The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, December 17, 1902, Image 5

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S BIG CUT PRICE SALE ' —AT THE BIG STORE OF—• J. P. HEARD & SONS, DURING THE NEXT FIFTEEN DAYS smSr-Kmtmm y | Everything in our large store will be greatly reduced in price for the next Fifteen Days. We don’t mean a few “odds and ends,” but we mean everything from start to finish===Everything we sell will be reduced. We would advise all who want a genuine argain to come early and avoid the rush. We will Interest you,; Sure as you Come. J. P. HEARD & SONS. Local and Personal News. Misa Clifford sima, a beautiful and lovely young lady of Washington, Ga., '■ 1 j the guestof MIbb Lilia May McDon- Col. W. F. George visited Arab! Ssu- day. - , , Our cut price sale is now on. s; J P Heard A Sons,,. For Bpauty. style. Fit^bd Fiiilsh, buy Edwin Clapp sSbpes'aVLewis i Bros Co. The little child of J. J. Cribb, of Rich wood, died Sunday 6f minigltta Don’t fail to attend our big cut price tale. " ■ J P Heard & Sons. Shoes from 15c to 58.00 a pair at Tay lor Bros. - Col. and Mrs. M. P. Hall visited relatives at Americus Saturday and Sunday. pgwjv l - .. Cut prices in every department from new uutil Jan. 1st. J P Heard A Sons. Cols. J. M. Dupree and 0, L. De- Vaughn, of Montezuma, attended city court here yosterday. Rev. J. D. Norris has moved Into the residence recently vacated by B. F. Summers. Cut prices in every department from . now until Jan 1st. J P Heard A Sons. A handsome line of Holiday Crockery and glass goods at Taylor Bros. During the last few days we have had rain, sunshine, and cloudiness, threat ened with snow and many other things. Cut prices on buggies and wagons for next ten dayB. J.P Heard A Sons Christmas goods can be found to suit your pocket book at Taylor Bros. Mrs. G. B. Spears, of Mt, Pleasant, was the guest of Mrs. J. D. Norris last Friday. See our line of Holiday Goods, per fumery and Jewelry. Barfield A Horne, Pinehnrst, Ga. The City coart of Vienna convened yesterday morning. This is a Jury term and several cases are on the docket to be tried. Walton Bros, .will sell yon the best .patent dour for4L16 per barrel for the next ten days. ' ■ aid for several days. My old store stand 25x70 ft, for rent. Possession given January 1st, 1003. Price, fifteen dollars per month. D. B. Thompson. Barfield A Horne, of Pinehnrst, Ga , has a beautiful line of Christmas goods, perfumery, Jewelry, etc. Road their ad and call to see them. We want to buy your cotton seed— highest cash price paid; Vienna Cotton Oil. Co. Manager Ed Hbwell, of the Cotton Oil Co., left Sunday afternoon for Hart ford. Ala., to look after his terpentine Interests there. 'Bring all the scrap iron of nil kinds. I will be in market for the same until April 1st, 19u8. Respectf-lty, D. B. Thompson. A. E. Walton went to Macon Satur day to lay in a supply of goods for the holiday trade. Look for his ad in Saturday’s issue of the News. The Mutual Benefit is like Taylor Carlisle’s wine; the older it gets, the better it gets. Mr. R. E. Kelly, our fellow towns- m in and a prominent terpentine man, is being frequently talked of as the right man for one of the new aidenpen to be elected soon. All kinds of wood, oak and pine, de livered any where in the city in any shape by Egleston 'A McDonald. This Is a strenuous age—men rush through life and hasten to the grave. Secure a policy in the Mutual Beuefit if you want to be fortified Rev. J. D. Norris preached a valuable sermon at Smyrna Saturday and also held services there Sunday. He- lec tured at the Houston High School Friday night. We are going to make some prices from now.until Jan. 1st. J P Heard Ac'Sons. Taylor Bros., have ;just received a nice line,of Christmas Goods. Call quick and buy. before they are all gone The remains of Mr. Jackson Willi ford who died last week, were interred in the Lane burying ground 8unday afternoon. Cut prices on everything In onr store from start to finish. J P Heard A Sons. TEACHER WANTED-Farmers acad emy near Findlay, Dooly Connty, Ga.. Wanta a teacher for the pnblic term of 1008. Patrons will meet the 23d of December to consider any that may- be before them. Miss Maggie Clemons and Mr. J. V. Scarborough will be united in marriage 3:80 o’clock this afternoon, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clemons, r Unadilla. Rev. J. M. Kelly, of this city, officiated at the ceremony. Our line of Crockery afid Lamps is complete; come by and look before buying. Egleston A McDonald. Sensible men take life Insurance as a matter of business; fools take it to get rid of the agent. Fall in the procession of good business men and secure a policy in the Mutual Benefit, of which Mr. Bushin is special agent. Fine Clothes* fine Sitirtsjjfine Gowns, fine Hamburg* and fine f 8ilks. We have stacks of nice 'go^ds for sole, suitable for Christmas. Special prices during the holidays? J. P. Heard A Sons. Miss Ruby Ross Pope, who has been the much admired guest of Miss Lilia May McDonald for the past several days, left yesterday morning for Ma con, and from there she will go on to her home in Montlcello. We received this week'two articles relative to the death of William Em mett, son of Judge J. M. Torbert, of Pinehurst, and owing ton lack of space, we were unable to publish 'both, and hence we take the salient features of each and combine them in one article. We have just received a nobby line of "Kantbebeat” clothing. 'Egleston A McDonald. I Represent the Armour Fertiliser Co’s., High grade .Fertilizers h»re with prices to meet any legitimate compe- titieh. Respectfully. D. B. Thompson. Mr. Joe Everettt, who has for some time been connected with the Forbes A Coze Drug Company as clerk, has accepted a position as prescription clerk inadrughouse at Laurel; Miss., and left yesterday to take his position., Just think, three styles in one hat. the newest thing out t for sale by Egleston A McDonald. The boys composing the minstrel company ore hard at work each night rehearsing and getting their lines down so as to handle them without difficulty or hesitating, and it can be truthfully promised that they will present entertainment which will interest and to fortunate enough to see it. If It’s Insurance ■ • . • . •. You are looking for be SURE and see us. Ours is the Oldest Agency in this section for the best and most reliable Fire and Life Insurance Companies in America and England. Vie companies we represent settles all claims PROMPTLY. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to Real Estate and Renting. Place your property with us and you’ll receive the best results. SIX AND SEVEN PER CENT FARM LOANS FOR ANY AMO UNT; SECURED PROMP1L Y ' REMEMBER! Our Agency leads mail that is GOOD for our customers. a.E. JORDAN & eo. 'MgSI We are anxious to see the time come when the farmers of South Georgia will change their way of doing, and begin to raise their own beef. No land under the sun presents more advanta ges and inducements for the following of this Industry than the wiregrass region of South Georgia. We hope to them wake up and take hold of this businesslike they do some thing. It would be the very best thing the South Georgia farmer could do for himself and his family. , We have lots of nice things for Christmas presents. Something special in Umbrellas; Fine Table Linens at about 25 per cent less thaki other store*. A fine Lap Robe is not so bad, the best values in these, ever shown here. Don’t fool away your money for trash, but come here^ind buy some good, useful andfsubctpUfiateftSdlek. Fine line ot Blankets. A 15.03 pair Stacy Adams shoes would not be bad tot a present. Some fine Water Sets in the celebrated anti-rust wear, guaranteed never to rust. Fine,line of ScUsorS, Razos* and Poeket Knives. In fact we have lots sensible articles for Christmas gifts. J. P. Heard & Sons. A Million Voices / HOLIDAY GIFTS. bobbbWE iRE_ The People to See for Them. FINE CUT GLASS, The Genuine Goods. FINE SILVERWARE. CHINA WARE, CAKE PLATES, SALADS, ETC. Could hardly express the thanks of Homer Hall, of West Pniut, la. Listen why; A severe cold had settled on his lungs causing a most obstinate cough. Several physicians said he had coUM’-ip- tion, but could not be>p him. When alt thought be was doomed he began to use Dr King’s New discovery, and writes: “It completely cured me and saved my life,. I now weigh 2*7pound*.” It*guar, anteed for coughs, cold* and lung trouble*. Price 50c and |Trial bottle* free ai Forbes and Coxe Drug Co. Large Assortment of FINE LAMPS. GOLD PLATED MIRRORS and FRAMES. ■m HOLIDAY PERFUMES. TOYS, DOLLS, CUPS, SAUCERS, VASES, ETC. Nice Line of FINE JEWELRY. Our selection of the above is the largest 4 mi and most varied ever, shown here. It will pay you to see us before buying. , ■ PRICES ARE RIGHT. Vienna Drug Co.