The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, January 10, 1903, Image 1

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VOL 2. NO. 59. VIENNA. GA., STAUROAY, JANUARY 10.1903- TWICE-A-WEEK $1.00 PER YEAR Arabi Dots. Ababi, G*., Jan. 7.—Miss Ruth Clem* •entsleft Saturday for Pelham, Ga n where she has accented a position as •assistant teacher in\he public school The societies of the Houston High School renduced an excellent program Friday afternoon. After filling his regular appointment at Zion Hope, Rev. J. W. 'Reese preached an excellent sermon at the Methodist church here 8unday night. Prof. Lawson E. Brown visited Cor date Sunday. Among the many pupils to return, this week was Kaimson Portuondo, of Santiago, Cuba. Mrs. J. D. Winchester, of Cordele, is visiting friends in Arabi. Miss Willie Dudley returned toClax- ton Saturday, where she goes to re sume her duties as ‘music teacher. After quite a long vacation, Mr. J. W. Chambliss, of Americus, has re turned to resume his studies in the Houston High school. The Philo Mathaen Society will render an interesting program Friday afternoon. All pupils are cordially invited to attend. Miss Dora Brinson, of Brinson. Ga., returned yesterday afternoon to enter school. Our school opened Dec. 30th, with a large attendance and is now growing daily. Mr. D. W. Taylor of Frindship, came down Wednesday and entered his daughter, Miss Georgie, in school. Rev. J. J. Hyman, who has been preaching at Sparks, returned to his home Tuesday. Prof. Lawson E. Brown, Misses Idai •Sumerford and Mattie Wood, visited Vienna Saturday. Mrs, S. A. Royal and children, who has been visiting her parents at Pres ton for some time, returned home ■Wednesday. Mr.T. J. Royal left Saturday for;Ann Harbor,,Mich., where? he.will complete his course in. the study pf law. Mr. Joseph Smith, of Hagan, entered school here this morning. Orioib Dots.' • Jan. 5,1903 Xmas ia over and thie farmers have begun their new year’s work.,, Misses Lula and . Kate Brady two •charming young ladies, of Amerjctisi are visiting their cousin .Mrs, M. B. Felder of this place, and will visit dor- dele before returning to ther home, Miss Fannie Lilly Wiikes of Doojing, returned to her home Saturday after a two weeks pleasant visit to relatives of this plcae. The young folks of this community had a surpiso party at the residence of Mr. Isaiah Williams last Monday night and they were quite surprised when they started home and found the gate locked. Mrs. M. E. Felder called on Mrs. J, T. Slade yesterday afternoon. Tom Ingram, Eugene and Selma Fel der, left yesterday afternoon to att.nd the spring term of the Coidele high school. . There was a pound party at the resi dence of Mr. T. I. Ingrams last Wednes day night given in honor of Miss Wilkes and the Missea Brady. Mr. Tom Ingram is sporting quite a smile over his new buggy horse. The wedding bells are still ringing, wonder who will Jump the broom next? [It ia against the policy of the News to publish any article or communica tions which have not the authors name aigned to them, but we vary the rule Tor the &». .< communication, and we would •« \*'i glad if the authorwould favor u '"h week with the news from •that community—Ed.] The Sacral ef Long Ufa. Consists in keeping all the main organs ct the body In healthy, regular action, and In quickly destroying deadly diseases . ’ germs, Electric Bitters regulate stomach Urn and kidneys, purify tbe blood, and .gives splendid appetite, They work wonders in curing kidney troubles, fe male complaints, nervous diseases, con ‘Stlpation, dyspepsia, and malaris. Vigor ous health and strength always follow ■their use. Only 50c. Guaranteed by forties ft Coxe Drag ■Co, FOR RUNNING A BUND TIGER. Two Negroes Arrested and Brought to Vienna and Locked Up. Deputy Sheriff T. R. Smith ar rested Calvin Singletary and John Colson, both colored, Thursday tn Cordele for operating a blind tiger at Ricbwond. Tbe negroes hud probably been carrying on the un lawful traffic for some time, but at last ther officers got wind of thq affair and nabbed them at Cordele. They were brought to Vienna by Deputy Sheriff Smith and lodged in jnil to await their trial. A good deal of this illegal busi ness is said,to be carried on in this county, and these are not the first violators that have been uppre tiended. * 1 The officials are keeping a sharp lookout ior ull such violators of the lu ,v and are determined to suppress the business. Roberts—Procior. On Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock, in the parlors of the Southern Hotel, Mr Willie H. Proctor and Miss Carolyn Roberts were hnppily united in mar riage by Rev. B. E. Whittington. By this event the lives of two young and bright pfeople were joined together to fight the battle of life, andjto be An aid and comfort to each other through the years to come. It was a pretty scene, and one to im press the beholder. A small party of invited friends were present to Witness the ceremony and join in - their con gratulations to the happy young couple. Those wh? attended the wedding from other places were: Mr, L. S. Proctor and sis tea, MissEttp Piootor, ofSwains- boro. They aije brother and sister of the groom. Mr. 0. : D. McOower, of Macon; Miss Smythle Carroll, of Una- dUlaj.Mr, and Mrs. p. W. Horne, of Plpehurst; and Mias Oma Huff, of Atlanta. * An elegant dinaer .waa served at six o|oteck at the home pf the . bride to the bridal couple and the intimate guests TOWN TOPICS Jeny Nbws. Sickness in this community is on the thedeclinp and ali thppe who havebeen confined ore now convalescent. Rev. G. T. Taylor, who has been con fined to hii bed log several weeks of fpver, la now able to bfe.op . and about, and will be able to proceed with his work at once., Wilton Lock, a prominent guano salesman was in this community last Friday soliciting orders for his trade. The Bradshaw school house has been moved from Its former location about one-half mite to the public road leading to Vienna. This was done to make the cchool more accessible to its patrons and wlU be of muob more; convenience ;4p,them. E. Hill, of Tippettville, was in this community Monday. We are having some fine meat-saving and killing weather just now. Dr. Mitchell filled hia appointment at Mara Hill Saturday, and Rev. Gordy preached Sunday Rev. Nelson will fill the pulpit here next Sunday in the absence of the pastor. The new building of W. A. Lupo is near completion. E. L. Wiggins haa moved into thi* community and will occupy Mr. Lupos 1 house when completed. W. D. Blanchard had the misfortune of loslng.two fine fattening hogs Tues day night. They got out of his field and strayed off. Telephone your orders to Egleston ft McDonald for Cotton Seed Hulls and Meal. Delivered anywhere In the city limits, and they will have prompt at tention. . A Car Load of Pine Horses and Mules just re. ceived. They are the kind adapted for. this climate. Call to see them at once. J. P. HEARD & SONS. When we get our new electrto lights we will shine like a new more—only more. \ M The A. & B. will be with ua next week, Providence willing. Whoop her up boys! and get her here as soon aa possible. M. t Vienna is no one-horse town; not on your life. We are going to have us a carnival, too. XXX We believe that some of these days all these old fields around Vienna will be occupied by handsome residences. Hope so. ft! It the matrimonial fever keeps up to its present measurements, Vienna will soon be a town of married people ex clusively. * 1 *. Our friend, Watts Powell says, befng as everybody else is getting married, he’ll be hanged if he’s going to stay out in the cold all his life. t t X I heard a young lady say the other day that the boys in Vienna are the most bMhful set she ever saw in her life. Boys, I wouldn’t take It. Put your nerve on, X X I There ore two jobs in this world worth having. Mayor of Vienna and president. I don’t know which 1 had rather have. *> ft. The fellows who don’t wear any skirt got frost bitten during this cold spell sure. Good enough for such like. _ ' t. » I. ' * Did you ever see finer hog-killing weather than this? XXX . Bet some of the boys will be trying to fall in love with the snake charmer. XXX Vienna merchants all happy—doing a good business. t ♦ X Isn’t love a funny thing anyway? It makes fools ef the smartest men, and wise men out of fools sometimes. X X t A certain young fellow in town wants to call pn some real nice young lady with a view to matrimony. Can any body accommodate him? + t t When you see a fellow going down tbe street with a jug, you naturally think he’s got liquor in it, But now, a jug can hold any other liquid just as well as liquor, and you must not be too rapid to Jump at conclusions. txt They say a certain Vienna lassie has rejected a round half-dozen suitors, and ■he is still young and beautiful. Oh, woman, woman, thy heart is construct ed of the hardest steel, A heart of rock is bad, but a steel heart is worse. X X X Some of the boys haven't recovered from Christmas yet. t X 1 WANTED—Someone to find what became of that minstrel. t t t LOST—Ten thousand dollars in my imagination. Liberal reward to finder. La Foktaikb. School Books. 0 9 D| □ !0| ig! >9' ioi ac JO i 1 1 iii 1 iOi $ i}Jc >9< igi iSi We have all books used by the City and Country schools. Can furnish you either new hooks or hooks that have been slightly used, at reduced prices. .. VIENNA DRUG CO. SEE US FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. acaaacaca iOli cacacacacac acacacacacacaeacac am \*r igi >9‘ 1 I | ilk f ft >9< $ $ >9> 4 $ 4 $ $ $ \W\ 0 4 $ igi II igi >9' igi ill ;0c. 3“a“a“a“c&“a“ra“i=i“c3c t l THANKS | jfli Iei I „t Jilt In Don’t buy your Buggies and Wagons before investigating my stock and prices. T. H. Gregory, UnadtUa, Ga. We have jnst received a nobby line of “Kantbebeat” clqtbing. Egleston ft McDonald. Cam Eczema, Itching Humors. Especially for old, chronic cases take Botanic Blood Balm. It gives a healthy blood supply to the affected parts, heals ail the sores, eruptions seeds, scales; stops tbe awful itcblneand burning of eczema, swellings, suppurating*, watery sores, etc. Druggists fi. Samples free and prepaid by writing Blood,Balm Co., At. lanUrGa. Describe .trouble and free ynfdfiffn! advice aetit la seeled letter* TO ALL. We wish to return our jo sincere thanks to all for their j§ liberal patronage during the year just closed, and ask a continuance of same. DURING 1903 we can suppy your wants in every line, and will carry in &tock Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Groceries, and all kinds of Farm Supplies. Q D THYLOR BROS., 1 VIENNA, QEORQIA. $ ini ssisa c 3cuiacaETcTc] 1 aocicacacac •Ml* vnnnnnnnnnrvnnnnnrmniMmnftHnf AN INVITATION. A hearty invitation is accorded everyone to visit our store when in need of anything Fresh in the Fancy and Family Grocery Line. We are at Sheppard's old stand opposite the courthouse. timmiiro. Nmmmm.—mmmmm* The crowned heads of every nation, The rich men, poor men and misers All loin in paying tribute to DeWItt’s Little Early Risers. H Williams, San Antonio. Tex. wrilett Little Early Riser Fills are the best I ever used in my family. I unhesitatingly recommend them to everybody. They cure constipation, billtousnew, sick head ache, torpid liver, jaundice malaria amt all other liver troubles. Vienna Drag Co Egleston ft McDonald will deliver Cotton Seed Meal and holla for tbe Cotton Oil Qo., in the eity. Telephone your orders to them. BUGGIES' DGGIES11 If you need one, come to see me, T. H. Gregory, Unadllla, Ga. A SlflnUffo Oiscoviry. 1 . • Kodal does for the stomach that which It Is unable to do for itself, even when but slightly disordered or over-loaded. Kodal supplies the natural jotcee of di gestion and does tne work of thestomoch. relaxing the nervous tension, while the inflamed muscles of that organ are allowed to rest bed heal. Kodal digests what yon eatiand enables the stomach and digestive ms to transform all food Into rich*, blood. Vienna Drag Co. W