The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, September 13, 1902, Image 5

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;■ ' ' ' - ' PRESIDENT REVEALS A STRIKE REMEDY Hatter Rests With Re publican Leaders. NO POLITICS IN THE MAHER Philadelphia Record Secures In terview With Roosevelt Regard ing Miners* Trouble. The Philadelphia Record prints an Interview on the coal strike with President Roosevelt, who passed through that city Friday on his way to Washington. The president Is quoted as follows:: “1 am grieved beyond measure at the difficulty In Pennsylvania and oth er coal producing states over the Wage and kindred questions/’ < ‘What remedy is at hand?” he was asked. “There la a remedy,” said the presi dent. “Do you mean that the government of the United States can interfere, other than a law preserving body?" “No,” deplled the president, em phatically. “What can be done?” was then asked. “I would refer you to the men at the head of the republican party who are in control of affairs in Pennsylva nia. I am sure that their conserva tive opinion of the difficulties ram pant will ultimately result In an ami cable settlement of this great ques tion. Of course, politics does not en ter Into the mining problem, yet I sincerely hope that the republican principles, which are framed alike for folgh and low, will level the problem to an equity.” Riot and Mob Violence. The following general order was Is sued at Harrisburg, Pa., Friday after noon from headquarters of the na tional guard of Pennsylvania:- “The sheriff of'Carbon county hav lng advised the governor of his ina bility to preserve order and to protect life and property, and the governor being satisfied, upon Investigation, that tumult, riot and mob violence does exist, the major general com manding the division, national guard of Pennsylvania; will make such dis position of the troops now on duty In Schuylkill county, or will place such additional troops on duty as In his judgment is necessary to properly as sist the sheriff of Carbon county in re storing and maintaining peace and or -der” The non-union men in the Panther Creek valley again went to work Frl day without an eccort. Major Gear hart, In command of the troops, says that so long as the strikers do not In terfere with the non-union men he will not send any of his soldiers out on pa trol duty. FILIP1X08 SLAY WOMEN'. Fanatical Leader or Rebellions Fac lion (Joes on tlio War I’ath. A Manila special says: • Rios, a fa- natlcal leader of the Irreconcilable na tives In the province of Tayabas, Lu zon, attacked the town of Laguimanoc September 3 at the head of thirty rifle men and 160 men armed with bolos. The band wantonly killed two women and one girl, and wounded several oth er persons. A detachment of native constabu lary arrived unexpectedly at Lagui manoc while Rios’ men were still there. They attacked and routed the bandits, killing several of RIob follow ers, and rounded up 700 men, many of whom are suspected of complicity in the attack on Laguimanoc. The guilty ones among the 700 men will be picked out and the remainder set at liberty. One of Rios’ lieutenants who was captured said Rios was a direct de scendant of God, and that it was be yond the power of man to Injure him. The constabulary also have cap tured one of Rios’ mountain strong holds. Four detachments of constab ulary are now following the main band of the outlaws. KING IS 8OLICIT0U3. Edward Wires RoesevMt Regarding Accident at Pittsfield. President Roosevelt has received from King Edward, of England, the following message: "London, September 6, 1902.—To the President of the United States: The news of the accident caused me deepest concern. I earnestly trust to receive further assurance that it has not resulted In serious consequences to yourself. EDWARD. R. and I.” Additional messages of congratula tion from abroad to it.o president were from the sultan cf Turkey, king of Portugal and ruler at Guatemala. PRESBYTERIAN , PRAISES PE-RU-NA. First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro, Ga., and Its Pastor and Elder* IT, UICU4WUUB lor (lUUilL'ttUUU. This remains true to-day of most proprie tary medicines. But Peruna has become so justly famous, its merits are known to so many people of high and low stations, that do one hesitates to see his name in print recommending Penraa. .The highest men in our nation have givea Peruna a strong indorsement. Men representing all classes and stations are equally represented. A dignified representative of the Pres byterian church in the person o£ Rev. E. ‘G. Smith does not hesitate to state pub licly that he has used Peruna in his family ana found it cured when other remedies failed. In this statement the Rev. Smith is supported by an elder in his church. ~i. G. Smith, pastor of the Presby- Rev. E. , , tcrian church of Greensboro, Ga., writes: "Having used Peruna in my family for some time it gives me pleasure to testify to its true worth. . "My little boy, seven years of age, had been suffering for some time with catarrh of the lower Dowels. Other remedies had failed, but after taking two bottles of Pe runa the trouble almost entirely disap- I’oofed. For this special malady I con sider it well nigh a specific. "As a tonic for weak and worn out people it has a/ew or no equate.”— ltev. B. O. Smith. Mr. M. J. Rossman, a prominent mer chant of Greensboro, Ga., and an elder in the Presbyterian church of that place, has used Peruna, and in a recent letter to The Peruna Medicine Oo., of Columbus, Ohio, writes as follows: “For a long time I was troubled with ca tarrh of the kidneys, and tried many rem edies, all of which gave me no relief. Pe runa was recommended to me by several friends, and after using a few bottles I am pleased to say that the long looked for relief was found and I am now enjoino better health thun l have for years, and can heartily recommend Peru ■ na to all similarly afflicted. It is certainly a grand medicine.”—U. J. Rossman, Catarrh is essentially the same wherever located. Peruna cures catarrh wherever located. If you do not derive prompt and satis- . of 1>c , factory results from the use of Ttruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus. Ohio. A DELICATE DISTINCTION. "That friend of yours seems to have a clear conscience.’’ "No,” answered Senator jorghum, "not a clear conscience; merely a bad memory—wblcb with some people an swers the purposo much bettor.’’— Washington Star. The Indispensable Equine. Oh, the flying machine some day will fly And through the ether roam; But on its collapse The horse, perhaps. Will be asked to haul it home. Situations Secured fml for graduates or tuition refunded. Write At once for catalogue and special offers. ■ MafiCAV Business VI lYldSaCj Colleges I S» Louisville, Kf. Montgomery. Ala. Houtton, Te*. Columbus, Qi. Richmond, Va. Birmingham, Ala.- Jacksonville, FIs. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY . LKXINUTOJf. KT. XiA - wi ir.rfflt auardid J+c/.A'mllkal M'orld’lFatr Book-kwpint. RuiIdcss, Short-band Type* «■ tSbW Writing and Telegraphy uught. Bliss* 11*11*. Ur*(tn»u-a mel** Ejr. Unlmdiy diploma. Jttgin now. AUroto. W1LBLU II. SMITH, Prts% LexJsgtos, Ky. 7. J. Cheney Ic Co., Toledo, O., Props, of irrh Ball's Catarrh Cure, offer 9100 reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for testi monials, free. Bold by Druggists, 78«• Germany’s army on a war footing now amounts to 250,000 officers and' 8,788,000 men. TITS permanently cured.No Bts or nervous ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great KerveRestorer. titrlal bottle and treattsefree Dr. B.H.Kf.iM»,Ltd.. 031 ArchSt..Phlla., Pa. In the’German empire, exclusive of Ba varia and Wurtemberg, there are 3303 long distance telephone stations. Hn.Winslow’aScothlng8yrup tor children teething, soften the gums, reduces Inflamma tion,allays pain,cures wind eoUe. 25c. abottle Butter from sterilized cream is now made on a large scale in Sweden and Den mark. I am sure PIso’s Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago.—Has. Tkokas Bog ans,Maple St., Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17,1900. Paper coal is a form of lignite found near ' pUts Bonn, -Germany, it sputa naturally in films thin as paper. ,i l m* iturinen.oKtisnfl and Type writing College, Louisville, Ky., open the whole year. Students can enterany time. Catalog free. SI*. Ml, Gen nine stamped C C C. Sever gold In talk. Beware of the dealer who tries to cell “something just is good.** oJeoJioigoigoMoko'rfoseoleo'rfoMoisole * "EADACHE, Mm i FEVERISH CONDITIONS • AND COLDS CURED BY o g “CAPUDINB 5 tt Bold by all Drnorglats. N SCOItOltOltOltOltOIROItOttOltOltoatOitO luesu. E Comfort-chasers swear by ‘‘King Bee” S 3.50 Shoes. i PFlMliY Easily mads,at home, | luillSI malltngctrculars. Nocan- I vseine The Boms Bamedy Co., ,UF -—- -• I Austell Building. ATLANTA, GA. —^ ~rr- ——:— BIRDS ARE BEE-EATERS. They Only Consume Stingiest Drones —Working Bees Are Safe. A gardener complains to me about the loss he sustains owing to the fond ness of the pretty Utile bluetlt for bees. “YoU’d never believe the lot that Utile chap snaps up. right off the board in front of the hive.” The spotted flycatcher, a charming sum mer migrant, whose pretty nesting and feeding habits ( have.watched with great interest, and whom I have found to be a very confiding bird and one true to his old nesting places, has also been most unjuBtly libeled and persecuted for the same reason. The fact Is both these birds do take bees, but It the complainants followed up the matter they would find that the birds dare riot take' a worker bee, because of Its sting, and they only devour the stingless drones which aye being turned out of the hive, or are destroyed by the work ing bees as no longer necessary to the economy of the hive, just at the time when flycatchers are wanting these fat drones to feed, their young with. The swarming season is then over. Instead of destroying the use ful Insects the birds are actually helping the workers. And so they are the best friends of the beekeeper. The error of attributing the destruc tion of working bees- to the action of birds Is a very old one. In the fourth Georglc, Virgil writes to the fol lowing effect: “The bloody-breasted swallow bears away In her beak the bees while on the wing, sweet morsels for her merciless young.’’ A writer In an old number of the Beekeeper’s Journal says: “I saw a swallow fly up toi another which was sitting on a telegraph wire and put something in Its mouth, and then go away; the other almost Immediately dropped It I found It to be a large drone.’’— Pall Mall Gazette. “ My mother was troubled with- consumption for many years. At last she was given lip to die. Then .| she tried Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, end was speedily cured.” D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y. No matter Jfiw^hard your cough or how long you have had it, Ayei-s Cherry Pectoral is the' best thing you can take. It’s too risky to wait until you have consump tion. If you are coughing tie or today, get a bott Cherry Pectoral at once. Three ikes: 25c., 50c., 51. All drintsts. Malsbyfc Company, 41 B. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga. Engines and Boilers Steam Water Heaters, Steam Pomps and Psmberthy Injectors, Consult your doctor. It he »»y» taka It,- then do M he lays, II he tells yon not to tak*. It, then don't take It. Be knows. ‘ l&M&lHass. ***** LHHtai Liver Pills That’s what you need: some thing to cure your, bilious ness. You need Ayer’s Pills. Want your moustache or'-heard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use Buckingham’s Dye SOctsef druggists or R P. Hill 5i Co,, Nuhus.N.H. Manufacturers and Dealers In SAW MIIjIjS, Corn Hills, Peed Mills, Cotton Gits Machin ery and Grain Separators. SOLID and INSERTED Saws, Saw Tooth and Looks, Knight's Patent Itogs, Bird sail Saw Mill and Engine Repairs, Governors, Grate a full line ot Mill f ” — Bars and i Supplies. Price tree by menUonlng this papsr. DROPSY 10 MTS’ TCEATMEfIT FUEL Ions a specialty for twenty with, tUs nut wonderful is. Saysoarodmsnytliou- si.n.&.oiiar t'BSDSS. Box B Atlanta, Ga. If more sales of Rlpans Tabulos are made daily than of any other medicine, the reason may be found In the fact that there is scarcely any condition of ill health that is not benefited by the occasional use of a Rlpans Tabule, and a package, con taining ton, Is obtainable from any druggist for five cents. At druggists. The Fivc-Cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The family bottle, 60 cents, contains a supply for a year. Free Test Traalmenl NEW PENSION LAWSP" i FREE Apply to NATHAN BICKFORD, 014 P Ht* Washington, R, St, The Sanative, Antisep tic, Cleansing, Purifying, Beautifying Properties of CUTICURA SOAP render it of Priceless Value to Women. . I®*" Much that eyery woman ahoald know la told in the circular wrapped about the Soap.