The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, January 17, 1903, Image 1

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VOL 2. NO. 61. VIENNA. GA.* SATURDAY, JANUARY 17,1903 fry TWICE-A-WEEK $1.00 PER YEAR [JtJST FROM DOOLV) BY SI TIB. Sunday, clouds were drained so— Flood without a doubt; Wonder If it rained so, When the ark was out? t ft ' What’s a little, raining? Winter winds must howl I Good time for complaining, Go ahead and growl 1 •t t t Wind is such a blower— Snow storms and all that; 0, for a rest with Noah, "" High on Ararat! t f t • - Two new Aldermen and a brand new urer, and of course, better side' walks and electric lights will be the natural consequence. Hope so I I t t t ' ? Our genial friend, Tom Hall, has been } . wrestling with a slow fever this week. While he is young strong, ardent, defiant and of a sanguine temperament, he had an insidious, aggressive, per sistent and pernicious. adversary to contend with, but I am glad to be abh grto state that he downed and conquered the interloper and is now all right again t t t I would like to know - who La Fon taine is, as 1 would like to get on th good side (if all hlssldes are not bad)'o.' him and help eat that pork he pulled the other night. * * * Christmas is almost forgotten, the n->w year i^ fast gliding away and poor Si Tip is no nearer married now than l;e was one year ago. O dear, dear, how long to wait! My favorite song now is j ■ "0 Lord, hasten the glorlousdayj” » t t f The merchants in Vienna have beei “taking stock" for several days past ?' and most of them d id anenormous bust- Vv ness last year. The prospeote for the i™ advancement of every business interist in .Vienna were never better than now, and 4fa,e future outlook for our progres- siveMty is indeod^v^ourafitoK-. if only a natural consequence oi holies' and^ip-rigli^iealings by the citizei s. S^,Uyou have anything to sell, bring it (P (S'. ci/V ,na > an ^ when you want to btiy ,'ft p?»hing, come here to get it. Cur m merchants will make you the rigi t kind pf prices in selling or buying, t t t The gossiper continues to gossip, but the truth will come out in the long run and true merit will win in the end. fit You.may call good people who farm “hayseeds, reubens,". etc., but when election day comes their votes count just as much as the “Slg Ikes." tit I sincerely hope that all those who have renewed .the never-eliding toil ft r existence with a greater determination to succeed than ever before, will indeed realise the Utopinn dream of earthly . perfection ero 1903 has drawn to a close, ft t Even the “oldest inhabitant" is some what pussled to remember when we have had before just such rough, mu b - gy, cold and disagreeable, weather as we have had since the new year began, i t t The stock dealers here are now dis playing some spleudid mules, but La Fontaine skys he’ll be hanged if he don’t continue to ride and plow his little gray Jack horse before he’il pay a hundred and fifty dollars for a mule. But stock are not as high in Vienna as they are in other cities, and if you want to buy, sell.or swap come tn • Vienna and you can gpt exaotly what you want. ♦ ft- Vienna is not on a “boom,” but is enjoying a steady and substantial growth. The A. ft B, will noon be here, arrangements for the elec, . ic U.4UI. ar- nearing completion, many li..ndromu residences are going up in different parts of city,other public enterprises a e ft being contemplated, every business is R in a thriving condition, money is pleu- H tiful and even the “youngest inhnhi- tant” is happy. In other words, f'ull is JrVeil and the goose hangs high,” lit It is said that then are some more - iarrla«es being secretly planned iu our W ; ity that will occur in the near futuie. * Listen out for the sweet chimes of wedding bells. ' M * ' If Dooly county was a two million dollar diamond ring, Vienna would be the diamond setting of the first water. Don’t you think that I am correct, La I Fontaj iuft' , * t H •#>is a long lane that never turns," *g*Up politics every man has his ups ank downs. A good man in office never MEETING OF DOOLY’S FAIR ASSOCIATION Was Held at tit Court Boise 'Ttasday Afternoon A Permanent Organization Effected and ' Officers and Directors Elected-Tba Stock is ail Paid In. The stockholders of the Dooly Counts Fair Association met at the court house in this city .Thurs day afternoon it twoVclock. The object of the meeting was for the purpose of effecting a permanent organization and elect mg officers. J. P. Heard was made chairman of the "meeting and W. F. George secretary. Upon being informed that all the cupital stock of $2000 had been paid in and all the require ments of the charter, met, the meeting adopted the charter and elceted the following officers: O. M. Heard, President. Ed Howell, Vice President, /J, O, Hamilton, Secretary and Treasurer. A board of directors Composed of the above' named officers and Messrs. Joseph Burns and John B. McDonald was uiso chosen. A committee of three consisting of J. L. Taggart, W. F. George' and K; R. Lewis was chosen to draft a constitution und it set of by law!, with instructions to report at the next meeting.’ - ■ After thff adjournment of-the stockholders, the board of directors held a short session and arranged all matters in good working order. Work on the fair grounds will probably begin in the near future. MR. S. R. PBNN DEAD. He Passed Away at his Home Near Valdoata Friday .Evening Mr. S.R. Feen ilicd at his home near here lust Friday evening after ah illness ot several months. He Tmd been declining in health for a longtime, but his wonderful energy kept him going until his strength gave away. He was about thirty five yenrs of age and was nn indus trious man and one who had the confidence oi all who knew him. He was a son-in -law of Mr. J. B. Spivey und a wile survives him. His death will cause regret to n large circle of friends whoadmired-f, him for the many excellent traits in Ills character—Valdosta Times. Mr. Fenn boarded and went to school at Druyton, in this county several years ago, and was n school mute of the editor of the News at the.time and his death will be sad news to ull of his friends and rela tives in that pirt of the county. forget the“bridge that carried him safe ly over,” and. woe unto him who does disregard the poor farmers ,who gave him their hearty ami pntku-instic sup port. Election day Is coming again by and by. t I t No good effort is ever lost and np high, grand and noble aspiration in the direction ot betterment is ever waisted I t t t It Is a fact January weather is about as tickle, unsuitable and uncer tain as the resolutions that the average town gossiper or tattler make> at the beginning of each new year, but if good weather and good resolutions hold out for only a few days it is that much gained on the bright side. f „ t it Now listen to the bells— ' * While all the world is Morning, witli no shadows of farewells! When Life to Lore is led, Whoso lip* are cherry red; And bills and streams are singing to the goM. start overhead! INTERESTING LETTER FROM REV. Jib. NORRIS Writes Some Interesting Facts About the Year just Closed and Points to the Wonderful Progress the South is Now Making. The year 1902 has passed’into history, and considering it from almost every standpoint, it has been the most pros perous year in the annals of the South. White cotton is still crowned king, yet it does not reign with the same auto eratie sway that it did a deeade ago. For the last quarter of o century the South has made greater strides in industrial expansion following the era of railroads, the dawn of which os n factor in human progress was scarcely more than a generation ago. .During this period human genius and industry have been striving to open now avenues for the creation of greaith, until today many channels of diversified industry have been opened "'and developed until ft is the wonder of the world, and is attracting universal attention. It is quite expensive to invent, im prove and apply machinery to the successful manufacturing of any raw material. While the South lias contrib uted with a generous hand to the useful inventions of the world; yet England and the New England states have been manufacturing cotton and other prod ucts the past thirty years, while the South was compelled to apply all of her energies and resources to the re- of building her waste places, caused by the merciless and cruel hand of war during 1961-65. The millions of dollars other sections have sjppt in learning td construct railroads, to make iron and steel implements and mgcUtaary, !ws. to manufacture cotton, and cotton seed oil, how to extract gold from the ores, nil at the lowest cost. The South lms come upon the field of human industry and activity, and inherits all that science and art' have accomplished without passing through the expensive experience other sections have had to pass through. With the many natural advantages the South possesses over other sections, and with the strong financial backing of the South, and tiie pluck, skill and the unrivaled energy of her people, does not only make the South a keen rival and competitor to other sections in manufactories and commerce but the leader of them all. The South can accomplish in ten yenrs what it has taken other sections fifty years to do. The economic changes in the financial world, and the revolution ary influences of modern Inventions— are forcing the manufacturing interests of the world to the place of cheapest production—anil that place is where the raw material is found in the greatest quantity and most cheaply turned into the finished product. Tills means that the South is to soon become the greatest manufacturing country in the world. The attention of the business world is now centered and fixed upon the 8outh. The financial leaders of the world who really dictate the courso of investments in this and other countries, are now centering their efforts and energies upon the upbuilding of the South, and the tide of population is flowing toward this section as never before. The speedy construction of the Nitftragiian canal will revolutionize the world’s commerce in favor of the South and bring about a marvelous change in our icctiou never dreamed of by the must visionary inhabitant. Cuba and the Wq.t Indies, now free, will Increase their trade with the South. Mexic, our next door neighbor, Is fast develop ing into a great empire, the South will get the best benefits from our relations witli Mexico. South American republics are having revolution after revolution What does nil that mean? It means nil of South America is.going to be developed in n wonderful degree at once; and Uncle Snm wilt see to it,- Hint the “Monroe Dji-trinc’’ will be rigedty enforced; nnd the South will receive vast quanti ties of trade from Mexico, Cuba and South America, that will surpass our trade with European countries in the past. As tiie trade passes from Canada and the Northern states to Cuba, Mex ico and South America, it will all pass through our section, and tho trade from these southern countries com- back to them, our section will bo benefited “gw inn and coming.” Vienna located on two great railroads, one extending to a grert Atlantic port and th* other with Jacksonville and Tampa, one conneotlhg Vienna with the great west and- the other the north and east; surrounded by a great agrl cuiturinl country, with an enterprising population, Vienna Is destined to be come a city df no mean name. We hope Vienna will buy up all the good places to' build factories and mills upon in Vienna, and give these lots to people who will erect factories and mills upon them, and exempt every one of them from taxation for five years. Valdosta is doing this, and it would pay Vienna to do it too". When other citiet l offer such inducements to cupital and labor, and Viennndoes nothing to induce them to come—they will just pass us by. We do not suppose there are many persons who would object to this proposition, so wo will hot discuss the point. We cannot close this article without naming a few things that has added to Vienna’s progress during the past year. The A. & B. railroad, the oil mill, the electric lights for the city, the organiz ation of a fire company, the Dooly County Fair association, tho progress and growth of the Vienna ■ News, the stock law enforced, an Episcopal church erected, a new brick warehouse erected, East Pine street opened up, a better telephone system, the new mer cantile firm of Egleston & McDonald and others, many new and pretty homes erected, the very large trade of the &ty,th?.«lyaircemsnt of th. Vienna postoffice from a fourth-class officito a third class one, the establishment of tho City court of Vienna, the advance ment our school has made, the unity and good fellowship that prevails among all thp people of the eity, the new store of Lewis Bros. Co., and Mr. Moye’s store at the depot, -the firm of Thigpen & Moring, und Cross A Wil liams, nnd an unusually large number of marriages that have taken place in the eity. Grent progress will be made this year judging from the present outlook. J. D. Norris, From Near Pinehurst. Pinehurst, Go., Jan. 14—Another year is past and gone {another year has passed into that great unknown, arid 1908 is with us. We are neaier by one year tiie eternal home. The past year has been bright and prosperous lo many, but sad and un cheerful to others. If we have used our lives aright in the post we have something to be thankful for, and if we lmve not. if our lives have been ■pared, we still have that to be thank ful for. Life was not given to drag out in n mere existence, but fora noble purpose. There are many things to bo thank ful for in beginning the new year. One is thnt wo cannot look into tho future, for it is like a closed book. By bright pictures of imagination, Itu edges gleam with tiie golden tints of hope nnd expectation. We may strive with eager hands lo loosen its wonder- ous clasp. But it is all in vain; it is a task.wliich none but the hands of time can accomplish. May wo all remember tiie lesson we have been taught and . enter into the new year with a grave heart, doing all in our power to make tiie world better and to advnnce the developments of tiie year just closed, nnd ready tocxclsim: “Let everything that has brentli praise tiie laird." I wish the News and its readers suc cess the present year and hope our good 'editor may be blessed witli health and strength to carry on hi* noble work, and I wish all a happy new year, T. F. E. The crowned hemls of every nation, Tile rich-men, poor men and miters All join in paring tribute lo Dewitt’* Utile Early Kisers. H Williams, San Antonio, Tex. writes: Little Early Riser Pills are the best I ever used in my family. I unhesitatingly recommend them to everybody. They cure constipation, bilhousness, sick head ache, torpid liver, jdundice malaria and ail other liver troubles. Vienna Drug Co LAYING IRON AT YERY RAPID RATE The A. S B. Will Probably Reach Vienna Today Oar Citizens tn Anxionsl; Awaiting its Comlog-Onr a Mile oT Track was Laid Tbnrsday. Tlte A. & B. is coming and coming in a hurry, Friday morning nt 9 o’clock it was two and one-hall miles from the city and the work is being pushed rapidly. The railroad men are calculating on reaching the city limits by to night nnd will continue on into the city Monday night. One mile and twenty feet of track was laid Thursday. A large torce of men are at work on the road and all haste is being made to rush it through to comple tion. The people of Vienna are greatly interested in the work and many have went to the scene ’ of opera tions for inspection. The arrival of the track in Vien na will be accounted quite epoch in the city’s history. During all the numerous delays in the completion of the road on to this city the . people here have waited most impatiently for the obstacles which prevented its pro ceeding to be removed, and now that it is so near and will retch the ekydite am of next -v.evk 4ksy njl feet a sente of relief and quiet joy in the fact. All realize that this new road means much—very much—to Vienna und this section of sur rounding country. It means greater prosperity and a new era of enterprise and indue* trial development for this city nnd hence the arrival of the new road will be hailed with delight by all our people. With two railroads Vienna bound to receive grent benefit in a commercial sense, and we now look to a phenominal growth in ull lines of industry. Election ai Pinehurst. Pinehurst, Go., Jan, 16—The election held here today to vote off a tie between Drs. W. N, Eddenfield and W. E. Bcnchatn for aldermen of the town of Pinehurst resulted as follows: Dr. W. E. Bcncham 17. Dr, VV . N, Eddenfield 16. The above named gentlemen are two of the town’s most prominent cititzens, and it took two elections to decide the contest andthen'wilh only one vote majority. A New Business. Our fellow-townsman, Mr, J. L. Pcuvy, has opened up u nice gro cery und shoe and harness shop in tiie McDonald block, where he in- vjtes alt of his friends and acquaint ances to cifll around to see him when in need of unytliing in hit line. We wish Mr. Peuvy much success. Look for his ad in our next issue. Thi Secret ot Long LHe Consists in keeping sit the main organa ot the bod)- in healthy, regular action, and in qtiirklr destroying deadly diseases germs, Electric Bitters regulate stomach liver and kidneys, purify the blood, and give a splendid appetite, They work wonders in curing kidney troubles, fe male complaints, nervous diseases, con stipation, dyspepsia, and malaria. Vigor ous health and strength always follow their use. Only joc. Guaranteed by Forbes & Coxe Drug Co, WHIPPLE ft Is the Style Name of the New Law Flrm—A Strong Combination. As mentioned in yesterday’s News,. Judge U. V. Whipple and Ool. VV. H. McKenzie have formed a copartnership' and will practice law in the future under the firm name of Whipple ft McKenzie, with offices over the store of the J. B, Rjnls Drug Company, where Judge Whipple has occupied apartments for the past two or three year*. Ool. MeKensle has formerly occupied offices in the Pound building, but has already, moved over to the officss above' named. These two gentlemen are too well and favorably known, both os citizens and attorneys, to need any commenda tion at the hands of the Daily News, but would remark that the copartner ship of Messrs. Whipple and McKenzie constitutes one of the strdngest nnd ablest law firms in this part of the state. Their friends wish them much success.—Cordele Daily News. News From Oriole. Oriole, Ga., Jan. 12. —Misses Lula and Kate Brady, after a two weeks pleasant visit to relatives nt this place, left yesterday for their home much to the regret of their many friends here. Miss Addle Brady, of Amerieus, was a pleasant visitor In this community for a few days last week. There was an entertainment at tho home of Mr. D, B. Culpepper’s on last Friday night, given in honpr of. Miss Addio Brady. Mr. Julius McKinney, of Albany, visited relatives at this place Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Jim Raines and Miss Peggy Slade, of Ebenezer, were married Sun day afternoon at the home of the bride’s mother. Wonder who will bo next. Mr. Tom Bay, of Coney, was a pleas ant visitor id this community Sunday. Mrs. M.. E. J-’elder an jF little son' Barah, visited her sister Mrs. O. H. Hammock, ot Cordele, Sunday after noon. Tom Ingram- is aiek with lagrlppe; hope that he will aoon be able to attend ichool again. Guesa what young man called on his beat girl Saturday night and started with her after wood and fell down the door-itepa. I will venture .to say that Otuar Is not built that way. T. A. Culpepper, ot Cordele, visited relatives at this place Sunday. Come again, we are always glad to see you, F. P. Pepper Here Again. F. P. Pepper, the photographer, ii again in Vienna with hi* tent ready to accommodate the people with photos to suit their tastes and purses. He was here once before and is well known in the city, where his work alwoys gave general satis faction, He ha* located hits tent on the common adjacent to the court house, where he will be glad to meet ull his old customers and many new ones who hasVny work to do in hi* line. He makes a' specialty of photos of babies. A Slgntilie Discovery. Kodal does tor the atomacb that which it is unable 10 do for Itself, even when hut slightly disordered or over-loaded. K0cl.1l supplies the natural juice* of di gestion and does tnr work of thestomoch relaxing the nervous tension, while the inflamed muscles cf 1 hat organ arc allowed to rest und heal. Kodal digests wlmt you eat and enables the stomach and digestive organs to transform all food into rich red blood. Vienna Drug Co. NOTICE. All sales of meal and hulls are strlckly cash. We exchange for seed or mon- ey. Cash means casl^Z on delivery, and not atr the first of the month. YIJSNA COTTON OIL CO. Egleston ft—McDonald will deliver Cotton Seed Meal and hull* for the Cotton Oil Co., in the city. Telephone your orders to them. l(