The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, October 11, 1902, Image 4

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SMSBfcsKsgi VIENNA NEWS. TWICE-A-WEEK. T. A. ADKINS, JR., Ed. ) > Proprietors W. T. ADKINS, ' N. Q. BROOME, City Editor. Official Organ Dooly County. Official Organ ($ly of Vienna. Entered at theJPostoffice at Vienna, 1 as Second Class Mall Matter/ . Advertising rate* furnished on request. t*uThe News will not be responsible *or views expressed by correspondents. { RATKSOF SUBSCRtPTIOX: One copy one year.......$i ioo One copy six months. 50 Onecopy three months ».s Published WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. ’PHONE No. It. Some of our ministers -of the tatfe do and say everything con demning secret orders that' isyofsP] bly within their power, while others speak out very forcibly i|L their or, and ns the News believes ost of the secret orders to be. powerful promoter# for good—the aching# of the, Holy Bible and the equality and the brotherhood^of men,* we consider it a duty to vff something on J.liis line. 5dd Fellow^, Knights of Ryljiia# and Masons have for their founda tion the teachings of the Holy Bil>le. No one can beld'ng to ieltber who doe# not first declare his belief tn the Almighty God, and every itep in Masonry is a step nearer to SATURDAY, OCTpBER.11', 1902. How does 16 pages, all. home strike you? The Georgia legislature will meet on the ssd of this month. Devery’s vengance has begun. He is going to support Coier. The Boston Herald thinks that old King Coal is n scarce old soul. The campaign opened Monday with Senator Hanna standing pat. Darn a horse that will back-ped al on the home stretch, says the Atlanta Journal. If halt that Lady Henry' Somer set says about drinking among the English is true, they are a rum lot. Rev. Charles M. Sheldon earnestly asked to tell us “What would Jesus do” about this coal strike. It is surprising that Billy Maton, considering Iiis experiences as minstrel, does not nu.kc a cakewalk of his senatorial campaign. One of the greatest needs of the present time is a clock fa the court house tower. This would be a great convenience to the public at large. “We are going on the dry docks next week prepartory to participa tion in the fall maneuvers of the Georgia legislature," — Dawson News. There is some interest being manifested m South Georgia in thg growing of gin seng. There is no Teason why it could not be grown successfully. A trade edition of the Moultrie Observer is out. It is handsomely illustrated and contains accounts of the town's business/professional and industrial, The Vienna News is making strenuous efforts in behalf of the city of Vienna aud the people of Dooly county, and the people ap preciate her work in their behulL A Frenchman has the unmiti- gated nerve to suggest a law pro hibiting ths sale of fiction “zevimmen.” Perhaps he thinks they have enough fiction without buying any. Take cats et the stosiack. The man or woman whose digestion perfect and whose etomach performs Us everp fnnctlod is never tick, Kodol clean ses, purifies aud sweatens the stomach and cures positively and permanently all stomach troubles, indigestion and dispep- sis. It Is the wondertu! reconstructeve tome that it making so many-sick people well and weak people (Iron? by convey ing to their bodies all of their nourish ments in the food they eat. Rer J H Holladay of Holtaday, Maas, writes: Ko- dal has cured me. I consider it the best remedy I ever used lor diapepsla and atomach troubles. I was given up' by physicians and Kodal saved my life. Take It after meals. Vienna Drug Co THE FRATERNAL ORDERS. The Citizen is gratified to see renewed efforts being made to. encourage wheat growing. A few years "ago there •'Was a veritable wheat crusade jn Georgia., resulting. thousands of ftjll barns and happy homes. The temptation t?»'ericroach;upon e^wheat fields with cotton is great however, makidg it necessary to keep- ever before- this- people the vital important matter ot leaking something tp eat. Thousands of dollars are leaving Macon county every year to pay for bread that can be made at home, C ^fi 3 ^ lt isnot he Bible conception of fraternity among men ns men. In Odd Fellowship, each degree is only one step further up the ladder to the Irue conception ot a man’s duty to his fellowmen and his God. These orders hold no fellowship us to the division of sect or party, and to do would be to destroy the fratern ity of mun. Renlizing that there are divisions in religions and other phases of life, they seek a common basis, which is “faith in God,” and no man who refuses to subscribe to this fundamental doctrine can become n member. The work done by these orders can not well be compared with the benevolent work of Christianity as the good derived from these secret orders is bought and paid for by the members beforehand, and comes to them as other articles of com merce. There is certainly no wrong in a man getting what he pays for or paying for what he gets, and as this is'the real fact of secret fra ternitics, who has the right to complain or impugn their motives? If any one desires or deserves these benefits he has only to pay his money to get them. There is no comparison whatever between a fraternal organization and a church, as a church could not be organized on their basis. It would not be a church, but a church composed of members of these fraternal orders, will be more liberal in contributions to the calls of charity than those without them. There are a cumber ot fraternal orders that are a blessing to socie ty and the general public. The best authorities agree that IMn is'nbbohiyi profit in' wfient, but that it improves the land on which it is 80\yp, // * t - I| this be true, let us have more wheat fields, more merry whistles of he brown-Winged “Bob White,”, more home-nvide.buscuits—in short, more joy and prosperity. We long to 6ee the day when the farmers ot Georgia will supply the merchants with all their flour there by making the Georgia buscuit the queen.r-iyiacon County The Suvannuh Press wants to know “if SAL will make faces at Ellpn N? Msbe Georgia knows. Ask her,replies the Rome Tribune. Might be that A B could say something on that line. The ingratitude of New York City people is amazing. J, Pierpont Morgan gives 50,000 tons of coal to the poor in that city, aud some of the people are mean enough to ask how he gets it. * Riches seem to get revenge on their owners in the region of their stomach, and most ot our million- sues are paying the price of their wealth by eating malted milk and crackeis. Judge Maguon has returned to his perch in Washington. He the convenient jurist who finds any old kind of law that is needed justify imperialistic proceeding ot the war department. And now someone suggests that it was the vengeance of the Lord that wrecked the Birmingham Ala., church because the people were worshipping Booker Washington instead of Jesus Christ- However, we don't believe that the Lord is jealous of Booker. Dewitt's O Delve KEEP IT GOING. n i y , We have purchased theP. G. McDonald stock of g‘oods y ts and enlarged and re-fitted the store rooms formerly occupied by him. We have also bought a large and complete NE W \j y ^ line of goods, making a complete— j j General Stock, Up=to=Date, and of the LATEST. Oof Prices Will tizen. >% E4 ■CORN PAINT , Swum *U Cork, Bmlau ud Wtru,. ^ viUwat ptla, ipudlly sad pwmsatatlr J .VSffSSSl&ttS? UPPMAN BAOS. .« //\ Tho». Egleston Jno. B. McDonald \V/ amtmf GENERAL STORE. We are here to do business with the trading public and wesliall fry our Best to please and satisfy our cxistorners and patrons. Our stock of Groceries mil be kept up-to-date at all. times. Our stock of— || Hats, Shoes, Clothing and Dry Goods, m WILL BE COMPLETE WHENEVER YOU CALL. % Mil ■!—I * L\ v BARGAINS, * Bargains, Bargains, 0 EACH SATURDAY. Dont coma to boo these Bargains If you don’t want to lose your money. Roopootfuly, Egleston & McDonald. ON JANUARY 1st, 1903. We will discontinue our business at* PInehurst and we have about $3,000 worth of New Clean Saleable Merchandise, consisting of Dry Hoods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Tinware and Crockery, and a full line of Groceries, This stock must be sold, regardless of price or cost, Dry Goods. We will give you 25 yards Good Checks for *1.00 Yard wide Sheeting, 25 yards for $1.00 Calicos, oil the best brands, from 3} to 4J cents per yard. Percales from 5 to 8} cents. Fancy Cotton Dress Plaids for 4c.- Outings that sell everywhere for 10 and 12Je. for Sic. Flannelets worth 19J and 15c. for 10c Cotton Flannels worth 6 to 15c. for 4) to 11c. Wool Dress Goods from 4}c per yd up. See the Goods and the prices will suit you. Shirts, Hats and Pants. Men's Dress Shirts oOo grade for 41c. “ “ “ 69c “ “ 55c. '• “ .“ 98c “ •' 82c. Boys “ 48c “ “ 36c. Men’s Work Shirts, a full Line from ,19c to 39c. Men’s Jeans Pants from 41c to 82c. Men’s Hats,from 25c: to $1.10. Shoes, Ladles Fine Shoes $1. Grade for 88c i. .. .. | 12 s « •< 93c » «. « |j 76 .< n “ “ •' 2 00 " “158 “ “ “ 2 25 “ “178 Men’s 100 li 178 ■ ■ u * la .“ 260 “ “ j os Children Shoes, any site or price that you want. Groceries. Best Pat. Floor for $3.99 per barrel. Best Granulated Sugar 20 lbs for $100 Arm A Hammer Brand Soda, 7 lbs for 25 cents. P P. Lori lard Snuff per lb. 45o. Salt, white seamless saoks, per sack 60ft Best Green Coffee 10 cents per pound, Giant Potash 6 cents per box. Best Apple Vinegar, 24c. per gallon. Tobacco, 40c Grilles for 30c. We are going to close out this stock and will saw you mon if you Will give us the opportanity. ka J. B. COOPER & CO., PINEHURST, - GEORGIA.