The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, May 28, 1902, Image 2

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• - sc‘ T^Fi^^''^ : ' s '' ?J1{, if^ !W? 3Q* r ^Sy?"“''36??<f? i — ■ ME K-- %TS m ri'V • ■ V WE SELL EVERYTHING. • • J. P. HEARD & SONS, VIEfiflA. GEORGIA, 4 THE VIENNA NEWS. mothers have earne d a r6st TWICE-A-WEEK. T. A. ADKINS. JR.. Editor. 7. A. Jr., and W. T. ADKINS, Proprietors. ! Official Organ Dooly County. Official Organ of the City of Vienna. Entered at the Pustofllce at Vienna, Ga., •a Second Class Mall Matter; Advertising rates furnished on request. ^ty^^ Mews wilt not be responsible tor views expressed by correspondents. RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION: - One copy one year ft.oo One copy six months 50 Ouecopy three months. .25 Published WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. ’PHONE No. 11. WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th., 1902. NOTICE. Mr, J. A. Coppock of Pinehurst, in authorized by the management of the News to collect and receipt for subscriptions and Job Work. Any courtesy extended to him will be appreciated by us and have our prompt attention. , Mad-love seems to be a danger ous thing wherever it breaks out. That Guerry ‘'‘band wagon’’ has never been able to leave the repair shop. One week from tomorrow the battle of ballots will be waging hot in Georgia. Editor Tpm Rainey sagely re* macks; "If Mr. Terrell isn’t gover nor it won’t beMr Guerry’s fnult.” That’s no joke r Guerry’s assault upon such a man as Gen. Evans, and others, teems to evidence that he \vants to estrange -the few iriends ho has—Jackson Argus. It is our oDinion that it would be wise in Captain Williams to retire front the race for prison commisson- or und thus malje the election of Hon Tom Eason unanimous. Such action upon tl e part of Mr, Wil liams would greatly enhance his chances of election if he should ever make the race again. The same migbt be stud in reference to Messrs Guerry and Estill, candidates for governor. Let them come down and make Joe Terrell’s nomination unanimous. —Cordclc News. TO THE PUBLIC. Tub News is now furnishing its readers twelve pages every week for the small price of one dollar per year. Four pages are published every Wednesday and eight every Saturday. Thi four extra pages that haye been added on to our Saturday’s edition is mostly for the benefit of our country readers and those who are notable to take other than their home or' county paper. In that issue will be found a good sermon, Bill Arps letter and the general news of the world. A good scriupstory will also be inserted in a few days. Of course, this put6 us to a greater expense—.yet we will not raise 'he subscription and only desire in return to continue to -•end the N*ws into, new homes in Dooly County every week. Watch us grow. A HANDSOME line of Spring and bummer clothing for men at A. Kcoiun & Co As summer approaches prepara tions should be ipade for a summer vacation.' It isa matter of regret that so many are noj able to take such a vacation, and a matter of still deeper regret that the vacation when taken, often goes to the mem ber of thq family who least needs it, while thesis who have best enrned it, have no relief from the daily routine of life iAi a rule, the wile needs a vaca tion more I bap the husband, for her life is more monotonous and is less relieved by social intercourse. .The wife who doe? her own work, in whole or in part, finds work to oc cupy her time from the rising hour to the hour of retirement, and it is of a character that wears upon her by constant and unvarying repeti tions. The wife of t s e laborer, the country merchant, the professional man of moderate means, and 'even more the wife of the tanner—these need more change and rest than they usually get. While the Comoner is published primarly for the discussion of ques tions affecting government, sociolo gy. and political economy, it seeks to serve the interests of the family in every useful way, and it urges upon its readers the importance of a . reasonable summer vacation. While it is endeavoring to secure conditions that will'permit an in creasing propotion to enjoy the luxury of refreshing rest, it reminds its readers that even under present conditions many shorten their lives by working more continuously than is absolutely necessary. A summer vacation need not entail a great amount of expenditure. A-short period, eyen a week of ubsolute re lief from the daily round of daily work and care is like an oasis. It not only strengthens u person for a longer service, but makes the ser vice more pleasant. It usually would require but a little sacrifice on the part of the husband and children to enable the wife and mother to secure this respite. Sons and daughters often .throw away every year in useless expenditure enough money to pay for the moth er’s outing, and certainly they would find more pleasure in seeing her freshened and invigorated than they can find in spending the sum upon themselves. In return for the great care that the mother gives and the constant sacrifice that she makes from the time the child is born until it reaches the grave, she ought to be able to count upon a consideration that it is too ofteA withheld. This would be u good year to inaugurate the change. Boys—and girls, too—try it and see how much happiness you will get out of a little sacrifice made for mother’s sake.—Commoner Traveling Is Dangerous Cunxtanl motion jar? the kidney? which arc kept In place In the body by dclicau- attachments. This U the reason that travelers, trainmen, street car men. team sters and all who drive very much suffer (rom kidney disense tn some form. Fol ey’s Kidney Cure strengthens the kidney and cures all forma of kidney and blad der disease. - Geo II Hausen, locomotive engineer, Lima. O., writes. “Constant vibration of the engine caused me a great deal of trouble with mr kidneys, and I got no relief until 1 used Foley’s Kidney Cure. For sale by all dealers. You will.f>? lo safe hands if you buy vour Vehicles from ]. O. ft amtlton. VIU Cprg Consumption. A A Herren, Finch, Ark., writes, “Fol ey’s Honey and Tar is the best prepara tion fo; coughs, colds, and lung trouble. I know it has cared consumption in' the first stages." For sale by alt dealer;. ■vl'V Valuable Instruction To Voters. The voter who does not pay par ticular attention to the instructions of the Executive Committee will vote wrong. No ballot will be counted that is not printed correct ly. The names of all candidates for any particular offiice will bd printed one under the other on the ticket, aud the ones you do not wish to vote for must be crossed off, marked off, leaving only one name, for that office—and a pen or indel- lible pencil is the best eraser. There will be three names on the ticket for governor, and if you vote the ticket with all three names it will count nothing. For instance there will be; For Governor, J. M. Terrell, DuPont Guerry, J. H. Estill If you want to vote for Terrell you mark off Guerry and Estill. If you want to vote tor Guerry you mark out Terrell and Estill. If for Estill you mark out Terrell and Guerry, If you fail to do this your ballot will not be counted for governor. In regartf to county candidates you must do the same. If your ballot carries two names for office it will not be counted.—Doug las Breeze. Bight Of Way Settled Editor News: In justice to my self, the citizens of Vientaa und the railroad authorities, I desire to say through your columns that the right of nay matter mentioned in my article in last week’s issue of your paper, has been amicably settled and adjusted in a manner satisfactory to all concerned. f am authorized by a number of the citizens committee With whom the settlement was made to say that the whole matter has been settled in a way that is mutually satisfactory to all, for which I am very thankful. Very respectfully S. R. Fields. Shadier* At Hit Past. “I recall now with horror,” savs Mall Carrier Burnett Mann, of Lcvcnna, O., “my three year* of suffering from kidney trouble, I was hardly ever free from dull aqhes or acute pains In my back. To stoop or lift mail socks made me groan. I telt tired, worn out. about ready to give up, when I beeun to use Electric Bitters, but six bottles completely cured me and made me fceMIke a new man.’’ They’re unrivaled to regulate stomach, liver, kid neys and bowels. Perfect satisuction guaranteed by Vienna Drug Co. For Burns and Wounds Use Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic. Carnesville, Ga., Jan. 7. 1903. I have used Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic In my family and on my convict farm for the past eight years. I find that it does all that you claim kfHt. It is especially fine for poison oak. One of my convicts was poisoned Iroin head to foot and' I applied your Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic freely,and be was sound and well in 48 hours. I keep a supply constantly on hand, and never tail to recommend it. Nkal Little. Homer, Ga., Nov. 16,1899. Gus Mason war it) town the.o.ther day in search bf a bottle of Dr. Tichenor’A Antiseptic. His face was poisoned by thunderwood and had swollen until it Was “a sight.’’ his eyes almost hidden I rom view. Not finding Antiseptic for, sale, we gave him our sample botilei Gus tells us that three applications cured him sound and well.—Banks County Journal. i • ■ i Covsngton, Ga., March 23,1898. I saw a horse cured of a severe case of Colic within 30 minutes. 'G. SJ. Smith, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY VIEfiflA DRUG CO T. H. GREGORY. UNADILLA. - GEORGIA, DEALER IN General 4. Merchandise. Plantation Supplies, Buggies. Wagons * and Coffins. Highest Price Paid for all kinds of Country Produce. The Place to Go to Find Everything You Want. * LARGEST SUPPLY HORSE IN THIS SECTION. Loans, Loans, Loans. WE CAN PROCURE A LOAN FOR YOU ANYWHERE FROM $150.00 TO $5,000»00 with Interest from 6, 7 TO 7 (2 PER CENT. AND AT A VERY SMALL COST. HENDERSON & JORDAN. HAIR CUT AMY 5TYL E! COMPTROLLER GENERAL’S OFFICE Tux Department Atlanta, Ga. Mr. F. J. Lewie, Vienna, Ga. Dear Sir: Your final statement of 1902, and all necessary vouchers have been received. They have been examined and found correct. I enclose receipt for Receiver’s commission paid which closes your account with the state for that year. I desire to express my appreciation ot your uniformly wood work as Tax Collector, aud to thank you in behalf of the state for your faith ful and efficient service, aud for your promptness in making reports and remittances, with best wishes Yours truly, W. A. Wright, Comp. Gen. If you want a first-class HAIR CUT, SHAVE, SHAM POO or SHINE, call to sec me. Next door to Racket Store. AUGUSTUS JONES, Barba. If you want' to buy any lace, eni- broideay, silks satins, ribbons, appli ques, table scarfs, table cloths, lap- SSSKiPOva! to any person in tf. S. or Canada without o cent deposit, and allow 10 dav« free trial. You .tako absolutely no riili ordorlng teow us, as you don’t pay a cent if It don’t buS you tv — » ' r*v ** w uwu b euu YOU. 1962 I$deis SSSSfi $9 to $|*j 1900 and 1901 Models », |7 {ajji 500 SE60BD HIM WHEELS *•> j*. eg BWas®: • M.. HB oBh I