The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, December 31, 1902, Image 3

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- Look the matter over, study for yourself and remember all we offer is genuine, and all i„nc “Tcac Mac anac ^'P' T T T§) / \ Troll tf \ J V T "l^T L ' ^ [tegr glhj gggggf 1 iri±-i S> ARB REALLY WORTH HAVING ataac jnuoaat 1“ an erne: 3C3CTC jat:ar,bt acacac scant acac POINTS OF INTEREST IN OUR STORE, AND THERE f IS MUCH OF VALUE TO YOU IN’BUYING HERE. THERE IS EVIDENCE ALL ABOUT ©F THE VALUE OF LOOKING CAREFULLY. COME AT ONCE PEOPLE, AND INVESTIGATE. J. J. COOPER, Prop’r., VIENNA, GEORGIA. More Gentlemen Needed By judtf« ROBERT C. CORNELL, New York |ERSOJSr-AIlLY I think the crying need of the timeses another | .raise of gentlemen. There seem to he an utter lack of regard for our neighbor and an intense selfishness mani fested in all walks'of life. There seems to be a growing lack of regard for the thoughts and wishes of others in our nervous haste to push ourselves to the fore. WE £RE BORN BUT ONCE iAND DIE BUT ONCE, AND OUR LIFE IS A MERE j BUNDLE OF SMALL THINGS. IT IS THE LITTLE THINGS i THAT COUNT; IT IS THE LITTLE COURTESIES THAT ARE WORTH WHILE. A RECIPE FOR SUCCESS By Sr THOMAS UPTON. Millionaire Merchant and Yachtsman F every healthy young man will he temperate,, work hard all the time and do unto others as he would he done by, he cannot help succeeding. I OWE AL MOST ALL OF MY SUCCESS, I THINK I CAN TRUTHFULLY SAY, TO HARD WORK AND NOTHING ELSE. How many employees have I? Well, all in all, I have some what over 10,000, and a nicer lot of employees you never saw. I have never had a strike and never expect to have one, for I make it my personal duty to see that my men are all comfortably fixed. ! We live together in perfect harmony. I am very careful about the ;kind of men I employ. I MAKE SURE THAT EVERY MAN [IN MY SERVICE IS SOBER AND OF GENERAL GOOD CHARACTER AS WELL AS A GOOD WORKER. THAT, I THINK; IS ONE OF THE CHIEF AIDS TO SUCCESS. A Rare Treat. “How do you like your steak, sir?” “Eh P’ “Like your steak rare, sir?” “No, 1 don’t. But that’s the way I usually get it.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. ‘ The Hardened Cynic. “I have noticed,” said the hard ened cynic, “that about the time a man’s children get to be almost half as bad as he was when he was a boy ? he begins to howl about the world’s .growing worse.”—Baltimore Amer ican. Propinquity. Crawford—Why do lovers just sit and sit in blissful silence? Crabshaw—Because as a general -thing there isn’t room for either of them to get a word in edgewayB.— -Judge. . Loose Railroading. Not long ago the state railway authorities in Melbourne, Australia, had to investigate a case of a guard’s leaving his van, walking along the footplates, clambering up the engine and making a furious as sault upon the driver, the train go ing at full speed all the while. They are now inquiring into another curi ous incident. In this case somebody forgot to fix the couplings h.-tween the engine and the train. When the signal was given, the engine steamed out of the station by itself, leaving carriages and passengers in tho lurch. Guard, station master, porters and spectators yelled, but without effect. The engine ran for six miles before it was .discovered that it had nothing behind it. The most disquieting feature of the in cident was the fact that it passed several signal boxes without receiv ing any warning to stop. Malarial poisoning may show Itself in regu--, (ar chills and;fever; or in hard headaches, aching bones, sore muscles, indigestion, nerv* ^ Lippman’s md Fever Tonic!) uTChill OBBATEST BSURIA SIDJGOE CORE IK THE MRU), is a positive and never-failing specific for bil ious fever, malaria, chills and fever, and for all” the distressing" complaints due to living in a [;maIarious_district. “I bad fewer snd sane foTBrt'tnekr', and no other reinsdf I erir toxic bsseverbmoOied mo. but latrty I uw your Llppmsn’s Chill suS r ~ ‘ d.aodl — — - tsimiii valso add that for i mo. bot, lately I saw roar Llppmaa'a Chill auara^T Tonlo , bought a bottle, and Itjaa eflected a perfect core, and would 50c. per bottle. All druggists sell It. - NEW GROCERY STORE. - TO THE PUBLIC: I have opened up a stock of Fresh, Fancy and Family Groceries at the depot, and I respectfully invite you to give me a share of your patronage. I also have on hand a nice assortment of Fruits, Candies, Etc., for the Holiday trade. Come to see me at the depot. Y O UBS FOB B USINESS, J. M, MOYE. A Cold Waye. The forecnat of sudden changes' in the weather aerves notice that a hoarse voice and a heavy congb may invade the sanct ity of health In yont own home. Cautious people havea bottle ol One Minute Cough Cui<ealways at hand. E H Wise, Madison Ga. writes; ‘ I am indebted to Oue Min ute Cough Cure for mr present good health and probably my llSs.” It cures coughs, colds, lagrfppe, brorchltla pneu monia and all throat and lung troubles. One Minute Cough Care cuts the phlegm draws out the nfllqiatun, heals and soothe* the mucour membranes and strengthens the lungs. Vienna Drag Co SEABOARD Air Line Railway Telephone your orders to Egleston A McDonald for Cotton Seed Hulls and Meal. Delivered anywhere in the city limita, and they will have prompt at tention. Cut prices on everything in onr store from start to finish. J P Heard A Sons. We want to buy your cotton seed— highest cash price paid. Vienna Cotton Oil Co. Quickest, Most Convenient Route Between SOUTHERN POINTS AND THE North, East, West or South. Wherever you are going the Seaboard 1* Mio fastest, cheapest, most comfortable way. , THROUGH PULLMANS FKOJI NEW YORK TO FLORIDA VIA Columbia and Savannah. caf£ dixtyg cars. NEW SHORT LINE BKTWEBW SAVANNAH, MACON AND ATLANTA. Consult the nearest Saabaard Ticket Agent or write Tor all you want to know to C. B. WALWORTH, Assistant General Passenger Agent, SAVANNAH, GA. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests all classes of food, tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs, cures dyspepsia, indigestion, stomach troubles,makes rich red blood, health and strength. Kodol rebuilds worn, out tissues, purifies, strengthens and sweetens the stomach. Gov. G W At. kinson of VV Va.aays: I have used a num ber of bottles of Kodol and have found in to be very effective and indeed a powerful remedv for stomach ailments. I recom mend it to my friends. Vienna Drug C<h ’Bread is the Staff otLifeT ■nintfcFomj have rr coon. 2Z& Always Reliable: For Sale by OLIVER BROS., Dealers In FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES. / UXADIUA, GA, • * S»nl ||gga|