The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, January 24, 1903, Image 1

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VIENNA. GA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1903. TWICE-A-WEEK $1.00 PER YEAR 6ho DQOLY BANNER OSJOCts Man and Manner* I Describe. ' Mr. J. Wi Sledge is the old Veteran that I had reference to in my last letter, is with genuine pleasure that I try to carry out my promise, although I am incapable of doing the subject justice. He is a “Rebel” of the long ago and is not now more than |hw re-constructcd. He and I followed Generals Bragg, Johnson, Joe Wheeler through all of the late unpleasantness. We started the “ball to rolling”'at .. Tupelo, Miss., Inst Thursday night mid we talked over all the “ups and downs” • and went over all the battle-fields from Corinth to the fall of Atlanta. He took part in all the battles of the West ern army and after fighting four yews for tlio principles which he believed to be juBt and right, came home with whole bones. He says the good Lord will protect his people and save the elect from all harm—from bullets, shells nnd fiery darts of the devil. The night I spent with him will always be remembered as one of the most pleas ant events of my life. Every member of the family seemed anxious to make my visit an enjoyable one. The larger boys went to a dancing party and re ported a lot of fun. One Mr. B. got hi; "dander up” and tried to break' up th party because another fellow danced with his best girl. He carried away his three pretty sisters and thereby left a saw mill man In tears, but he soon git over the shock, and everything moved along as lovely as if Mr. S. had not.disturbed the fiddler. My reporter says the music was first-class arid that the dancing was up-to-date in every . particular. i I spent a delightful hour with the ^ excellent family of Mr. Bowen. Ills kind lady spread a feast of good thing before me for my dinner and loaded . my buggy with large turnips—the finest that ^ave seen this season, as some of them weighed four pounds. I heri b; tonder my thanks for the turnips, bat no words are adequate to express the pleasure I had with the sweet Tilth- t Vue-eyed -babies. > >. * F J The charming widow that I premised <. to tell about is Mrs. W. E. Calhoun, / one of the best lady farmers that 1 ever knew. Everything that I saw arprind the place was in “apple-pie oi^e#,” and would have made soma of our bachelor farmers blush with shame to compare their slip-shod way otdo'ng business with her systematic method, of up-to-date forming, • \ Mr. Booze Christmas lives in a largo new house, but was too busy packing meat, drying up lard, etc., to tell rite whether be was a one horse farmer or a big ten horse “horny-handed son of toll.” • • Mr. J MTIelds Is a wide-awake,‘hus tling farmer. He runs six plows and owns a very largo farm of level nnd productive land. Bome of it is heavly timbered! which makes it very valuable. He raises all or his plantation supplies at home abd has his cotton crop as.a Burnlut*. Tne great city of .Findlay that I hod A COTTON Mill FOR YDMA It Ms as if We Will Surely Get Oue Seen Efforts in that Direction are Being Pat Forward With a Reasonable Will Vienna get a cotton' mill? That is a question ibat is now- absorbing the interest of the peop'e of Vienna,. . Great inducements will be put forth to secure such an enterprise for this place, and we believe the efforts along this line will prove to bi successful,' ' 'Wide-awake and enterprising citizens^of Vienna are hard at work on the proposition, and if good sound inducements will bring it, We believe We will have a cotton mill ere many months pass away. To say that we need a cotton mill is already an acknowledged filet. Just such an enterprise is What Vienna needs to send her bounding to the front, * There is only one way to secure it, itnd that is to go after it. Never in the .world will we get anything if we sit idly by with onr hands clasped and dream Action is the word; action in the right- direction. A cotton mill will never come to Vienna without our earnest solicitation Vienna will give inducements that cannot be excelled by any town in the state. One prominent citizen has already stated that he will give $1,000 and all the lurid needed for the erection iof the plant. This is only what one man will do. There are plenty of others who will go their part, and do. their lull duty in the matter. This is the spirit that makes a city, and we Jiope to see it make n city, of Vienna. If proper induce meats can secure this enterprise, it wilt surely come to Vienna. We need it; we must have it, and v^ill have it. Vienna can offer ore of the. finest locations for a cotton mill to be f.mnd iri the state. This Within itself should receive earnest consid eration at the hands of thsse who may be considering an investment in such nn industry. in _ my” imagination, on 'reaching It. . , Let ‘he whole people of Vienna dwindled down to a small Railroad.-join together in this effort for'a greater city and new industries, station without, any aspiration what ever for newspaper notoriety. After driving Bomo distance in the . cold, I was most royally entertained by Mr Wilson. She has a house full of brigli eyed children—Two young men about grown and seven as pretty girls as e.-er were found in a group. Iam sorry that I did not get the names otesch one, ro that I could glvo my readers a pen Mr picture of every meml nliy, -ofthat most Interesting family. Mr. W. H. Wilson is coqimandor-in-clilef of the fl ihl ft reel, hnd with five plows he makes tremendous crops every year and keeps his stock In fine order. Miss Lena Joiner boards with the family nnd tenches a flourishing school ht Farmer’* Academy. The pntro-iaitre ST- “ - highly plowed with I "the child vr us a teacher, jdren all love her, the grown folks too, ir they once get a look at her pretty blue eyes; they just can’t help It. I am indebted to Mr. lfinkins for special favors shown me. He is an , industrious nnd progreseivo farmer, A; who started a few year* ago without tiny means and by fits close attention lobusiness, energy and perseverance now owns a bountiful home, runs three plows, has a lovely wife and some sweet-little'babies. . It wi|l make my letter entirely too long to tell all that I saw and heard in one issue of the Banner, so I wilt leave the news 1 gathered from the Bleassi.t Valley neighborhood for my next. I will just say 1 never met a more hos pitable people In my than those who live around Pleasant Valley, and I am under many obligations to them for their kindness and their liberal patronage given tha paper thnt I rep resent. I will, in ray next letter, tell of some of the bustling farmers who make big crop* etfery year and are on the road to prosperity. Will also write up itl the other fsrmers that I get ac quainted with on my rounds soliciting subscriptions. JUST PROM DOOLY] TWO PROMINENT MEN TO BE CANED BY 31 TIP. and' we believe our efforts will be crowned With success in the end; AQENT HAS been appointed. Mr. Milligan, of Oglethorpe, Will Be the A. & B’a Agent Here. Supt. Alex. Benny man, of the A. & B., urid Mr. Milligan were in the city Thursday. Mr. Milligan is from Oglethorpe, and was form erly agent for the.Central road at that place. Me hat been appointed agent for tlie.A. & B. at this place and was here making arrangements for board for himself nnd wife, preparatory to moving here as soon os the roud is ready for hundling freight, which will be in the next few days. Finds Way to Lin Long. " The Hunting announcement of a dis covery that will surely lengthen Jlfe is made by editor O >1 Downey, of Cbutu- bnsco, Ind. “I wish to stale,” he writes, “tbs* Dr King’s New Discovery for con sumption is tbe most Infallible remedy that 1 have exit known for coughs, colds fend grip. It’s invaluble to people with weak lungs. Having this wonderful medicine no ode need dread pneumonia or consumption. Its relief Is instant and cnrecertain.” Forbes & Coxe Drug Co, Don’t care what the croakers say, The A. & B^ls happy on the way j The whistle was heard, round about— And it brought many Vlennatans out; When they saw the engine’s light, It filled their hearts with delight. Now keep on going—toil arid strlvd; Work for onr city and see it thrive; The News is pushing every enterprise. So let’s help the News—advertise t You may think the price is high,. But we’ll have a great efty by an’ by. » t t Hurrah far Vienna, the A. A B ( the Dooly Banner, brilliant La Fontaine and t'le Dooly Busiriess college It May they ever continue to grow and flpurish as a green bay tree I *** . 1 t t I tip my hat to the versatile and fluent quill driver, La Fontaine, for the compliment in his last notes. * * * A number of our most prominent peo* pie were in Vienna this week attending the quarterly session of the City court. ♦ 1 » What a lovely day was Thursday! After a number of muggy, rainy, cold, disagreeable days, a real bright, sunny day Is always an inspiration at this season of the year, and it was a pleas ure to people to stroll about in the warm sunshine,'without wraps, with whioh Thursday abandoned; and men were happy and contented in their shirt-sleeves as they went about their various avocations. The newly plowed ground, upturned to a genial sun, smelled ns sweet as a bower of roses The birds attuned' their carols to • more melodious key ; care vanished before the day’s geniality and violets were not far away. t t f Mr. p. W. Reynolds, of Jerry, was among the many pleasant visitors to iny ofiice this week. Mr. Reynolds is one of Dooly’s best citizens and one of tin* must prosperous and progressive farmers in this section. He left us a pleasant reminder of his visit—Gl—and it is highly appreciated." Call again. - -» * ■» ' I have found it is good to note, The blessing that is mine each day; For happiness is vainly sought, In some dim future far away. . I 1 t Judge Whipple displayed fine legal talent and a thorough knowledge of. the law in bis pleadings before Judge Henderson in the City court. t t t The City conrt was loaded with civil business at this term, and it; took several days to dispose of all the cases, t t » Wonder how the gossipers feel now? If they are net devoid of all sente of honor, doubtless they feel like crawling through a key hole and stopping it up after they get in where their “kind dwell.” Certainly they were engaged in a base, ignoble scheme, but the “truth will out,”- and always shines brighter after such characters have tried to keep it covered up. t t t Tell me,' may I understand, When I press your little hand; That our hearts together cleave? It Is only so, by your leave. Now, if I presume too much. In saying it’s by sente of touch; Grant me pardon and reprieve, It iis so, only by your leave. Don’t hesitate so long, Make it short to suit the song; s Rhyme it to your flowing sleeve, For it is only by your leave. Sleeve, I said, but it is harm, If I really meant your arm? His shnll twine it—the sleeve; No time, only by your leave. Cupid makes various slips, Some, of wliich, with the lips; That’s fhe way, I perceive, Fo- it is only by yiiur leave. Yes, and you cannot go, Just stay and hold me, so; Adam me tbs apple—Eve, Bat 'twos only by her leave. • ♦ t t The most important case that came up' Ik*fore the City court this week was that of the Spring Hill Lumber A Naval Store* Co. vs. U. L. Wilson, of Cordele. Menu*. HaU A George and D. A, U. Crum represented the plaintiff, and Messrs. Whipple A Whipple the defen dant. Tlie case was called Wednesday afternoon and from then until one o’clock on Thursday the time was con sumed iu putting the evidence before the court an 1 jury. The counsel for tbe plaintiff withdrew the case from the City court at 3 o’clock on Thuraday, and it will be carried up to the Superior ij=eac SBHDaoaannciciJ 0. H. Heard Nice Gold' caaaaaDDDmi i J f On Pall and Winter Goods f When the Atlantic A Birmingham railway was first surveyed through this section, it will be remembered by all our readers that it was hot the tn- ten.tion.0f the road officials to’ Come through Vienna,- and in surveying the polite for the new road, they , went around Vienna, as everyone knows. At this juncture a very important incident'happened to this city Messrs. Joseph Burns and 0. M. Heard deter mined to mako a mighty effort to se cure the road for Viunnn, and to accomplish this task, they got on the train and went to Mocori and went Into consultation with Vice President Wadley, of the A. A B. So forcibly and intelligently did they present their argument in Vienna's behalf that they won Mr. Wadley over to their side of the question, and he issued an order to change the survey so as to have the road pass this city. These gentlemen carried this order of Mr. Wadley’s back to Vienna with them nnd at once presented it to the surveying party. So elated were the people of Vienna over the progressive spirit and success of their champions that they decided as a mark of esteem arid gratitude toward these gentlemen, to present them each with a'Beautiful gold walk- irigeane, and Mr. B. M. Wood was delegated to go to Macon and select the canes, which he did a few days ngn. The cancs aro beautiful models workmanship, and are made of pure fourteen knref gold. On them is inscribed: “Donated By The Citizens of Vienpa,' Joseph Burns and O. M. Heard, A. A B. Committee.” The presentation of the canes will bn made soon with befitting and suitabl e ceremony by th e citizens of the tow n whose gratitude is warmly extended te these two gentlemen for their prompt and effective notion in behalf of the\ welfare and prosperity of Vienna. CUT PRICES 3q; We call the attention of our customers and ;Dj friends to the many bargains we are now offer- |0| $ $ 1 Ini ing, cheap for cash. !0l Don’t miss the chance. lilt ' Vc will sell you good Outing-' l}Jc from s lo ioc. per vard. >Qt Good Calicoes at 4)^c. > jnf Good checks at 5c. per yard. . ijjt We have a line line of all kinds of Woelen Goods, and we will dls- jnf pose of it at rkduobd prices, j[Jc fron'i isjlc, lip. iQj We have B fine line of Silks that inf we will sell from 37><c. up. l“l We also have a fine line of Silk iQt and Woolen Skirts, correctly made, Jnf that we will sell you at greatly tjjr reduced prices. We have all kinds iQt of Shirt waists Irom t,c. up. - jnf We have a fine line of Lgdies ijjt jackets, nicely made up. f IS: Take notice of our fall line of jnf Mens' Boys’ nnd Children's Suits, J“t Cannot give prices, but want you iQc tip come and look and we will jnf guarantee low prices. jfjt Boy’s knee pants very cheap. J|]t D SHOES! SHOES! SHOES. ;[]: We have an elegant stock of jn» Men’s, Ladies’. Boy’s and Chll- ifjc dren’s Shoes, which we are going JUf lo sell very cheap while they last. jQt Fine Hats, Trunks, Valises, and >Ql everything else usually kept in an jnf up-to-date Dry Goods store. j“t — jDf jjjj . We ask you all to give us a call, and we jjjj 3flj guarantee you satisfactory prices. " 3qI ijji *■ —igi !{[ New York Bargain House, f FELDSER & RAINBOW, Prop’rs., [A. ROOBIN & CO’S. OLD STAND.] Jjjjy jncjci“i D $ f :i“t BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY. Mr. O. B. Leonard Entertained a Few of His Friends Last Friday. On Friday, the 16th Inst., at the home of Mr. D. B. Leonard, the 65th anniversary of Mr. Leonard’s birth was celebrated, and quite a number of the older citizens ot the town gathered in to do honor to the host. Among those present were: Dr. S B. Stovall, J. H. Wood ward, D. B. Leonard, Joseph Col lier, J. M. Gnmtnage, G. VV. Biisbee, I. S, Lasseter, Z.T. Penny, J. P. Heard, R.S. Middleton, ,J. W. Lashley, G W, Sliep; ard, O. B, Perry, R. E. Kelly, M. P. Hull. -We have just received a nobby line of “kantbebeat” clothing. . Egleston A McDonald. Cut prices on everything in our store from start to finish. J P Heard A Sons. ■liacaacieiaaamaaDC acaanaacaamr u=u=ii=ic l 3E $ 1 igr eourt of this county and will be tried at the February term of said court. 1 i * The businessmen of Vienna are pre paring for tha spring trade, and I hope they will all have a fine trade during the entire season. The outlook for the future prosperity nnd growth of our thriving little city was never brighter than at the present time, and (think the day is not far distant when a number of manufacturing enterprise* will bo established in Vienna, m Rev. Atkinson fltlrd his uaual appoint ment nt the Baptistchuroll Sunday, but he preached two unusually good ser mons. To hear Bro. Atkinson preach is to be edified and benefitted generally. A •IgaUlie Discovery. Kodal dues fur the stomach that which It is unable lo do-'for itself, even when hut slightly disordered or uver-loaded. Kodal supplies the natural juices of di gestion and does the work of tbe sfuinoch relaxing the nervous tension, while the inflamed muscles of that organ are allowed to rttt and heal. Kodal digests what you eat sod enables the stomach and digestive organs to transform ail food into rich red blood. Vienna Drug Co. FRESH AND NICE.... Will be my slock of Groceries always, and when you want something lo satisfy your appetite come to see me at the dip >t. I have a fine line of CIGARS AND FANCY CANDY, said to be the best there is in the city. This is, perhaps, claiming loo much, but suppose you give them a trial anyway. You’ll bb pleased. J. M. riOYE, “The Grocer ” SEE OUR LINE OF Red Seal Shoes., § ANY STYLE-ANY PRICE. IDEAL PATENT VICI.................. .$5.00 iQ| KING BEE BAL 3.5o jjjj ]C| QUEEN BESS PATENT. 2.5o j[j; § I : & s9j ! I'fMtiuUUUUHUUUMUMI i u mciFiriMcac3n BARFIELD & HORNE, PINEHURST, GEORGIA. MUt IUUUSIUUUUUMUMUIbUUUU tacacacacacacacacacacac acacacacacacacacapacacaca vni,nnnMNnnnnnnrvn*,nrvnnnr vnnnrsnnnrvnrvnnrinnnnnnnnnnrv $ $ $ $ uual[][ W. H. PROCTOR, President. W. & CHRISTIAN, Sec’y. and Trees. DOOLY BUSINESS COLLEGE, 17x7c v Is now open both day and night and uffers lo young men, young ladles, buys and girls an unprecedented ijp|>oriuiiity Ip obtain a thorough practical business education st a very small cost. The teachers are graduates of the Georgia-Alabama Business College, Macon, Ua., an* ns they give each student personal instruction, it' tnabtea the scholar lo complete a combined coins* in about une-linlf of the time that It would take at a College In a large city, and at about one-third of the cost. • We teach Sliorf-liund, Typewriting, Book-keeping, 1'eniqansliip, etc., and guarantee lo gel every students position in ;» days alter grideuiion. Board can be obtained at very reasonable prices in Vienna— much cheaper than ill the large cities, and the instruction that is given*each student is far superior fo that of other Business Colleges. For further iitturmatlon call lo see or write W. H. PROCTOR, President, VIENNA, - - GEORGIA. L