The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, June 25, 1902, Image 1

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mam. VOL2. NO/. VIENNA. GA.. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 25 1902. TWICE-A-WEEK $1.00 PER YEAR SEVERAL SMALL SCENES SCOOPED The News oi Town all Crnty Called Together for Hasty Readers. 1 Cordele tax has been reduced to 1 Another step forward. • Don’t walk your shoes out but go to .1. P. Heard & Sons, lifter it. Plenty of work can be found in Vien na for those who are fond of it. Mps, 2. T. Penny has been sick with pneubtfnia. 81m is improving. OUT PRICES ON BUGGIES For the next 30 days J. O. Hamilton Mrs. Sallio Vaughn is quite sick at the home of Mr. Isaac Peavy. near Findlay. We can save you money on anything known to the Mercantile World if you will see us. J. P. Heard ft Sous. Tuesday’s issue of the Cordele Hews was a "card issue.” Cards are Justified in such eases as that. If we are in formed correctly we don’t believe the editor ought to be censured fbr the oversight of another. Contractor Graves of Unadilla, cams down Monday afternoon and will do some remodeling on the home of Rev. J. M. Kelly. Thehouse will be lowered several Inches and new timber will be put in the place of some of the old. Col. M. P. Hall continues to beautify the appearance of his elegant home and and yard. It la one of the finest in this section. The yard has just been planted in gnss end a few choice plants and flowers, and a brick Walk la being erected around the front yard. We have the promise of some more advertising from Plnehurst Jand Una- dllla soon. The merchants in these two towns believe in legitimate adver tising and of course the Semi-Weekly Raws with a large circulation, la the place to put your ads. It makes trade brisk in the dull season. Mrs. White, who reeently moved to this city from Kerns, has been quite sick. If you know any news, personals or . anything, tell us about it. We want to give all the news all the time. Take advantages of my CUT PRICES and buy your buggies from me now. J. O. Hbmiltox. The official program of the Veterans' reunion to be held at Cordele July 4th, will be found in another column. A force of hands commenced grading on the A. ft B., just across the creek in the corn field of J. P. Heard Monday. For the next 80 days I will CUT PRICES on L aggies. J. O. Hamilton. It takes men full of energy, enterprise and a public spirit tqbulkLgp.a._tpgrn more so than it does men with money to a large extent. Rev. J. D. Norris preached at Findlay Sunday morning and at the Adkins’ school honse Sunday afternoon. Good crowds greeted him at both places. $100 FOUND—Wc will save the first 10 Buggy Customers that come $1C0 on Buggies during this month of bar* gains at J. P. HEARD ft SONS. Vienna will need a Cotton Compress and ought tu have one before the son of 1803 comes around, if she Intends to compete with the Cordele cotton market. Rev. H. P. Myers filled his regular appointment at the Methodist church Sunday morning. Rev. J. L. Morrill filled the pulpit Sunday night and preached a good sermon. One dose of defeat seem* to have given the Cordele second nine a plenty, The Vienna boys have met with a fail, ure to far In arranging a date with them for a second game. Cordele was visited by a fire Satur day morning about 3 o’clock. A meat market and barber shop were burned up They were wooden buildings and belonged to Messrs. Lasse ter and Ward ATTENTION LADIE8—New lot of Laces, Hamburg! and Insertlngs at half price on sale now, come early. The best values ever shown. J. P. Hbabd ft Sons. E. G. Walton who has been in the saw mill business near Tifton for the past six month* has sold out hiaintereat and returned to thia city. The News welcomes him and his family back to Vienna. Judge J. T. Carlisle had the misfor tune to lose one of hts finest mules last Friday. Hla death waa aupposedto have been caused from sun-stroke aa It tell down in the field and died In short time. Orbie Bare more, youngest son of (A 8. flaxemore, fell off of the wash shelf Mooday afternoon and broke hit arm. A physician was summoned who set the' broken limb and the little fellow la now getting along very well. We have recently received a large ship- meat of Buggies. We must reduce stock ■tuner must have more room. Come quick we will save you money. J.P. HEARD ft SONS, PROGRAMME FOR YETERANS REUNION At (Mile on Next JaU 40. Ofltii V. 1. Hanoi, of Thomaiville, fill Dfilifir u Addrtss—A Large Cnvd ExpaaUd to Attend. BE SURE and see our new NIGKLE PLATED ware just received, coffee pots, tea pots, syrup pots, etc. These goods will interest you and they are guaranteed. J P Heard ft Son*. A series of games of base ball will be played at Cordele on July 3rd and 4th between Monteauma and that oity. Montezama has been successful in tke games the has played this season and is said to have a fine team. Cordele Is aware of this fact and will not go Into the game handicapped. Our warehousemen and ginnery peo ple would find an "ad" in theNewa to be a very profitable Investment, eon- tidering the amount that would be Invested. Prices reasonable. Now is the time to commence. Don’t wait until the market Is open—the other fellow will be a head of you. Judge J. A.~ Walden has sent in hla resignation to the poatoffioe department for carrier on rural route Bo. 2. The judge has held this position for nearly a year and has made a faithful and efficient carrier. He has not decided definitely what he will do in the future, but he never finds time to be idle long. Contractor Whiddon, of the A. ft B., waa In the city Monday. He will move hla camps and commissary from near Richwood to the camp ground next Monday and will have a force of hands grading on the chert strip between Penehatchee creek and this city soon. By the time the grading betwean these two points is completed the roadbed between Cordele and Monteauma will be ready for the Iron. Protracted meeting eommenoed at the Baptist church Sunday morning with Bar. W. L. Walker of Quitman, to thepulptt. He la an excellent preacher and delivers the messages of God in a very forceful and practical manner. Three services were held Sunday and a large erowd waa present ateaoh service. Two services a day will be held this week; one at 10 o’clock to the morning and at 8 o’clock to the evening. Every body invited to attend. T. H. Gregory of Unadilla, succeeded to disposing of three new buggies last week. Watch out for change of hla ad next week. He has just had a new brick building erected, and now has a convenient and commodious place to keep bis vehicles open for publie in spection. He also does a huge supply business, bandies coffins, caskets, etc. and to teot nearly everything a person needs In this world Give him a call Ha bids for trade by honest dealings and low prices for the best goods. It seems that E.B. Bazoo, col., editor of the Cordele Tribune, erected a little atir to Cordele Saturday afternoon by publishing aa editorial reflecting on the white race in reference to a recent lynching of two negroes at Douglas, It la reported that quite a number of white citiscns visited the residing place of the acid editor Saturday night more than one time but were unable to find their man. He had evidently gotten wind of something that warranted hint to find other plaeea of abode. RANNEJ? HALVE themsetlwauwjmfoctetfcawoHd. A FUGITIVE FOR TWELVE YEARS Frill}, Bit it List He Is Re-opUnd and Will Sent Oit His Lite Sentence. The Veterans Reunion at Cordele on July 4th, will be'one of the largest attended of any ever held in this county. All the railroads en tering the city will bring large ctowds. - \ The citiaens of Cordele folly realize the above fact, and have gone to work in earnest and are not leaving anything undone to make it e grand success so far as their duty towards the veterans is con cerned. They have several different com mittees composed of her best busi ness men and public-spirited citi sens. The board of trade has also had a meeting, und are lending aid in every possible manner towards making the reunion what it ought to be. The railroads will proba bly be generous enough to give reduced rates for the benefit of those who wish to attend by rail. Plenty of food will 1 [be prepared, besides what is carrieAi there from the country and otner towns, to feed sufficiently ell those who ma> attend. For the enjoyment of (those .who attend, an excellent program has been arranged consisting of music addresses etc. The following is the official program. Music by brass band, to. a. M. Veterans called to order by Commander I. S. Lavseter. Song—"America." Prayer by Chaplain Rev J. M Kelly. Quartette. Address of welcome by Mayor C. C. Cutts, Response by Commander I. S. Lasseter. Music by Orchestra. Report of Historian J. P. Heard Song by Chorus—"Crown him Lord of all." Introduction of speaker—W. H. Dorris. Address by Cap’t W. M. Ham mond, of Thomasville, Oa. Chorus and band music. Dinner. A remarkable capture was made of a negro named Henry Lease, alias Sam Avery, on the plantation of Mr. H. D. Wood at Pinehurst last Thursday. Two officers from the Georgia Penitentiary came down to Pinehurst and went out to tho home of Mr. Wood and walked upon this negro in the field, who has been working for Mr. Wood some tints, and arrested him. He had been sentenced to life mprisonmeut end had served ten years of it before making his escape. This was twelve years ago and the negro possibly had almost quit ever thinking of being re-captured and compelled to serve out the remain der of bis life in the penitentiary. Mr. Wood was absent from borne and but for the presence of bis sou when the officers came and carried away his faithful hand—would probably have not known for some time whdt went with him. There is only one conaelation for him now end that is there were twelve years of bit life be did not have to serve in the penitentiary as sentenced, bnt worked when he felt like it. APTXRNOON SBSSION. 2:30 P. M,—Business meeting of Veterrns. tern Tsars la M. Will waefitrs mi ttsssl inquires the Mends of of Mrs L Pease of Lawrence, Kan. They know sbe bad mss enable to leave her bed in seven years oo account of kldoeroey and liver trouble, nevout pro*- tratlon end general debility; but, “Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk" Sbe writes, "end m three months I felt like a new person." Women suffer ing from headache, nervousness, sleppii ness, melancholy, tainting and dixsr spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try It, satisfactioa guaranteed, only cue FORBES ft COXB DRUG CO The infant ot Mr. und Mrs. John Adkins ot near Cordele, passed sway Saturday after s very snort illness. This being the only girl has caused the fond parents s great deal of grief, T>ie interment took place Sunday,. THE CHAUTAUQUA AT BARNESVILLg WU Oym Im 19th iNCIomb Wj fith, -Large Crowds fill Attend. The Bartlesville Chautauqua opens on Sunday, June 39th, with* a strmen by Dr. R. B. Andrews of tbe University of Nebraska, and' will continue throughout Sunday fuly 5tb. The attractions for tbe week arcr' the very beat. Hon. TboynasE.. Watson will speak on Jtily 4th, when there will bee great gelebra-" tion, It will be tbe biggest de-' monstration ever witnessed in this-’ section. Wedemeyer’s famous fifth regi ment band and tbe great Schiller- Male Quartette will be present tbs- entire week. On the program arc some of tbe most celebrated lec turers and entertainers of America, An inter-county * teachers’ insti tute will be held in connection with the clisutauquaand tbe teach ers from several counties will bo- present. The railroads have granted a one fare rate for round trip and tber' people of Barnesville have made every arrangement to entertain alb visitors. ■> ARM NEARLY CUT WP. On lastFiiday afternoon just as the north bound freight train pullde into Pinehurst, a negro who bad been stealing a ride proceeded to jnmp from the train when his sleeve caught, throwing his left arm across the truck allowing the wheels to pats over it almost severing it from the body. The railroad phy sician, Dr. Saunders of Unadilla, was telegraphed for and came down and attended to the wound until the ppssenger train came along, when the negro was placed on it and carried to Macon for treatment in a hospital. A very peculiar thing about the unfortunate negro wet that he had just served his time out in the chain gang at Richwood the day before and was making his way home e fiee man again. CHEAT RKURMR. The Georgia Southern ft Florida Railway will run an excursion to Atlanta and Macon on Jnly 3rd. The round trip rate to Atlanta from this place will be $3.50, and $1 to Macon.. Tbe train will leave Palatka at 7:00 a. m , passing Vi enna about 3 o'clock, arriving at Macon at 5;i5 p. m. and Atlanta at 9 p. u. Tickets will be good to return on or before Ttoly 8th, 1903. This is a cheap rate and a large number from this section wilt proto ably take advantage. Don’t Wait. Don’t foil to take advantage of the special BUGGY offer we are making now. Gall and Investigate. J. P. HEARD ft 80K8. The Buggy and Wagon People. Foley’s Kidney Cart ■ill m I tfwjr uri Madder rfctf A MU CRIME COMMUTER: On Sunday afternoon about sun down, near the home of Alex An- deriori, colored, e tenant on the plantation of Judge S. D. Thorny ton near Pinehurst, e horrible out rage was committed upon the 16- year old daughter of this negro by Mote Hill, a negro boy. about 19*! years old. He wss found by the. father of the girl when he waa in - the act of perpetrating the deed, bnt he made goml hit escape and' has not been beard from since. A #35 reward bat been offered''^ for bis capture, a description of whom can be found in another ’ column. Tea frwaPsclli. "Oar Btt!.e daughter bad an almoit fa tal attack of whooping cough and bron chitis," writes Mrs WK Haviland of Ar- mona, N Y ' but when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr King’s New Discovery. Our niece, who had consumption In an advanced stage, also nsed this wonderful medicine ana to-day the la perfectly well." Desperate throat ' and lung diseases field to Dr King's New ’ Discovery as to no other medicine on earth '' Infoluble forconghs and colds 50c aafioo- at Pobbbl ft Coxa Davo Co. $15.00 REWARD. For tbe arrest and delivery to the Sheriff of Dooly county one Mose Hill colored, age about 19 years old,, low built, dark ginger cake color, will weigh about 150 pounds and is about 5 It 7 inches in heighth. Left my place Sunday night. Money can be found in tbo bands of S. D. Thompson. Albx Anderson, Pinehurst, Ga„ June 33-1901, Letters remaining unsalled for at Vienna, Ga., June 83,1900. Burgess, Mett Berriand, Henry Brown, M. ft Go- Clkments, Maggie Johnson, Easter James, C Y Shore, 8 J Please call for advortlsad tetters. ft 8. Middlston, P. Mr