The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, May 17, 1902, Image 7

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V HEADACHE, BACKACHE, DIZZINESS (PE-RD-NA CORES PELVIC CATARRH.) Mrs. Anna Martin, 47 Hoyt street, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: ‘'Perunadtd so much for me that 1 feel it my duly to recommend it to others', who may be similarly afflict ed. About a year ago my health was completely broken down, had back ache, dizziness and irregularities, and life seemed'dark indeed. We had used Per no a in our home ft* a tonic and for colds and catarrh and 1 decided to try it for my trouble. In less than three months l became reg ular, my pains had entirely disap peared, and I am now perfectly well.”—Mrs, Anna Marlin, Miss Marie Johnson, 11 Columbia,'East. Detroit, Mich., is Worthy Vice Templar in Hope Lodge No. 6, Independent Order Good Templars. Miss Johnson, as so many other women also have done, found in Pe- runa a specific for a severe case of female weakness. She writes: "I want to do what I can to let the whole world know what a grand medicine Peruna is. For eleven years I suffered with female troubles and complications arising therefrom. Doctors failed to cure me, and I despaired of being helped. Pe runa cured me in three short months, i can hardly believe it'myself, but it is a blessed fact. I am perfectly well now, and have not had an ache or pain for months. I want my suffering sisters to know what Peruna has done for me,"—Miss Marie Johnson. Miss Ruth Emerson, 72 Sycamore st., Buffalo, N. Y„ writes: “l differed for two years with irregular and painful menstrua tion, and Peruna cured mo within sis weeks. I cannot tell you how grateful J feel. Any agency which brings health and strength to the afflicted is always a wel come friend, and to-day the market is so tilled with useiess and injurious medicines that it is a pleasure to know of so reliable a remedy as you place before the public." —Miss Ruth Emerson. It is do longer a question at to whether Peruna can be relied on to cure all such cases. During the many years in which Peruna has been put to test in all forms and stages of acute and chronic catarrh no one year has put this remedy to great er test than the past year. Peruna is the acknowledged catarrh rem edy of the age. Dr. Hartman, the com- .pounder of Peruna, has written a book on the phases of catarrh peculiar to women, entitled, “Health and Beauty." It will be sent free to any address by The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, 0. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of-Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and be will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. ’ Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0. Everybody Knows That to have your Dress Fit you must Wear the Proper Corset Royal Worcester! or Bon Ton Corsets are the most stylish made STRAIGHT FRONT Ask your dealer to show them. Accept no substitute. ROYAL WORCESTER CORSET CO WORCESTER, MASS. 250 FREE SCHOLARSHIPS. Apply at once to THE LANIER SOUTHERN BUSINESS i OLLKGE, Macon. Qa. Bonkkeep. Ing, Banking, Penmanship, Shorthand. Type, writing. Telegraphy. Mathemattrs, Grammar and Buslneee Correspondence thoroughly taught. Board IS to S10 per mouth. What dust dat critter raisin’, He stubborn ez yon choose, Dat mole do kick amazin’; Must have on Red Seal Shoes! HER FIRST VISIT. "This Is Where the laws are made,” said Mr. McBride to his wife, as he showed her congress at work. "And which 1b the framing depart ment?" asked Mrs. McBride. Her husband looked puzzled. "I read In the papers that laws were framed in Washington, you know," she explained.—Detroit Free Press. Allowing for breaks and scratches, says a statistician, the lead pencil will write fifty-five columns of solid matter, or an eight-page paper of seven col umns to the page. ’ Aafc Tour Dealer For Alloa's Foot-Ease, A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Cores, Bunions, Swollen, Son, Hot, Callous,Aching, Sweeting Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Foot-Ease makes new or tight sboee easy. At ell Druggists and Shoe stores, 26 cents. Ac cept no substitute. Sample mailed Faas. Address Allen B. Olmsted, LeBoy, N. Y. The one person in the world who can always make an opening for a good'man is the grave-digger. "Is Worth Its Weight In Gold." "Had Eczema for three yean; tried three doctors and every advertised nmedy, with out effect, till I tried Tetterlne. Half a box of Tetterlne removed all signs of the dis ease.”—C. H. Adams, Columbia, 8. C. 60c. a box by mail from J. T. Shuptrlne, Savannah, Ga., If your druggist don't keep It. 'Even the woman who is strong-minded can’t always hold her tongue. , Seaboard Interchangeable Mileage Tickets. Seaboard Air Line Rajlwgy bat placed on sale 1,000 mile UokSts at *25.09, which tickets are good over its entire system, and >>lso over 'the line* of its Important i connections y*Kb4&tag-in-.Wl-:appr0xU matelr 15,000 miles. — Full Information as to these tickets may be obtained upon application to any agent or representative of the company. If flAirV MADB easily MIINtT AND RAPIDLY. We want men with energy end grit; will give them •> situation In. which they can make monev rapidly—the labor being light and emplO' meat the year around. It re quires no capital or great education, dome of our beet salesmen aro country boys. Front quiok and sure. Write at once for particulars. quick ana Hire, write at once [or particulars. UUDGIN8 PUB, CO , KiserBl'dg, Atlanta. Qa^ The Assassination of Alexander II. Shall I ever forget it? It was on a Sunday about two o'clock. We were rehearsing a new. play. Some of us were In the green-room, when the Em peror passed, escorted by hla Cos sacks. We were standing at the win dow,-and. with a smile be gave us the military salute we knew so well. He had hardly turned the corner when we heard, an explosion. We looked at one another, and the same thought crossed each mind—an attempt on the Emperor’e Ufe I We rushed out, ana arrived at the corner'of the street Just in time to see, 200 yards from us the explosion of a second bomb, .which proved to be the fatal one. The first had killed two Cossacks. While they were arresting the assassin, thejCzar, deaf to the entreaties of his coachman, who wanted to drive on with all speed, came out of bis carriage to say a word of sympathy to his dying soldiers. He took their hands, and addressing their murderer, he said: "Wretch, see what you have done in your blind fury!” After a last look of pity at his faithful servants, he was about to re-entor bis carriage, when a man standing at tbe door, dropped another bomb, which he had kept concealed in his handker chief, and that one not only killed the nihilist himself but mortally wounded the Emperor. In a moment the street before deserted, was crowded with people coming from every direc tion. Sleighs were going to and fro, and all we beard was, “Thank God, the Emperor lives!" His carriage be ing damaged, be was placed In a sleigh and driven to the palace, where he expired a few hours later. His legs had been shattered.—Mile. Rhea, in The Century. INCREASED INTEREST. “Did you call that trust magnate to the stand?” “I did,” answered the man who was conducting the Investigation. “I suppose he added a great deal to the Interest In the case?” “He did. It Is now more mysterious than ever.”—Washington Star. THE MAN WITH A CHARM. He bears a life that has a charm! Ha never seems to come to harml In midst of murders, suicides, Explosions, wrecks and homicides, He’s always there—and so he ought-er Same old ubiquitous reporter! —New York Sun. FITS permanently eared. No fits qr nervous ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great NerveRe8torer.S2trtal bottle and treatlsefree Dr. B. H. Klims, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Phils, Pa, In order to dog a man’s footsteps -the detective should be given* a pointer. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften the gams, reduces tnflamma- tlon,allays pain,cures wind colic. 26c. a bottlo The beggar is a coin collector, although he may not bo a numismatist. Piso’s Cure cannot be too highly spoken ot ns a cough oure.—J. W. O’Bhien, 822 Third Avenue, N„ Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6,1903 There u a dearth of schoolteachers in ^nglantf. MAD AND atlas agents *’!*** Wanted Everywhere. Exclusive tenltory. Big terms. Steady work. Good men moke $20 00 weekly. ’Write for par ticulars. OUU WOULD POCKET ATLAS A WINN Kit. tOO pages, 80 accurate colored maps. Omclat 1800 census. Everybody buys. Complete copy and terms mailed, 25 cents. 12, prepaid, $2. Our reputation behind our goods Write K.VND, HcN ALLY A CO.,Chicago, III. Mention this Paper thc-^ciavtific production of a laxative of known value and distinctive action is rapidly growing in public favor, along with the many otner material improvements of the age. The many , who w*U informed must understand quite clearly, that in order to meet the above conditions a laxative should be wholly free from every objectionable quality or substance, with its component parts simple and wholesome and it snould act pleasantly • and gently without disturbing the natural functions in any way. The laxative which fulfils most perfectly the requirements, in the highest degree, 13 Syrup'of Figs The sale of millions of bottles annually foi many years past, and the universal satisfaction which it has given confirm the claim we make, that it possesses the qualifies which commend it to public favor. B. B. B. SENT FREE. Curat Blood and 8kla Diseases, Canctrt, Scrofula, Itching Huwon, Carbnnclea, Bolla—Stopa Bone Faina, Btc. Botanlo Blood Balm (B. B. B.) cures Pimples, scabby, scaly, itching Eczema, Ulcers, Eating . Sores, Scrofula, Blood Poison, Bone rains, Swellings, EUeumat tlsm, Oanoer, and all Blood and Skin Troubles. Especially advised for chronlo eases that doctors, patent medicines end Hot Springs fail to onre or help. Druggists, 81 per large bottle. To prove it cures B. B. B. sent free by writing Blood Balh Co., 12 Mitchell St., Atlanta, Go. Descrlbo trouble and free medical adviee sent in lealed letter. Mediolne sent at onoe, pre paid. All we ask is that you wijl speak a good word for B. B. B. when oured. The man who laughs at his own jokes doesn’t always find that the world laughs with him. Lost Hair “ My hair came out by the hand ful, ami the gray hairs began to creep in. I tried Ayer’s Hair Vigor, and it stopped the hair from com ing out and restored the color.”— Mrs. M. D. Gray, No. Salem, Mass. There’s a pleasure in. offering such a prepara tion as Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara tion. * $1.80 a bottle. All dni||liti. If yohr druggist cannot supply you, send us one dollar and wg win express von a bottle, Ik. snro and give tbo nmno of yom nearest express office. Address, J. C. AY Ell CO., Lowell. Mass. —mamwish »'■ --wn* Avery & McMillan, 61 and 63 8. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga. ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY Reliable- Frick Engines. Boilers, all 5izes. Wheat Separators, all Sizes. BEST IMPROVED’SAW MILL ON EARTH. Large Englriqj and Boilers supplied promptly. 8hlngle Mills, Corn Mills, Circular 8aws, Saw -Teeth, Patent Dogs, 8team Governors. Full line En. glnes and Mill 8uppl!es. Send for free Catalogue. Price $!u00 CUTICGR A 80AP, t6 cleanse the sldfj Of crusts and scales and soften the thick* ened cuticle, CUTICURA OINTMENT, to instantly allay itching, inflamma tion, and irritation, and soothe and heal, and CUTIQURA RESOLVENT PILLS, toccolacd cleanse the blood. A SINGLE SET of theso great skin curatives is Often sufficient to cure the most tortur ing, disfiguring, Itching, burning, bleed* ing, crusted, scaly, and pimply skin, scalp, and blood humours, with loss of hair, when aU else fails- Millions of Peopio Use CrrrrcunA Soap, assisted by Cuticura Ointment, for preserving, purifying; and beautifying the skin, forcloanslsg tlio scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and tho stop, plngot falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and soro hands, for baby rashes, itehlngs, and challngs, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nura. cry. Millions of Women uso Ccticdua Soap In tho form ot baths for annoying Irritations, lnflammaUons, and oxcoriaUons, or too free or offensive porsplratlon, In the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antlseptlo purposes which readily suggost thomselvea to women. CtmotmA Resolvent Pills (Chocolate Coated) aro a now, tasteless, odorless, eeo* Domical substitute for the celebrated liquid Ctmoun A Resolvent, as woll ns for all oilier bloodpurlficrsandliuraourcuros. In sorew* cap vials, qontalnlng 60 doses, prlee 250. Sold I -Rvducto’ at hum* If you dull ei knowing the Ingred ients need have no fear <,f evil edicts. Address, Utnsent 1',37013 Jeff Aro hi Louis,Mo AUTOBRAPH LETTERS Of If AMO US PE RSONS WaV.TjKP l.°BENJA DID YOU EVfeR Consider the 1n*ult offered the Intelligence of thinking people whou the claim Is modorhnt nny one remedy will cure ell dlseuesf No. well, think of It end aend for our hook telling nil about IS Sjierlsl Remedies for .pedal ali ened conditions, end our Family Medicine Cs.os A poelnl card will secure tho book end a sample of Dr Johmon's “After Dinner Fill." Agents wanted. I'ne Homs Remedy Co. Austell Building, Atlanta, Ga Its']=xc*lki\c6 is due to the originality and simplicity of the combination and also to the method of nianu* facture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and which ensures that per fect purity and uniformity of product essential to the ideal home laxative, in order to get tys j5«i\frficial Effects always buy the genuine and note the full name of the Company—California Fig Syrup Co.- printed on the front of every package. In.the process of manufacturing figs are used as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. San Frarxcisco, Cal. Loulsvilfe.Ky. for »hlt by & r rtfrwYork,N.V — Price fifty cents per bottle.