The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, December 17, 1902, Image 4

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m Vienna News. Semi-Weekly. VIENNA, - - - QEOROIA. T. A. ADKINS, Jr.,; W. T. ADKINS. : J '"i Editors and Proprietors. 7.. ORLANDO COLLINS, Associate Editor. Official Organ Dooly County. Official Organ City of Vienna. Entered nt the Postoffice at Vienna, Ga., as Second Class Mall Matter. Advertising rates furnished on request. News will not be responsible for views expressed by correspondents. RATESor subscription: Onecopy one year |i.oo One copy six months 50 Onecopy three months 35 Published WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. ’PHONE No. 11. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1902. FOR SALE—Second hand Washing ton press. Will print 4 pages of a 6 column paper and do good work. Cheap . lor cash or satisfactory papers. Will take 0 column chases In part payment. Address Tho Nows, Vienna, Ga. WANTED—Two pair second-hand six column single chases. Address THE NEWS, Vienna, Ga. The St. Louts boodlers are sorry plight. in a Old Santa has everything about ready to start out on his journey. Fitz Hugh Lee takes the oppor tunity to take a crack at Grover Cleveland alio. At last, at last, it has come to pass. The trusts have cornered poor old Santa Claus. The democratic party has not a particle of room for the fellow who sees the dark side of everything. We sympathize with our brethren of the north, with howling blizzards and no coal. Come to the Sunny South and tell the coal trust to go to the dickens. The King of Belgium and the Czar of Russia have their hands full these days dodging bombs, in ternal machines and sections of brick walls. Oh, to be a king. In the eagerness to find a demo cratic presidential candidate,names of men have been announced as probabilite3 who would more nearly fit the office of baliff than president. The Sunday newspaper of today has become so firmly established with the people that it will never become a thing of the past no mat ter how hard a fight is made on it. The Louisville Courier-Journal has a hard spell of rabbies every time tile name of Grover Cleveland iB mentioned. Murse Henry's re gard for the ex-president 19 not heightened by time. BABY CARRIAGES, WHEELBARROWS, CARTS and WAGONS, 2Sc. to $1.65 The conduct of England and Germany has stirred the indigna tion of the American people to a high pitch. The destruction of the little navy of Venezuela was an act of needless destruction. Not withstanding his denial, M r, Hanna is spoken of very seriously us u presidential possibility. By its outspoken editorial on lobbyism at Atlanta, the Journal raised quite a hornets nesl. The directors of the paper who were so incensed ut the article Imve been told that their room is preferred to their company. Some members of the legislature made reputations thq past session they should be proud of. Blit some didn’t. The legislature has adjourned and gone home. It will seem so lonesome now, with nothing to talk about. The editor of the Wiregrass Blade has been seeing snakes lately, and as a consequence played havoc in his office by “pieing” his type and upsetting things in general. He claims that they were real snakes, however, and not imagi nary ones. England was quick to play the baby act und lav the blame for the destruction of I e Venezuelan fleet on Germany, Editor Pendleton, of the Macon Telegraph, roused the ire of his old friend, Waterson, ot the Courier- Journal. ‘‘We *uns are it. ” It is said that Mr. Bryan is. very well satisfied with the newspaper business. His income is about $50,0000 per year. No wonder. Atlanta wants a man that can make old-time sausage—the kind our mothers used to make. Such persons are mighty scarce these days. m Mr. Guerry is makings petty wartuie on Goy. Terrell through bis Georgian. Mr. Guerry cannot Easily recover from his soreness Poor fellow. * Oom Joe Hull would make him- telt heard in congress. It it impos* tible to overlook Oom Joe. With his fog-horn voice, he will attract 'Attention anywhere. mz* Following custom and to give ourselves and printers a chance to enjoy the festines of the good old C 'ristmas times, The News will issue but one paper during Christ mas week. During the past year we have labored faithfully and long to give our readers a good paper, and we feel sure that they will gladly ailow us this short rest from tmr duties. If one could just count the men who are now planning to get on n drunken booze during the Christ mas hoiiduys, it would be a fearful lot of figures.. Why is it? Why is it? That this time of all others should be given to debauchery and crime? And the outcome will be murderers, suicides and awful deeds of crime. The carnival of death will 60on begin, and after the holidays, we will read, as usual, about hundreds ot deaths over the country caused by the toy pistol,cannons,fire-crack er, etc. It will be a long list of horribly accidents and deaths, and it is sure to happen just as it has in the past. Now days we are often shocked by the details of drunken deeds en acted by some crazy fool with pistol, who goes on • rampage .through a towti, shooting at every body be happens to see. Lynching' is too good tor a man who will allow himself to become sq intoxi cated with whiskey that he wants to kill every person he sees. By issuing but one paper during Christmas week the poor printer will get a chance to take a little breathing spell. Business has been extraordinarily flush in the News office during the past few months, and we haye labored long and bard in the effort to give you bright, newsy paper, and we feel assured that you will not begrudge us these few days of recreation and rest from our weary labors. -HAS ARRIVED- S AND WILL BE WITH THE FIRM OF BARFIELD & HORNE. PINEHURST, GEORGIA, DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON.®! Note the Articles and Prices below and Give us a Call. DOLLS Nice and not so Nice, So. to $1.50. TOILET CASES, Collar and Guff Boxes, HANDKERCHIEFS and NECKTIF CASES, Quality Good—Prices Sight. Complete Line of TOYS, From lo. to SOo. Nice Assortment. VIOLINS, GUITARS V —AND ACCORD IANS. MUSIC ROLLS, 9 So. CHRISTMAS GIFTS. WEDDING GIFTS. NEW YEARS CUTS. AT BARFIELD & HORNE’S, PINEHURST, QA. See Our Assortment of SILVER NOVELTIES. 25c. to $1.00. We have a Beautiful Line of lOrPiece VASHSTAND SETS, from $5 to $7.50. - BEAUTIFUL LAMPS, 20c. to $4.00 SWELL LINE OF NICE VASES, BISQUE SPILLS, ETC. lOo. to $2.50 pr-Pair. WATER SETS, $1.85. ■Si A NICE LINE OF GLASSWARE, FRUIT STANDS, CAKE PLATES, BERRY-SALAD BOWLS k _ and SAUCERS. CUPS, SAUCERS,,, ' ' MOUSTACHE CUPS and SAUCERS, and SHAVING MUGS. V. 5c. to 95c. Each. NICE ALBUMS At all Price*. COmE TO SEE THE “COON” RIDE THE NEW BICYCLE ■it. • . • y. ' - ! •, ; v;v at Barfield & Horne’s during the Holidays and get you a set of the 25c. Tea Spoons he advertises! REMEMBER TOO, we carry everything in the General Mercantile line. LOW HOLIDAY RATES VIA SEA BOARD AIR LINE RY. The Seaboard Air Line Railway will sell holiday Excursion ticket* between local point, on Its line; also at Coupon Ticket Offices tdall points on foreign lines south of tne Potomac and Ohio rivers and east of the Mississippi river. Such to be sold Dec. 33-24-35-30, and 31,1902, and Jan. 1,1903, with fiinal limit Jan, 3, 1903. Apply to ticket agents for rates, sched ules and futher ipformatlon; or to C. B. Walworth, A. G. P. A. No. 7-Bull Street Savannah. Ga, * Bryan is patting himself on the back and boasting of the fact that be received* larger vote for presi dent than Grover Cleveland did. But Cleveland got more votes than his opponent, and that’s what goes in this world, Mr. Bryan. Over this great and rich land of ours numberless families and little children, will have no cause to t a mersy-'aod-glad during the joyful Christmas times. Many of them will go cold and hungry, and in stead of costly presents and happy hearts, they will possess rags and shivering limbs. Register. The Registration books for the city of Vienna are now open aa required by law. Please register if. yon want to vote in the primary and general elec tion. V B. M. Wood, Clerk Sc Treas .00#- IN COLD CASH GIVEN AWAY. WHh each pair of Shoes or Hat bought of us between Od. 15th, 1902 and Jan. 1st, 1908, the purchaser is entitled lo a guess in our trade contest. Ihe one making Hie nearest correct estimate of the number of pieces of money contained in Ihe glassjar exhibited in our store, will gdjhejar and its contents. And we guarantee the amount not to be less $25.00. In case two or mere persons guess the same, and that number being the nearest correct,' the money will be divided equally between them. Buy your Jutesfroniihe # SHOE STORE and get the jar of money. $25.00 in the jar.- Remember we guarantee there Respectfully, Lewis Bros. 6o. LOOK. We the undersigned filled the above described jar, and no knows the number of pieces of money therein. l. i LASSETER, one Y> MAX L. JAMES.