The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, December 17, 1902, Image 8

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I Repairing Department-- Don’t send vour work off to large cities to have it done, and wait an unlimited time to get it back. Remember I ex amine your Watches, Clocks or Tewelry FREE and tell you what it will cost before you have it done. I make a kpecialty of repairing. fine v and compli cated Watches—all repairs neatly done on short notice, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. I SELL \)0at©f?es, @loek§, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRST-CLASS (glewelpg arpd jewing fJ?CGbine§ All hinds of Sewing. Machine Needles and fixtures. We swap new Machines for old ones; sell Machines on time. easy installments or CASH. Se me before buying and I will save you money. Don’t Suffer— with headaches, pains in back part of the eyes, dull heavy feeling.of the lids, etc., when one pair of Glasses correctly fitted will stop all this trouble, I examine your eyes free of charge and if you don’t need glasses, I will cheerfully tell you so. REMEMBER I guarantee every pair of Glasses I fit to give entire satisfaction.. t: H A VOI TH/S N<St Jeweler and Optician, ^ 4 *■ * ^ A ^ $ Next Door to Postoffice. , ^utiiituuiuuuutuiiiuaiituuiuauutuuhuuuuuuuuiututuutiuuuuuu^ On Friday evening, December 19th recital will he given at the Pinehurst •bool. Tlio programme will begin at ilf past seven o’clock, and the music ill he furnished by the members of iuaic nud Elecution classes. The rice of admission will be 15 cents, and io proceeds will be used for the bene- t of the scjtool. ICgleston & McDonald will deliver 'otton Seed -Menl /and hulls for the otton Oil Co., in the city. Telephone iur orders to them. According to a report which has 'ached this office, the A. & B. has •cel veil another shipment of steel rails >r laying its track from Cordele to lunnn, and just as soon ns the cross- ig question is fettled the work will be ashed rapidly to completion. FOR SALE—One 25-horie engine and SO-horse tubular boiler, together with complete sawmill outfit. Will soil heap. Apply at once to H. R. FENN, Vienna, Ga The foundation for the new Episcopal hurch is being laid by the mnsons this ,eek. Of course, the size of the con legation of that creed here in Vienna vill not necessitate the erection of a irge building of worship, but the new hurch will be a pretty and neat struo- urc and will add a great deni to the ppearance of that part of town. FOR RENT.—A good three-horse arm; situated 7 miles from Vienna and i miles from Cordele, on the Drayton ind Cordele public road. Apply to J. A. Adkins, “R. F. D.’’ No. 1. Vienna, Qn. Christmas is coming and the time of year arriving when presents are made. It is unwise to expend money for gew gaws. Buy something of merit Hnd worth. The News don’t know of any thing more sensible nor timely to pre- -out your,family than a policy or life nsurattco in tho Mutual Benefit, It will be a source of constant joy each lay you livo and will comfort you when you die. See Mr. Bushin about it. ' Favmdrs who lrnvo killed their hogs lately have been wearing 1 ong faces and wishing for cold weather. Know ing tho uncertainty of the climate, farmers should exercise some amount of judgement and common sense In Hilling their moat. It Is a severe blow to any farmor to lose his entire supply on account of being in too much of a hurry and kilting too soon. It does seotn that the matrimonial fever Is raging over this section like a regular whirl wind. If It keeps up ns it lias started, wo will all be old mar ried folks right away. But, now, why did we say “old," Just because one marries, they need not become old. It should make one young, even if they sro really old But we do not won- ' dor at this matrimonial epidemic. With tho numberless prof y girls around here, we do not blame the tho boys one particle. It is the propper thing to do. - NEW GROCERY STORE. ■■■ TO THE PUBLIC: I have opened up a stock of Fresh Fancy and Family Groceries at the depot,. and I respectf ully invite you io give me a share of your patronage. I also have on hand anice of Fruits, Candies, Etc., for the Holiday trade. Come to see me at the depot. . y OURS FOR BUSINESS, J. M, M0YE. Loans! Loans! Loans! WK CAS PROCURE A LOAN FOR YOU ANY WHERE FROM $150,00 TO $5,000.00 FROM . 6. 7 TO 7' 1-2 PER CENT, AND AT A VERY SMALL COST. Henderson eft? Jordan. Hair Cut, Any Style! If you want a first-class Hair Cut, Shave, Sham- • poo or Shine call to see me. Next door to the Racket Store. i-h . AUGUSTUS JONES, Barber. Legal Advertisements. Sheriffs Sales, GEORGIA—Dooly County. Will be sold before the court house door in Vienna on the first Tuesday in January 1903, between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder tor cash the lollowing described property towit: One hundred acres more or less of lot of land number 16, being the South half of said lot and lying in the 13th district of Dooly county, and being in possession of G?orge C. Lairsey. Said property levied on ak the property of George C. GEORGIA-—-Dooly County. Undet and by virtue of an order granted by the Ordinary of said cobnty 011 the 1st Monday in December 1993, sve will sell at public outcry on the t'st Tuesday in January next.~i9d3, before the court house door of said county, at Vienna, Ga., to the highest bidder all the real estate be longing tu the estate of Mrs lane Me- Kenny, late of said county deceased, as , . - follows: 175 acres of lot of land number j Lairsey. dminlstrator and defendant in 162 in the 3rd district of Dooly county, fi - fa.,.to satisfy a City court fi. fa, Hsued lot owned by said jane McKenrfy at the time of her death. Terms of sale Cush. Thts December 1st, 1902. W. A. McKrnxey, J. 11. McKenxey, Executors on the estate of Mrs. Tune McKenner, deceased. from the April term 1902, of the City court of Vienna, in favor of Virgil O. Harvard and against the said George C. Lairsey. Property pointed out by the detendant. Written notice given as re quired by law to defendant. Also at the same time and place wilt be sold the following described property to- wit; 90 acres of land in the Southeast GEORGIA—Dooly Coun'ty. I corner of lot of land number 89 in the Under and by virtue of an order granted Ioth district of Dooly county, Ga , and by the Ordinary of said county at the all of lots,of land numbers 90 and 130 in December term 19020! said court, I will the 10th district, county and slate alore- sell at publjc outcry before the court Sil *d, The sold lands whereon the house.doorin sa.d comity on the first defendant now resides^ levied on as the Tuesday in January 1903. the following property of Bertna L. Jones, to satisly a real estate. Sold for the maintenance and Superior court it. fa., issued lrom the support of my ward, Florrie 3. Adkins. ! February term it M of the Superior court Une house and lot in the town of Drayton, of said county, in favor of Henry R, Dooly County, Ga., containing four acres, Johnson and against the defendant Bertha , more*or less, known as the Kibbce r‘--- ' r - »>• ,.m«... k_ -j-.- one town lot in said town of ton, Dooly county, Ga.,: containing -acre mure or less, known as the Dennis residing on said lands*” What is this Man Good Far? As He Is—NOTHING! As He might be—MUCH 1 lot; also one store house .lot In Drayton, Dooly county, Ga.. known as the |us. S. Morgan lot. Terms of sale cash. This December 3rd, 1902. T. A. Adkins, Jr., Guardian for Florrie S. Adkins. Also at the same time and place will be. sold the following described property to- wit: City lot number 16 in block num ber 180 in tile City of Cordele, as desig nated by the registered map of survey of the city of Cordele, Dooly county, Ga. ..vnitr., »—7:—;—7, : * Said property levied on as the property GEORGIA, Dooly County. . , uf Henry Smith to satisfy a Justice Court A. F.Foreliumt.liusindueformapplied ' fi. fa. issuedfrom the Justice court of the to the undersigned for letters of adminls- ' 1143th district G. M., of Worth county, trallun, cuni-testamento annexo, on the said state, in favor of Robert Standford estate of Mrs. Louisa Oliver, late ot said and against the said Henrv Smith. Levy county deceased. 1 will pass upon said j made by F. M. Coker, L*. C., and turned application on the istMondny in January over to tne for advertisement and sale 1903. This December 1st, 1902. J. D. HARGROVE, 0. D. C He la a nervous wreck. His life is • burden to himself, and his presence a dread to his family and friends. His irritability is ruining his business, and his con stantly increasing- miseries, nndfaMi — ting- mlseri aginary, 1 him into 1 | ■ Iftft driving him into the grave. This unhap py man is only one oi a million in America. If there were no re lief for their con dition they might in deed pray for death. But Nervousness nnti its morbid horror: are vanishing before the marvelous worit of advanced science. P. P. P. GEORGIA—Dooly County. . < E.AiJohnson, has in due form applied to the undersigned for permanent letters of administration on'the estate of Eula A Johnson, late of said county deceased. I will pass upon said application on the isl Munday in jHimary 1903. This December let, 1902. J. D. HARGROVE, 0. D. C. GEORGIA—Doqly County. Whereas, K. E. Seugo, administrator on the estate uf N. J. Seago, deceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that lie lias lully administered and desires to be discharged from his trust as such administrator. I will pass upon his application on the 1st Monday in Januuty 1903. This December 1st, 1002 J. D. HARGROVE, O. D. C. (Unoman’a ©Vent Hemedyl overcomea at once the acute symptoms of eveo- form of Nervous Derangement, and soon makes the patient robust ambitious. P. V. V. is the best combination of Keen roots and as that was ever put together for the cure of Weakness, General illitv and Nervousness. It is a good tonic and the heat Blood Purifier in the wor'd. P. P. P. is Nature's specific for Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Malaria and all forms of Blood Poison and Scrofula, whether !* pfis sol^hy*all drnggistB—$x a bottle; six bottles, $5. Lippman Brothers, fko uppman block. Savannah, Ga. It's mean enough for the trustb to interfere with the grown up people, but when they go to jump ing on the children’s santa claus and cornering the articles he'must have to give to his boys and girls, it is going just a little too far. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests nil classes of food, tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs, cures dyspepsia, Indigestion, r tomath troubles,makes rich red blood la-alth and strength. Kodol rebuilds worn out tissues, purifies, strengthens and sweeten! the stomach. Gov. G W At Mason of \v Va.say*: I haveusedamitn ber of bottle* of Kodol and have found in 10 be very effective ard ir.deed a powerful remede lor stomach ailments. I reconv mend Jt to my friends. Vienna Drug Co GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, Peter Duckwiler,administra tor on the estate of K. T, Orak, deceased, leprcsents to the court in bis petition duly filed, that he has fully administered said estate and desires to be discharged from nt*,trust as such administrator. 1 will pass upon liL application on the rst Monday in January 1903. This December 1st, 1902. J. D. HARGROVE, O. D. C. 'Bread is the Staff of Life! thhieforb have it atm GEORGLY—Dooly County. Wherea'.W. L. Brown has In due form applied to the undersigned for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Jas. L.S. Brown, late of said critmtv deceased. I wtlrpas* upon said applica tion on the tst Monday in January. 1903. This De -ember 8, r«v>2. J. D. HARGROVE, 0. D. C. fj^Always Reliable. For Sale by OLIVER BROS., Dealers In FANCY AND FAMILY GROOMS, U.NADILLA, GA, Saved at Grave’s Brisk. •1 know I would long ago have been in my grave.” writes Mrs S 11 Newsom, of Decatur. Ala. If it had not been for Elec tric Bitters. For three years I suffered untold agony from the worst forms of In digestion, Waterbrash, stomach and bowcll dyspepsia, but this excellent medi cine did me a world of good. Since us ing it I can eat heartily and have gained 35tbs." For indigestion, loss of appetite, stomach, liver and kidney troubles Elec tric Bitters area positive guaranteed cure. Only 50c at Forbes ft Coxe Drng Co. GEORGIA—Dooly County. To All Whom it May Concern: I), A. R. Cram, has in duefurnt applied to the undersigned for permanent letters of administration on the estate ot Gtiilinrd Gunter, late of said county accessed, and I will pass upon su'd application on the 1st Monday in January 1903. Giyen under my hand official signature, this the 1st day of December, 1902. J. D. HxYRGROVE, O. D. C. GEORGIA—Dooly County. 9 Minnie Bundrick, wife of Andrew J Bundtick, (for herself and minor child,. John Martin Bundrick) has applied (or exemption of personality, and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock on Monday the 29th day of December 1902, at my office in Vienna, Dooly county, Georgia. This December 8, 1902. J. D. HARGROVE, 0. D. C. Tenant in possession notified in terms of the law. Also at the same time and plate will be sold the following described property to- wit: City lots number one ti), two (a), three (3), lour (4). five (5), six (6). seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (to), eleven (11), twelve (13),- thirteen (13), eighteen (18), .nineteen (19) and twenty (20), in olbck number one. hundred and twenty- two (122), as designated by the registered fnap of survey of the city of Cordele, Dooly county, Ga. Said property levied upon as the property of G. H. MoKenaie to satisfy a City court fi fa. issued from the July Quarterly term, 1902 of the City court of Vienna, in favor of the Equitable Trust Co., and against G. H. McKenzie; transferred to J.T. Westbrook. Tenants in possession notified iA terms of the law. Also nt the same time and place, the following property to witt: a one half undevided interest In East half ot Lot of land (16S) one hundred ana sixty six and all of lot of land (13!) one hundred and N thirty two, With the exception of fifty acres in the North East corner thereof, together with a. one-third undevided in terest in lot (169) one hundred and sixty nine, all of said lands lying and being in the (nth.) eleventh district of Dooly County, Georgia, levied on and to be sold as the property of D. T. Daughtry, by virtue of, and to satisfy a fi fa issued from Dooly Superior court, in favor of National Building Association, of Baltimore Clsy, against said D. T. Doughtry . Tenants in possession notified in terms of the law. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described property to!-wit: 90 acres of land in the South east corner oflot of land number 89 in the loth district of'Dooiv county, Ga., and all of'lotsof land numbers 9*. and 103 in the loth district, county and state aforesaid. The said lands whereon'the defendant now resides, levied on as the property of Beriha L. Jones, to satisfy a Superior court fi. fa., issued from the February term 1901 of the Superior court of said county, In favor of Henry R. Johnson and against the defendant Bertha L. Jones. Properly pointed out by de fendant and written notice, as required by law, given the defendant Bertha L, Jones, residing on said lands. This December and, 1902. G. W. Siikppa«J, Sheriff Dooly Co Ga. TJNEEDA CRACKER—Waits,on Bro have all kinds, such as Saratoga Flakes. Lemon Cream, Zu Zu, Oysteretts, N. B. C. Sodas and Uneeda Biscuit. ll you feel ill and need a pill Why not buy the best? DeWitt’s Early Risers Are little stuprisers, Take one—they do the rest. W H Howell, Ilpuston, Tex., write; I have used Little Early Riser pills („' m - family for constipation, tick headach. etc. To their use I am indebted for the heath of my family. Vienna Drng Co,