The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, February 04, 1903, Image 1

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VIENNA. GA„ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY4 1903 TWICE-A-WEEK $1.00 PER YEAR HE PRESENT NATIONAL SITUATION $ TOWN TOPICS Well friends, through the columns of the News, I take oft my skull cap and bow to-you once more. Since my last appearance, Lhave been thinking on On Fall and Winter Goods some subjects and ujiU give you the result of my co-agitations jq the fol lowing paragraphs. We call the attention of our customers and jjj' friends to the many bargains we are now offer- joj ing, cheap for cash. Don’t miss the chance. jnj What’s got the 'matter with oup president? If he Jlkes negro society so well, why don’t he resign his office and golive with them, ananot be Inviting them to the White House where decent people are expected to gather. Them’s my sentiments. Take notice up our fall line of Men.’ Bov»’ and Children’ll Suita. Cannot give prices, but want you to come and look and we will gunnntce low price.. Boy’s knee pants very cheap.' • Emperor William—that fellow whose picture we see so much of in the papers, SHOES! SHOES! SHOSS. j/.y-.-’- We have an - elegant stock of J fit We also have a fine line ol Silk M en’s, Bo yt, , nd C h|h iSc r made, dren’s Shoes, which we arc going iU[ r to sett very cheap while they last.' jflt •• v N v 3 n C Fine Hats, Trunks, Valises, and jQl Ladies evrrytliing else unially kept in art Jnj up-to-date Dry Goods (tore. j“s iQl We have a fine line of Silks that jn! we will sell from 37 Wc. up. j—t Wc also have a fine line ol Silk iQt and Woolen Skirts, correctly made, ,r|t that we wilt sett* vou at greatly j“r reduced prices. We have all kinds JUS °f Shirt waists from itc. ui lilt . w * have a fine'line 01 i“c Jackets, nicely made up. Vith'hla curled upmustaohe—Isspolllng to mix It up with JJnele Sam, and 1 think it would do Bill a lyt of good to get a good licking. He it in the habit | —- F 1 tUULLU |iriLUI, if c iQt of shirt waists Irom nt We have • flns'l of puttiDg on too many, airs to suit me and it would do my heart good to see hit digtti ty lowered two or three notehes which will be Just the exact thing that will be seen to happen when he tacklca our Undo Bam. jjjj We ask you al) to give us a call, and we jnj-guarantee you*<satlsfactory prices. New York Bargain House, ; FELDSER & RAINBOW, Prop’rs., [A. ROOBIN & CO’S. OLD STAND.] anannoi: This rainy, gloomy, dark, dreadful, Inclement weather gives me a hard-set case of the blues. ~ When a fellows going.ahead, try ing to K (This town some good and attempting 9 help hit fellow-citizens—then to have some llttlo puppy barking at bis Hells, or some old sore-head decrying bis ef forts—it enough to cause the bravest of men to be dlsoouraged and disheart ened. f; —- 1 THOUGHT, "TWO SOULS WITH BUT A SINGLE TVyO HEARTS THAT BEAT AS ONE FKOM THE ATLANTA DAILY NEWB. FRESH AND NICE That fellow who got on a “ gag” last week and drank d paiLfull of swill in his morning ihuftt has my sympathy. * • * ^ne.white republicans fn the south want Mark Hanna for the next presi dent. Teddy’s nigger, in the wood pile is too much (a* them. A Great Industry is Gone. MISS ANNIE CLARIE LILLY DEAD. THE LONG, LONG AGO. Parsed Away at her Home Monday Homing. The News chronicles to i ts renders this week the sad death of Miss AifhieOlalre Lilly, the fifteen yenr old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1'.. 8. M. Lilly, of the>ft. Will be my slock of Orocerics always, and when you want something to satisfy your appetite come to see me at the depot. 1 have a fine line of CIGARS AND FANCY CANDY, The silent scene ot the once great saw-mill plant at Richwood brings sad thoughisMo one ^who visits it. The bum nud buttle of a_ great industry is stilted, and where before the rutnblc’of great wheels and the whirr of the mighty spw sounded and reverberated throughout the tall stately pine teees, now only the chirp of the cricket and the croak of the frogs in u nearby swamp is heard. Truly a greut industry is gone irom us. It is a-real, genuine pleasure to the younger generation of any town or -community to .have an “old cituen,” who can remember way back when there were only a few stores in the place and when ground thnt is now covered with/ business bouses and elegant homes was then covered by forests. It u delightful to hear'this old citisnn tell of the town 40 years ago and what sort of town it wus in those days. There were nd slreels, only the “big road” then und the houses were lined along on either lido, with some scattered here and there. On the corner over there stood the postoffice and old John Smith was postnuuier in those days. On the opposite corner was the general store of Isjduh Pitts, one of the , town leuders and a .pillar of the church. In the rear ot the store a bar was run, where rum and.cidcr Vomon community, which bccurrod Monday morning nftor an illness ot several days with fever. Her remains wore intorrod*ln the Adams comotery yesterday morning in the presence of a large number of sorrowing relatives and friends. The News joins the many friends of bereaved family in extending to them our deepest sympathy in this hour of great sorrow. Several of our gallent young men put said to he the best there is in the city. This is r perhaps, claiming too much; but suppose you give [hem a trial anyway. You'll be pleased.. - J. M. nOYE, “The Groeer.” on their Sunday clothes and tried to look pretty while the street school teooher tarried among us. All young fellows who are In love gladly welcome the coming of Sunday afttrnapn. To teem it means blissful paradise on earth/for a few hours at any rate. - MARRIED. Miss Elizbeth Pender, of Bibb county, and Mr. S. L. Thomas, of Kerns, were united in marriage nt the home of Mr. A. II. Brown, at Kerns, on last Sunduy afternoon at 3 o’clock by Rev. J._ D. Norris. Tnese young people are quite popu lar nnd social favorites in their respective communities, and* their jpuny friends will be glad to learn of the happy event. If I was going to employ a young mtn. I Would ifc|t find out whether or not he i* stuck on any girl. If he Is, very deeply in love, let him’alone; he Wn’t worth a .continental until he comes to his senses. A Runaway. Marshal Saturday afternoon Forehand-was taking a squealing pig to the empounding pen, a horse belong ing to Eli Warren which was hitched to his wagon and standing In front of Mayer, Wutl’s A Co’s store, became frightened at the vdoiferous and un earthly vocal proclivities of tbo four- footed denizen and, obeying the natur al instincts of tlioso of its kind, started down tho street at a lively gait, Boys, if you want to marry,get youa hone and-hnggy. Its effect is njggioa ’. Sunday afternoon drives are most con ducive to a better understanding, to say the least. Your Dress Is not Complete Without h Flat, ......SEE OUR LATEST SHAPES..;... JACKSON STONEWALL JACKSON, SEMINOLE - K As I am an old bachelor mysolf, you may wonder at me hitting that class of mortals to hard In a former issue. The truth Is, my being a bachelor only en hances my di-like for that set as I konw them and tbain so well. , run ning Into the two-horse wagon of II. L. Lewis 'Which' was Standing (ear, completely •mashing one 'of II10 front WE HAVE PRICES TO SUIT ALL. BARFIELD & HORNE, PINEHURST, GEORGIA. Friends; l am more and more foreibty -HISTORY CLUB ORGANIZED. . Tho Ladies’ History Club was Organ ised last weok # nt tiie home of Mrs. D. convinced every day that this old world is growing better. On a recent Sunday B. Leonard, and the following officers were elected: Mrs. John B. McDonald, President. »Mrs. P. G. McDonald, Vino President Mrs. M. P. Hall, Secretary. The second meeting of tiie club will be hold this afternoon at tho home of Mrs. P. U. McDonald. W. H. PROCTOR, President. W. S. CHRISTIAN, Sec'y. and Trees. A Weak Slomacii. Cau‘t s a weak body and invites disease. Kndnl Dyspepsia Cure cures and strength ens the stomach, and wkrds oft and over comes diseute. J B Taylor, a prominent of Chriestnan. t'ex., says- *‘l could nut eat because of a weak stoinkclt. 1 lost all strength and run down in weight. All ■no ley could do was done, but til hope ot recovery vanl-bed. Hearing of some wonderful cure, by llie use of Kutlol 1 concluded tolry it. T he first ironic la ne- lined me, an.l after taking four bottles 1 am fully restored to- my usual strength, weight and health.” Vienna Drug Co. IN REPLY TO “BLUE BOY. Editor Vienna News: I wisit to say in reply to “Blue Boy” that ho had bettor bring a car load, for I, uncle Bill, am very choice. Bring them in coaches; our ladies down hero ride in coaches. We will soon have a- new railroad, so let them come. Cot you may have to excoseme, fur we hare some of the prettiest and sweetest of them down here you oversaw, and you, obi “Blue Boy,” may have to go way, way buck and sitdown. U. B. B. Is now open both day anJ night and offers to young men, young ladies, boys and girls an unprecedented (.pportututy to obtain a thorough practical businns education at a very small cost. The^gachers arc graduates of one of the best Business Colleges in the South, and as tlsejr give each student personal instruction, it enable* the scholar to complete a combined course in about one-halfr of tho time iut It would take at a College in a large.cily, and at about oue ttiird of else cost. We tench Short-hand, Typewriting, Book-keeping, Penmanship, eU-\, and guarantee to get every student a position in jo.days after graduation. Board caq ire obtained -t very reasonable prices iu Vienna —much ffiriijrcrlhan , in ’tlie-l»rgo cities, and the instruction that is git’tn each student is far thperior to that of other Businesa Colleges. . For further inlormation call to sec or writy* lam in receipt of several applications for my ukl maids and widows, but I out afraid it it money these fellows are after, and I will not stand that. Tji lt'nnlalnn Notice. This is to notify tire merchants of Vi enna that tho payment of specilie license is now duo aud must bo paid at once. Iteiptf J. A. WALDEN, Clerk City of Vienna. Don’t forget Proctor, Latbley & Company,s Grand Opening in their Merchant Tailoring Department on tho 9th and lOtb. s W. H. PROCTOR, President,' «NA, - - -' - GEORGIA,