The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, November 08, 1902, Image 7

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/jj\ Thos Ieoleston s McDonald. I GENERAL STORE. We have purchased the P. O* McDonald stock of goods, y f i ^ and enlarged and re-fitted the store rooms formerly occupied \ f ( S by him. We have also bought a large and complete NE W \ f J ^ line of goods, making a complete— • V / O General Stock, Up=to=Date, 4 and of the LATEST. <> Our Prices Will Always Merit Your Patronage, s a We are here to do business with the trading public and ) we shall try our best to [please and satisfy otir customers and V t patrons. Our stock of Groceries will be kept up-to-date at j f all limes. Our stock of— S ( A A A 4ti Jid W Hats, Shoes, Clothing and Dry Goods, O WILL EE COMPLETE WHENEVER YOU CALL- S \ * BARGAINS, > | y V y o w Bargains, Bargains, EACH SATURDAY. & Dont come to see these Bargains Ifyou don’t want to lose your money Respectfuly, Egleston & McDonald. || Great Bargains mwiATTHEmi—- A ' New York Bargain House. We have just received an immense stock of goods that we bought at a veiy close margin, in New York, and we are going to sell' it - - ' ’♦ * . CH^AP FOR CASH. A few Leaders—Space Forbidding More: * $3 75 to |12 50 . SHOES! SHOES!! SHOESt!! Have 49 “ 4 50 1 25 up 25 up Good Value in Boys’ and Youths’ Suits A Fine Line of Men’s Nobby Hats 49c up Men and Boy’s Caps at a sacrifice Men’s Suits frojn “ Pants “ Odd Coats 5-7? Knee Pants The Makers of Our Dreams. I met her in the morning of n loveiy April day. ■ When the birch were all caroling in the trees, While the morning glory beckoned to the fair and blushing rose, Whoso lips were kissed in rapture by the bees; And I thought her hut a vision From tlie holy land above,' thing of rafest beauty id the ideq^ of my ldVe! I .mot her in the noontide of a lazy summer’s day , When the rhythmic river ran so smooth along, < With drowsing he lure dreaming of.lier sunshine nnd her flowers, And the world all wrapped in dreaming .and in song; And site seemed not to be mortal , ' As she led luy willing eyes To fairer s'eenes of benuty In other climes and skies! I met her In the evening when the year Was growing old, Her silvered hair ifl contrast, with the Autumn’s yellow-gold— The birds had censed their singing in t.he branches overhead. And saddened thought nwakened at'the scene of Nature’s dead; But I bid her farewell sadly, For devotion ever gleams. In my heart for ail my lovers— The makers of my dreams , . fit Kid: “Pa what’s a l clle?” Dad: —‘‘A thing ti;;vt makes a racket when you ‘shake’ it, an ornamental creature if you break it, n very will ing creature if you. take it—then any thing, my son, you’re mind to make it,” .* '• t 1 v Hero lies n printer, Jimmy Jones, A lad of thirty winters, He’s gone to Heaven", sure as fate— There’s no hell for printers. • it : The editor of the Hurryhill Hustler was somewhat disappointed at not get ting on the Governor’s st^ff, but on bs- ing promised a place indite cabinet of Coroner Milner, he shoots a eye to wards Atlanta and calls honors even. tit The Editor In Atlanta. The editor’s in Atlanter with the Leg islative clan— 'Way up there with the.,fellers who talk to beat the ban’, : , -Who cuss when nesissury, and often take a dram, And wake up with a headache in the mbrnin.’ The editor’s in Atlanter, an’ I know he’ll do his pnrt To carry his section for’ard, for he’s made a bully start, | But we miss him in these dlggins when the blood is on the moon, An’ some fool is hunting trouble in the mornln’ 1 The editor’s in Atlanter, where the . politicians grow, Where all isswif an’ movin’ an’ not thing id slow; So when a feller’s angry we never fail to say? “The fightin’ man-is out, sir—in the mornin’.’’ . Out at Half Price, AND WILL IYIDE THE PROFIT WITH YOD. Our stock is enormously large in every tiling you might think of in the Dry Goods tee. f We need money and are compelled to let the Goods go. 500-Ladies Walking Jackes Now on Sale.*~500 blue Flannel Jacket $L 79; worth $2 50 A nice black and grey Jacket % cut, for #2.50 worth | $4 00 Fine Bover Jackets 8-4 cut, roll sleeves latest styles in all colors, silk lining, going at $5 50, worth 8 00 Montiuiilltt Jackets $0 50 worth. .. 10 00 Extra line Monticalla Jackets, with satin lining, wide sleeves,' plaited back. $10.00 wortfh 15 00 ‘On Velvet ami Plnsh cloth and .Capes we can save you 50%. Children Fine Keefers from $1 to $5 Ladies walking Skirts, Dress Skirts, Silk Skirts, all styles, nnd prices, us cheap os you can ask them to be. We arc offering the finest quality of Broadcloth made in all colors'. 54 inches wide, the $1.25 quality for Sop. Fine Trefeot Flannel 32 in, wide, all wool, magnificent colors, while they last at 85c worth 50. This Goods will make for you the finest kind of wnists. French Fluniiels.alf colors for wnists, 48c per ynrd, worth 75, > Good Calicoes 4Jc. > Percales 7Jc. Sheeting, yaid wide’, lie. I • Best Chocked Homespun 4jc. Blenchings, Ginghams and Tickings, we sell you at cost,- Good Jeans for limits 10c per ymd ! We also !iave a very fine line, of Silk Henriettas, Silk Briliiantine and Crape Goods, and all kinds of the latest Novelties in. Dress Gootlii, with Trimming* to mntch, which we are offering at a very small profit. We also have a nice line of Mouril Siik, in’all colors, Black Satin, Black Taffetu, guaranteed Silk yard wi4e, Grogram Silk, • Liberty Satin, Ribbons of nil kinds, such as Mouril, Satin Taffetu and Satin, that we urey ofiering at greatly teduced prices. They wefe bought ■right and we will sell you right. A beautilul line of Ladies Silk. Satin and 'Flannel waists, the prices a~re right. Ladies anti Mens Fleeced arid Woolen Underwear at all prices. Come and see them before they are gone. , we got ’em? Well, J guess. Any kind, style, shape, Ladles’ Children or men. Can fit any natural'foot like u glove, fcnd at a small cost to the purchaser Ladles’ Capes and Collarettes at almost any price', and good value Swell Line of Neckwear, 25c .up to $1 > Radios’ Jackets, Silk Skirts and Heavy Men and Boys’ Underwear at greatly | Beduced Prices. Worsted Skirts, correctly tailored, at exceedingly low prices Also have a line of Musical Instru-1 Ladies’ Hats that « dream of men.., that, for quality, tone, beauty a,idcorrectly finished workmanship, etc., are hard to! A fuilline of Rugs, in Animal and Flo- bent rul designs, cheap Just give us a call==Satisfaction Guaranteed to every Customer. FELDSER & RAINBOW, Props, * « * A. R00BIN& CO’S., Old Stand. VIENNA, - - • GEORGIA. t i • + David B. Hill of*New York and 'Pat rick Calhoun of Georgia were ^jiomitia- thefor President and Vice.President, respectively, in Atlantal the'btherjiight by Colonel Thomas II. Felder. You can always depend on an Emanuel county man to say the right thing at the right time. I : i 1 • A Gum Log Effusion. The Gum Log Local's poet rises to effuse: “I surely ain’t a preacher, But I reach it purty nigh, For I’in long on apple dumplings And I'm fond of chicken pi», I know I ain’f an editor— (A farmer, sir, by chance) But I'm alters reelin’ hungry, An’ I have no Sunday pants. . “I couldn’t be a lawyer, If I am a little sly— A lively 'un on talking An’ in lellin’ uv a fie. “I couldn’t be a doctor— If I’m a little bad, I’d hate to murder people 0 With medicine b’gadl” Mens Clothing. We have got a line of Mens Clothing to suit everybi dy in quality and price, Will sejl you a fine suit, heavy weight, well finished, for $4.80 worth $8. We have them as high as $15 pc|^ suit with quality to suit the price. Boys Clothing. 500 Boys Suits from 76c to $5. The quality and price will sell them when you examine them. Overcoats.' We have a fine line of Mens and Boys Overcoats from $1 to $10. Pants! Pants!! We have an exceedingly ’"-ge fine of Mens, Youths nnd Boys Pants, at nil prices. The quality is whnt you want. Shoes! Shoes!! We carry the most complete line of Slioe^in Cordelc. Ail solld'goods front the cheapest to the best. Gents Furnishings. Our stock of Gents Furnishing Goods is complete with nil tho latest styles, and the price will suit you, Hats for Everybody. We have the best line of Mens and Boys Hats'to be found anywhere, con sisting of the Intest styles and shapes ill nil qualities. ) We also have the latest styles in Ladies Hack Hats and Trimmed Hats, suitable for anybody at very low prices Ladies nnd Mens Gloves of all kinds. And something especially new in Ladies Shawls, Zephor Capes and Neckwear. We also Have a Beautiful-l-lne of— 1 Matting, Bressels and Engrain Carpets, Art Sqnares, Lenolenn, that wc can save you big money on. And thousands of other things that are usually found in an up to-date Dry Goods store, such ut Towels, Table Linens, Bed/ Spreads, Lace Curtains, Chenille Curtains, Hall Porters, Etc. We promise you good treatment and Goods, low prices and want your trade.. Come to see us. YOURS TO PLEASE, A. R00BIN 8 BRO., CORDELE, GEORGIA.