The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, May 10, 1902, Image 3

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PITHY PERSONALS POINTEDLY PUT These Who Come and Those Who Go on Business and Pleasure. New goods received every day at J. P..Heard & Sons.' Money, tatted by buying Vehicles from J.U..Hamilton W\ B. F. and Jno. A. Lilly were in tpvvn yesterday. Don’t walk your shoes out but go to .T. P. Heard & Sons, after it. J. T. lloughterv of Pinehnrst, was, here Thursday morning. High Grade,Vehicles a Specialty. >' ' J. O. Hamilton Dr. JR. II. Pate hf Kichwood, was .in the city yesterday morning. Col. M. S. Means of Hawkinsville, was here ^Thursday. New lot of the celebrated Y. C. Cor- sets.jusfc in J. P. Heard & Sons. Deputy Sheriff W. L. Shephard visi ted Unadilla on business Thursday. The ColebreteT Ml I bum Wagons sold by J. O. Hamilton. Joseph Bums'and J. W. Lashley visi ted Cordele on'b'usiness yesterday. .Nice assortment of ^V^ter Coolers just received at J. P. Heard & Sons. M. H. Hickson of Cordele, candidate for Treasurer was in the city yesterday High Grade Vehicles sold'on easy terms, Cheap by ]. O, Hamilton. It. E. Shirah of near Drayton, was lucre Thursday morning on business. See my Buggies and wagons before . Jv.iying. J.O. Hamilton • -J. B. Smith nnd wife of Pleasant Valley, spent Wednesday evening in town. Nice line of Negligee Shirts best quality, just received at J. P. Heard &. Sons. ’ C. A. Mims and wife passed through the city yesterday morning enrouto . to Cordele. ; ' W. F. MarlieVt & Co., of Cordele, Ga., will pay highest market price for stall- fed cattle. Write us. Rev ,T.' A. Nelson of Pleasant Valley, was in the city, yesterday and gave us a pleasnnt call. , new LOT of Hammocks, Water Coolers,"in fact everything at ... J. P. Hoard & Sons. Mrs. J. M. Ellison arrived in the city Wednesday from Roundtree, on a visit to relatives.. Mrs. J. M. Co* of Cordele, spent Thursday here with her parents Judge and Mrs. Z. T. Penny FOR SALE CHEAP-A good Type writer and Bicycle. Terms cash or credit. Ds. 0. TV Ttovall. Miss Mamie Sheppard returned home yesterday morning from n' visit to rel atives at Pinia nnd Cordele. The famous Harncsville buggy made by the Summer- Buggy Co., is sold and guara _ teca by J.O. Hamilton. Tax oollecter F. J. Lewis, returned home yesterday from a trip down in the lower part'of tho county. Mrs J. D. Cobb and children of Cor dele, spent Thursday in tho {city Jvrith her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Z. T. Penny. Mrs. John B. McDonald returned home Thursday night from Atlanta, where she has been on a visitjto friends for several days. - B. T. Adams of Mocon, spent Thurs day in town with the family of T. R. Smith. Ho accompanied his mother, Mrs. Summer Adams home with him to spend awhile. Misses Berta Tunison and,Johnnie Butler of Drayton, came up yesterday morning and spent tho day in the city. MissEHie returned home with them to spend Saturday and Sunday. F. P. Pepper will go to Unadilla next week to stay two weeks. All desiring good pictures which do not fade should have work done while ho is there. Ho gives satisfaction and will be polite to all. )ii>v •; A REVELATION. If you make Inquiry ii will he a revela tion to you how many succumbs to kid ney or bladder troubles in one form or another. If the patient is not beyond medical aid, Foly’s Kidney Cure will cure. It never disappoints. For sale bv, all dealers. It Is a pleasure to show our GREAT assortment of buggies. J- P- Heard & Messrs Joe Folds, R. Whitehead, G. S. Haslam and D. T. Mashburn of Piriehurst, attended the birthday cele bration given by O..M. Heard at the opera house Wednesday afternoon. Judge H. M. Campbell, a prominent citizen flf Cordele was here yesterday and renewed his subscription to the News. The Judge says we are getting oii t paper in the county. •We'believe you willagree that WE ARE THE PEOPLE to buy buggies from when you examine our stock. J. P. IIeard & Sons. Mr. R. 8. Wood, one of Dooly's most substantial farmers has just purchas ed one of J P Heard & Sons ning farm wagons. Mr Wood has been doing-business with that old reliable firm ever since they have been in busi ness.. . • J. P. Heard & Sons of this city made a.contract .Feb. l2th. for fifty Hender son Valdosta high grade buggies. One- halt of these buggies have.already been sold, besides many other .buggies of other makes This shows what enter prise, advertise and push can do. Sheriff Sheppard visited Cordele and Uth district Thursday in the inter est of his candidacy for re-election and to serye aoine official papers. Ha at tended the installation of a lodge of K of P’s., in Cordele, that night and mode a timely and catchy speech at, the banquet given at the Suwanee hotel. Judge t>. L. Henderson, of .Vienna, spent Friday night and Saturday morn ing in' the city.' The. Judge says that everything, is looking,up at Dooly’s Capital on account of their getting the Waycross Air Line .Railroad. , This road will be extended from Vienna to- Montezuma and on. He further said that when a citizen • of Hawkinsville wanted to attend the Dooly campmeet ing that he could take the Hawkins ville and Florida Southern here and go by rail via Cordele and get off the train at the camp ground. Thus it will be sc e 1 that all parts of this country are rapidly getting the conveniences of railroad facilities.—Hawkinsville Dis patch nnd News. I don’t sell Jewelry made by a firm who goes out of business every six months and then, when my customers bring back a piece turned to brass, inform them the house who mode it Is busted and therefore I can’t make it good. But I do sell goods made by reliable houses. Therefore I can guar antee every piece I sell to give satis faction. H. A. Youman’s. The following Vienna Knights atten ded the re-organization of the lodge of K. of P’s., at Cordele Thursday night: 0. M. Heard, W. H. Lasseter, W, V. Harvard, J. M< Bushed, G. W. Shep pard, L. R. Hobbs and T. A. Adkins Jr. There were several visiting members present from Ashburn, Tlfton and Americas. An elegant banquot was tendered by the Cordele lodge at the Suwartee hotel after the new members had been initiated. Several “after sup per” speeches wero made by different parties and the entiro evening was highly enjoyed. Grand Chancellor V. A. Hooper of Americus, Was present and added mucli to. the interest and enjoyment of the occasion which was one that will long bo remembered. Don’t Forget— We have all the leading buggies oil our floor. Over fifty jobs for your inspection without cost to you. J. P. Heard & Sons. Card Of Thanks. ANNOUNCEMENTS- For Representative. , To the voters of Dooly county: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for representative from Dooly county in the next general nssembty ot Georgia, subject to democratic primary. If nomi nated and elected, it slml! be my sole aim to represent the interests of onreou'nty to the very best of my ability. The support of every one. will be highly appreciated and kindly remembered. • ' Very respectfully, S. R. Fields. We desire to express our heart felt tbunks to the friends nnd citi zens of our community for the kindness shown ns during the long illness and recent death of onr little boy. We feel under grateful obli gations to all those who so liberally ussisted us in tiie time ot need. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. M. Causey. Pinehurst. Ga. Traveling Is Dangarous Constant motion jars thcktdneys which arc kept in place in the body by delicate attachments. ' This is the reason that travelers, trainmen, street car men, team sters and all who drive very much suffer from kidney disease in some form. Fol ey’s Kidney Cure strengthens the kidney and cures all forms of kidney and blad der disease. Geo II Hanna, locomotive engineer, Lima. O., writes. “Constant vibration of the engine caused me a great deal of trouble with my kidneys, and I got no relief until I used Foley’s Kidney Cure. For-sale by all dealers. SUBSCRIBE*FOR TME After belna earnestly solicited by many of the good people of Dooly county to again enter the race for Representative of the General Assembly I have, after mature deliberation, consented to stand for re-election. With grateful thanks to the good people of my county tor past kindnesses and the honor they conferred on me, I assure them that if again chosen to represent them ,I will ever be faithful to their trust. ’ Respectfully, i : * ' • D.-W. HAkvabd. To the Voters ol Dooly County : I hereby announce myself a candidate tpr Representative subject to the Demo cratic primary, and if elected will devote my time to the interests of the people. Your support will be appreciated. Very respectfully, J. S. Path. Alter a careful consideration of the requests of my friends, I have decided to offer for representative, subject to a democratic primnry. .Owing to the scarcity of labor I will be unable to can vass the county as I should, and hope I will not be expected to ball on each one personally, but assure you I will ever be grateful for your liberal support, and if elected I will look to the interest of the county and the people at large. Your humble servant, H. W. Powell. For Treasurer- I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election .to the’office of County Treasurer subject to the Democratic pri mary, Thanking my friends for their support in the past, and soliciting a con tinuance of the same, 1 am, Very respectlully, D. A. Taylor. After consulting with many of my friends from different ■ sections of tne county I liave decided to run for treasurer of the county, subject; to the ^Democratic Primary. Thanking my friends for past favors, 1 solicit your support in the com ing primary. j. W. Roberts. To the Voters of Dooly County: T hereby announce myself a candidate for Treasurer of Dooly county, subject lo a democratic primary. If elected will perform the,duties incumbent upon me to the best ot mv ability. • Your support will be aopreciated. Very Ucsp’t, M. H, Hickson. For Tax Receiver. I hereby, anuoupep myself a canditatc lot Tax Receiver, subject to the demo cratic primary. !l elected will perform tiie duties encumbent upon me to the best of . my ability. ■ Your support will be appreciated. Very respectfully. It. C. Brown, For Tax Collector-. I hereby annuunce invself a candidate for re-election to the office ol Tax Col lector,. subject to the democratic pri mary. Thanking my. friends for their support in the past, and soliciting a con tinuance of the same. II nominated and elected I will endeavor in tne future, as in the past, to correct errors or over sights which tvotild save the taxpayer cost in such cases. Very respectfully. F.J. Lewis. To the Citizens and Voters of,Dooly County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector subject to n nomination by the Democratic primary. I solicit the support of everybody, and if elected win serve nil to flit best of my ability. Respectfully, Jac. A. Williams. The friends of Mr. R. E- Harris, of Cordele, announces Ills' candidacy for the ofBSce of Tax Collector of Duoly county, subject to the democratic nomination, and earnestly solicits the support of the citizens and voters of the countv in Ills behalf. If elected Mr Harris will faithfully and Impartially perform the duties of the office. Fop Clerk Superior Court. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office ot Clerk of the Superior Con-t flf Dooly county, subject to the democratic primary. I am very grateful for the hearty support that has been accorded me in the past, and earnestly hope for n continuance of the same. Very respectfully, ]. Frank Powell. For Sheriff. To the voters of Dooly county: I hereby offer myself as a candidate for re-clection to the office of Sheriff of Dooly county, subject to the Democratic prima ry If re-elected I shall in the future, as in the past, fill the office to the best of iny abilitv. Thanking you for past fa vors, I remain yours, G. VV, Sheppard. To the voters of Dooly county; I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Dooly county, subject to the democratic primary. It elected will perform the duties incumbent upon me to the best of my ability. Your support will be appreciated. Very Resp’t. Louis Clewis. BANNER SALVg tho moat healing salve in tho wortd. STATIONS. Quick Step. Dixie Flyer. Bhoo-Ply Valdosta Express. Leut o -Uucnn . , -• Kathleen tHovmita .. .. .. .. .. .... .. “ Unadilla mil 53535 11 05pm 1 17pm 1 OSpm 2 00pm 2 80pm 8 10pm 8 10pm 4 30pm 0 40pm 6 10pm 6 32pm 7 04pm 7 27pm 7 03pm 8 43am 9 41am 10 02am 10 20am 10 43am 11 03am 11 25am 11 48am 12 25am 12 80nm “ A’ordele “ A in 1)1 1 56am 2 10am 3 38am 3 20am 8 20am Arrive Tlfton Leave Tlfton 9 16pm 9 15pm " Sparks .... .. “ Adel “ Uenrtpine Arrive Vni'-onta 3 07am 4 02am 4 08am 4 00am 6 00am 3 41pm 4 20pm 4 "86pm 0 02pm 6 16pm 5 40pm 0 12pm 0 30pm 7 28pm 9 08pm 10 04pm 10 11pm 11.00pm 1 07nm 1 12am 1 18am 2 00am. 1 JetiiilngB •* unspei 1 :: White .spring .. .. .. .. *' .Lake Ufr .. .. .. .. ... .. Lnko liutler . Suwpson City .. .. 5 30am 0 01am 0 32am 6 00am 7 85am 8 00am 8 14nm 8 04am 0 30am Hamilton 8 lopni Floruhouie .. .. .. Arrive Pnlatka ” 0 80pm BARFIELD & HORNE, GENERAL - MERCHANTS, ..PINEHURST, GA._ I I I a Onr stock consists of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, $ 3 “ na“t=3“c~i“i=]c=rsacs’ilannac inani—T:3C3rara"ra“rara't^i ,1 nn^nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm ,<.ni,nn,innnn,-n,'l|! ID! IB! I ! i i | ijjjsHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, TINWARE,! jojCROCKERY, GLASSWARE, JEWELRY and GROCERIES* N || We buy country produce in season.! jjji Call tc see us at the brick stored' jjjrNo trouble to show goods, jnj Yours to serve, > $ BARFIELD & HORNE. ]OCiUuuw iiuuuuuuuuuutiuMt miut I i acacancjcacnacaaaaanac annaaanaaacac GEORGIA, 80UTHERN AND FLORIDA. Schedule In Effect Jan. 6, 1002. 8outh bound. Northbound. STATION!!. Leave Falntkn “ Florabnmc .. .. " Hampton “ Sampson City . “ Lake hotter .. . Luke City .... " White Springs , Jnsper , “ Jcnn.ngii " Lake l’nrk .. .. Arrive Valdosta Leave Valdosta “ ■ Heart pine ,, **. Adel ...... .. “ Sparks Arrive Tlfton Leave Tlfton “ Ashburn “ Arnld “ Cordele “ Vienna “ Unadilla " Grovnnla .... . “ Kathleen Quick Step. U zAsm 0 07am • 7 40ain 7 OOani 8 20am 0 OOaip 0 Mum 0 OOnm 10 17nm 10 Slam 10 GSrnn 11 05am 11 45am 11 Siam 11 07am 12 00am 12 30am 1 08am 1 20am 2 08am 2 20am 2 48am 3 04um Dixie Flyer. 0 30pm 7 OSpm 7 40pm 8 OOprn 8 24pm 0 03pm 0 31pm 10 03pm 10 25pm 10 40pm 11 10pm U 20pm 12 14pm 12 00pm 12 00pm 1 24pm 2 00pm 2 16pm 2 87pm Shoo-Fly Valdosta Express. 4 40am 0 37am 6 43am 0 40am 0 80am 0 40am 7 27am 7' 63am 8 20am 8 41am 0 12am 9 30am 0 00pm, 5 41pm 0 47pm, 6 62pm. 6 80pm 6 30pm 7 OSpm 7 20pm 7 60pm 8 07pm 8 30pm 8 47pm SCHEDULE AT Jl NOTION POINTS 1. Leave Macon, C. of G. .. .. .. .. Arrive Atlanta, C. of G.. 4 20pm| 4 10am 7 45pmi 7 25am 8 OOnm 11.20am Leave Macon, Southern Ity.. .. .. .. 1 rtrrlve Atlanta, Southern Ity 7 SBpin| 8 30am 10 20pm| 11 lOnrn 1 85pm 4 10pm Leave .Macon, Ueorgla It. R. .. .. .. .. Arrive Augustn. Ceorgla It. R 4 13pm] *8 Oflahi ■ 8 lOpmf 7 4flnra 0 00am - 1 20nm **0 43pm 0 00am Leave Cordele, A. mid N .. Arrive Albany. A. and N-. 2 lOpini Leave cordele, K. A. L. ...... > Arrive AmerletiH. 8. A. L Arrive, Montgomery, S. A. L 2 10pm 2 Mam 8 10pm 3 22nra 7 40pm| 8 OOnm Leave Tlfton, 1*. S, Arrive Wnyeror.i, I-. S .. 2 10am| 8 00pm 0 10nm| 0 20pra Leave Tlfton, T. and N, E, , Arrive Fitzgerald, T. nml N. K 8 40pmi 8 OOnm 4 40pm | 0 80nm Leave Tlfton, T. T, and O. .. .. .. Arrlyo Thotnasrlile, T. ’A and G 8 KOpiul S 45pm | Leave llcnrtplne, So. Hi... Arrive Quitman, So. Ga. . - Ar. Greenville, So. Ga. .. ! III 555 Leave Vnldontu. 1‘. H Arrive Thouiusvllle, 1’. 8 9 30ura( 0 33am 12 GOntnl 11 OOnm 1 i.-ipm 2 OOprn Leave Vnliloa.n, A. V. mid \V. .. .. ,, Arrive Jacksonville^ A. V. ami V» r 6 OOpml r 4 ilOain 8 30pm| 7 00am Leave \nlilontn, Valdosta Bo. .. Arrive Madison, Valdosta' Fo. .. ,, , f •9 30nm| 11 U0nm| Leave Lake llutler. J. 8. W Arrive JneksouvIlle. J. 8. V. - •8 20am | 11 OOainl Leave Sampson city, u. ■or u. .. .. ..i 8 OSpm I 8 Whim Arrive (inluesville, C. of (1 | o 05pm| 0 00am .. . . . —— , ------ • u . uriwecn a.ucuu iluu. i 1 nliliMta, and through coach uud locnl sleeper between Macon Local sleeper open In Macon union depot 9:00 p. m. nnd remains i n tetiiin until i:30 a. m. nnd cun be occupied until that time. lid train between Macou and Palatka, with through coach • irsnnvllIt. vln VnldnCo * T anil 1‘alutkn. Luca In union depot "Quick Step' __ _ _ between Macon nnd Jacksonville via Valdosta. WM. CHECKLBY SHAW, C. B. RHODES, Vico Preoident. DAVE G. HALL, T. P. A., 14 Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. Gen. Pass Agt., Macon, Ga. HARRY BURNS. F. P. A., 201W. Bay St., Jacksonville, Fla, Medicines Courteous Treatment to Everybody., McArthur Bros., Druggists Unadilla. * * wwwwfyWiVM'WYAVi'Vi w>/vw*.wyv*. >* -vw ■