The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, August 06, 1902, Image 1

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.. .v M . As * ^ ' •*&■ /%•*»*••' ffigHkg &/1 A VOL 2. N016. VIENNA. GA. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST .61902. TW1CE‘A WEEK $LOO PER YEAR SEVERAL SMALL SCENES SCOOPED The News of Town and County Culled Together for Hasty Readers. Willie Owen is confined to his bed with fever. A wise man investigates, but the fool knows it all. Who are the buggy and wagon people? J. P. Hdard & Sons. The county jail is being repaired this week by a competent machinist. Rev. J. D. Norris will preach at Mt. Vernon churcn on the fifth Sunday in August. The Vienna Cotton Oil Co. wants to do your ginning. Good service guar anteed. FOR SALE—Three desirable and well located residences. Apply at once to A E Jordan. Minnie Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A E Jordan has been confined to her bed since Friday with slow fever. FOR SALE—A good top buggy. Only been in use about a year cheap. A to Dr. T. F. Bivins, Vienna, Don’t make a mistake by selling or engaging your cotton seed before seeing the manager of the Vienna Cotton Oil Co. Now is the time to buy your Buggies and Waogns, J. P. Heard & Sons are offering fine vehicles at the price others get for cheap goods. We are 1 informed that D B Thompson expects to erect a three-story store at the depot in the near future, and have one of the most complete department stores in south Georgia. Mr. J. J, Lashley of our city, knows something else besides cotton, guano and cotton seed. He shows his good judgmentby-buying a Henderson High. Grade from J P Heard A Sons. Mrs. J. D. Norris is at the Baptist Hospital in Atlanta, and is under the treatmeht of Dr. J. M, Crawford and Dr. Geo. H.' Noble, two eminent spe cialists. Her condition Is quite critical Dr. C. T. Stovall has just purchased one of those celebrated 4, 01d Hickory” wagons from J P Heard A Sons. The doctor has tried them before and never goes back on an artiole when he knows that it is all right. J. P. Heard, Jr. of our firm, has just purchased one of our wire wheel, rurt- ubouts, with cushion rubber tires. This is one of the many new styles we are showing our friends. If you want the latest we can please you I General Manager Ed Howell, of the Cotton Oil Mill, closed a trade with Eggleston A McDonald last week for a fraction over fifteen acres of land lying in front of J. G. Forehand’s residence He will erect a beautiful home on it in the near future. Foley’s Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right Rev. J. D. Norris, has been invited by \ PRETTY WEDDING ' 'N VIENNA SUNDAY next week. Nature paints the leaves of the maple tree red in the fall, and many a man can trace his fall to the time when he painted thf town red. Mr. Ben Hudgins will now ride his best girl in a nice Anchor Runabout, This City Furnishing the Lowly .Bride and Cordeie the Handsome Groom. . A beautiful hoiiie wedding took place recently purchased from J P HeardAI i n this city last Sunday morning at 10 Sons.' Ben has bought there before— [ o’clock, when Miss Annie May Shep- ' pard was joined in the holy state of matrimony to Mr. W. T. Perry of Cor- He knows where to get the best. Ernest Stovall has accepted a position as assistant bookkeeper at the bank of J. P. Heard A Sons. Ernest is a bright young man and we wish him success. If we did not have the right kind of buggies and wagon and the right kind ot prices, it would be impossible for us to sell as many as we do. The kind we show sell themselves., J. P. Heard A Sons, the Buggy and Wagon People. A Double Box Steam Packing, steam tramping square bale press will be put up in the East Vienna ginnery as soon as it arrives. We are making room for it now. This will make this one of the most complete ginnerys in Georgia. We want your ginning to do and to buy your seed,. Vienna Cotton Oil Co. Mr. S. W. Harbin of Pinehurst, has just purchased from J P Heard A Sons, the Buggy and Wagon People, a nice two-horse wagon, also a aet- of nice team harness. Mr. Harbin knows where to buy. he has tried this firm before on buggies and wagons. The Jury Commissioners of Dooly county commenced the work of revising the grand and traverse jury names for this county Monday, and will be in session about three days. The follow ing is the nam^s of the commissioners: RABedgood, Hiram Williams, WC Hamilton, Jno. T. Graham and J. P, Heard. Rev. E. S. Atkinson returned home from Pinehurst Saturday afternoon where he had been holding a protracted meeting at the Baptist churoh. He was assisted part of the week by Rev. R L. Bivins of Americus. Eleven new members were received and the ordi nance of baptism administered at the close of the meeting Friday night. The Vienna Cotton Oil Co., hasde- cided to operate a square bale press in connection with their roundlap press and ginnery in East Vienna, and have ordered a Double Box Steam Packing, Steam Tramping square bale press and will have same in operation in a short time. This press will pack a bale of cotton almost as quick as you can count ten and will cost when put in position about |1,000. Read their ads elsewhere in the News. Don't fall to tako advantage of our SPECIAL PRICES on BUGGIES and WAGONS thlaweek. In foot everything In OUR PLACE haa valuoa. J. R. Heard St 8ona. dele. The marriage ceremony was per formed by ReV. E.S. Atkinson, pastor of the Baptist churoh here and was a pretty and impressive one. The parlor In ' which the wedding took place was beautifully decorated with vines and ppt flowers. An elegant dinner was served to a few of their relatives and friends. The following are those who were present at the marriage ceremony and dining: Mrs. G. L. Sheppard and children of Albany; O. F. Sheppard of Tifton; J, C. Mercer and son of Coney; Messrs. John, Rome and Will Sheppard, J. A. Lasseter, Clarence West, J. M. Hunt and Miss Julia Lasseter of Cordeie and Miss Zorn Carnes of this city. They were the recipients of several handsome and costly presents, among them being an elegant suit of furniture, given by the bride’s brothers, Messrs. John, Rome, Ren and Will 8heppard. The happy young couple left on the 2 o’clock train for Indian Springs, to spend a few days, whe'n they will return to Cordeie, where they will make their future home. The bride’s wedding dress was made of a soft material of pure white and her golng-away gown was grenadine mode over green silk, with hat and gloves to match, while the groom wore a hand some black suit. This is a very popular young couple, the bride being a daughter of Sheriff Sheppard and tiniversally liked by our people for her most pleasant and soci able dispositon and is indeed a jewel which Mr. Ferry should feel highly honored for having won as a life com panion. The groom is a most promis ing young man and holds a lucrative position with J. A. Lasseter A Co., at Cordeie. '> < The News Joins their many friends in extending congratulations for a long and happy married life of usefulness and prosperity. . To the Public. I have turned over to Mr. E G Greene, my contract in the Johns A Forehand cotton warehouse, consequently I will not be in Vienna this season to handle your cotton. My reasons for making this change is that I have accepted twelve months position with Mr. C C Greer in Cordeie, Ga. I thank my friends and customers for what they have done for me in the past and will gladly do my very best to please those who may patronise our warehouse' in Cordeie. When you carry your cotton to Cordeie be sure and hunt me up and make your headquarters at Greer’s warehouse. Give us a trial and you will not be disappointed. Yours truly, O. R. Moroan. BABY WITH RIFLE SHOOTS NEGRO GIRL An Mortnnate Accident Occurred in this City Saturday Afternoon. Annie May, the 16 year old daughter of Nelse Brown colored, was accident ally shot by James Hamilton the five year old son of Mr, and Mrs. Jf.,0, Hamilton, Saturday afternoon about 1 o’clock in their home on the corner of Union and Fifth streets. The negro girl had just brought in the week’s washing and was busy tak ing the clothes out of the basket, Mrs. Hamilton and the children were also in the room. In the meantime, Jim had gotten over on the opposite side of the bed next to the wall, where he got hold of a 82 caliber rifle and was play ing with it, and from what we can learn was trying to cook it when the ham mer slipped, which caused the rifle to discharge the ball penetrating the ne gro girl juBt above the heart and com ing out under the left shoulder blade lodging in the wall of the room. A physician was hurriedly summoned and everything possible has been done for her recovery. She is still in a very critical condition and but slim hope is entertained for her recovery. Arrested For Stealing. Sunday afternoon Mr, 'and Mrs. George Turner of near Rich wood, returned home from Mt. Pleasant church where they had been attending preaching. Upon en tering the house they discovered that it'bad been entered by some one during their absence and upon close investigation found that a coat was missing and the search was continued through the entire house. It was found out that from the number of chicken bones on the tuble that the thief wus hungry for iood as well us clothing, and had eaten up the fried chicken that had been cooked for their dinner. Mr. Turner in company with tome of his neighbors went out in pursuit of the thief and found a negro, Sam Brown at Rich wood, in possession of the coat and also a pistol which he had atolen from a uegro near Richwood. He was arrested and brought to Vienna that afternoon and placed in jail. CONSUMPTION THREATENED I wss troubled with a hacking cough for a year and I thought I bad consump tion, C Unger, sit tuple St, Champaign fII, I trl.*d a great many remedies and I was nnder the care of physicians for sev. cral months. I used one bottle of Folev’i Honey and Tar, It rured me and I have not been troubled since. For sale by all dealers, A BARBECUE DINNER HERE LAST FRIDAY Those tat Organize* Barbecue Clnb That 131 Meet Once a Year. : Oh last Friday a number ■ of the male ettisens of Vienna and sur* roundingtortimunities held a barbe cue at the creek west of the railroad trestle. Plenty of nice barbecued pork and mutton was on hand, together with bread, coffee, lemon ade, ice water, grapes, etc -r*-? The barbecue was a success in every particular and was enjoyed to such an extent that a permanent barbecue club Was organized. Af ter dinner was Over the crowd of old and young men amtlsed them selves by .telling funny stories. The name.of the new organiza tion will be the Vienna Barbecue Club, and the following is a list of the officers and charter members'! Q, W. Busbee, President;.' D, B. Leonard, General Manager; O. Bv Perry, Chief Barbecuer; Ed' Howell Secretary and Treasurer; T. R. Smith and T. L, Powell, Marshals'; A* W. Calhoun, J, M. Gammage. J. W. Lashley, G. W. Wooten, M. P. Hall, W. T. McDonald. J.T, Cairltsle, T. T.: Morgan, H. A. Youmans, W. B. Perry, O, M.\ Heard, J. M. Busbee; Z. T, Penny, Jno. B. McDonald and Dr. T. F. Bivins, Theifollowing is the official pro ceedings of the business meeting after the election of officers and the selection of a name for the club bad been dispensed with: It was moved and carried that the club be known as the Vienna Barbecue Club and that they meet July 15th or as soon after as convenient of each year at Leonard’s Springs. Anyone wishing to join the club can make application in writing to the Secretary arid the club will vote on said application at the next annual meeting. Such applicant nqust accompany his application with one dollar as an initiation fee, A special motion was made and carried that our Chief Barbecuer, O. B. Perry, be allowed five cents worth of pepper in the future for the‘ annual barbecue. The ladies are cordially invited to hold a barbecue at the expense of the club September 1st of this year and each succeeding year and no member of>the club will be al lowed to attend except the officers who will be on bund to keep order and wait on them. RECEIVERS SALE.*» The store of A, Roobin & Co., on the corner of Union and Third street, McDonald’s corner, Vienna, Ga., has been closed up by a Receiver, but is now opened and the large stock of goods is now for'sale at New York prices, less freight, and some goods below COST, The stock is new and fresh, well bought and not a year old. NOW is your time to buy the GOODS at your. OWN PRICE FOR CASH, DON’T lose the opportunity of your life to buy GOOD GOODS CHEAP. THE ENTIRE STOCK, CONSISTING OF—— Dry Goods, (Clothing, Shoes, Hats, etc. must be closed out by Sept. 1st. Anyone wishing to buy the entire stock should come at once to see Mr. A. Roobin at his store in Vienna. \ Ten Per ©ent wll be deducted from all accounts Paid up at ©nee.