The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, December 17, 1902, Image 3

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——• il \^W nmMnEsi wmm . UUU uuM V ..»uu V u.’.n: A. fiifc->jgs2b^_ 3aannaoci|ji,' , hwii^ , ,v. NO GOOD child should be neglected during Vienna Vienna There is no rearon for any parent feeling financially unable to v ' -V r ’ “ ‘' • \ • | , u ... '* • ■*: • •' * make it a glad time. Christmas Goods are here at such small prices That Even the Humblest Home May Share in the Holiday Happiness without expending a large amount of money. China Cups and Saucers, .Moustache HmIKhB ; Cups and Shaving Mugs==we have them j n great quantities, and in very beautiful decoration v ’ From 5c. np. SHE WANTS A DOLL FOR CHRISTMAS Y s OUR WIFE, MOTHER OR SISTER WOULD AP PRECIATE ONE OF THOSE BEA UTIFUL -BOHEMIAN- Glass Water Sets, CONSISTING OF 1 TALL PITCHER, llh^ We have tfc$H**-aH sizes and kinds, ^ CHINAlDOLL^WAX DOLLS, BISQUE dOLLS, KID DOLLS and RUBBER DOLLS. Any kind or price you want from j lc. to $1.25. THE BEST Argument DECORATED AND 6 LARGE TUMBLERS - WE HA VE THEM FROM- 98c. up. for an Article is what it does—not what is claimed for it Those beau tiful Lamps furnishes light, and an We have OF COURSE YOUR LITTLE GIRL WILL HAVE TO HAVE A CARRIA GE FOR HER DOLL. We HAVE THEM FROM 25c. up. Excellent light at that, them from 78c. to $1.68.‘ THAT BOY of yours will want a WAGON Rocking Chairs. An indispensable item in house furnishing. A great variety here of Cane and Oak Rockers that set just right. We are headquarters for these inexspensive and * comfortable requisites. We have them from 75c. to $5 Each. FOR CHRISTMAS WHICH WILL ENABLE HIM TO HAVE A GOOD TIME. WE HAVE THEM AS GOOD AS THEY MAKE THEM, From 98c. up. ; Nothing will please the little Miss better than one of those CHILD ROCKERS. We have them from 58c. up. YOU NEED MANY THINGS FOR CHRISTMAS. WE ARE FIXED TO SUPPLY YOUR DE- HANDS. WE HAVE PRESENTS SUITABLE FOR ANY MFMBER OF THE FAMILY. J. J. COOPER, Prop’r VIENNA, GEORGIA.