The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, January 31, 1903, Image 1

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VOL 2. NO. 65. VIENNA. GA., SATURDAY, 31, 1903. TWICE-A-WEEK $1.00 PER YEAR NOW AT WORK ON THE A. & B. DEPOT The stingiest men I have, heard of lately was the one who was caught chasing a fly around the room to obtain a grain of sugar which (t was carrying' off. -• • • ' My readers will please pardon my unavoidable absence In the last issue. A friend invited me home with hint for dinner, and as I have not been used to square meals, I ato so much it soured on my brain and incapacitated me for work. ‘- j""- . • . * I am in love with a lovely girl With yellow cork-screw curls and green eyes, but lam afraid of asking the old man. Every time I prepare to speak, to him on the subject, a large lump arises in my throat and I lose my nerve com' pletely. Think I shall ask him by wireless telegraphy. * • - * Did you ever think why a negro nev er commits suicide? When a negro sits down to brood over a thing, he straightway goes to sleep, forgetting his troubles. This is the reason why the negro never kills him- self. * . * Do you suppose there is a place in the universe where there are no sore heads? Possibly there will be none in heaven, but if there can be found any. thing even there to kick about, the sorehead will raise his dismal voice. * * • I wish this warm weather would continue. Just one qutlt during - those cold nights was not enough to cause suffering from heat to say the least. • • • ^ • They have arrested a man In Tennes see for having seven wives. That's notiling; Solomon had 700, and they didn’t arrest him. Let Justice be done * . * If I were a girl, I'would wear hoops.; ; I always did admire them so much irhey are aflne thing for a girl to wear who Is sparking. She can keep the boys at a proper distance with them on, sure’s you born. • , • Friends, you will have to forego the temptation of reading the remainder of my veracious narrative Whieh I begun in lost week’s issue. The postofflce department has declared it outrageous literature and I had to quit, *“« • I am glad to see the News working for a cotton mill. Keep up the llek, boys, and your efforts will be orowned with success. • . * I admire a woman with a poodle dog in her lap; it looks to home liku--and affectionate. • * * The politicians are awful busily en gaged these daysSulecting candidates for the democratic party to ran for the presidency. Some papers ore booming W. R. Hear$t, and divers other names are mentioned, but none of them have so far elicited a very great degree of enthusiasm from the voters, Perhaps it will be a dork horse candidate after all. La Fount** A SPLENDID SHOWING. Will to a Largs and Yery Convenient JUST FROM DOOLY] BY SI TIB. Laying or Iron this Week. The A, & B. has been obliged to' discontinue truck-laying the past week on account of the rain and general unfavorableness of the weather. However work has been going right along on the new depot here. The excavation for the foundation has been made. The depot, when completed will be a neat and commodious structure. It will be located just below the court house and the depot proper will be 36x116 feet, surrounded by a covered platform ten feet wide. The passenger waiting rooms and ticket office will l>e located so as to be easily accessible from the street for the best convenience of the road's patrons. The new building will be roomy and convenient to the public in every respect. The track between here and Cordele ts being leveled up and put m proper condition. The telegraph poles are also being put up rapidly and the crew has passed Vienna on their wfly to Montezuma. Just as soon as the road reaches Motiteziima a passenger schedule Will be put on with two and proba bly three trains each way daily We hope the officials will see fit to give us six trains a day, and trust thp patronage oi the road will warrant them in putting them on. THE POSTflASTER GENERAL -r- Senda Out New Orders 'Relating to Rural Mall Boxes. A recent decision sent out by the postmaster-general gives direc< tions and specifications in regard to the construction of mail- boxes on the rural tree delivery routes The order specifies that all boxes must be made in the best workmanlike order and be not less than 18x6x6 inches. Ail joints or edges must be riveted or seamed, and the cover must extend over the edges so as to protect the mail from rain, dust or snow. It is recommended that openings be made from the top or sides, as it has been found that this is more convenient. When conforming to these re quiremeuts the manufacturer may stencil on the box: “Approved by the postmaster-general.” Of course those who already had boxes before this order went into effect, in October, 190a, if they are safe and sop^d, will not be required to change them. Fertilizers Made by the Cotton Oil Co. b Above the Average. The state chemist has Just completed an analysis of the fertiliser made by the Vienna Cotton Oil Co., and hit re port states that their fertiliser contains 8.61 of amonia. This is a splendid showing for the company’s product, the law only requires 7.60 amonia. According to this analysis, the Vienna Cotton Oil company’s fertiliser, in its intrinsic value is worth 13.60 more on every ton than guano which contains no more amonia than is .specified by the law. In other words, this guano is Just (2.60 more valuable per ton than if it only contained 7.60 amonia. As will be seen, the farmer gets the advantage of this additional valne at the same price they have to pay for an article of poorer quality. jyTha News has repeatedly men tioned to correspondents the objections to sending in personal Jokes which no onp h it the writer of the letter and perhdps one or two others can under stand. Please do not write them, as you only put yourself to a needless task and subject us to unnecessary trouble in cutting them out. ELECTRIC lights NEARLY READY : anBanciapoaaaoc aaaoaaBcnaaaa THE CASB IS NOW SETTLED. The Seaboard Air Line Has Accepted the 94,000 from A. AB. A letter to Superior Court Clerk J. Frank Powell gites the infor mation that the Seaboard Air Line railway has accepted the payment of the 94,000 from the Atlantic & Birmingham, which amount was awarded the former road several weeks ago by the board of arbitra tor* as damages. This action on the S. A. L’s part closes the long and wearisome question which for so long troubled the officials of the two roads and-the people. TI1BUU AND SE ASON IS NOW ON in earnest. I am not running around begging you for the privilege of sitbding your security for a lot of cheap goods, and it I did, I woulif expect to go with the rest—Into bankruptcy or pawn my homestead, or be agent for Mrs. Thomp son. No Sir! I want good goods for my customers. I want them to do part of the smiling n**t fall—not me do it all in the spring. Youttfor Armours Guano only, a-i-jmo. D B. THOMPSON. Nihil tam Annum eat, out perlculum non sit etiam ab invalldo. " t t i . Si Tip respectfully dedicates the above to the gossipers and hopes they will have no trouble in reading it. » I I There is a service that presents Far greater charms than this; Its very highest rdbompense Is measured by a kiss. Aimer, aimer; e’est a vivre.. Iff . , New subscribers are ooming in to the News at-a very rapid rate, and the old subscribers are coming across, glory halleluiah I » I i , I am now engaged ih getting up. some interesting datta relative to Vienna of long ago, and if you : have anything of interest, would be glad to talk with you about it. I intended to get it all up for tomorrow’s issue of the Atlanta Daily News, but the photographs of number of the citizens, whose piotures will appear In the papor, did not reach me in time, and therefore the write-up of the town and its advantages will ap pear in the News-just as soon os all the matter is ready. The Atlanta News it one of the best dailies in the south, and has a large circulation. I hope to get a page or two of interesting matter thnt will be worth a good deal to the city, and in m; effort to do so, I humbly ask the hearty co-operation of all the citi zens who have the best interest of our town at heart. We have a lovely little oity, with many superioradantages and when they are properly put before the world, will inevitably result In the es tablishment of large manufacturing enterprises in oar beloved town, If you cpnnot help ns in the work, please do not say or do anything against It, and just watch the results. I t f There are a few people in the world who are against everybody and every thing that does notdo just as they say. Don’t be so> little I ! - - i'l f After all, there is life in ihe “old land yet.’’ At least, there is life in Dooly county land, for it seems to be very productive of new subscribers for the Vienna News Four came in one day, and it makes us all feel good to hear so many kind words spoken of the interest ing paper we are getting out now. f I i Thnt waa a good sermon that Bev. B. E. Whittington preached at the Metho dist church last Sunday morning. It was replete with good, hard seme and spirituality, and very timely Indeed was the remark: “Above all things, Breth ren, let’s be honest,” * t I What a pity It is that the fellow who knows nothing is always the last to find it out, and is forever trying to make real sensible people think he knows a great deal. It is not unfrequently the ease that he will prevaricate in his vain endeavor. t t f Where will you find a man that has made greater progress in the financial world in the last few years than our esteemed fellow-townsman, Mr. J J. Cooper, and no one will deny that it ia all due to his fair and honest dealings with his innumerable customers, t t t Vienna is surrounded by some of the best farming lands to be found any where In Georgia, and capitalists will find no better section to invest in real estate and manufacturing enterprises H If you want the newt when it I* newt gotten op by a Christian, then let Christian send yon The Vienna News. » I * To talk with an Intellig nt, well read well informed and affable gentleman ft a treat, and.such waa my pleasure on Wednesday morning for about an hour in my office with that excellent phyai- cian, Dr. Stovall, who gave me some interesting datta relative to Vienna’s past history. Dr. Stovall was born and reared in Vienna and has a boat of friends throughout the county. He is a polished, refined Christian gentleman and a very enterprising citizen. I t t Among the substantial and bust' The Foies are Ready all Up and it Will Only be Will Shine, Shine. A force of hands is busy engaged In putting up the electric light poles for the tiew electric lights. The work will only require a short time, and then the wire'i Swill be strong and the lamps strting.up. Vienna wiHJwelcome the completion of the hew plant as ono of the best public improvements of the town It will only be a short time now until onr little eity will be shining from the brightness of her new street lights. The lights in use have served the town well, indeed, but their day-of usefulness is gone, and they must give way to better *nd more powerful ones. Amoqg those who will express no regrets at seeing the old lamps relegated to oblivion is the town marshal, whose duty it is to go around eaoh evening with a torch and set them burning. It is needless to say that he will shed no tears over the event. But we must not be too hard on the o{d lamps. They have done their duty manfully, and have lighted the way of many a belated wayfarer when thqtown was wrapped In slumber deep. Many of us have seen the old-time street lamps stuck up on the top of post, which gave about as much light ah old ’possum hunter’s lantern, and comparing our street, lamps with them, weare compelled to give our lamps the preference, for they far ex celled the ancient post lamps of the long ago, and it is only fair and just to give them their dessert*. But this is the day when the old thih(p must give way to the new, and so wabida hearty farewell to the old lamps and extend a glad welcome to the new ones. . Good Advice, tv - • • Themost miserable beings in the world art those suffering from dyspepsia and liver complaint. More than seventy-five percent of the people in the Untied States are afflicted with these two diseases and their affects; such as tour stomach, tick headache.habitual costivenea 1, palpitation of the heart, heart-burn, waterhraah, gnawing and burning pains at the pit oi stomach, yellow skin, coated tongue and disagreeable taste in the mouth, coming up of blood after eating, low spirit, etc. Go to your druggist and gets bottle pi August Flowers for aj or 75c. Two bot tles will relive you. Try it. Vienna Drug Co.,Vienna, and J. W. Sanders, Unadilla. We call the attention of our customers and jgj ;0| friends to the many bargains we are now offer- j0| lie i“t We nave a nne tine of all k JUJ °f Woelen Goods, and we will jn, pote of It at ripucbd pru “I iron ““ ling farmers of old Dooly that it waa my good pleasure to form the acquaintance and of- last Saturday were..Messrs W. E. Tripp and II. L. Lewis. liavii the “bell cord over old Beck 1 iwis. Having pulled __ r old Beck’’ myself many a long, hot and sultry summer day, I am acquainted with some of the ora and downs, mostly downs, of the tiller of the soil, and ft is .always a’ pleasure to meet and talk with the farmers. “A kindred feeling makes wondrous kind.’’ Mi I enjoyed an hour’sebat with Bev. D. Norris in my office Wednesday af ternoon. He la now engaged in getting up the datta for a booklet, which will give the history of Vienna and Its citisens almost from the very beginning of the town up to the present day. This is laudable and praiseworthy work, and it is imposaible to estimate the good that will result from distributing thoee books over the country. It will be of descriptive nature and will set forth the many advantages of our city and the splendid inducements offered to manu facturing enterprises. • • • Good streets sre an indication of city’s progresstveness, and no one will deny that they add a great deal to the looks of a town. It is to be hoped that our “city fathers’’ will give them the ‘speck of help’’ nreded at this time. • • • There are very few men in any com munity who are opposed to a town’s progress, and it is indeed a pleasure to know that in Vienna that class in small indeed, if any at all. Vienna enjoyi a class of citisens who appreciate the fact that progressive and substantial devel- opments do not come unasked; but at the tame time, to long si one waits for another to take the initial step, the march of progress must of necessity be slow It takes organised ellorts to successfully conduct gigantic enter prises, and in the same manner, only, can a city advance to the front. Let’s get-to r ether, pntour shoulder to the wheel and builds modern southern city, and in my hnmble opinion, there isnobetti-r ever ready and anxious to hold out a signal of welcome to every legitimate enterprise that can be induced to locate here- CUT PRICES ijr & jO* 0 • | On Fall and Winter Goods I & / & ing, cheap for cash. Don’t miss the chance. We will tell you good Outing from j to 10c, per vard. Good Calicoe* at 4^0. * Good checks at jc. per yard. We have a fine line of all kinds (II.- PRICKS, rom tajjjc. up. We have a fine line of Silks that m iQc Take notice oi our inti line of Jnf Mens’ Boys’ and Children’s Suits. JJ-c Cannot give prices, but want vou jQt to come and look-and we will guarantee low prices. Boy’s knee pants SHOES I SHOES) SHOES. 10! I Id! we will sell from j7Uc. up. We have an elegnnt stock o« Ifif Iso have a fine line of Shk Men’*, Ladles’, Boy’s and . CMI.-ljU O 'O* V* mens, L,naies', uoyt ana i.nn- t and Woolen Skirts, correctly made, dren’s Shoes, which we are going JlH (1c tf’®* w * w *ll *e | U you at greatly to aell very cheap while they last. s(lc JJt reduced prices. We have nil kinds jJJt Qt of Shirt waists from i;c. up. Fine Hats, Trunks, Valises, and. jO? nj We have a fine line of Ladies everything else usually kept in an jrrt jjt Jackets, nicely made up. up-to-date .Dry Goods store. jjjc Jjj We ask you ail to give us a call, and we jjjj Qt guarantee you satisfactory prices. ^ J - , |p| | New York Bargain House, || FELDSER & RAINBOW, Prop’rs., [A. ROOBIN & CO’S. OLD STAND.] n* Dl 8‘ - Dji acacancscacacacacacsczic acsuaancacatsaaaa; ft 1 FRESH AND NICE Will be my stock of Groceries always, and when you want something to satisfy your appetite come to see me at the depot. I have a fine line of CIGARS AND FANCY CANDY, said to be the best there is in the city; This is, perhaps, claiming too much, but suppose you give them a trial anyway. You'll be pleased. J. M. HOVE, “The Grocer.” .jjen r ac »0« |D| >9' $ $ f« >9> $ >9‘ $ >9> >9> >9‘ $ iQt* iHn 3C3C3C=3C3C=3C=H=3C3!=3C □ tZDf=3C31=3G3C3C31=3E3C3C3C£|e * $ >D[ * jj >,D‘ ■ \ Of Your Dress is not Complete Without a Hat. ijj| SEE OUR LATEST SHAPES WE SAY JACKSON $3.00 STONEWALL JACKSON 2.50 SEMINOLE _... l.TB WE HAVE PRICES TO SUIT ALL. |0| $ & & ;« £ & $ $ !g! i“a^cric=jt=ic:3c=ic==it=>i=»i=jc=ii=if=zt:gjQU| The crowned heads of every natioe, The rich men, poor men and misers All join in paying tribute to DcWItl’s Little Early Riser*. H William*, Sau Antonio. Tea. write*: Little Early Riser Fill* are the best I ever used m my family. I unhesitatingly recommend them to everybody'. They cure constipation, billiousness, sick head ache, torpid Uvtr, jaundice malaria and all other liver double*. Vienna Drug Co BARFIELD & HORNE, PINEHURST, GEORGIA. W. H. PROCTOR, President. W. S. CHRISTIAN, SeVy. and Treat. DOOLY BUSINESS COLLEGE, \ZiaxfxjGt, Gat-, Is now open both day and night and offers to young men, young ladies, boys and girla an unprecedented opportunity to obtain a thorough practical business education ala very small cost. The teachers are graduate* oi the Gcorgia-Alabania Uutine** College, Macon, Ga- t and as they give each undent personal instruction, it enable! the scholar to complete a combined contic in about one-half of the time, hat it siOoid take at a College in a large city, and at about one- third of the cost. Wc teacli Short-hand, Typewriting, Book-keeping, Penmanship, etc. and guarantee to get eveiy student a position in ]o days alter graduation. -Board can l>c obtained at very reasonable prices In Vienna -much cheaper than in the large cities, and Hie instruction that la given each student ia far superior-tutfist of other , Business Colleges. For further information call to are or writ* i - W. H. PROCTOR, President, VIENNA, ..... 6EOROIA, i. m