The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, July 09, 1902, Image 4

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Don’t send your work off to large cities to lmve it done, and wait an unlimited lime to get it back. Remember I ex amine your Watches, Clocks or Jewelry FREE* and,tell you what it wHl cost before you nave it done. I make a specialty of repairing fine and compli cated Wntches—-all repairs neatly done on short notice, ' SATISFACTION *_ GUARANTEED. I SELL \J9at®^e§, ©locks, AND Alai. KINDS OF FIRST-CLASS @Jewelpg en-xd §ewito§ f$e ©foiraef All kinds of Sewing Machine Needles-- and fixtures. We swap new Machines for old ones; sell Machines on time, easy installments or CASH. See me before buying and I will save you money. . Don’t 5 Suffer* with headaches, pain* in back part of the eyes, dull heavy feeling of the lids, * etc., when ode pair of Glasses correctly fitted Will stop all thi* trouble, I •examine yotir eyes free of charge and if you don’t need glasses, I will cheerfully tell you so. i REMEMBER I guarantee every pair ol Glasses I fit to give entire satisfaction. H A vm T n A N ^ Jewe,er and Optician, • i * Next Door to Postoffice. SEVERAL SMALL , ^ SCENES SCOOPED The News of Town and Coualy Culled L. M. -Altman has opened up a meat market in the shop formely occupied i by O’. R» ; Mathews. ’ , >'■’ Read the Cotton Warehouse ad of Forehand & Morga*? Thhfjs a sfrptig firm'and are ciperfenced men in the busiiiSts. ; -C /TheCordele colored base ball, olub -came up Monday afternoon and defeat- 4kf a ; scrub'nino In this city 0 to 6 in an eight,liming game. • - Legal Advertisements. GEORGIA—Dooly County. To whom it tnsy concern: Whereas, Mrs. Jane Ray, sdminlstra* trix on estate ot Thus. J. Ray, deceased, represents p> the court that she has fully administered Thot. J. Ray's estate. This Is therefore to cite all concerned, heirs and creditors, to show -cause if tiny they can, Why said- administratrix should not be dischamed from her administration and receive letters of dismission on the lit Monday in August. Thia June 24th, toor. J. D. llARpROVE, O.’l). C. We aro a half day late this week on : account of ja little rush of legal ads, whiebeanie in Just before our time to go to press. A party composed of J J Cooper. Dr i T F Bivins, Jop,Burns, J, M Gammago Carl and Hollis Mirgan spent yester day down on Flintirlver fishing. They caught plenty to eat. A delightful social was tendered the young people at the hospitable home of Mr and Mrs E G Walton last night Refreshments were served during the evening And a pleasant time was spent. G. C. Bowers and family left yester- -d ly for Fitzgerald, where Mr. Bowers has scoured him a farm about threo mile* from that place and will make Irwin county his home in the future. GEORGIA—Dooly County. D. M.,Borum has In due 'form applied to the undersigned tor/permanent letters of administration on the eiirate • of Mary 8. Borum, late of said county deceased. I will pass upon his application on. the first Mondar In August next. This July tit, 1902. ). D. Hargrove, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Dooly County. , Whereas, ]>. M. Borum, administrator cum testamento annexo estate of Alexan* der Borum, late of said county deceased, has in due form applied to the under signed for leave to sell the following real estate belonging to the estate of said deceased, situate Ijring anil being in the town of Unadilla,I)ooly county, Georgian viz: Lott numbers 8and 40 In block s; lot number 38in block 6- lots numbers 42 and 74 in block <4; lots number* 78 and 80 in block 15; lot* 82, 84, 130 and 132 in block 26; Jot number 140 in block 33; lots co and $t in block 12,Also 50 acres of land, more or less. In south-west corner of lot of land number 44 in the 3rd district of Dooly county, G.eorala. I will pass upon said application oh the 1st Monday in August oext.- Thtojoly 1st 1902. - J. D. Hargrove, Ordinary. T. W. Walton, a prominent young farmer of near Pinehnrst, sent to the News office yesterday a half open boll ■of cotton which he plucked from hi* field early yeaterday morning. , The New* has been advocating for aomo time a County Fair. The move ment is now well under head to have .a Fair ground and buildings erected for that pbrpose in time fora County Fair neitt^year. GEORGIA—Dooly County. To whom it may.concern; Wher«»<r' S. D. Thompson and T. A. Culpepper, executors of the estate of E. \V. Thompson, iate of said county de ceased,''Reports 10 the court in their petition duly filed, that they have paid the debts otfsald estate-'arid turned over balance in their hands to the lawful legs GEORGIA—Dooly County. By virtue of the power contsined in a deed from K.. L. McKenzie to the Equitable Budding & Loan Association, dated October 29th, 1898, recorded in office’ clerk Dooly Superior Court, book «U" page 104 (which said deed, bond and "U” page X04 (which said deed, bond amt debt ior which same was given to secure has been duly transferred and assigned to the Equitanle Trust company, ** Clerk Dooly Appears from record in office Superior court, book “Y” page 451),- will be sold at public outcry beiorc tne court house door in said county on the first Tuesday in August 1902. within the legal houra of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property: City lots, known and desig nated by the registered map of survey of the citv of Cordele as lots number eleven, twelve and , thirteen In block number one hundred and fifteen Said deed being security fora bond executed by said McKenzie to said Association, In which if Is stipulated that, in case of default in the payments therein specified and the continuation of such default for six months the entire amount secured by said bond and deed should become due and payable. Default having been made in the payments specified in said bond, and having continued tor more than six month*, the entireamountof said indebt edness has been declared dueand payable; and sild sale is to be made for the purpose of payingoff said Indebtedness,amounting to £718 33 at date of sale, together with expanses of this proceeding. This July 5th, 1003. EqpiTABLx Trust Compaxv, “ By C. G. Goodrich, President, A. S. Ratch, Secretary. Application For Charter GEORtilA-v-Doolf County. To the Superior court of said county: The petition of E.'T. Tippett and A. B. Tippeft ot Dooly county, and B. R. Holt of Wilcox county, all of said state, respectfullr-shqtvs. . • tst. - Petitioners desire for themselves, their associates, successors and assignees, 10 be Incorporated under the mime and style of Tippett Bros. & Holt Company,” and br that name to sue and-bo sued, transactall busipessas hereinafter piiayed, have and use a common teal, make con* tracts, borrow money and create,such evidences of.debhas the corporation'niRy desire and securethe saraVto Bay, lease or rent, own and self’real estate and personal property of every description; und to haye and exercise all such . other S iwers as are specified by ; the laws of eorgia, and as-may be “necessary to carry out the purpose of this Incorpora tion. and. The objects of said corporation and tue particular business to be carried on are to do a general mercantile business and to do everything necessary to carry* ingon a general mercantile-business, also to run a mill for the purpose ot grinding wheat and to do everything necetiary to running a wheat mill. 3rd.'The principal office and place of business of said corporation shall' Be at Tippettyllle, in the county of Dooly,' state of Georgia, but petitioners desire the right to establish branches of their business at such other places as said corporation mar wish. GEORGIA—Dooly County. : Byl virtue of tne power contained In a deed frpiivMr*. M. E.' Jefferson to C. M McKenzie and M. McDonald Prichard, trustees of the National Building Associa ti6rii of Baltimore Citv, dated Jutv 7m, ... - -■ rk T ' Rev*. -H. P. Myors and J. L. Morrill returned 8unday afternoon from By- romvillt, where they have been carry ing on a r protracted meeting. Rev. Morrill pnaShod at the Methodist here Sunday night. tee* af«a(d estate, and- prays to be dis* charge’ll fee The grapes used at the K. of P. ban quet Monday night were gathered from the vineyard of Judge J. T. Carlisle, who lives a few mile* North-east of the Ally and were the best flavored that we hove had the pleasure of eatingin some tflme. Our progressive-.mayor, Dr. J. M. Whitehead, has recently purchased a very fine tyiggy, horse and Messrs J. P. Heard and 80ns, the Up-to-date Baggy and Wagon people, have sold him oqe of their high,, grade Babcock Buggies. Our mayor {snow sporting one of the r finest turnout^ In this section. The Baptist, protracted meeting .closed last Wednesday night, and Rev. W. L. Walker, who conducted the meet ing left for his home at Quitman Thurs day. Rev Walkqr did some fine preach ing, and the meeting was the result of much good, especially among the church members. LIMEADE—The successor and sup erior ol Lemonade at Vibmxa Drug Co. ABOUT BUGGIES THE & Faints, •* BEST are found in Hssrd's Buggies J. P. HEARD & SONS, She r.ggy and Wagon People. „ fiom their trust as executors, bf said estate. ,/ All concerned, heirs, credi tors and legatees, are hereby notified.' if no good cause be«hown to the contrary, said executors will be discharged from their trust, an’d letters, ot dismission issued to them on the Tst Monday in A'ughst next. Given under my hand and official signature, this |uly ythfftfos. • -J.D. HargTroVx,'Ordinary. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Agreeably to an order of the court of Ordinary of slid county. Will be sold at auction at r the court house • door’ of said county oh the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hour* of sale the following property to-wlt: Lot of land number thirty-five (35) Jo the original third (3), now Pinehum district of said county, and containing two hundred and two and one-half (aoajf) acre* moie or leu. Sold a* the propei trot dam Peavy, late of said county, deceased. Terms of •ale cash. Thisjifiv 7th, 1902. ' Abram Pravy, Administrator. 1898; recorded in office Clerk 'Dooly -Superior' court, book “T” page 474, Earnest J.-Knabe, Jr., having succeeded M. McDonald Prichard as Trustee, bv deed recorded 'In office Clerk -Dooly Superior court book "A A” page 166, the undersigned trustees will sell st public outcry before the court house door of I said county on the Arst Tuesday in Aug. ust, 1902, within tiie legal hours of sale to the highest and best bidder for cash, [ city lot, known and designated by the map | of survey of the city ot Cordele as lot ; number four In block thirty-seven. Ssid ! Mrs. Jefferson having defaulted in the monthly payments specified in said deed; : such default having continued for more 1 than thirty days; the entire amount se cured by said deed having been declared dueand payable, amounting to $354 67 at ' date of sale; said prooerty will be sold for the purpose of paying said Association the emountof said indebtedness, together with 5% of the ptoceeda thereof, which is allowed said trustees as compensation for their service In making said sale. This July 5th, 1903. C. M. McKenzie, Trustee, Earnest J. Knabe, Jr., Trustee. GEORGIA—Dooly County. By virtue ol the power contained in a deed ftoto W. H. Bussey to C. M. Me. Kenzie and M. McDonald Prichard, trustees for tHe National Building Asso ciation of Baltimore City, dated June 29th, 1896, recorded in office Clerk Dooly Superior court, book “T" page 451, succeeded Earnest J. Knabe, Jr., having M.McDonald Prichard as trustee, by deed recorded in office Clerk Dooly Superior court, book “AA" page 106, the ill at public undersigned trustees will »el _ w outcry before the court house door of said county oo the first Tuesday In August, 1903, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, nty lot, known and designated by tbe map of survey of the city of Cordele as lot number five In block six. Said Bussey having defaulted In the monthly payments specified in said deed; such default having continued for more than thiity day*; the entire amount secured by said-deed bating been declared due and payable, amounting to $173.67 at date of sale; said property will'be sold for the purpose of paving raid Associa tion said Indebtedness.together with 5% ‘ ’ 1 ' 1 * “ ‘ is allowed of the proceeds thereof, which said trustees as-compensation for services in making said. sale. July etb, 1902. C. M. McKenzie, Trustee, Eakxrst J. Knabe,Jr., Trustee. GEORGIA—Dooly County. dee!? - lrtue -* ,he P“y»« r con t*lned in n from Robert W. Jones to W. II McKensle and M. McDonald Prichard, trustees of the National Bnitdlng Asso. elation, of Baltimore City, dated Septem ber snd, 1898, recorded In office Clerk Dooly Superior court, book 'T” page 537, Earnest J. Knalie, Jr., having suc ceeded M. McDonald Prichard as trustee, by deed recorded In Clerk’s office Dooly Superior court, book *‘AA” page ton. the undersigned trustees will tell at pub lic outcry before the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in August, 1902, within the legal hours of sale to tne highest and best bidder for cash, citv lot, known and designated by the map of survey of the city of Cordele as lot number four in block one bnndrqd and twentv-five. Said Jones having defaulted in the monthly payments spec ified in said deed; such default having continued for more than thirty days; tbe entire amount secured by said deedhaving ueen declared due and jmyable, amount- Sheriffs Sales. Georgia—Dooly County. Will be sold before the court bouse door In Vienna on the'first Tuesday in August, 1902, between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder tor casjt the tollowing described property tovrit: rotJjJ ncres off of lot of land number 136 In the nth district of Dooly county. Levied on as the property ot Dwight Uibbs'to satisfy a certain (.Tty court fi. fa., Issued from the June Monthly term 1902 of the City court of Vienna fn favor of E. Van Winkle Gin and Machine Works’and against DwightGlbbs. Ten ant in possession notified in terms of the law. r Also at the same time and place, city, lot number 13 in block 50 in the city of Cordele, Ga., said county, as found -on the map of survey of said city. Levied upon as the property of J. F. George to satisfy a 'Justice court II. fa., issued from the Mar term 1899 of the Justice "court of the 1451st District G. M., In favor of B. B. Pound and 1. F. George. Levy made by R. against J. F. Youmans, L. C., and turned over lo me for advertisement and sale. Tenant in possession notified in terms of the law. Also ait the same tfme and place, city lot In the. city of Cordele, Dooly county, known on the map of survey of ssid citr K at lot number 1 in block number 26; levied upon-as the property bf 'G.' II. McKenzie to satisfy a Justice court’ll, fa., i.sued Octobei? term 1899, V^tst District 4th. The capital stock of said company 00.00,'df. to be actually paid <n la '$3fyooo..., vided into shares of 9too.oO each, and petitioners ask the.privilege of increasing the same at any time to any amount not exceeding 450,000.00, .Petitioners ask that subscription#- to the capital stock may be paid in any. kind of property that the corporation is authonzed to deal in. No atockholder In said company shall be bound In his individual Capacity for tbe contract nr debt of the company beyond the amount of Ids unpaid Subscription to its capital atdek. Petitioners ask leave to begin business when $19,006^00 shall nave been paid in. -S 1 ' 5th. Petitioners pray that ther may be granted tbe right to moke all' props- rules, constltntions end by laws,' and alter tiie same at pleasure. Alko ’ that they have the power to elect such directors, officers and agents as they see fit. The period of said incorporation shall be for twenty years/with -the privilege of re newal as provided by law. Wherefore, petitioners pr*V an ‘order of this court constituting them, their associates, successors and 1 assignees, a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, for tbe purposes - and with tbe right* and privileges aforesaid, ‘and with all other rights, power* - arid’ immunities prescribed by law for' corporations of like character. ..... Gao. W. Wooten, , Petitioners .Attorney. - The above It a true copy of the original petition tor ’charter to Tippitt Bros. St Holt Company, at- appears oh'file in tbit . j w* .. f alter. F. H fit. j,|f. Deputy Clerk ’>ooly Superior Court. . Foley's Hon&dki Tar eurtM rn/rfi, • firiTTafe pmniiiogti ing to $399 79 at date 01 sate; erty will be sold for the said prop paying said Association said indebtedness, together with $% of the proceeds thereof, which it allowed said trustees as compen sation to, service* in making (aid tale. This July 5th, 1903. - W. H. McKenzie, Trustee, Earnest J. Knabe, J a., Trustee. A POOR MILLIONAIRE, Lately starved in London because he could not digest his food. Early use of Dr King's New Life Pills would have laved him. They strengthen tbe stomach aid digestion, promote assimilation, im prove appetite. Price 35c. Money back it not fttiified FORBES & COX5 DRUG CO. GEORGIA—Dooly Coonty. By virtue ot tbe power coptaincd in a deed from K. B. Gunn to W. H. McKen zie and E. McDonald Prichard,'trustees ot tbe National Building' Association of Baltimore City, dated September 13th, 1898, recorded in office Clerk Dooly Superior court, book "T” page 580. Earnest ]. Knabe, Jr., having socceeded M. McDonald Prichard as trustee, by deed recorded in offiee Clerk of Iloolv Superior court, book “AA" page 106, the undersigned trustee* will sell« public outcry betpre th* coart house door ot said county- on ‘the. first Tuesday in August, J903, within the legal hoars ot sale, to the highest sod best bidder for cash, city lots, 1 noun and designated by the map ot survey ot tbe city of Cordele. as lot* number four aod fire in block one hundred tad, twelvfc. -Ssid Gunn having defaulted in paynpeat* specified in said deed; such default having continued for more than thirty days;, the entire amount secured by said deed having been declared duo and payable, amouatlag to 8384.10 at date of sale; said property will be sold for the purpose of paying Mid Association the sinonnt of said Inoebtednese, together with of Uw proceed! thereof, which I* allowed Said trustees as compensation, for service* in making said tale. July fib, 1903. », W. 1L McKxXcia. Trustee* EAXSR3T J. KmaXk, Jr,, Tract**, G M..-in layorof J. W. BlviiiSf. sgeni for ’ *. Beulah C. Bivins against G, fl. Mrs McKensle end R. L. McKenzie. Lew ’ made by G. W. Sheppard, sheriff D, C. Also at the same time and place, (he following described property/to-wit: Two tents,'with side. walls end poles,, three gasoline pan lamps, 1 box of bed quilts,-1 leather bed, 1 box of cooking utenriis, 1 banjo; 1.guitar mid 1 mandolin. Said property, levied hn as the prooerty ot the Dixie Comydy; company mid Mrs. M Teal, manager, by virtue of and to satisfy a certain tax execution issued by F. ]’ Lewis, tax collector of Dooiv county, Georgia, against tbe said Dixie Comedy company'and Mrs. M. Teal, manager, for their show tax due said State, a* set out in saldevecntion. This tbe 7th day of July, 1903. G. W. Siiuppard, Sheriff Dooly Co (ja. DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP? A cheap remedy lor coughs and colds la all right, butvyouywruni; ,something,\tbst will releave anii cure (he more severe and dangerous rer.ult*.of tyrant andlurig troub le*. What shill youdo? Go to a warmer or more regular climate? Yes if possible: if not possible for jou. then in either case take the on£v remedy that has beep in troduced in all.civilised countries with tuecesajn severe throat and luflfc troubles, “Boschee’s German Syrup.” .; It not only heal* and stimulates the tissues to destroy th* germ discese. but altars inflamation, causes easy expectoration, gives-a good night's rest, ami cures the patient. Try one bottle. • Recommended many year* or all drogglst* In the world. You can get this, rihable remedy at Vienna - Drue Co, VfeW G^ and J W Saiiders, Unadllla, G*..‘ Get Green s Special Almanac. • GEORGIA—Dooly County. tru*tee».for the National* juildirig^mo elation of Baltimore. C'fndated Decehi her 3t*h 1898, recorded In** Clerk'* bifid Dooly Superior court, book “U” pain J r > h ** ,n E »'« ceedotLM. McDonald Prichard in./aii titistr by deed recorded in Clerk’s offiCi D6«ily.Superior court, book ••AA” par tn£ ika ■ >.t * to6, a tye nndersigned trjutees vriti sel f at before the court house door public outcry L.. UI . .... wu,, ,„u,c uwi of eatd county on The first Tuesdav in Angnst 1903, within the legal hours of sale to the highest, and best bidder foi cash, city lots, known, and designated by map of survey of the city of Cordele a? lot* numbers eleven, twelve and thirten m olock, forty-four. Said McCranh in block forty-four. Said McCranie i havinrdefaulted in tkemonthiv paymems 'l tpectfiedin raid deeJ; such delimit having continued tor more than-thirty day* the entire •mount secured by wid deet nsuinn kaon I J * m having been declared due and payable date of sale amounting to 4267^2 at the t,„crui «ld property will be sold tor thepuVpo* of paying said Association said indebted ntsa, together with 5% ol the proceeds o raid (ale.which is allowed said trustees a compeewtion for their service* in .nakin •aid sale.’ Inly *(>1,1903. W. If. M , •>» McKrxzie, Trustee, EAlrttasT j. Knabe, Ja., Trustee. BANNER SALVE riiaotheailng mu ye in the wort*,