The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, July 26, 1902, Image 1

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. - .Id , , - ^"1 xv ~^ ~ , '*VOL 2. N015. VIENNA. GA. SATURDAY. JULY 26.1902. TWICE-A-WEEK $1.00 PER YEAS OUR UNADILLA SCRIBE SENDS NEWSY LETTER And Says They are Getting Plenty of Rain and Crops are Fine. f ARRESTED FOR COTTON OIL CO., STEALING CORN I ELECT OFFICERS The Corn Was Stolen (Tom Dr. Stovall and Sold to D. B. Thompson. Un'Adii.i.a, Ga.. July 26. •- J. A. II Pokes and wife returned from north Georgia last Sunday where they have been visiting for a month. We have been getting fine seasons recently and cotton was never known to be doing better. Corn too, is very good in this immediate community. We have one of the best little farming sections to be found in Georgia, and as proof of the assertion we point to the numerous farms around here with their fine crops now growing. Lightning st ruck one of the chimneys in It. E. Itobertson’s house a few days ago, doing but little more damage than painting the interior of the rooms with soot and frightening the family. Tito’ the entire family was in one of the rooms they were not even shocked. During a heavy rain storm here Thursday afternoon lightning struek the barn of W. !,. Hooks, tearing away one corner, killing a mule and allocking his fine horse considerably, though not seriously. D. L. Ivey and Jack Bridges arc taking in the Masonic convention at Americus this week. W. W. Fuqua of Cochran has accept ed n posi tion for the season ns salesman for T. II. Gregory, and began work last week. Misses Annie Lee Horne and KHte Henderson are visiting their aunt Mrs Frank Martin, near Montezuma. Mrs. Mary Henderson is visiting her son, Judge D. L Henderson of Vienna this week. Thomas Thorp has been sbippingsome fine peaches the past two weeks, and is getting a good price for same. A. E. Graves is running his canning , factory on full time now, and is turning out ill) nit five hundred cans a day. .T. It. Carroll who has be n confined to his bed two weeks with fever, is on the streets again. W B Nichols visited Atlanta Thursday ( Dr. It. H. Fate of Iticliwood visited relatives here this week. Mr. Ketchum of Cordele, was writing insurance here this week. M. E. Bushin of Vienna, was hero on business Thursday. J. A. McLendon returned Tuesday from Albany, where he lias been a few days on business. Miss Hattie Fattiahall visited friends ut Welston this week. Prof, and Mrs. C. G. Power* report that they arc spending the time very pleasantly and profitably in Knoxville at the Summer School of the South. They will return about the middle of August to begin preparation for the full term of our school, which lias pros pects for an unusually .large attendance. Our Board was extremely fortunate in retaining these educators, for they are teachers of considerable experience and are continually availing themselves of the opportunity of getting the meth- * oils of the most progressive educators l, with the view of putting into practice l\ s such of it as will be an improvement oil I ,W the old wny. Our people appreciate 1»!J this and under their management they * confidentially look for u continued growth in the attendance. We already have the best school building in the county, the best school and we will not be satisfied until we have the largest school. Tbe Business Adairs el This Company is Hoi in Safe Hands. Strtll Brown a mulatto negro about 20 years old, was arrested | and placed in jail Wednesday af ternoon upon a charge of stelling corn from Dr. C. T. Stovall. The theft was committed in the day time and it was quite a bold one, Schrill has formerly been in the employ of Dr. Stovall and knew that he always kept on hand a good supply of corn and the idea came to him that'he could work a trick to get the corn and sell it and have some pocket change without ever having the least suspicion resting on i.iin as being the theft. So he went to the home of Dr. Stovall with a wheelbarrow and ask the cook for the crib key, tell ing her that he left some oats in the crib during the rain belonging to Mr. Summer Smith and wanted to carry them them to owner. But instead of gettin the oats he got a suck of corn and sold it to Mr Thompson down at the depot. He was not satisfied at this however, and went back the next day (Wed nesday) and with a similar story, got another sack. Mr. Thompson became suspicious however, this time and commenced to question Schrill about the corn. Schrll told Mr. Thompson that the corn be longed to Babe Barthwell colored, and her reason for selling it was because her pig died. This looked even more suspi;- ious and Dr. Stovall was telephoned about the matter, who, after inves tigated, had the negro arrested and placed in jail. Dr. Stovall informed a reporter of the Nbws that the negro made u full contession of the theft as soon as he was arrested. Treat Your Kidneys lor Rheumatism When you are suffering from rhemutism the kidney must be attended to at once so that they will eliminate the uric acid from the blood. Foley’s Kidney ('lire is the most effective remedy for this purpose. R T llopkin of Palor, Wis, says, ‘’after unsuccessful doctoring three years for rheumatism with the best doctors. I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and it cured me. I cannot speak too highly of this great medi cine.” For sale bvall dealers. The election of officers of the Vienna Cotton Oil company took place in the office of A. E. Jordan Wednesday morning at io o’clock. The officers are all good business men, some having connections with the best financial and business institutions in the state, which guarantees that all the money necessaay besides the capital stock can be secured when needed, to purchase a sufficient amount of seed and pay running expenses. A large amount of money being expended on the building for this enterprise, which when com pleted will be as good as will be found anywhere in the state. With the able management this concern starts off with, the News bespeaks for it much success. The officers elected are as follows: Thomas Eggleston, of Atlanta, president ; Ed Ilowell, General manager ; Jonn B. McDonald, secretary ; J. T. Orme. of Lowry National Bank of Atlanta, treasur er; J. P. Heard, Jno. B. McDonald, Thou. Eggleston and J- S. Gold smith of Atlanta, Directors. SEVERAL SMALL SCENES SCOOPED The News of Town and County Called Together for Hasty Readers. WHEN OTHER MEDICINES FAIL Take Foley's Kidney Cure, it has cured when everything else has disappointed. For sale br oil dealers We have five hundred satisfied custo mers in Dooly county that will recom mend our Buggies and Wagon. J. P. Heard & Sons, The Buggy and Wagon People Owen—Embry. Or. Tuesday evening at 7 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Owen, who live near the campground, their charming daughter Miss Nellie was married to l’rof. H M Etnbry. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. W. Snow.. Miss Owen, the bride, is well and fuvorably known to our people, having lived near the city all her life. While the groom. Prof. Embry, has been teaching school at Pleasant Valley this spring and is liked generally by the people of that community. The happy couple left on the Stioofly Wednesday morning for the home of the groom’s parents above Atlanta, carrying with them I he wishes of a large number of relatives und friends for a happy married life. Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia, and J. K. Kelly. BIG DISCOUNTS on all seasonable Goods at J P Heard & Sons. Cordele took three straigts games from Senoia this week. Every policy holder ir. the Mutual Benefit is a walking advertisement for that sterling company. We are headquarters for Rubber Belting and leather belting J. P. Heard & Sons. What all the people do must be right —they all take insurance in the Mutual Benefit Life. Vox populi, vox dei. H. H. Hall has just purchased a new wagon from J. P. Heard & Sons. He knows where to get his money’s worth. Cordele defeated Bainbfidge Thurs day in a game of ball 6 to 0. Cordele now has one of the best teams in the state. LOST—One brownish colored rain overcoat. Liberal reward will be paid to finder by leaving same at J P Heard & Sons’ store. Tax Collector F. J. Lewis is having t he old house next to Rev. J. M. Kelly’s home torn down preparatory to erecting a new six room dwelling. If you are not right, get right. Secure a policy in the Mntual Benefit from M. E. Rushln and get in the procession of business men. Tlie South-Georgia Canning Co’s, building has been moved off of the A, & B. right of way, It has also been re covered with iron roofing. Work on the brick warehouse of D. B. Thompson in East Vienna, is being pushed rapidly and it will be completed in time for business tills Besson. BE SURE and see our BARGAIN COUNTER; always something under the market here. J P Heard & Sons ‘‘Eat, drink and be merry,” said the ancient epicure, hut first secure, advises a modern philosopher, a policy in the Mutual Benefit. George Lupo came up from Double Run down near Fitzgerald, to buy an “Old Hickory” wagon from J. P. Heard A Sons, George has tried them before. There wus a hot game of ball between Cordele and Vienna at Vienna yester day, but the score ran so high we couldn’t keep up with it.—Cotxleld News. Yes, the score wus 39 to 5 favor of Vienna. The right of way case of the A. & B. railroad vs B. F, Sehppard was arbitrat ed at Cordele Wednesday. The arbi trators valued Mr, Sheppard’s land at 1375. The money has l>een paid over but wo have not learned whether Mr. Sheppard will abide by the decision or not. The following from Vienna went down: Jos Burns, J. O. Hamilton, K. J Morgan, I. S. Lasseter, W. F. George Some men say “all Insurance com panies are alike,” but its policy holder*, know the Mutual Benefit iB the mott liberal Life Insurance company in the world. A traveling representative of the famous Bryan's FeVor Tonic was here yesterday advertising that medicine. He travels over the country Than auto mobile and it is safe trt say he always has a crowd of visitors wheft he stops who ate re'Kdy and willing to ask as many questions as he will answer about the uutomdbile Three new cash kuserfbers Were re ceived Wednesday unsolicited. They are fast finding Out what paper to take to get the news fresh. One subscriber sent a silver dollar through the mail ir a letter from Florida, This was not the safest way but we are willing and glad to teceive Any amount in anyway Send for the News. The editor Of the News, ttmon’ft Sev eral other citizens in this county has been selected by Congressman Lewis as a delegate to the Congressional Con vention to be held in Mon'tezama or August 14th. Thanks. It will afford us much pleasure to attend if possible to do so. This will be Mr. Lewis’ fourth term as Congressman and he has mode a faithful servant. Twenty prisoners are now confined in the county jail, most of whom art charged with small crimes and who will have to wait until Superior court convenes before they will be tried, un less they aro taken out on bond, on account of their having demanded an Indictment before the grand jury. Thu- practice of demanding indictments 01: little frivolous cases, thereby putting the county to unnecessary expense may causes a desire upon the part of a great many people to have the City court abolished. We have already heard a good many of the lawyers as well as a number of prominent citizens dis cussing the matter recently, who favor an amendment to the City court bill to not allow a prisoner for a mis demeanor to demand an indictment, ABOUT BUGGIES m WhMlR, 25, Paints, DTCT LaSStHers, |»r\ I Material and 1 Iwkmanship, are found in Haard’a BUGGIES. J P Heard & Sous* The Buggy and Wagon People. NO FALSE CLAIMS. The proprietors ot Foley'* Honey and Tar do not advertise this as a “sure cure for consumption.” They do not claim it will cure this dread complaint in advanced case, but do positively assert that it will cure in the early stages and never fails to give comfort and ref«ef In the worst case*. Foley's Honey and Tar is without doubt the greatest throat and lung remedy. Re fuse substitutes. For bale hv ul! dealer:. «*= RECEIVERS SALE. =*** The store of A, Root) in & Co., on tlie corner of Union and Third street, McDonald’s corner, Vienna, Ga., has been closed up by a Receiver, but is now opened and the large stock of goods is now for sale at New York prices, less freight, and some goods below COST. The stock is new and fresit, well bought and not a year old. NOW is your time to buy the GOODS at your OWN PRICE FOR CASH. DON’T lose the opportunity of your life to buy GOOD GOODS CHEAP. ( THE ENTIRE STOCK, CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, (Slothing, Shoes, Hats, etc. must be closed out by Sept. 1st. Anyone wishing to buy the entire stock should come at once to see Mr. A. Roobin at his store in Vienna. Ten Per Cent will be deducted from all accounts Paid up at Once.