The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, December 06, 1902, Image 4

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Vienna News. Semi-Weekly. T. A. ADKINS, Jr.,) Editors and W. T. ADKINS. ) Proprietors. Z. ORLANDO COLLINS, Associate Editor. Official Organ Dooly County. Official Organ City of Vienna. Entered at the Poatoffice at Vienna, Ga. as Second Class Mail Matter. n — - ■ Advertising rates furnished on request The News will not he responsible 'or views expressed by correspondents, rates of suuscription: Onecopy one year , ..$1.00 One copy six months 50 Onecopy three months 35 Published WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. ’PHONE No. u. SATURDAY, DECEMBER G, 1902. The Savannah duet swallowed Itself. There is no need of the trusts becoming alarmed just yet awhile. By the way, what has become of the Honorable Pitchfork Tillman? Old Whiskers Grosvenor’s boom for the speakership died before it was born. Dave Hill was not bored to a sufficient calibre to ever head the democratic national ticket. “Jack, the Kisser,” has made his appearance in Chicago, not being particular as to his subjects. The message seems to have failed to please the Wall street barons. So much the better; it must be all right. , Canned Beef Alger has taken bjkjsqajt an :the Senate, an^ will at once proceed to even up some old (cores. A Federal court knows when a thing is loaded. It wouldn't touch that Virginia constitution with a ten-foot pole. The trust magnates are patting each other 011 the back and dancing the can can since reading the president's message. It is said' that the 58th congress will not contcin a single populist. Bring on Sockless Jerry Simpson, of the state of Kansas. President Roosevelt thinks the trusts should be curbed but not destroyed. Which is equiualent to baying that they will not be hurt. Savannah should be a most Inviting field for the operations of the crook, ns he would experience ho annoyance from the city police force. Isn't it curious on what small things a man can sometimes become noted? For instance, look at the nun who invented the "bull-bat'' bill. Atlanta didn’t have an elephant, 0 they hunted up an old steer, put urpentine on his tut!, turned nm loose in the streets, and came tear rivaling the Vuldosta affair, A New York Woman has just een given a verdict of $100,000 y a jury against a railroad for the illing of her husband. Wonder ? every husband would bring that tuch. It's no harm up north to lynch a white man for stealing a ham, but, in the south, to string up a negro brute for the most diabolical and Kbinous crime knowp to humanity it something awful. THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE. President Roosevelt’s message to the second session of the 57th congress is noted, among other things, for its brevity and terseness. In its introduction the president culls attention to the peace and prosperity that is now blessing the nation, which he declares is being enjoyed by all the people. He declares trusts do more good than harm, and his advice is that trusts be curbed and controled, but not destroyed. Reduction of the tariff would not be a proper means for the control of monopolies, since the tariff will aid the lesser aggregations of capital and protects it from its more formidable trust foes. Protective tariff is defended by the president at length. He says the time is not arrived to change the money system. and sensible document. CONSTITUTION’S OPINION. party is the lord of it and fullness thereof. If there locratic people and section the union they are to be deemed fortunate because they enjoy the grace of living under republican domination and are not banished sell mell to Porto Rico and the Philippines, where their national allegiance would remain intact.— Atlanta Constitution. Without doubt that Savannah girl would have no trouble what* soever in persuading any jury on the face of the globe to believe that she is mentally unbalanced after hearing tKat yarn she unruv* eled in Atlanta., )SS HHS ARRIVED AND WILL BE WITH THE FIRM OF BARFIELD & HORNE. PINEHURST, GEORGIA, DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON. Note the Articles and Prices below and Give us a Call. A tiny, inoffensive mouse was the sole cause ot a wild, mad panic among some women in . Chicago one day this week. Which proves that the old joke about the woman and the mouse is nof a joke after all. DOLLS* Nice and not so Nice, , So. to $1.50. CHRISTMAS GIFTS. BABY CARRIAGES, WHEELBARROWS, CARTS and WAGONS, 25c. to $1.65 WEDDING GIFTS,. NEW YEARS CUTS, TOILET CASES, Collar and Cuff Boxes, HANDKERCHIEFS and NECKTIE CASES, Quality Good-Prices Right AT BARFIELD & HORNE’S, PINEHURST, GA. Complete Line of TOYS, From Ic. to SOo. Nice Assortment, See Our Assortment of SILVER NOYELTIES. 25c. to $1.00. VIOLINS, GUITARS ; ' f ’° —AND— AOCORDIANS. ;: We have a Beautiful Line of 10-Piece MUSIC ROLES, WASHSTAHB SETS, from $5 to $7.50. An Exchange truly says there are enough idle, worthless negroes in Georgia to build a system of good roads in every county in the state. They should be made work for what they steal from the white people. The legislature passed the fran* chise tax bill Wednesday by a good majority. By the operations of this law, the state will receive into its treasurey which has heretofore went into the pockets of rich cor* porations, a good round sum. If the democrats in congress can succeed in bringing the tariff issue to the front, we may expect some fun, for the republican leaders are undoubtedly badly divided on this question, and the democrats should take full advantage oi the situation. The popular sentiment i n oppo sition to u third term should not be allowed to stand in the way if Grover Cleveland should prove to be the most available man to head the democratic national ticket next year. Much doubt,' however, is expressed as to his acceptance of the nomination. A resolution has been introduced in the house of the legislature to furnikh the roll call each day to house members and officials only, to as to prevent the newspapers publishing the long list ot absent ees each day. The tellow who introduced that resolution must be as green as a half-grown persim mon. BEAUTIFUL LAMPS, 20c. to $4.00 SWELL LINE'OF NICE VASES, BISQUE SPILLS, ETC. (Oo. to $2.50 pr Pair. WATER SETS, $1.85. —A NICE LINE OF GLASSWARE, FRUIT STANDS, CAKE PLATES, - BERRY-SALAD BOWLS bind SAUCERS. —■ ^ CUPS, SAUCERS, MOUSTACHE CUPS and SAUCERS, and SHAVING MUGS. 5c, to 95c. Each. NICE ALBUMS At all Prloaa. COmE TO SEE THE-— “COON” RIDE THE NEW BICYCLE at Barfield & Home’s during tho Holidays and got you a set of the 25c. Tea Spoons he advertises. REMEMBER TOO, we carry everything in the General Mercantile line. The postal’receipts of the U. S. Government for the past business, or fiscal year, exceed those of the previous year, by the good round sum ot $10,000,000. A striking illustration '-’of the wonderful prosperity of>the country. As conclusive evidence of the fact that the devil still stalks about over the land, take the cusb of the parents in d , northern slate who administcreda deadly poison to their little tot in order to secure the amount for which the little thing's life Was insured. . Instead of n rip-snorting, fire- eating, blood-thirsty document, as many anticipated, the message was mild and conservative in tone, and reads more like an emanation from the pen of the lamented McKinley than from the strenuous Roosevelt. The almost universal belief that all railroad corporations are heart less and utterly oblivious to the good-being and welfare of their employes has been abundantly dis proved within the last few months by several railroads over the coun try increasing the wages of their men without solicitation on the part of the latter. The Vienna News should kill Its weather profit.—Cordele Sentinel. A killing or two around the Sentinel office wouldn’t hurt anything.—Vienna News. We could spare a couple and still keep the pace.—Cordele Sentinel. For a starter, we would advise the dear old Sentinel to kill its psitent inside, and get in the swim with the leading weekly papers. The legislature should carefully consider the suggestion which has been made relative to raising more revenue for the state without increasing the tax rate. By taxing a lot of concerns in this Mate that are now paying no taxes, and that are getting rich by the .privileges they enjoy, the needed revenue can be bad. Georgia is always d laggard/ In making suitable appropriations with which to display the resources of the state at great expositions, such as will be held in St, Louis next year. The legislature should provide for a Georgia exhibit at St. Louis that Georgians who attend the fair will not be ashamed to own. A certain paper in Georgia gives as an excuse for cutting down the lawful rates for legal advertising its desire to iend a helping hand to the poor widows and orphans who have to pay the bills in a majority of cases. Wonder if that is the real cause for such action on the part of this paper. Telephone your orders to Egleston A McDonald for Cotton 3eed Hulls and Meal. Delivered anywhere in the city limits, and they will have prompt at tention. 1 The United States should play' strictly hands off in the little game between Venezuela on the one side and England and Germany on the other. Heretofore, this little two by four piece of impudence has, on various occasions, managed to stir up the bile of some one of the large European powers, and then, like a little lice dog, she makes a break for cover by demanding protection of this country ou the grounds of the Monroe Doctrine. A good, sound thrashing would learn that troublesome brat some sense. What’s In A NamsT Everything is in the name when It c °me.t° Witch Hazel Salve. E C De- Wl»t & Co. ot Chicago, discovered, tome years ago, how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that la a specific for piles,, for blind, bteedlne, itching and protrud ing piles, eczema, cuts burns, bruises ard ■I* * k ,fo diseases. DeWitt's salve has no- equal Tills has given rise to numerous, worthless counteifeits. Ask for De Witts —the genuine. Vienna Drug Ca,