS EVER BROUGHT TO VIENNA- Gents’ Fop Tax Collector- I hereby announce myself n candidate fur re-election to the office ot Tax Col lector, subject to the democratic pri mury. Thunklng my friends for their support in the past, and soliciting a con tinuance of the same. If nominated and elected I will endeavor In tne future, ns ir, the past, to correct errors or over sights which would save the taxpayer cost in such case*. Very respectfully. P.J. Lewis. to the Citizens and Voter* of Do6lv County: I hereby announce myself a candidate >y annot for the office of Tax Collector subject to rfi a nomination by the Democratic primary 1 solicit the support of everybody, and if elected will serve all to the best of my ability. Respectfully, Jas. A. Williams. Furnishing Goods, Neckwear, Clothing, Shoes, Slippers to Fit Everybody And Other Seasonable Goods too Nnmerons to Mention You are respaotfully Invited to call and Inapaot our New Goods. a. roobin & eo. Loans, Loans, Loans. It is intimated that one reason and the principal one, why Pope Brown did not run for Governor was that he had an eye ou the congressional plum in this district. A writer in the Cuuati union says he is the only man in the district who can beai Lige Lewis— Americus Herald. He is Keeping hiroselt too quiet und close these days to enter tbe race und beut Hon. E. B. Lewis. The man theat defeats Mr. Lewis will have to start soon and hustle. For Clerk Superior Court JOBCOULDN’T HAVE STOOD IT If lie he'd had itching piles. They’re tertlb’.e'annoying- but Bucklcn’s Arnica Sulve will cure the worst case of piles on earth. 11 has edred thousands. For in juries, pains, or bodily eruptions it’s the uest salve th the world. Price 25 cts. box. Cure guaranteed. Vienna Drug Co, I hereby announce myself a candidate (or re-election to the office ot Clerk of the Superior Court .of Dooly county, subject to the democratic primary. I am very grateful for the hearty support that bit been accorded me in the past, and earnestly hope for a continuance of tbe Very n (cry respectfully, J. Prank Powrll. Fop Sheriff. To the voters of Oooly county I hereby offer myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Dooly county, subject to the Democratic prima ry if re-elected I shall in the future, ns In the past, fill the office to the best of my ability. Thanking you for past fa vors, 1 remain yours, G. W. Sheppard. To the voters of Dooly county; I hereby announce myaelf a candidate (or Sheriff of Dooly countv, subject to the democratic primary. It elected will perform the duties incumbent upon me to tbe best of my ability. Your support will be appreciated. Very Resp’t. l Louis Clew is. WE CAN PROCURE A LOAN FOR YOU ANYWHERE FROM 0150.00 TO $6,000,00 with Interest from 6.7T0 7 1-2 PER CENT. AND AT A VERY SMALL C08T. HENDERSON & JORDAN. 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL We Shift OU OWPoraf to any person in U. S. or Canada tcif/iout a cent deposit, and allow 10 days Tree trial. You take absolutely no risk ordering Iron: L us, as you don’t pay a cent If ft don’t aiutt you. 1902 Models gStsbImS $9 to $!b 1900 and 1901 Models ££ $7 f 0 $ff i 1 p.“ 500 SECOND HARD WHEELS . jI to rldo tor yourself, dUtrlbut-i c«tr.!oau*s for n :/*, C&UUwtM and oar spnckii ofli/ i