The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, September 10, 1902, Image 2

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3 a“a“npcan M a“c3“jg*ia“al3C?v^t^‘n*p“aacH=3 J aa“n“ja“ssea* sQc n c [S! JD« 8 & $ fit sjjt ;gr i B gl $ |D{ 8 $ B $ 20* ijjl 3 n‘ B- ]0j |Ol B l 5“C jflc I •'You Don’fHaveTo Bur,^ !•»*' "Ji *v* \*-\ *U 'A l 3\A/ A \:-i •— iTi , V‘^ , ^ , ^‘^fit*4f‘€ m c\ 3gr^ t? vw «!< . i ’»>‘*7?Fy5P5£'*»s7t75 f ySP<!T , -w , -c ■* . But friends it is a duty you owe yourself and family to buy where you can get the BEST ■ • ' ' '• '' V . 4 it jf ’ - • - ; ' ‘ , ‘ •'/.' V"* ' '''■ " ' . ,lj <. p •’ >j‘ 5 | ' ’ '. -4 '■ .' for the least money, Come and examine our stock, get our prices and compare them with prices at other places, and you’ll be convinced that we can save, you money on every article. 8 $ I ’n' $ $ ID* 8 I 8 i i !0‘ •Oi $ ig[ $ I I I | il $ | 1 ft fw at at at at at at SHOES. Ladies Shoes worth la.oo for fi.75 “ « “ for 1.00 Children Shoes in any style from twenty- live cents to I1.50 per pair. We have any kind and style in Shoes for Men, prices ranging from $1 to $4.50. HATS. We have just received a fine line cl Hats for Men and Buys, prices from 35c. to $3.35. Come and get one before they are all picked over. CLOTHING. We will sell you n good suit of clothes for men at the small price of..... $3,00 Better ones tor 3.75 And still bettet ones lor 5.63 Avery hne Suit for only .$13.50 Youth’s suits from $3.50 to 5.00 Boys suits from 75c to... 4.00 W.e can fit any mnn, youth or boy in t}|e very latest styles. - . ,-,\J We bought a very large stock and they must go, so call and examine our line and get prices before buying* DRESS GOODS. We havV^ust received one of the Largest and .BEST SELECTED stock of Dress Goods ever shown in this city and the Ladies are invited to call at once and examine ouf line whether they wish to purchase now d* not. We have prices ranging irt>m j cents to $1.35 per yard. All New Goods, and Latest Styles. GROCERIES. We have.the largest and. best line of Fancy and Family Groceries on band, and.arc selling thorn at the very lowest prices possible. COOK STOVES From $7 to $12.50. We have almost anything you wait m the Hardware and Crockery line, and everything will go at a bargain. Come and get what you want betpre it is gone & m Read our ad and give us a call and You’ll find that we do everything promised, and besides, Honest dealings, good goods and low Prices is our motto. YOURS FOR BUSINESS. TAYLOR BROTHERS, Vfc S Ei , more fuuuuuuuuu icacaiacacaiacncai n“aa“a“a“a“M M a“a“a“t=3“a“acatrriril—i *==!*—J aataaocac3C3C3cac3ac3C]C THE VIENNA NEWS. TWICE-A-iWCCK. T> A. ADKINS, JR.. Ed. W.T, ADKINS, | Proprietors Official Organ Dooly County. Official Organ of the City of Vienna. the Postotfice at Vienna, Ga., as Second Class Mail Matter. Advertising rates furnished on request m, The News will not be responsible tor views expressed by correspondents. KATES OP SUBSCRIPTION t One copy one year. $»,oo One copy six months 50 Oneropy three months. 35 Published WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. ’PHONB No. 11. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,1902 If it* Job Work you want try us. Wo gutu-antee to please you.. llpqd the new ad.of Walton Bros., in (Jus issue. This firm is composed of Messrs A E and J B. Walton and they arc ' excellent young business men.. They have a largo stock of goods and will keep the readers of the News post* ed as to the best bargains in their Hne. The horse and< mule and-veil iele bust* ness of J P. Heard Sc Sons has Increased to the extent that they are now using tlioir entire large twp-story building opposite tho’court house. The upper story is used for the vehicle repository, ami the lower floor lauped for the sale of horses and mulos. Messrs Egloatoa Sc McDonald who. recently purchased tho stock of goods of l.ev P G McDonald have an ad in this issue They nro receiving new g->ds daily and when the new show •,'useaarrivcand the Inside of thoir large store Is finished tly*y will have one of (he best displayed stock of goods in the ■'iitv. ' It is well lighted and spacious. Give them a call, Heal Estate Agent A. £- Jordan s,tapped.the Bonlske store house be* 1 japing 'to Col, G. W.. Wooten yesterday to J*T. Murray for hit dwelltng house o^jupied by Mr. Boniske. He then ‘.old titc residence to J, B. Forehand of I’ineliuraf. Nearly every day property changes bunds' in Vienna and ehe is gradually growing lurger by the erecting of 1,pw residences and enter* prises* Early Risers Thofaqiotis little pin**. • i 4 iS if* vi 2 w # e P 9 Marriage at Pinehurst. On Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock nt the home of the bride’s brother, Mr W. P. Speight of Pinehurst, his slstor Miss Ella, was married to Mr. O. P. Swearingen, of tho Pleasant Valley community. The ceremony wab per formed by Rev. J. M. Bass of Pinehurst. The newfy married couple are well known in the county and have many friends and relatives who joins the Nows in extending congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy mar ried life. Woodruff-Wilder. .. Sunday afternoon at 8:30 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Woodruff of near Nellievilie, their attractive daughter Miss Eva, was married to Mr. S. E. Wilder. Rev. J B McGehee performed the ceremony, Theso are both popular young people and have many friends who wish them a happy and prosperous voyage over the sea of life. A Boy’s wild ride lor Ufa With family around expecting him to die, and a ton riding for life iS mile, to get Dr Kings. New Discovery for con* sdmption, coughs and colds, W II Brown of I.eesville, Ind. endured deaths agonies from asthpia, but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: ‘‘I now sleep soundly every night.” Like nwrveloits cures of con sumption, pneumonia, binneeitis, coughs colds and grlpp prove its matchless merit for all throat and lung troubles. Guron- teed. Bottles goc and At. Trial bottles free. Eorbcs St Cote, druggists. Mr J F Waters, who is running a crop just outside the eity limits, h s misted someeotton lately and decided to ooueeol himself iu the cotton house Saturday night and watch for the thief He had been in tho house only about five minutes when a negro man entered tiie house, and was in tho act of taking up some cotton when he was ordered to halt, but instead of haulting he broke and ran off, Mr Waters fired at him and he fell to tothegroand, but jumped up immediately and made his escaped, CAUTION! This is not a gentle word—but when you think how liable you aie not to pur. chase for 75c the only remedy universally known and a remedy that bat had the largest sale of any medicine in the world' since 1868 for the cure and treatment of consumption, throat and-lung troubles without losing its great popularity all these years, you will be thankful we called vour attention to Hoscbe’t German Syrup There aie to many ordinary cough rente* dies made by druggitp and others that are cheap at>d good for light colds per- hips, but for severe colds, broncuitis .pcoup^-and especially for consumption, where there is difficult expectoration and coughing during the nights and morning, there is nothing like German Syrup. Sold bv alt druggists in the civilised world. G G Green, Woodqury, N J TO THE PEOPLE VHO SELL COTTON SEED. I will be in cite market again for cotton seed, ns usual paying the highest cash price. There will be other buyers, and all equal, * the local Oil Mill will be justly entitled to them but. should my prices be better, it is a duty you owe to your family to sell them where you can get the best prices. Hoping you will have a good market for same and a bountiful harvest, I am, Yours very truly, D. B. Thompson. P. S. Don’t 6ell your seed until you reuch Vienna. Take care of Ike stomack. The man or woman whose digestion is perfect and whose stomach performs its everp (nnctiod is never sick, Kodol clean ses, purifies aud sweatens the stomach and cures positively and permanently all stomach troubles, Indigestion and dispep* sia. It is the wondertul rcconstructcve tome that is making so many sick people well and weak people strong by convey* ing to their bodies all of their nourish ments lathe food they eat. Rev J H Holtadny of Holiaday, Man. writes: Ko. dat has cured me. I consider it the best remedy I ever used for dispepsia and stomach troubles. I was given up by physicians and Kodal saved my life. Take it after meals. Vienna Drug Co OUR BOMEFOR SALE. We hereby announce to tho public that our land is for sale containing 202} acres, being in the 7th distriet of Dooly county, seven miles west of Vienna. There is abont a 3 horse farm of open land, improvements very good, one tenant house besides dwelling. Out houses very good. Branch runs through the place affording everlasting water for stock. This place is known aa the George Butler place. For prices and further information and particulars pf this property—see us at your earliest possible date as this notice will run for a few days only. Y«urs tor' business, B. H. & G. W. BUTLER. Fortune Favors A Toxin. ••Having distressing pains in niy head, back and stomach, and being without ap. r :titc. I begOn to u«e Dr. King** New Ife Pill*," writes W P Whithead of Kennedalc, Texas, “and soon felt like a new man.” Infalubie m stomach and ifver tronbles. Only ssets. at Forbes & Cojge. Drug Co Thos. Cgleston Jno. B. McDonald eoleston & McDonald. I GENERAL STORE. We have purchased the P. O. McDonald stock ofgoodr, and enlarged and re-fitted the store rooms formerly occupied by him. We have also bought a large and complete NE W line of goods, making a complete— General Stock, Up-to-Date, and of the LATEST. On Prices Will Always Merit Your Patronage. We are here to do business with the trading public and we shall try our best to please and satisfy our customers and patrons. Our stock of Groceries will be kept up-to-date at all times. Our stock of— Hats, Shoes, Clothing and Dry Goods, WILL BE COMPLETE WHENEVER YOU CALL. * BARGAINS. * Bargains, Bargains, EACH SATURDAY. Dont Dome to see these Bargains if you don’t want to lose your money. Respeetfuly, Egleston & McDonald. Will Marry Sunday. On next Sunday afternoon at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Faircloth near Tippettville, their charming dSighter Miss Belle, will be united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. J. B. Cason. The marriage will take place about 8 o’clock and Bov. W. A. Conner will i«rform the ceremony I? 1 Lingering Simmer Colds. Don’t let a cold run at thi Summer colds are the hardest cure and if neglected may linger months. A long seige like this down the strongest constitute Minute Cough Cure will break attack at once. Safe cure, acts w coughs colds croup, bronchitis, 1 and lung troubles. The children V.ienpa.Dt