The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, November 05, 1902, Image 4

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Vienna News. TWICE-A-WEEK. T. A. ADKINS, JR., Ed. 1 , V Proprietors W. T. ADKINS, \ N. 0. BROOME, City Editor. Official Organ Dooly County. Official Organ City of Vienna. Entered st the Pootoffice at Vienna, Ga., u Second Clans Mall Matter. Advertising rates furnished on request. ^^The News will not be responsible f or views expressed by correspondents. RATOS of subscription: Onecopy one year .'..$1.00 One copy six months 50 Onecopy three months 15 THE DEMON IN THE DRINK. Published WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. ’PHONE No. It. Wednesday, November s. 1902 WEATHER FORECAST: For Georgia.—Rain toduy. Governor Terrell’s first message will probably go to the legislature today. One hundred new Georgia colo nels were made by Governor Joe Terrell Saturday. Dooly’s two representatives were remembered in the appointment Of standing committees by Morris, even if they didn't support him for •peaker. The bills introduced by Represen tative Kent, of Johnson, and Rep resentative George Glenn,of Whit* field, are “good” enough to retire to the rear and be seated on. The following bill was introduced by Representative S, R. Fields, of this county : “To make it unlawful for any landlord to discharge a laborer, cropper or renter, or for laborer, cropper or renter to aban don his employment.*’ "Have you learned to 'right dress’ yet ?" asked one new staff colonel of another. “Well, I’ve learned enough not to wear a wing collar and an ascot tie with my uniform.” We repeat this conver sation in the strictest confidence.— Atlanta Journal. Official Notice. The following circular letter ff >m the office of the Vice President of the Georgia Southern & Florida railroad will explain itself: Macon f Ga., October 31st 190a. Circular No. 13. The Georgia Southern & Florida Railway Company having purchas ed the propeity of the Atlantic Valdosta & Western Railway Co., said property will be operated as n portion of the Georgia Southern & Florida Railway Company, on and* after November 1st 1903. The jurisdiction of all officers of the Georgia Southern & Florida Rail way Company is hereby extended over the same. William Checklkv Shaw, Vice-President. CAUTION! This is not a gentle word—but when y j think how liable you ate not to pur chase for 75c the only remedy universally known and a remedy that has had the largest sale of any medicine in the world since 1868 for the cure and treatment of consumption, throat and lung troubles without losing its great popularity all these years, you will bethankiul Recalled your attention to Uosche's German Syrup There ate so many ordinary cough reme dies made by druggists' and others that are cheap and good for light colds per haps, but for severe colds, bronchitis croup—and especially for consumption. Where there Is difficult expectoration and coughing during the nights nnd morning, there is nothing like German Syrup. Sold by all druggists In the civilised world. G G Green, Woodqury. N J For sate by Vienna Drug Co., Vienna, and J. W, Sanders, Unadllla. Dud wig Sedlavzk, who killed Mrs. Charles Heffner and shot her husband perhaps fatally, in Cleve land, was drunk when he did it. When he was sober be was a hard working man und u peaceable citizen. William Hooper Young, who is charged with the murder and feind ish dismemberment of Mrs. Pulizer, one of the most hideous crimes in the police records of New York, said to the detectives who took him in custody, that drink had got him into the trouble. Sober, be was a dutiful son and a useful member of society. Michael Leddy, the blood-thirsty fiend, of Williamsburg, N. Y., who the other day kicked out rite one eye heftad left wife, was drink-crazed when he did it, and is «aid by his .children to have been a "good lath er” and by his wife to have been a “good husband” wheh sober. These are but scatteted incidents caught from a days news, They tell more lucidly than cduld volumes of abstract argument what drink docs to a man’s bruin and how it shivers and destroys his manhood. These incidents—mote fragments of the annals of every day—illus trate tfiut the drink question is not a moral one alone. The mun who cares nothing for God or for his relations to society may yet care something for his own self-interest. Cun even thut man afford voluntari ly to render himself unaccountable —insane? Not every man who gets drunk commits murder. Bui every man who gets drunk commits suicide—to a degree. The drink shortens his life and weakens his powers, mental and physical. And every man who gets drunk is apt to commit murder or any other crime that when sober 6eems to him hideous and all impossible. Any man who puts his manhood aside and puts the devil in charge of himself is tuking mighty big chances. He is trifling with his own life and the lives of others near and dear to him.. A word misunderstood by the befuddled brain, un insult or a grievance born in the disordered passions or- in the degraded imagi nation, a weapon at hand—and the deed is done, It is not the man who does it; it is the demon in the drink/ The man who deliberately puts that demon in control of himself never knows wbut it will do with him.—Ex. Deadly Grasp of Grip Pros trated Me. D|r. Miles* Nervine • Built Up My Shattered Nerves and Gave Me an Appetite. Of the millions of people, who today s from nervtms or heart weakness. • large centage trace the cause directly to dc suffer . per- , , deadly ppe. It is a germ disease, and makes a direct attack upon the nerves, putting an eitta strain upon them at the time their vital ity is -at the lowest ebb. If LaGrippe has left you with a shattered nervous system, with loss of appetite, lack of energy, insomnia, frequent headaches and. morbid tendencies, you should strengthen the weakened nerves with Dr. Miles' Nervine. It will undo all that grip has done, bring back appetite, rest and restore the nerves to their normal activity. “X want to write this testimonial for the benefit of those who have suffered from that dreaded diseate—LaGrippe. I suffered sev eral weeks with it, and nothing I tried teemed to benefit me in any way, shape or form (I suffered almost death) and finally my daughter recommended Dr. Miles' Nervine to me and I can truthfully lay from the first day I felt better than in weeks. It gave me reflet, built up my shattered nerves and gave me a splendid appetite. -1 cannot speak too highly of it and want to say, each and every one who has suffered from LaGrippe will find instant relief by getting a bottle of Dr. Miles’ Nerrine. Insist on haring it and take no other. It it simply splendid. Hoping this will benefitaome poor sufferer I remain,* —Mrs. G tones B. Hall, Jackson, Team All druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr.Miles’ Remedies. Send fer free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ini. T(t£ PI BM STORE, PINEHURST, GEORGIA. BARFIELD & HORNE, Prop’s. -DEALERS IN- General Merchandise, OUR STOCK IS FRESH, CLEAN AND WELL KEPT, OUR HOUSE IS WELL LIGHTED AND HEATED. MAKE OUR STORE-THE POSTOFFICE-YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHEN YOU COME TO TOWN. JEWELRY. On entering our store you will find a nice display of fetvelry— quality best. At your right you will see a display of well assorted perfumety. DRY GOODS. ■V We have a very fine line of well assorted Dry Goods. Our Ladies and Gents Underwear cannot be excelled. SHOES and HATS. 1 HARDWARE, ETC. We have a full and complete line of J. K. Orr Shoe Co’s. Red Seal Shoes, any style and at any price. Also a complete line of ' Swell Hats.” Let us make you an M. Boon suit, no fit—no go. FURNITURE. We have a nice line, and sf we haven’t whet you want in stock, can get it for you on short notice. In the rear of our store to your left you will find our Hardware, Tinware, Glassware and Crockery department. In these lines our buyer got extremely low prices and we will give you the benefit of them if you will make your bill with us. Oqr Stoves were bought before the rise in iron. They go at the old prices. In the rear of our Store to your right you will find our Grocery Department. AND HERE IS WHERE WE CAN SUPPLY THE INNER MAN. OUR STOCK OF CANNED GOODS and PICKLES IS THE BEST IN TOWN; In all of our Various Lines our Prices defy Competition. ' FOR YOUR BUSINESS. BARFIELD & HORNE. NOTEWE BUY C0T1 ON SEED. WE WANT TO BUY ALL 0F YOUR REMNANT SEED C0T1 ON. COME TO SEE US INTEREST TO COTTON GROWERS The Scientific American reports that a new industry has recently been started in Germany which offeis considerable prospects and possibilities, i. e., the wood-pulp o.‘ celluslose is the patented inven tion of Gustav Turk, manager of the celluslose works at Wulsun on the Rhine, and the well known inventor, Dr, Carl Kellner, of Vienna. If it is taken into consid- ation that the process itself is cou- sideraby cheaper than the usual tnethodkof making yarn; that even the shortest animal or vegitable fibers can thereby be easily spun into yarn, and that the price s of the best quality of wood-pulp is only about one-third of that of ordinary cotton, the advantages *and possi bilities of this process are evident, Doubtless yam made according to this process will in the future re place to a considerable extent wool en, linen, cotton and especially jute yarns, particularly in the cheaper grades of tissues, and for such tissues where pliability and handsome color ire of main impor tance. =$25.00= IN COLD CASH GIVEN AWAY. With each pair of Shoes or Hat bought of us between Oct. 15th, 1902 and Jan. 1st, 1903, the purchaser is entitled to a gum in our trade contest - 1 he one making the nearest correct estimate of the number of pieces of money contained in the glass jar exhibited in our store, will get the jar and its contents. And toe guarantee the amount not to be less $25.00. In case two or more persons guess the same, and that number being the nearest correct, the money xcill be divided equally between them. Buy your shoesfrom the -f SHOE STORE and get the jar of money. $25.00 in the jar. Remember we guarantee there is Respectfully, Lewis Bros. @o. LOOK. We the undersigned filled the above dexribed jar, and. n knows the number of pieces of money therein. I. S. LASSETER, MAX L. JAMES,