The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, June 25, 1902, Image 2

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D! Jof :gi $ $ $ $ $ iii Igf $ $ $ I I I ijji $ $ $ $ $ $ 'fl| ***>«!*■• FREDERICK FgELK'tGHUYSEN, President. Assets fhrer SEVERtfV-EIGHT MILLION. PURELY MUTUAL, ■ S . N©ST©<?ii?H©Lli®1W^t^ 0li;;/;;—;v: _ . ANNUAL DIVIDENDS, PAID UP VALUES IN TW© YEARS. This Company Leads in all That is GOOD in LIFE INSURANCE. >wrw**»!'.nrtmem •' . , u!^ ^,« ■ INVESTIGATE US FOR FULL PARTICULARS. LOCAL AGEIiT. GL. •q*' ),Ju q SPECIAL AGENT. — ; Igi I 1 i ac Si $ 5g5 I | I $ $ ' .4 M .... .J..-.. ....... W .... W .. M .* M M M W M ...... O .-. W. ............ t. W. W U W O Q .. y. .. U .< U M .J M .... M M .... M M M ..M., V. ^ ^ ^ . I aajatnnanjacM~njaiaBn=M=i»acaBicS)caBiiacsicsiEacic>Bii=icit=iiacM=]i=ia^ajaaraaociaanaancnaaacangnaaananr: THE VIENNA NEWS. TWICIi-A-WSEK. T. A. AbKINS, JR„ Ed. W. T. ADKINS, j Proprietors Official Organ Dooly County. Official Organ of the City of Vienna. Kntcredst the Postaffiee at Vienna, Gn., ft» Second Clau Mail M at t* r - Advertising rates furnished on request. US The News will not be responsible ,'or views expressed by correspondents. RATRSOF SUBSCRIPTION: One copy one year.......’ %t. oo One copytlx months/. .50 One copy three months. is, JUDGES AND SOLICITORS. Published WEDNESDAYS and 8ATUR0AV8. •PHONE No. 11. WKDNKSD ' Y. JUNE 20th., 1002. Houston county held a fair last year. Couldn't Dooly do as much thi< your? It looks like the height of fool. 1 Mines a for men to fall out with each oth r about politics, yet they have ilone-it from time immemorial and will continue to do so, perhaps, at long ns time lasts; but it is not the best to nurse such feelings. Life is too short tq wttint any part of it •that wuy.-—Bcchelle Ne\v Era. Grover Cleveland, Ex-President of the United States, it being boomed lor u third term nomination since his speech before the opening of the new quarter of a million Til den club’home Thursday night of last week, in New York. Senator Bacon, it is-said, favors the idea upon the theory that with his can tlidacy the democratic parly might lie • successful. ‘In such :> case •-.ouldn’t David Bennett Hill make a valuable running mate? terrible Explosion < ‘•Of a gasoline stove burned a ladr here {rightfully,” writes N'E Palmer, ot Klrk- nrau, la. “The best doctors couidn’i iical me running sore that followed, but Buck- ten’s Arn-'Ca halve cutliely cured her.” InUltibU for cuts, corm, fores, hull,. WOfscs, slqn diseases and piles, at at i’ORUESfcgQXB dHvguO. I The wisdom of electing judges and solicitors by the people is still a matter of doubt with many, and the question keepB bobbing up in various quarters for discuss.on. Here is what the Dawson News thinks about it: •‘Ever and nno;< some candidate for the superior court judgeship is defeated, and straightway his friends proceed to raise u great hue and try’against the present system of electing judges by popular vote. This is a case of the fox and sour grapes. Politicians who desire to see some favorite elected to a seat on the bench might possibly -man age tome one man holding the ap pointive power, bnt they cunt man- the popular vote, therefore there it dissatisfaction. 4 As a matter of fact, the judiciary of Georgia has never been of higher standard than under the pretent system, and everybody is pleased and satisfied except the few disgruntled exceptions noted." — And now comes word that an Atlanta man was burned with cin ders from Mont Pelee. His name is Wickliffe Gray, u termer news paper man of Atlanta, who is now working for 11 Memphis paper. He is a ton ot J. R. Gray of Atlanta. Shirley V. Brooks of Atlanta^ is just in receipt of u letter from Mr. Gray giving a short description of the Martlnqup disaster, which was published in yesterday’s Atlanta Constitution. Cun some one name a place where a thing might possi bly take place without an Atlanta man being present. ■ ■ ■ * ■ New goo^ just irfeiyed, Hat* and 1 Trimming!,'will sell cheap, call and see them be {are buying. , Thanking you for j past patronage,sad. will appreciate Mine ! In the future. Will be found next deep to poituffice,. Mrs. R: V. .Mitchell, I . ,-wi—Wfww-I ■ Foley*s Honey ana Tat (QCWUirco,satellite, (to opiates* SAM RETURNS CAP-A-PIE. Sam Jones announces that he is nearly all right again, physically, and he has returned to Georgia cap. u-pie, soys the Macon Telegraph. It will be remembered that he started out with a high pressure of steam in the Democratic primary campaign in Georgtn but something happened, or broke loose, or got untnanitgnble, and Sam got sick and left the state. The truth is, Sam is powerful brave when he can draw the cleri cal robes around him. but when one gets him in the open field he cannot stand the graffs, ? 5 Mr. Jones resumes his weekly tirades in the Atlanta Journal with a warming over of the campaign slanders against Bibb county. He repeats the stale take about the negro domination in that county in the local option election in 1898— a contest from Which Sam ran away before it was half over. Then lie turns upon the Deople of Georgia with this aspersion: “If a fellow ties on to u majority of Georgia voters and slicks to them until he dies and he doesn’t go to hell, it will be because the shebang burned out before he landed.” Such coarse and semi-sacrilegious ebullitions make the vulgar ttnile, and the infidel clasp Ins hands. For tunately, however, most people do not take Sam ,lpn«sseriously. iThis Is an Advertisement You Won’t Read It SEH8©ARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. To the NORTH, BAST, SOUTH snd WEST. The best rate* .to all Eastern cities, Florida Poiolt, Savannah, tvmeri- cu.1, Fitfgerald, . Coiumbus, Albany, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, the South and Syotb-west.'' Through, Phil injAi cars to New. York. Cafe car- serving ratals a la COrte.. Hummer tourist tickets ,re now OUMteto the Mountain, Lakes, Seashore Resorts and all Eastern cities-. FiirdetntWjinfdrtnxUon, liters- I ture, time tables, rates, tKj. apply to any ■ agent ot tire Seaboard Ait Line Railway ’ or-to. C, B, Wax.worth, A- G. IVAu.Sratmvh, Ga, Griffin, Ga., May 8,1900. I can cheerfully recommend Dr, Tich- Antiseptlc Jefferson, Gn., April n, 1898. Have used l)r,Tichenor's Antiseptic In enor’s Antiseptic as a most excellent Isinlly ami can recommend It a. one remedy tor Cuts and bruises. A fair of the best remedies'known to me for the triul will convince any one ot its merits, claims made for it. }. F. Elrod. Thos. S. Johnson, Ex-Seilator 33d District. College Park, Ga.< May 16, 1901. While attending the Southern baptist Winder, Gn., July ro, 1899. Conwiidon in New Orltrans, I was badlv’ . 1 havc «?«*»»• Tichenor’s AntHepi.r hurt by a fall down a flight of steps. 1 L° r , ,ever , e b . ruis ” in inflamaffon used f)r..Tichenor’s Antiseptic freely c 1 Hl,, 1 ed » larn >- and found It the best remedy for cuts and had tailed, but n lew bruises I ever tried. It Is pleasant and f pp K n on * rcm ?' ed ?" '•"fltmntlon ami heals wounds without lnflsmstlon or *>calcd the wound in a lew days, suppuration. . > p , A. G. Lamar, (Rev.) w. l. c taston, | n . Vienna Drug Co- BUY a bottle, or write for free sample, Sherrouse Medicine 60., ■! imarnim wpm . NEW CHILEANS, LA. T. H. GREGORY, UMADILLfl, GEORGIA, DEALER ilN General 4 Merchandise. Plantation SuppliesJHighest Price Paid Buggies, kinds of Wagons * I Country and CoffinsJ Produced The Place to Go to Find Everything You Want. LARGEST SUPPLY HOUSE IN THIS SECTION. - HAIR CUT AHY STYLE! afrit-elm fUlR CUT, SHAVE, SHAM* DO 0. or SffHHS* call to see me. Next door to Racket Store, **4ggUSTV8 JONES, Barkf, q a